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  • Report:  #4538

Complaint Review: Pizza Hut

Pizza Hut work enviroment, sucks.. abused by 4 different management teams

  • Reported By:
    Tempe Arizona
  • Submitted:
    Sun, February 25, 2001
  • Updated:
    Tue, April 09, 2013

I quit Pizza Hut today. Yeap, anyone notice how I avoided mentioned my employeer? Well, it was Pizza Hut. I have years of being "s**t on" adding up to today, the straw that broke the camels back. *Background, reasons I wanted to quit -Wage, 5.35 after 5! years or loyal service -Abuse, I have been abused by 4 different management teams -Lack of respect, current management team does not respect the drivers -Work enviroment, sucks.. need I say more? It has consistantly got worse Recently, new management came into our store. Our new manager speaks down upon the employees. He speaks to us VERY condescendadly. I have worked there for 5 f*cking years, and I find myself asking him what he is doing , and he'll put his hand over the paper and go "Dont worry about it, you dont need to know" This is a general attitude the manager is pushing throughout the store. His submanagers are pushed to act the same way. This new manager has also pushed new dough prep policys. We used to do all our dough during the day, when everything was slow. Today they DONT do dough during the day, rather they make certain drivers do all the dough AFTER they have driven their night shift, and they are required to do these "chores" before they are allowed to go home. God only knows what they do during day shift now.. Im a night shifter . This isnt too bad, if you got a little bit of dough to do, but recently they have pushed us to do 2! days of dough at one time. Often a driver will be working thursday night, and at 10pm, after evening rush, they need to do up to 135 piece of dough! How is our dough done? Well, for 135 pieces we'd need to get 135 pans, all the dough out of the freezer, 135 seperators, oil, nonstick spray, plus misc things. We pump 2-3 pumps of oil into each pan, tilt pan to spread oil over entire pan, then we place the dough into the pan, then we spray around the edge of the dough twice with nonstick spray, then we put a seperator on top of the dough. That is whats required for one piece of dough. It takes about 1 minute for each piece of dough , "do dough", etc. We have an assinine procedure of needing to stack the dough only 5 high, PLUS keeping one blank pan on top of the stack, and one black seperator on the bottom of the pile. In short, unlucky man gets to work for 2! extra hours for s**t WAGES, *AFTER* he has done his job. The general attitude of the shop had became unbareable. Every driver I talked with is sick of being treated like a mind dead zombie. We are expected to NOT work to our capacity. RAther, we are expected to act as a remote control unit that the manger runs. Example: "Robb, cut those pizzas.. Robb, get the carry out window Robb, get some cheese" I know this sound likes Im bitching about having to actually WORK,. but, nothing is further from the truth. We are not allowed to freedom to do the job, and get it done. Rather, we are to be remote control zombies to satisfy the minute whims of the manager as he attempts to CONTROL the whole shop all at once. YOU CAN NOT DO THAT! I can run any portion of that business, minus paperwork, at any time. I've been there, and I've done that. I know what it takes to cut pizzas, make pizzas, do dough, deliver, dispatch, cash in drivers, stock, inventory, etc. I just havent been taught the intricacies of doing the bank balancing at the end of the day. I am not allowed to use the knowledge I have. The manager attempted to run each one of those all at once. To accomplish this, he spends his entire time yelling at the nearest person to do a specific job, then he'd turn and yell at someone else. This attitude SUCKS! I much prefer the older style management where we came in, did what we had to do to fullfil our job, and then go home! If you ran the cut table, you were in charge of the cut table. If you made pizzas, you took care of that process! Its like individual specialization, while being universally skilled in all parts of the business. Current management wishes you DIDNT know how to do all that. Rather you become an untrained monkey who's only purpose it to be a portion of a full scale video game. Pay. My first raise was 7! cents for 1/2 a year. I was given a raise to 4.32 an hour, despite the fact that I had 3 months training at Dominos in the same area, prior to starting pizza hut. I was soo fluid a new employee, they didnt even train me. I grabber the pizzas and split. When I got that first raise, I laughed and said "this is a joke, right?" As I soon found out, it wasnt.. it was one of many insults I was dished over the years. In december of last year, I wasnt even making 5 an hour. I expressed my disapproval of this with my then 3rd manager. She said "your joking". Surely not, I proved to her how shitty they paid me. I told her I'd quit if I didnt get a raise to 5.50 and hour. She agreed and promised me the raise. Over a month later, no raise! I confront her with it, she says "well, they decided you deserved a raise.. its just not gonna be 50 cents I promised you".. she hands me a sheet to sign claiming I would get a 25 cent raise. She also promised I'd get an above target review on my next raise, in 3 months. Well, I get the next pay check and the raise is only 17 cents! 2 months later, the manager transfers. Soon I notice that I never got a manager review or another raise when everyone else did! I confront manager, and he tells me that "well, it looks like you arent eligable for a raise.." MOTHERF*CKER! I got F*CKED from 50 cents, down to 25, down to 17 cents on one raise, and was SKIPPED on another raise, even though I was promised a good raise on the second one! I now make 5.35 an hour, for 5 years or service. F*ck that bullshit you motherf*ckers. The spark that light the fumes. Despite years of dropping tip income , I always put up with it. Today I could take no more. Last Friday, Im taking a run to this shithole trailor court. . I have a triple heading up there. As I get to the first delivery, I pull into driveway, get out of truck and reach back into bed to get pizza pouch. As i reach for pouch, I notice it is sitting upside down! F*CK. What am I going to do? It musta flipped over as I had it stacked ontop of another pizza, and it appeared to roll over during a turn. I though of just getting in truck and driving back to store, but inbreed trailor court queen opens front door and walks to my truck. Before she can see her pizza sitting upside down, i step towards her and say: "Im sorry mame', I just notice that I got someone elses pizzas, with your delivery ticket/order. I will need to return to the store to get the correct pizzas". Well, this was a pressured- off the top of my head- excuse. It seemed good. She had no choice except to accept what I told her. I apoligized and told her I'd be back soon. As I walk into store, Mr Dickhead manager starts to holler at me and EAT MY a*s OUT. Apparently, customer became Over-fone Superman, and called up bitching. Customer says that I told her "other pizzas were at store", which.. was half true . He ARGUES with customer that I had CORRECT pizzas, and that she was wrong. This pisses her off, and she gets IRRATE. Well, I explain what I said, and he goes: "So, you lied to her and told her that it was OUR fault, when it was yours!". I go: "I did what i had to do to get out of that situation as cooly and politely as possible. It was off the cuff and seemed to work fine". So, we start arguing over this. He is convinced that I should face the customer, at this sordid trailor park, and tell her, to her face, that I got her pizzas and they are all f*cked up. I contend that its in our best interest to take care of the situation with her over the fone. NOT in person. I cant COUNT the number of times a customer has became VIOLENT over stupid s**t like this. Sure, if the customer lived in a nice CIVIL neighborhood, i might told her what happened! Not with this lady, in this shithole. I've been there, done that, and I ALWAYS end up getting combination a*s eating/hen pecking from the customer who feels its their god given right to verbally abuse me! Thats bullshit! Its much better to deal with someone over a simple machine then in person! No one comes CLOSE to physically harming you when bitching over fone. Anyhow, he once asks: "So, *I* should have to deal with them over the fone!" I say: "Better you guys then me!" I walk off, go back in back and Im pissed off.. Im talking with another delivery driver and he says: "Ya know Robb, sounds like he wanted you to make an a*s outta yourself right there in front of the customer." Im say, "No s**t! Ya know.. there is something that remains to be said for a manager who used to deliver pizzas! He has no idea what we have to deal with!". Anyhows, it winds down.. and I think nothing more of this. Im asked by the manager, who brings his crony monkey-boy assistant , to come with him next door to Arbys to discuss something. So, I know that some s**t is up.. but I dont know what. He carries with him my personel file, so I know Im getting some sorta s**t stuck in there. We get there, he asks me to sit down, I do so.. and he goes "You know that instant last Friday?", I reply "No... I dont, what are you talking about" He then brings up the upside down pizza thing.. I sigh and go "Oh, that". I cant believe that he's gonna give me either a write up or an oral warning over that stupid s**t. Anyhows, he brings back up the entire situation, and we revive the arguement. It becomes appearant that his biggest problem is the fact that , I said "Better you then me" in reference to who should deal with the customer. I say "yeah, soo.." He then gets pissed and says "Now what kidna team player attitude is that! I try to make this place a team, and you refuse to be part of the team.." He brings up "Why should I have to deal with something you dont want to deal with". I stop him and go.. "WHOA! This isnt about YOU and ME, this is about being verbally abused by a customer on their property, on the road, all alone, or dealing with them over the fone. BIG DIFFERENCE! I can deal with ANYONE over the fone. I cant say the same when Im ALONE, hell and gone from anyone else, with an irrate customer, etc." He then acts like he doesnt understand what Im taling about, and says some s**t like people will appreciate your honestly and no rational person would get irrate with you over being honest! I say "d**n man, I've BEEN THERE AND DONE THAT! Im not gonna be accuasted by customers over misc bullshit! I've been PHYSICALLY THREATENED 3 times in 1/2 a year. In one instance, a customers neighbor decided he needed to "scold me" by meeting me at the road, get in my face, and threaten to beat the s**t outta me cause he thought I was driving to fast. I tell him "Im driving the speed limit, and if you dont like it thats tough".. he goes on to threaten to beat the s**t outta me if he sees me around there again. Needless to say, I was COMFORTABLE with that "rational" person! Another instance a black punk-a*s teenage comes up to me, as Im looking for a house at night, and goes "YOU LOST OR SOMETHING!?" with that black-rage bullshit hatred attitude. I looked him dead in his eyes, told him "I doubt you could help me", and started to drive off. He starts going apeshit, cursing me.. etc While 3 blocks away, on another seperate portion of the same street looking for the house, this Grand Prix drives down the road with its brights on. As it passes me, I see this black kid, with 4! of his buddies staring out the window at me. They stomp the brakes, hit a driveway and turn around, and come after me! I drive off and retreat back to the f*cking store! Whats this horseshit! All I need is some punk a*s kid to try and prove himself in front of his friends! On yet another instance, a man driving 20 in a 35, stops his car and walks back to my jeep. He gets in my face and says: "Can you do me a favor?", I go "Sure, whats that...", he screams STOP RIDING MY GODDAMNED a*s! From there, a confrontation evolved. This guy had me blocked in the middle of the road. I didnt leave my self enough room to drive around his car if he were to become violent. I honestly thought he was looking for someplace and he needed some help! At least once a week I get someone asking me for help with an address or soemthing. But this man starts verbally threatening me. I almost jumped out of the jeep and punched that sucked for this s**t. Was he rational? OF COURSE NOT!" I then tell him of other drivers who have had customers assualt them, by throwing cold pizzas at them, chasing after them, etc. I tell him there is no way in hell Im gonna risk myself for that shitten job! If it means I need to AVOID a situation and pass it off to a more protected enviroment, then thats what Im going to do! Then he starts to get PERSONAL and says s**t like: "I cant see ANYONE acting that way unless they were prevoked" Now, this down right pisses me off. So, Im getting short tempered here with the guy, as he's indirectly challanging my abilities and professionalism with custoemrs. I tell him, "I DARE you to call each and every customer I've dealt with in the last 2 weeks. Find out for yourself how I am with a custoemr. Im 100 percent professional with customers. You're insenuating that I provoke customers and Im not professional." He goes "no, thats not it.. but..." and he sorta hints that he DID feel that way, and/or my actions indicated that is how I treated customers. So, I finally say.. "Ok.. lets assume that I DID WRONG. Get on with this, I can see that you got a write-up sitting right there. I dont have all day". He looks down and starts reading this write up form, and he TOTALLY misrepresents me! He says that I "dropped pizzas" and told customer that her pizzas were back at the store... , then he goes on and proceeds to make it out as if my attitude over the whole thing was "oh well, better you then me" and I brushed the whole s**t off onto someone else. He then mentions that what I do is insubordination, and he goes on to itemize and list individual occurances in the past, which are ALL taken out of context, or had been said "Off the cuff" and in NO WAY applied to this instance. So, I openly tell him that he cant do that in a write up. We've had managers get their balls in a bind for including supporting data in previously administed disciple reports. Sure, you can track progression or multiple occurances of insurbordination, but you can not use these previous occurance as criteria for this write up! Anyhows, this s**t gets border line, so I tell him: "No, that is not the criteria.. you cant do that. That is what you think will justify this write up if its ever questioned by someone over your head. Its your way of protecting yourself! Dont attempt to blow that smoke by me, I know how the games played". Then he kind sums it up with: "You willingly lied to a customer and passed the buck to someone else. This created a situation which is inconductive with a team player attitude.. etc" So, this final attack and misrepresentation pushes me over the edge. I let loose and let it flow: "I cant believe this crap! I do what is in the best interest of us and the customer, and you turn it around as if Im trying to sabatoge the whole operation! You make it sound like what I did was malitious, while my mear attempt was to nip any sorta verbal aggravation/confrontation with the customer BEFORE it happens! I've described that already, and yet you either refuse to hear what Im saying, and understand WHY I did what I did, or else you understand and your jsut being a jerk! Your not a delivery driver, you dont know the crap we gotta deal with while on foreign land with irrate people! Its HELLA different then what you deal with on the fone! On the fone they become superman. When dealing with you in person inside the store, you may be uncomfortable, but it still doesnt compare with being on someones front porch, at a torn down trailor "house", in the middle of no-where at night, with a pissed off irrate customer! You're not gonna have someone threaten you in your own store! But dont think that s**t doesnt happen out on the street! Matter of fact, a GOOD MANAGER would support his driver in this instance. He neutralized any situation which might threaten his personal safety. I never pushed the customer to b***h you out. This was done on her own volition. Its insane to argue that its better for us to put OUR asses LITTERALLY on the line, rather then allow someone inside the store to deal with someone over a harmless fone! I didnt care WHO has to deal with the person on the fone... it doenst matter. hell, if I were there I'd deal with the guy myself, without a worry in the world. But you misrepresent what I did as malitious, while I did it for what, on spur of the moment, seemed to be the best "out" to the situation. It was polite and hurt no one. The only reason we are here is because you basically called the customer a LIER, to which she was offended and took offense to your insenuations. In truth you were right, but it didnt matter. What I told her was nothing mroe then a white lie. What really pisses me off is your refusal to accept, HELL, to *SEE* my point of view in this circumstant. You come in here and you seperate youself from the other employees, you ignore thier needs and desires, and speak down upon them! Yet you expect ME to be a "team player". You dont know the meaning of the word! Matter of fact, if you cant treat me with a little bit of respect, then I cant do the same for you. I cant, and I wont for someone who treats me that way. So if thats the way your gonna be about things, then Im quiting. Dont schedule me anymore. As soon as this schedule is up, cash in my vacation hours as I refuse to work for you." That wraps up and ends the meeting. As Im walking back to the store, he tells me that I dont "need to" fulfil the rest of my schedule. I can go ahead and not work them. So, I tell him thats what I'll do. He then mentions that I can go ahead and leave now if I want to. I tell him thats fine with me, and I leave. As I was leaving, I told a co-worker that I had quit and that the catalyst for this was being written up over "the upside down pizza thing". He is shocked and tells me to file a grievance. I tell him that I dont want to, I wanted to quit anyways. He then says "Well, do it for principle then!". Which, im not sure I can. I wasnt fired, I quit. It can be argued that I was pushed to quit by unfair working requirements/conditions, but I dont really want to push it. Needless to say, it wasnt the particular inverted pizza that caused me to quit, this was the cap on a culmination of shitty scenerios which dropped right on my head. Anyhows, thanks for taking the time to read this. I still intend to be active here. 1/2 a decade of pizza slinging sticks with me. Im not gonna abandon it. Hell, I COULD be delivering pizzas for another business tommorow evening if I wanted to. If there is one thing I can say honestly about this... You have NO future with Pizza Hut. What you make the first day you work there is what you'll make the last day you work there. I woulda quit earlier, unfortunately its enough to make it VERY hard to quit. by David Griffith Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on Pizza Hut

12 Updates & Rebuttals


Clarks Summit,

No problems here, either!

#13UPDATE Employee

Tue, April 09, 2013

I just read the rebuttal from Dawn in Harrisburg, PA, and I would like to say that my experiences working for Pizza Hut are much like hers. I work at the Pizza Hut in Clarks Summit, PA, and it's great! Flexible hours, fun coworkers, and an excellent manager. I've been hired there three times as well (I quit to work other jobs a few times but always came back), and have also been promoted to shift manager. It sounds like you've had some nasty managers who need to work on their people skills. At the same time, I think parts of your story sounded exaggerated. Oiling and panning up frozen dough takes much less than a full minute per piece. We still make our dough fresh at my store, and THAT takes forever!



Lmfao you did good!

#13UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, August 01, 2007

I too have just quit Pizza hut. What a joke!
I get $2.50 an hour as a server, plus tips. If I'm lucky I will walk out with $20-$30.

The managers LIE to you.
The shift leaders LIE to you.
There is NO training.
There is NO loyalty.

9 out of 10 Pizza hut employees will stab you in the back, and God forbid if you have an opinion, just kiss your hours goodbye and find yourself replaced by a retard they grabbed off the street who wont say Jack sh**, see things, witness things and know things.
Pizza hut can kiss my as*!!



Lmfao you did good!

#13UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, August 01, 2007

I too have just quit Pizza hut. What a joke!
I get $2.50 an hour as a server, plus tips. If I'm lucky I will walk out with $20-$30.

The managers LIE to you.
The shift leaders LIE to you.
There is NO training.
There is NO loyalty.

9 out of 10 Pizza hut employees will stab you in the back, and God forbid if you have an opinion, just kiss your hours goodbye and find yourself replaced by a retard they grabbed off the street who wont say Jack sh**, see things, witness things and know things.
Pizza hut can kiss my as*!!



Lmfao you did good!

#13UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, August 01, 2007

I too have just quit Pizza hut. What a joke!
I get $2.50 an hour as a server, plus tips. If I'm lucky I will walk out with $20-$30.

The managers LIE to you.
The shift leaders LIE to you.
There is NO training.
There is NO loyalty.

9 out of 10 Pizza hut employees will stab you in the back, and God forbid if you have an opinion, just kiss your hours goodbye and find yourself replaced by a retard they grabbed off the street who wont say Jack sh**, see things, witness things and know things.
Pizza hut can kiss my as*!!



Lmfao you did good!

#13UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, August 01, 2007

I too have just quit Pizza hut. What a joke!
I get $2.50 an hour as a server, plus tips. If I'm lucky I will walk out with $20-$30.

The managers LIE to you.
The shift leaders LIE to you.
There is NO training.
There is NO loyalty.

9 out of 10 Pizza hut employees will stab you in the back, and God forbid if you have an opinion, just kiss your hours goodbye and find yourself replaced by a retard they grabbed off the street who wont say Jack sh**, see things, witness things and know things.
Pizza hut can kiss my as*!!



Common dough practices

#13UPDATE Employee

Wed, June 12, 2002

I am currently an employee with Pizza Hut, Inc.

I just thought that I would add my $0.02 to this report. This is written from a pizza hut employee of almost 3 years (five years total pizza experience from working for a different company prior to being employed by Pizza Hut), being both a driver, and a cook for day and night shifts.

As far as your comment on dough goes, here in my store it is in fact a common place thing for drivers to do dough. Although it may not be the policy in all stores (I am a first hand witness in this) for drivers to do dough, it is a policy in our store, per management, that drivers do dough.

Our policy is that the drivers devide amongst themselves the dough prep list. This is usually done at the end of the night(around 8-9 pm), towards the end of their shifts.

Sure, there have been complaints about this practice, but in all common sense, it is fair for them to do some work, other than to deliver pizza's.

From the vantage point of a cook, I do in fact find it to be fair that the drivers do some extra work. Although they only make minimum wage, they also get tips added on top of that. Some nights they make alot of money, other nights they dont. All in all, it really does even out. In my store, night drivers are responsible for getting pizzas to a delivery on time while being safe on the road, very light cutting/boxing duties (cutting pizza's, then putting them in boxes then delivery pouches), and then their dough. Thats all, no dishes, nothing. So, in my opinion, the dough is not a difficult thing for them to complain about, given the endless list of duties i have as a cook. 135 pieces of dough? thats nothing compared to what we do every night, and thats JUST for the next day, not two days.

As far as putting the pizza in the bed of your truck, yeah, thats done by a couple employees at our store, so its no big deal. It is, however, your fault that the pizzas in the bed of the truck did flip over, whether it be by taking a corner to fast, braking fast, or whatnot. The main reason why they flipped is because you had them stacked, not set side by side, which would have been wiser...

As far as pay rates go, I can understand how you're upset. I am currently at the "maximum allowable payrate" set for cooks. $7.25. And I'm the best damned cook they have (and the only dependable one).

As far as your management goes, I'm sorry to hear they treated you wrong. In my store, we have probly the most elite management team in the state. We all get along togther, deal with things the way they should, I don't think theres anything individual about my store. It's all "us."

Too bad your not in Florida, I'm sure we could use another driver with 5 years of experience.

Theres always better jobs out there. Unless you really want to make a career out of it, Pizza Hut is really not the way to go to make money.


Mount Vernon,

It's a shame!

#13UPDATE Employee

Sun, May 05, 2002

I'm an assistant manager at the local Pizza Hut, and we too also recently underwent new management. The writing down of things is to learn strong points, and weak points of employee's, while in direct supervision. Until you know exactly what each team members capabilities are, you'll never know when and where to place them. Pizza Hut calls this "Aces in Their Places. Which does work out quite well. Though you've been there for a long time and already know who can do what, he's gotta learn it for himself.

The dough prep, it is to be done after 9 p.m. by Pizza Hut policy, the night before the dough is to be used. Not two nights before, but at the same time, not during the day before either.

As for the quiting, I wouldn't have, and nor would I have failed to come in for my schedule without it being in writing and handed to me telling me why I was no longer needed. As for the "upside down pizza", well I for one think what you did was very appropriate. I have been a driver before, and would have probably not been so quick witted as to have came up with that. Of course I also wouldn't have been driving with the pizza's anywhere other than the passengers side seat of my vehicle either. But that's beside the point.

As far as being a team player, it's generally my job to deal with customer complaints, not my employee's jobs. My co-managers make more than employee's (not by much, but anyway), and it's dealing with irrate customers, and employee situations that we get paid this extra money for. He never should have argued with her, he never should have tried to point blame. You did right in saying you grabbed the wrong pizza at the store. That should ahve let the manager know that he needed to find that ticket and get it remade while you were on your way back to the store with the other pizza's. This is how my store works.

I too used to be a driver, and there are those nights where you can't avoid the inevitable. It's generally advisable to keep in touch with your manager, even calling up on your way back to the store so he'd have an idea as to what was going on wouldn't have been a bad idea, though sometimes it's not the first thing in your head. Nowhere in team is there, an I. So I screwed up your order isn't teamwork either. It should be, we messed up, and we'll make it right for you, and we're sorry our manager is an a*****e and argued with you, we can't help it he doesn't know what is going on with our team.

Anyway, that's my thoughts. Don't give up on Pizza Hut, just cause you ran into one of the downfall stores.

btw, I work for Rage Inc. Pizza Hut.



Learn from this

#13Consumer Comment

Tue, March 12, 2002

I can't believe I just wasted several minutes reading this. Obviously, your manager made mistakes in the way this was handled (in just a few areas) but you have nobody to blame for this except yourself.

1. Why stay there so long after getting small raises when other raises were promised? I'm sure you could find another job that paid minimum wage.

2. Why lie to the customer? We've all got to deal with unhappy customers at some point or another. I know that you were "threatened" or "accosted" at different times, but lying at the start of the situation (for a mistake that YOU made) didn't help. I can understand that your manager had a problem with this. If I was your manager, I would have fired you on the spot when you said "Better you than me". That is complete insubordination.

3. Why state the working conditions are bad when you are mostly to blame for everything that went wrong? Dude, just go sling pizzas somewhere else or get another menial job that you can b***h about to your friends.

I really feel insulted that you wasted my time over this nonsense.



Learn from this

#13Consumer Comment

Tue, March 12, 2002

I can't believe I just wasted several minutes reading this. Obviously, your manager made mistakes in the way this was handled (in just a few areas) but you have nobody to blame for this except yourself.

1. Why stay there so long after getting small raises when other raises were promised? I'm sure you could find another job that paid minimum wage.

2. Why lie to the customer? We've all got to deal with unhappy customers at some point or another. I know that you were "threatened" or "accosted" at different times, but lying at the start of the situation (for a mistake that YOU made) didn't help. I can understand that your manager had a problem with this. If I was your manager, I would have fired you on the spot when you said "Better you than me". That is complete insubordination.

3. Why state the working conditions are bad when you are mostly to blame for everything that went wrong? Dude, just go sling pizzas somewhere else or get another menial job that you can b***h about to your friends.

I really feel insulted that you wasted my time over this nonsense.



Learn from this

#13Consumer Comment

Tue, March 12, 2002

I can't believe I just wasted several minutes reading this. Obviously, your manager made mistakes in the way this was handled (in just a few areas) but you have nobody to blame for this except yourself.

1. Why stay there so long after getting small raises when other raises were promised? I'm sure you could find another job that paid minimum wage.

2. Why lie to the customer? We've all got to deal with unhappy customers at some point or another. I know that you were "threatened" or "accosted" at different times, but lying at the start of the situation (for a mistake that YOU made) didn't help. I can understand that your manager had a problem with this. If I was your manager, I would have fired you on the spot when you said "Better you than me". That is complete insubordination.

3. Why state the working conditions are bad when you are mostly to blame for everything that went wrong? Dude, just go sling pizzas somewhere else or get another menial job that you can b***h about to your friends.

I really feel insulted that you wasted my time over this nonsense.



Dead-end Career

#13UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, March 12, 2002

I worked at Pizza Hut part time several years ago for a little over a year as a driver and

#1. I have never heard of drivers doing dough. It was always done by a dough guy that came in at 5 am.

#2. I understand telling that customer you got the wrong pizza. Only thing I would have done differently, is call the store at the nearest phone and let them know the situation. Manager should not have argued w/ customer, just made a new order and sent it out. No Big Deal. As a female driver, I have been chased, followed, threatened, you name it. One night, there was a very large order 8-10 pizzas, that I had to deliver to a shady (pay by the hour) motel. There was no room number on the ticket, and the front desk didn't know who ordered it even when I asked them to look up the name. So I called it in, and the manager told me to sell them cheap if I could. So, there I was in prostitute alley, selling pizza for 5 bucks a piece, and I had almost every one sold in less than 5 minutes, when this HUGE ugly man (it was his order) comes around the corner and well...he was very angry with me! :(

I got out of there alive, but being a driver can be scary and lets face it, it's nothing to build a future on.

#3. I think it's awesome you left. It's about time and you should be glad this happened to get you out of such a crap job. It can only get better from here. Good luck in your search. By the way, your a good writer.




#13UPDATE Employee

Tue, March 05, 2002

I can't beleive what I read... I work for Pizza Hut in Harrisburg Pa and I love it! I'm just there thorugh my "college years" but I'll probably stay PT when I enter into the real carrer world. I've been there 3 years and I actually quit twice and my manager took me back again, and made me a shift manager. Sorry you had such an a*s for a manager!

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