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  • Report:  #132291

Complaint Review: PMI USight StoresOnline Internet Treasure Chest Aka ITCTV And Other Scam Artists

PMI, USight, StoresOnline, Internet Treasure Chest, ITCTV Ripoff And Other Scam Artists HOW NOT TO GET RIPPED OFF AT SEMINARS Internet, Nationwide


  • Reported By:
    Fairview North Carolina
  • Submitted:
    Tue, February 22, 2005
  • Updated:
    Wed, March 09, 2016
  • PMI, USight, StoresOnline, Internet Treasure Chest Aka ITCTV And Other Scam Artists
  • Phone:
  • Category:

How not to get ripped off at Seminars: 1. Leave all credit cards and checkbooks at home. 2. If you should take the above with you, DO NOT SIGN ANYTHING, I STRESS ANYTHING THAT IS NOT COMPLETELY FILLED OUT AND SIGNED BEFOREHAND. Don't let a Rep. intimidate you into doing so. 3. Get names and phone numbers of others attending the seminar even if you have to do it before the meeting, in the bathroom or after the meeting has concluded. These Reps. do not want attendees communicating and exchanging complaints or ideas. 4. If you do weaken and purchase a big, expensive package, remember you have 3 days in which to withdraw. 5. ABOVE ALL ELSE, keep all mailouts, handouts, receipts, correspondence, credit card statements, canceled checks (which they may not want to accept) in case you have to use these in the event you have problems and want your money back. If you happen to have or can borrow a cell phone that takes pictures, borrow it and take pictures of Seminar Reps. and attendees at breaks lunch but DO BE DISCREET, don't let the Reps. catch you. IF YOU HAVE OR DO PURCHASE PROGRAMS PRESENTED AT SEMINARS: Don't let the Statute of Limitations expirel! Gather up all your receipts, correspondence (E-Mail and Snail Mail) along with all credit card statements and/or canceled checks. Call your Credit Card Company and explain your experience, that you want to challenge this company and all charges and that you want all your money credited back to your account. You may be surprised at their re-action to misrepresentation. I got $6,000.00 back from another scam artist this way. GOOD LUCK. Please post your results here. D. Fairview, North Carolina

4 Updates & Rebuttals



Frauds target the desperate and the elderly.

#5Consumer Suggestion

Thu, February 24, 2005

Absolutely, Fairview! I agree with your last comment 100%.

A desperate person is not as likely to sit down and think things through. They want to believe that it will all work out for them. They want to finally make their dreams come true.

People who have lost good paying jobs to overseas workers are especially vulnerable. They have payments due. A life and a family to support. What new jobs are available to them? Minimum or low-paying positions. Jobs that won't even pay the mortgage. Much less, put food on the table.

In times like this, people begin to panic. As you say, they start grasping at straws. And, the frauds are well aware of that. For the frauds, it's like shooting fish in a barrel.

When the chips are down, you must work the hardest to think of a way out. After all, you can't afford to gamble with your last dollars. It's one thing to take a big risk when your job is there and you're making good money. But, when the job is gone, and you're coasting on your savings account, then you need to make all the right choices. You can't afford to guess wrong when your life depends on it.

Rich or poor, the same rules still apply. Nobody is going to hand away money for free. A FREE seminar is a fraud's way of attracting suckers that they intend to slaughter.

You want the secret to getting rich in America? I'll give it to you. You won't get rich by working hard. If that was the case, all the people who kill themselves with hard work would end up rich. If all you do is work hard, chances are you will still be poor after 40 years of hard work.

The answer is to work smart. That means analyzing everything you do. Will it make you money? Is it the best way to go? Could you do something else that would produce more income with less work? People who think like this are the ones who end up rich. Hard work just makes you old, tired, and poor. Smart work makes you rich and successful.

One big key to success is understanding how the world operates. You need to understand what motivates people. What causes them to buy things? What products and services they require for their lives.

Once you understand that, you will quickly realize that nobody is really going to set up a free seminar. Meeting places cost money to rent. Hotels are in business to make money. Whenever a large group of people gets together there, somebody is expected to foot the bill. Obviously, the people who hold these seminars have a plan. They intend to sell as many people as they can.

There is no such thing as free. So, anytime someone comes up and offers you something, look at it from their side. What are they trying to get you to do? More often that not, it will involve money. In all cases, the money they expect will be many, many times more than whatever they offered you for free.

A perfect example of this is what's known as a comped room at a casino. Comp stands for complementary, or free. In order to qualify, you need to risk a certain amount of money for a certain length of time. When it's all said and done, you gambled away $1,000 and got a FREE room worth $50. You go away laughing at how the casino gave you a free room. But, the casino is the real winner here. Your FREE room cost you $1,000. Would you like another free room the next time you're in town?

As you see, nobody is going to hand you a business that will make you rich. What they will do is sell you something that will make them rich. What you manage to get out of it is your problem.

Whenever someone offers you a deal, consider what is in it for them. Don't simply sit back and take everything they are telling you for granted.

People who do that always avoid these get-rich-quick schemes.

Remember, you may be out of work and down now. But, at least you have your savings in the bank. Once you hand that away to some fraud, then you will really know what it means to be down and out.


North Carolina,

With the economy the way it is, there are many people who are grasping at any straw to create an income or increase an income.

#5Consumer Suggestion

Wed, February 23, 2005

Paul, you are ABSOLUTELY RIGHT but... With the economy the way it is, there are many people who are grasping at any straw to create an income or increase an income. These are the vulnerable, i.e.
disabled, shutins, people who have lost jobs and think using their computers would be a wonderful way to supplement a meager income. Then, there are those who are just, as you said, "get suckered in." Perhaps they go just for the free meal and gift and fall for the spiel hook, line and sinker.

BEFORE anyone else attends these seminars, they should contact their State Attorney General to find out if the Company sponsoring this event has a permit to conduct the seminar. Contact your local TV Station and see if they want to "crash the party" after being fully informed and referred to Rip-Off Report to read about all the people who have been scammeed.

Let's all work together to shut down the con-artists.

Heck, anyone can find a good restaurant with great food they can frequent for years for the amount of money they will lose to these companies.

Let's keep this going even if we have to keep writing new posts daily.

Looking forward to your next input...or new post that will scroll for a while on the home page. I am getting addicted to this site...spent hours on here yesterday.



Wouldn't it be so much easier to skip the fraud in the first place?

#5Consumer Suggestion

Wed, February 23, 2005

Only an idiot would go to a free seminar that they know is going to be nothing but a hard sell from start to finish. You don't need to take any of these precautions listed above.

Just skip the d**n thing and be done with it!

Why is that so hard for everyone to figure out? Do you really think anyone is going to ride into town, rent out meeting space, and then stand up and lecture everyone on how to get rich? You'd have to blunt f**king stupid to think anyone would spend big money like that to help you.

Common sense tells you that this FREE seminar is going to be a hard sell from start to finish. Sure, they promise to give you all the secrets you need to get rich. That's what lures the suckers in. Once they're there, they get sold a pie-in-the-sky nonsense dream for thousands of dollars.

Real seminars cost hundreds of dollars. I get notices about them in the mail all the time. They're not free.

Whenever you hear the word free, your guard should immediately go up. You are about to get scammed.


North Carolina,


#5Consumer Suggestion

Tue, February 22, 2005

Get on the National DO NOT CALL REGISTER! If you receive a phone call from anyone, I stress anyone, DO NOT GIVE PERSONAL OR FINANCIAL INFORMATION. Don't be intimidated or conned into giving information. HANG UP! It is o.k. to hang up on such callers. If you stay on the phone with this caller, you may be tempted to subscribe to or buy whatever he/she is hawking.

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