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  • Report:  #124616

Complaint Review: Planet Steffy

Planet Steffy Stole my money Internet

  • Reported By:
    Oakland Rhode Island
  • Submitted:
    Tue, December 28, 2004
  • Updated:
    Mon, January 03, 2005
  • Planet Steffy
  • Phone:
  • Category:

This site is a total scam. The person who made it should be shot for not using spell check! Come on... if you are going to make a website and pretend to be professional, at least try to spell the words correctly!

operator of this scam site

So anyway- I paid for this website and it is such a scam. Claims there are so many people and so much content---but the chat rooms are always empty and the women on their are all fake. They are all pictures I have seen of people on other sites with different names...just a scam to make men join, which I fell for.

When you try to find out who owns it or any contact info-there is nothing. If you dont have anything to hide, why not post a customer service phone number? Or address?

One thing I find very comical is that on the message boards, the topic with the most posts is SPORTS. Now come on.....this is supposed to be mostly women and they are all into sports more than anything else? Give me a break! I have also seen kiddie porn on this site- but they say you have to be a special member for that area... GROSS! That was not what I thought I was signing up for.

I have written to the FTC, Network Solutions (who appears to have registered the domain) and the BBB about Planet Steffy and how they have ripped me off. The site is a total scam....stole my money....they have content from other sites on there and they are pretending it is their rip off! Someone should expose them for what they really are.

Oakland, Rhode Island

7 Updates & Rebuttals

D. Bliss


threatening to sue me....only to turn around and threaten to sue "nate" for having an opinion....

#8Consumer Suggestion

Sun, January 02, 2005

I received an email from Steffy of tonight threatening me with a lawsuit for something that I had nothing to do with. She even stated that she had proof that I was threatening her cousin, someone I have never in my life contacted. I would be more than happy to forward it and the other correspondences that I have had with steffy to anyone who wants them.

Just so you all know, she went from accusing my boyfriend of making remarks right here on the board, when he didn't, to threatening to sue me....only to turn around and threaten to sue "nate" for having an opinion....go figure. Freedom of speech must not be in her fledgling law student vocabulary.

Guess what...all along I have said that members of planetsteffy have done nothing but make up slanderous lies about my friends, lover and myself just to sheild what is really going on. Kind of looks they are starting to prove me right after all.

Steffy will state all over these boards that there are no threatening posts on her boards. As of right now, she would be telling the truth. However she removed threatening posts directed towards me (not after I asked, but after someone pointed out to her from planetsteffy that this is just not right).

I had a positive opinion about a competing website and the members of planetsteffy simply posted slanderous and defaming remarks all across the internet.

Just an FYI!



Nate, you seem to be backtracking

#8REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, January 01, 2005

Some thing doesnt sound right here Nate. Maybe you need some time away from your farm.

In your threatening email me to me (Which I am posting beneath this letter), you asked what you had done illegal? Stating that there is child porn is illegal, is it not??? There never has and never will be child porn on planetsteffy, but thats something the authorities may in fact want to speak to your attorney on.

You also stated that you made payments to Planetsteffy, which I rebutted you on and proved your second lie.

Your last letter, with Roberts information in it did nothing for me. In fact Ive also posted it on Planetsteffy. I'm not sure what you are attempting to prove or disprove. I'm kind of getting the feeling here that you may think Robert is hot?? huh?? Is that it???

In another letter you stated to stop my posting and emails?? Again, I asked what you were talking about, but again got met with complete silence.

If you wanted to get technical, in your post, you also stated and I have copies for you if you would like them, that "This person should be shot!" That's a death threat if I'm not mistaking.

For someone that lives in two different states, and goes by different names, and on some profiles has kids and some doesn't, I cannot help but not assisting you in your quest here.

I do however want to thank you for your concern, and many letters you have composed. I have enclosed your latest.

Thank you

Steffy, er Robert


That's really cute Bobby. I have done nothing illegal whatsoever. I have not even done anything deceitful as you have for years. Press charges!!! You silly little gender bending man! What in the world for? What law do you think I have broken? Humor me and tell me! There is no law against exposing the truth. That is all I am doing and I will continue to do it. Sending out your personal information is illegal? What country do you live in? You have lied to me for years and now you're going to be exposed for who you are.

Is it illegal for me to hire a private investigator to come by the Hearn house and ask some questions about Cousin or Aunt Steffy? Is it illegal for me to post my truthful findings on the Internet for the whole world to see? No, it's not Bobby. In fact, when you decide to become a gender bending pornographer, that's what you have to be prepared for. That is why people don't become pornographers that are involved in their communities, have kids, hold political offices, or are active in their church. You see, in the United States of America, we have something called free speech. If something is posted that is true, it is legal.

I'll make a little deal with you Bobby. A truce if you will. You don't send this email to anyone else, don't make another negative post online anywhere about anyone (especially Bliss), any company, any race, any gender, any anything and I'll back down. I'll never make another sound again. But, if this email is forwarded to one solitary person or I see another post anywhere that I even think may have come from you, then I'll be pursuing the truth in full force again. I would never break any laws, trust me on that. But, I know my constitutional rights as a citizen on the United States and I know I have the right to free speech.

In any case, I'll await the charges you claim to have against me. Send me the contact information for your authorities, I'll have my lawyers call them directly. In fact, I would love to do that because then I would file against you and make this all a matter of public record. That would be a lot of fun, wouldn't it. I have a TON of free time and a TON of money to throw at this. So, if you do too, I welcome the opportunity!

I don't want to ever hear back from you in any way except to tell me what authorities I should have my lawyers contact or to tell me you're opting for the truce. The ball's in your court Bobby. Happy new year Bobby!



I had nothing to do with this or any of these post

#8Consumer Suggestion

Fri, December 31, 2004

Again if you trying to make it look like this post was from me you are dead wrong. But I'm sure that won't stop you from lying and saying it was. I had nothing to do with this or any of these post, believe me it you want, and if you don't want to thats fine to. As I've said before I could care less. Although I have my opinions about your site, this guy sounds like he is full of crap. I've have been on the site and I can attest to the fact that there is definitely no kiddie porn on it. For you to post that, no matter what your feelings are about the site is just wrong. By lying that makes you just as bad as they are. The subject matter you chose to lie about is just flat out despicable. So go ahead think it was me if you like, but it wasn't. Again I have no problem putting my name on what I post. And for your information this is how you spell Michael, if your going to accuse me get it straight.



I'm sorry you didn't like Planetsteffy, and will look into making it better.

#8REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, December 30, 2004

Well Micheal, er...Daniel, if you could send us a copy of any recipts we would gladly refund your money. Although I dont think you're going to be able to seeing that our credit card and payment system was just put in place on 12/19/04.

That's correct, we haven't charged anyone for our site, so being ripped off is nearly impossible, but if you say it happened, Planetsteffy will gladly refund your money.

I'm sorry you didn't like Planetsteffy, and will look into making it better. For customer service purposes, if you could explain how you watched anything or got ripped off, I would consider it extermely helpful.

Since we haven't charged anyone, it couldn't be the money that you were ripped off on.

Since members could not see any of the movies on a trial account until then, unless I specifically turned them on, I can't see it being any of the content that you were ripped off on.

If you tried our free trial period, and just didn't like the site, that's your perogative, but it's not being ripped off.

If you are claiming that you were debited on a credit card, might I suggest reporting it to the authorities as I have done?? Planetsteffy does not want any members unhappy, and will provide any documentation that you require.

Also, Planetsteffy has no members listed from your state, so if your persona was a fake one, you may want to check with local and state laws, or I will be happy to provide you with a copy of it.

Why you are using different names on these boards and writing incorrect information as you have is beyond my knowledge, but it is your perogative.

In order to be RIPPED OFF, you must first make a payment on something, (which you have not), and secondly, the material you receive for such payment must be completely opposite of what you thought you were purchasing.

So, to sum things up, Im sorry you feel the way you do about Planetsteffy, but with only a trial membership under a fake name, and our credit card system not having even been in place, and your complete unability to see ANY of our content, we would like to know how you were ripped off.

Thanks for your time, and have a great New Years.



There never were any Planet Steffy members named Nate from Rhode Island or Daniel from Texas

#8Consumer Comment

Wed, December 29, 2004


I don't even know what THAT means LOL!!!

Still, your post is fact-less, base-less, and supports nothing. FACT: There have never been members named Nate from Rhode Island or Daniel from Texas on Planet Steffy.

Thanks for the laugh tho'!



Jim the consumer in Baltimore you sound just like an employee

#8Consumer Comment

Wed, December 29, 2004

how would you know all that!? you're a liar.

I am one of their many victims.

You are nothing more than a shill.



Planet Steffy is LEGITIMATE, FAIR and HONEST!

#8Consumer Comment

Wed, December 29, 2004


Have you tried contacting the owner Steffy on the email address listed on the Planet Steffy web site? I talk to her every day using this email and she is VERY responsive! If you DON'T want to be there, Planet Steffy is NOT going to keep your money! Please explain how she "stole" your money? Did you use a credit card? Did YOU enter that credit card info yourself?

There is an EMAIL ME tab right on the login page, as well as a "Problems with your account" topic on the message boards. Both are quite simple to use. It's a brand new site! You just may not be used to "no paid members" chatting you. Planet Steffy has none. We're real people with real lives, but we do plan get togethers in chat.

If you like "fake people" chatting you, by all means, visit all those other sites LOL! As far as the topics on the boards, the owner has listened to her members input. We all enjoy SPORTS and various other topics as well. No one is hiding that fact, it's right out there in the open for you to see when you're there. Try contacting Planet Steffy and offering suggestions on what you'd like to see. I bet you get a response.

As far as the accusation of illegal porn, I hope you're prepared to back it up. If you DID see it and you DID report it, why don't you post the case numbers to their investigations so we can all look up the information and review it for what it's worth? If you've filed with the BBB, FTC, NEtSolutions, they should have provided you with a case number for your report. Your report without it, is base-less "Nate."

I for one, feel Planet Steffy IS worth the time and money! All I'm saying is prove it. Where are your facts?

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