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  • Report:  #21215

Complaint Review: Police Department

Police Department, City Manager Hutchinson criminal cops triumph of scams ripped off Mesa Arizona

  • Reported By:
    Mesa AZ
  • Submitted:
    Mon, May 20, 2002
  • Updated:
    Sat, May 08, 2004
  • Police Department
    130 N. Robson
    Mesa, Arizona
  • Phone:
  • Category:
*Consumer Suggestion: Leave the town to choke on its own vomit....I did! *Consumer Suggestion: Cantrell is a full-time criminal *Consumer Suggestion: Typical Mesa P.D. n**i lies....bring these scum down! *0: Didn't towns used to do what ought to be done with tar and feathers??? *Consumer Comment: You not only are not alone, she has been doing this for YEARS... she is what Mesa P.D. wants... a complete LIAR *Consumer Suggestion: Surprise! Cantrell is a hero to these worms. *Consumer Suggestion: Get used to it, or change it. Those are the choices. *Consumer Suggestion: Call the Mayor...make this real obvious *Consumer Suggestion: What goes around, comes around. It has happened before. *UPDATE EX-employee responds: You are lucky to even be alive. *Consumer Suggestion: When dealing with the lowest order of filth, disinfectant is required. It's name is BOYCOTT.... *Consumer Suggestion: Do not trust anyone in this department. I did, it almost got me killed.... *Consumer Suggestion: Good reason not to go to the East Valley... *Consumer Suggestion: She is unsuitable. She is less than worthless. *Consumer Suggestion: She is unsuitable. She is less than worthless. *Consumer Suggestion: She is unsuitable. She is less than worthless. *Consumer Suggestion: She is unsuitable. She is less than worthless. *Consumer Suggestion: For more on Cantrell and her ilk, see report #2063 *Consumer Suggestion: For more on Cantrell and her ilk, see report #2063 *Consumer Suggestion: For more on Cantrell and her ilk, see report #2063 *Consumer Suggestion: For more on Cantrell and her ilk, see report #2063 *Consumer Comment: The big sweep is coming Mesa. *Consumer Comment: The big sweep is coming Mesa. *Consumer Comment: The big sweep is coming Mesa. *Consumer Suggestion: Inbred, incestuous, and they should be incarcerated... *Consumer Suggestion: Don't bother calling the Mayor...he is just another rubber stamp. *Consumer Comment: Puke of the refuse of these dreck... They need to be gone! *Consumer Suggestion: Don't mistake Cantrell for a cop, or Mesa P.D. for police... *Consumer Suggestion: Get used to it *Consumer Suggestion: Mesa is a rathole. It needs poison or an enema. *Consumer Suggestion: FRAUD is offensive. Mesa (its city administration and cops) constitutes FRAUD. *Consumer Suggestion: This is the very smallest part of the fraud, corruption, perjury, and criminal dealings of the City of Mesa. *Consumer Suggestion: Seems Cantrell has complaints of her own...

Officer Cantrell #10730, who has in the past filed
many other fraudulent police reports and committed perjury endless numbers of times, can add one more log to the fire from which the Mesa P.D. B.S. criminal conspiracy is protecting her.

On report DR # 980470054, she and her co-conspirator, officer Marrical # 12187 lie so many times and so obviously they even catch themselves in the context of a FRAUDULENT police report, which while it went nowhere, cost this city considerable money, defrauded me, and cost me time and misery.

Complaint # 584117 states as probable cause that I was "parking behind a closed business". The bogus statement, which contains endless errors of fact and lighting and which even contradicts the lying officers own previous bogus summaries, notes that address as "411 South Gilbert", which is the only accurate thing in this cacaphony of lies. It is the address of a 7-11 convenience store, which has been there for at least eight years, and which never closes.

Other omissions and obvious lies: Neither officer ever saw me drive. The liars said I was stiff because I had "done some plumbing for a friend". What they were told and what was verified in multiple statements to the judge was that I had laid well over a mile of 24" inside diameter HEAVY PIPE the day preceding, and was extremely sore.

This lie was entered for the very obvious reason that these perpetrators were attempting to make my attempt to decline the "field sobriety test" look sinister.

Other lies and omissions: officers were told I had consumed four beers and vast amounts of food OVER EIGHT HOURS...WHICH IS WHY I PASSED THEIR TEST. They also "neglected" to mention that my keys were not in the ignition. These scumbags also tried to give the impression that my difficulty getting out of the car had something to do with alcohol consumption.

I told one of these liars--also conveniently omited from their filthy bit of fiction--that my hands were injured, and I attempted to decline the entire "field sobriety test". I was home, and had been for a while. I could not park at my actual apartment because of a vandalism problem, many times reported to these same bogus "police", about which they did NOTHING...

They even lied about their own "blow" tests. My car was illegally searched. I have never been any sort of drug addict, and have not even been AROUND illegal drugs for decades. Yet, officer Cantrell, who has offended other "suspects" on other bogus stops, very aggressively accused me of all sorts of drug usage. Just a few nights later, in front of witnesses, after my car was broken into, I discovered some white powder under my spare tire. I know all about the break-in. The powder was disposed of, again in front of witnesses. Another Mesa officer sat across the street, watching me from the AM/PM....

My license plate mysteriously disappeared about the same time.

There are at least five other separate cases of direct contradiction and fraud in this single police report, including lies about lighting, my attire at the time, and anything else this dynamic duo of density and criminality could concoct.

The blood test? After carefully cooking me based on the
charts they were carrying for about an hour and a half, the highest they could come up with was below the legal limit at the time. I filed a motion for dismissal and suppression of evidence, based on fraudulent probable cause, and got my witnesses together. I also advised the prosecutor I intended to pursue perjury and false swearing charges at another, higher level if charges were not dropped immediately.

Four years later, when another officer, based on equally bogus probable cause actually caught me over the limit, this filth was brought up as if it had some legitimacy. IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN FULLY EXPUNGED FROM THE RECORD, FOREVER.

Lying, criminal police predominate this department. They cost taxpayers money EVERY SINGLE DAY. The local courts will do nothing. The Mayor is totally impotent and not interested in a serious investigation of any kind. Keep an eye on these lice. Their lies and obvious corruption need to be severely and permanently punished, and not merely by suspensions or internal discipline.

Talking to Mesa's "Whitewash and Coverup" (aka: internal affairs) squad is pointless. Non-mormons have to get out and vote, this city manager and his office have to go, and a major, FEDERAL criminal and civil rights investigation launched, and launched immediately.

I have two other bogus police reports of my own in my collection, and vast numbers more. I have a trial transcript in which an officer is caught in several obvious, transparent lies. None of this will ever be punished by the locals in this venue. It has to go WAY over their heads, until they are crushed like the insects they are. And it has to be legal and legitimate. It begins at the ballot box and ends with these criminals where they belong: LOCKED UP, FOREVER.

Mesa, Arizona

Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on Mesa Arizona

33 Updates & Rebuttals



Seems Cantrell has complaints of her own...

#34Consumer Suggestion

Sat, May 08, 2004

Search the web long enough and you will
find that Officer Deana Cantrell has her
own beefs with Mesa's Police Department.

It seems she was the victim (or claims
she was, I have met the woman under stress,
and if her lips are moving, lies are
exuding....) of sexual harassment, and
decided to drop her claim so not to
"make waves"...

Oh, what a tangled web they weave,
When scumbags in Mesa DO deceive...
What b.s. they spread and then step in...
So full of crap, there is no "spin".
For demented minds and concepts WEE,
No one can top MESA P.D.

Now, in the last seven or eight months,
in a panic, like the universal cowards
they are, they have started shooting
citizens...some of them not so reputable,
but none of them heavy duty felons, either.
They don't mix it up much with real
crook. Why, they could get hurt!

Now, a 14-year-old...KILL HIM IN A
HEARTBEAT! Why? They were "afraid".
Try using that b.s. in a court sometime
to justify ANYTHING...



This is the very smallest part of the fraud, corruption, perjury, and criminal dealings of the City of Mesa.

#34Consumer Suggestion

Mon, April 26, 2004

And it will only get WORSE.

The fact that criminals like Cantrell and murderers and WORSE are even allowed to hold public jobs ANYWHERE is a gross miscarriage of justice.

But the good (and apparently, totally
BLIND) citizens of Mesa continue to
not vote, and to pay these snivelling
chickenshits WAY more than they are worth.

These are the worst excuses for "public servants" I have encountered anywhere in the world, and I have seen most of it.


Mesa But Not For Much Longer,

FRAUD is offensive. Mesa (its city administration and cops) constitutes FRAUD.

#34Consumer Suggestion

Thu, December 18, 2003

Mesa is a fraud, in general.

Twenty-three years here, and the various
city "authorities" quite literally get away
with murder. Going into the details of the
dishonest and punitive manner in which non-LDS
or poorer land owners are abused and mistreated
sounds petty, until you realize that it happens
THOUSANDS of times every day, whereas every
rule is bent for the "annointed ones" and the
"special recommends"...

And the courts are so corrupt that cases are proceeded with which would be laughed off in virtually any other jurisdiction. But now the so-called "police"--known far and wide as perjurers and criminals--are actually CELEBRATING a ridiculous murder of a 115 lb. 15-year-old latino child (he had a knife! I am 72, and have arthritis...I could have disarmed him in a heartbeat, but not these big, brave cops...) as if it were something HEROIC.

Figure that out! Even if they were right--and THE HELL with the "review" and other corrupt "investigations", any five-year-old knows these crooks were WRONG--celebrating such a thing as a "heroic" act is demented to the point of insanity.

Cantrell is one of a long line of lying criminals this city way overpays. The judges
need to be equally gone, for it is THEY who have
encouraged this crap. And the prosecutors and
defender who participate in this silly-assed
charade as if it had some validity... How sick
can a community get, ripping off decent, hard-working people for revenue, and letting crime slide because it is too dangerous to do actual
law enforcement? This Cantrell, she stopped me once, thinking I might be drunk, wasted several hours of my time on a lunatic wild goose chase...
That's o.k., I can tolerate that. But I was pulled up next to what I knew to be a meth factory and crack distribution house, and I could SMELL it. I said nothing, but that place has been there for almost a decade. To waste that much of my time, police time, tie up traffic, and there sits a danger to the entire city...

This city's administration lies for a living.
I cannot imagine a more repulsive and repugnant place. I started feeling this way 15 years ago, and now have to sell my house and beat a hasty retreat. This is a sickening thing, a disgusting place, for anyone with any sense of honesty AT ALL. I suspect my little run-ins with local authorities, none of which have been ANYTHING but a waste of my time and theirs, have to do with having sat on a couple of juries and voted "innocent" because it was so obvious the cops lied and fabricated and concealed and just generally were crooked AND incompetent. But this is an awkward time to leave. But I will do it. So are most of the other decent, worthwhile working and retired people I know.



Mesa is a rathole. It needs poison or an enema.

#34Consumer Suggestion

Fri, October 17, 2003

Mesa cops are inherently corrupt. So is the
city administration.

Gallows and baseball bats are indicated. You
can't do this forever and survive. They want
mexicans as residents: they don't vote, and their
problems are easily back-burnered as the Mormons will support their dirty deeds. Decent people
need to get together to crush the criminals who run this city, especially their cowardly and
corrupt "police department".



Get used to it

#34Consumer Suggestion

Thu, September 11, 2003

Welcome to Mesa!

You have been had!

This is as good as it gets,
and as rotten as anyone can imagine.

Cantrell needs to find a job
selling car wash accessories or

She sure as HELL can't do legitimate
police work.

Nor can most of these s-bags.



Don't mistake Cantrell for a cop, or Mesa P.D. for police...

#34Consumer Suggestion

Thu, August 21, 2003

Mesa P.D. has had money scandals, homosexuality
scandals, misappropriation scandals, scandals
involving open discrimnation against
non-mormons, fraud scandals, evidence-doctoring
scandals, etc., etc., etc.

One thing no one every accused this silly-assed,
sniveling, cowardly gutless pansies of doing was
actual law enforcement, or for that matter, anything involving risk. When a Mesa cop gets hurt on the job, it is usually because one of his fearful f****t colleagues bailed or could not
read the simple instructions on one of their
"playthings". A stupider pack of incompetent
worms I have never seen. Don't kid yourself:
there are no Joe Fridays or Serpicos or Wyatt Earps here, among these cowering rats there is not
even a Barney Fife.

Cantrell is lying scum, on a department where
that is a virtue. Get rid of them all!

Mesa is a crack and methamphetamine heaven
because of dykes like her and the equally
sniveling, quaking weasel ratbastards who people
the Mesa department. Do something about crime?
Hell, no, that would involve getting out of their overpriced cars and maybe getting their overpaid
asses dirty.

Scumbag, Cantrell, you never arrested me,
nor have I ever been arrested, but I have seen
you and other criminals like you at work in Mesa.
You are killing the city. Try some kind of
honest work.

Oh, and city manager Hutchinson, who is
responsible for all this, and that rubber
stamp "Mayor" joke b*****d Keno Hawker?
Just more problems.

Boycott Mesa, even if you live there, and
let these filthy shitheads rot.



Puke of the refuse of these dreck... They need to be gone!

#34Consumer Comment

Thu, June 12, 2003

Outside agencies? They need to come in.

"Rats?" Mesa P.D. needs them.

This will never be a real police
agency until somebody applies a major
purgative. Right now, they are just
a collection of fleabag pukes who annoy
honest citizens. F them.



Don't bother calling the Mayor...he is just another rubber stamp.

#34Consumer Suggestion

Sun, June 08, 2003

Forget about calling Keno Hawker. I
tried that once. He is just another
"SOP" local politico, and has no interest
in exposing or dealing with this garbage.

Call the ACLU, Civil Rights organizations,
a good attorney with a vicious concept of
the financial, or somebody with some actual

And that won't be ANYBODY in Mesa
city government.

I had similar experiences, which is
why I am boycotting Mesa. If I need to
be aggravated, which I DO NOT, I see no
need to drive to this dump.



Inbred, incestuous, and they should be incarcerated...

#34Consumer Suggestion

Thu, May 22, 2003

Mesa is a city whose entire police department
and city administration is dominated by demented,
criminal weasels, beginning with Stapley, Gilbert,
Hutchinson, Luster, and the new, elected head idiot, Keno Hawker, who between them lack the ethics of a slug. Why citizen pressure has not led to their incarceration or execution amazes me.

This two-bit lying scumb*g cop is just what
dungholes like Mesa breed. Pathological liar, fraudulent dirtwad...that is what she is, and I KNOW that, and so do the pukes who run the department in which this dirtball works.

Scum breed scum.

Mesa proves that absolutely.

These are the same thieves who bring you their moronic downtown "art center", pee away money to bring this rotbag town to $30-120 million or more in debt, depending on which lying sonofabitch you believe, and propose to solve the problems THEY CAUSED by stealing still more, without giving up their ill-gotten (and likewise inbred) "stability pay" and other b.s. perks.

Mesa--and especially the criminal ratbastards who comprise the police department, prosecutor's, and city manager's office, but to include MANY others--makes ancient Babylon look squeaky clean.

The citizens of this city need to take back their town. And that will probably have to be done the messy way, because none of the racketeers and corrupt weasels who run this shithole mean to give up without a fight.

Short suggestion: GET A ROPE!!!!

Walter Kendall

New Orleans,

The big sweep is coming Mesa.

#34Consumer Comment

Mon, March 24, 2003

It was cleaned up in New Orleans, and
Ramparts Division LAPD is being cleaned up
with RICO and RUCO action.

Mesa P.D. has earned (as has this entire city government, if a sane person can call it that) full and august consideration under those acts.

I am filing under a friend's url, but
believe me: crooks who operate THIS
openly DO eventually wind up inside.

Walter Kendall

New Orleans,

The big sweep is coming Mesa.

#34Consumer Comment

Mon, March 24, 2003

It was cleaned up in New Orleans, and
Ramparts Division LAPD is being cleaned up
with RICO and RUCO action.

Mesa P.D. has earned (as has this entire city government, if a sane person can call it that) full and august consideration under those acts.

I am filing under a friend's url, but
believe me: crooks who operate THIS
openly DO eventually wind up inside.

Walter Kendall

New Orleans,

The big sweep is coming Mesa.

#34Consumer Comment

Mon, March 24, 2003

It was cleaned up in New Orleans, and
Ramparts Division LAPD is being cleaned up
with RICO and RUCO action.

Mesa P.D. has earned (as has this entire city government, if a sane person can call it that) full and august consideration under those acts.

I am filing under a friend's url, but
believe me: crooks who operate THIS
openly DO eventually wind up inside.



For more on Cantrell and her ilk, see report #2063

#34Consumer Suggestion

Thu, November 21, 2002

This is how Cantrell "moves up" in the murky,
criminal world of Mesa P.D.

For more on her, see report #2063.

For more on her "defenders", see Lynn's stirring and ridiculous defense. She says we should "hold police responsible". No one seems to know how to do that in immediate terms, with a department this dishonest.

Federal Courts might be productive. Nothing in Mesa will work.



For more on Cantrell and her ilk, see report #2063

#34Consumer Suggestion

Thu, November 21, 2002

This is how Cantrell "moves up" in the murky,
criminal world of Mesa P.D.

For more on her, see report #2063.

For more on her "defenders", see Lynn's stirring and ridiculous defense. She says we should "hold police responsible". No one seems to know how to do that in immediate terms, with a department this dishonest.

Federal Courts might be productive. Nothing in Mesa will work.



For more on Cantrell and her ilk, see report #2063

#34Consumer Suggestion

Thu, November 21, 2002

This is how Cantrell "moves up" in the murky,
criminal world of Mesa P.D.

For more on her, see report #2063.

For more on her "defenders", see Lynn's stirring and ridiculous defense. She says we should "hold police responsible". No one seems to know how to do that in immediate terms, with a department this dishonest.

Federal Courts might be productive. Nothing in Mesa will work.



For more on Cantrell and her ilk, see report #2063

#34Consumer Suggestion

Thu, November 21, 2002

This is how Cantrell "moves up" in the murky,
criminal world of Mesa P.D.

For more on her, see report #2063.

For more on her "defenders", see Lynn's stirring and ridiculous defense. She says we should "hold police responsible". No one seems to know how to do that in immediate terms, with a department this dishonest.

Federal Courts might be productive. Nothing in Mesa will work.



She is unsuitable. She is less than worthless.

#34Consumer Suggestion

Sat, November 09, 2002

This woman is scum. Why does she feed at the public trough?

She is less than the lowest garbage.

I am tired of this kind of filth wearing uniforms. Lovelace and this dirtbag must be imprisoned, for a very long time.

That is the minimal solution.



She is unsuitable. She is less than worthless.

#34Consumer Suggestion

Sat, November 09, 2002

This woman is scum. Why does she feed at the public trough?

She is less than the lowest garbage.

I am tired of this kind of filth wearing uniforms. Lovelace and this dirtbag must be imprisoned, for a very long time.

That is the minimal solution.



She is unsuitable. She is less than worthless.

#34Consumer Suggestion

Sat, November 09, 2002

This woman is scum. Why does she feed at the public trough?

She is less than the lowest garbage.

I am tired of this kind of filth wearing uniforms. Lovelace and this dirtbag must be imprisoned, for a very long time.

That is the minimal solution.



She is unsuitable. She is less than worthless.

#34Consumer Suggestion

Sat, November 09, 2002

This woman is scum. Why does she feed at the public trough?

She is less than the lowest garbage.

I am tired of this kind of filth wearing uniforms. Lovelace and this dirtbag must be imprisoned, for a very long time.

That is the minimal solution.



Good reason not to go to the East Valley...

#34Consumer Suggestion

Mon, November 04, 2002

Officers like this are a good reason never to go to Mesa. We have some like that in Gilbert, too, and for about the same reasons.

Check out some of the other reports here on "law enforcement", it is pretty obvious.

This is all about raising revenue and holding power. Anyone who thinks these jerks have any
impact on crime lives in a dream world.

Hey, officer Cantrell, what color is the sky in your ridiculous world, you lying rat?

DEA retired


Do not trust anyone in this department. I did, it almost got me killed....

#34Consumer Suggestion

Sun, September 29, 2002

I do not fully understand all the reasons for this department's decay and collapse, but I have
had too many chances to see it, up close and personal.

In 1994, cowardice on the part of at least two of their officers during a very tense raid situation, and incompetence on the part of others, nearly cost me my life.

And this was neither the first nor the last
time I had seen their "professionalism" falter.

Yet, when I first did assignments in that area
back in the 80's, they were some of the best
I had seen.

I suspect the "Mormon thing" and appointments
from some local politician, whose name is apparently Luster or Hutchinson, are at the root of the problem. All I know is, the decline
in quality I saw was obvious. The cops looked
better, but seemed to have very little idea about
tactics and procedures, save those which involved
saving their skins.

I don't know this particular one, but I think she
is more symptom than problem.

I took early retirement rather than continue
to work with Mesa P.D. as a backup in any situation.



When dealing with the lowest order of filth, disinfectant is required. It's name is BOYCOTT....

#34Consumer Suggestion

Sun, September 29, 2002

The only way to disinfect this situation is obvious: Cut off the flow of funds.

Do it every possible way, and explain to your friendly, local merchant that you are buying your products in Tempe, Chandler, or Apache Junction, or Phoenix instead of patronizing his business because of the skunks who occupy this police department and the city manager's office. Explain this to you councilman. Soon, they will begin to figure out the cure.

You are dealing with scum. Nothing else will work.

former Mesa cop


You are lucky to even be alive.

#34UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, September 24, 2002

I am a former Mesa officer, who luckily left voluntarily for a better job. But I started
looking because when I looked at my "brother"
officers, what I saw was a pack of crooks, dimwits, and "fiction-writers" like Marrical and

They are the ones who get promoted. Apply some logic and common sense to this job, and if you are not a Mormon in good standing, you will not last long. They are looking for "clearances"...

That means "quotas"....

Cantrell busts lots of people. So do others like her. Fact is, that's all the department looks at.

The level of corruption here is so high, I am deeply ashamed to have had anything to do with this organization. I feel soiled. I never again want to have anything to do with law enforcement at this disgusting, corrupt level.
I will, after a few years, not even put Mesa P.D. on my resume.



What goes around, comes around. It has happened before.

#34Consumer Suggestion

Tue, September 17, 2002

If/when Mesa ever reforms--and be sure of it,
it won't come while the present City Manager or Mayor is in office--it will be very important to
jot down these names and locate some of these
people, to deal with them the way they dealt with
their victims, only truthfully.

A good slogan for this town, instead of the current pack of lies on their posters and signs, would be: "Where the dirtiest and guiltiest CAN
get away with it!!!"

But that chain is not infinite. The only reason some people have stayed here this long
is so that, when the accounting comes, we can
deal with the liars as harshly as they tried to
deal with us. And no, I do not even SUGGEST
anything illegal. But I DO suggest that the
law be applied to this miscreants as BRUTALLY and
SEVERELY as their lies would have caused "the
system" to deal with others.

There is no corruption worse than a police
officer who lies regularly. And Cantrell and
many others in Mesa do it EVERY SINGLE TIME THEY

I may forgive in some other life. Maybe God
will forgive these lowlifes. But in this life,
I intend to be as relentless in pursuing truth as
these monsters are in corrupting it.



Get used to it, or change it. Those are the choices.

#34Consumer Suggestion

Mon, September 09, 2002

Cantrell pulled something even more stupid
on me, only called in seven other cars and the city helicopter. My "crime"? I had just paced off and estimated a job, and being about three hours early, waited to meet the land owner by sleeping in my truck.

Not only were guns pulled on me, but I very soon heard "I know you, I busted you for marijuana!!" It was Cantrell. She also asked if I had receipts for all my tools. Some of my tools are twenty years old, and they were stored in my truck. The cover story (lie+excuse+hogwash) was that a truck "like mine" had been involved in some break-ins. No arrest.

Cost to the city: thousands.

This was on my customer's PRIVATE PROPERTY. Not only was I authorized to be there, he arrived before the police were quite finished with their hissy fit/rampage.

Cantrell is nuts. She needs to be gone. She is apparently one of the protected group of Mormons on the Police FARCE and will not be gone until the department is fully purged. I even hear she has been promoted.

MOST of my friends have had to deal with this kind of roust as this woman's "focus"...

Maybe she could get a job writing children's fantasies. She sure as hell cannot tell the truth. I wonder if she even KNOWS any.



Call the Mayor...make this real obvious

#34Consumer Suggestion

Sun, September 08, 2002

Pack up all your valid documentation and
send it to this Mayor.

This woman is nuts. There are many like
her among the thousand or so street sleaze
who make up the Mesa Police Department. I know.
I used to have to work with these morons.

And if the Mayor does nothing, say goodbye to
him, too.

Didn't towns used to do what ought to be done with tar and feathers???


Fri, August 30, 2002

Short comment, minimal update.

This woman needs to find another line of work. Maybe working at a car wash. She is obviously unsuited to anything involving public contact at any level, and should NEVER be allowed to carry anything as dangerous as a firearm or a badge.

She has scammed just about everyone I know, myself included, and most of them "walked". BUT JUST HOW MANY THOUSANDS OF CITIZEN'S HOURS DOES AN IDIOTIC MORON LIKE THIS HAVE TO WASTE BEFORE THIS GUTLESS COLLECTION OF WORMS WHICH CALLS ITSELF A "CITY" does something meaningful, instead of "kicking" the excrement upstairs????

Didn't responsible communities once solve problems like this with tar, feathers, and a rail? How in the BLAZES can even a criminal organization like Mesa P.D. justify, even to their demented selves, PROMOTING something like this spurious non-entity????? She needs to be gone from any human contact of any kind, especially in this town, where her reputation has become virtually known in every household. What a rotten example for kids!!!



Surprise! Cantrell is a hero to these worms.

#34Consumer Suggestion

Thu, August 29, 2002

Cantrell is the ideal officer to Mesa P.D She has apparently been promoted, to where
she can do even more crimes, aka: damage to
decent citizens.

The only good part of this is that those who
drive at 2000 East and about 600 South in Mesa, near Gilbert and Broadway, can now hear fabricated evidence, absurb accusations, lunatic paranoid fantasies, and general illegal conduct from some other moron.

Too bad the courts here don't even deal in real evidence or obstruction of justice or contempt of court. If they did, she would be in prison, forever.

How someone can generate that many lies in police reports and even in court and never have to bear the consequences would simply not be believed in any sensible venue.

I do not drink. I work nights, and used to
live in that neighborhood. Cantrell stopped me and made all kinds of ridiculous, b.s. charges, ran blood tests, "blow" tests, searched my
car(s), and wasted, over about two and half years, around twenty-six hours of my time, in four "detailed" stops. The women DOES NOT give up, especially when she knows she is wrong... What kind of mentality drives her particular psychosis, I have no idea. What I do KNOW is Mesa's Police Department not only tolerates endless lying, they encourage it, or she would have been behind bars years ago.

The DUI TASK FORCE or "The Mormon Thought Police" enforcers keep stopping me for "DWNM" (Driving While Not Mormon), including at the Car Wash on that corner WHILE WASHING MY CAR AFTER WORK, when I am not only stone cold sober, but when they have not even SEEN MY VEHICLE MOVE. What they do not know is that, though I have long since abandoned "the faith", I was born into an LDS family, and still follow most of the dictates of the faith.

Cantrell and the other insects involved need

to be dealt with very harshly. This will not happen as long as Mesa's local courts are not only willing but eager to accept totally fake evidence.

If it happens ONE MORE TIME, and whether Cantrell is involved or not, then I will have

to make the emotional and financial commitment necessary to proceed in whatever LAWFUL venue can
start the ball rolling to break this Gourdian knot of criminality.

Don't other complaining to this Mayor or to Mesa P.D. themselves. I did that. What I got for my efforts was a nightmare of discrimination and illegal conduct, which I will ultimately have to pursue in court.

But it looks as if Cantrell is regarded by the locals as some kind of saint.

Ain't it amazing? And they say Crime Does Not Pay. In Mesa, it starts at $35k per annum, and its organizing force is what is laughingly called a "Police Department"...



You not only are not alone, she has been doing this for YEARS... she is what Mesa P.D. wants... a complete LIAR

#34Consumer Comment

Thu, August 29, 2002

Get used to Cantrell. Last I hear, she

had been promoted.

She is someone for Mesa P.D. to be proud of:

a complete and total liar, a paranoid schizophrenic, and she will go far in the

racketeering environment she works in.

She is exactly what Mesa P.D. wants: completely
unethical and totally criminal.

What will happen to useless scum like this if
this city is actually stupid enough to build
a major stadium here? They will prosper from
their various ripoffs.

Time for a major change, sort of like a public

Hey, not a bad idea: Public Enema Number One.

And Mesa needs it more than any other place I can think of. These are surely the worst excuses for cops that money can buy, and they accurately reflect the "civil servant" administrators of this anal sphincter of the earth. Totally above the law, and yet, beneath normal contempt!



Leave the town to choke on its own vomit....I did!

#34Consumer Suggestion

Tue, August 13, 2002

Cantrell tried to pull this and similar junk on me a couple of times. And on several of my friends. So what I did was simple: I moved my business out of this nuthouse, along with the taxes I USED TO PAY TO SUPPORT THESE IDIOTS, and I no longer spend money in their town.

Lock up the cops, throw away the key. Then go after the city administration. That's all that can be done.

The very fact this woman is employed here tells you what kind of crummy rats nest this town is. I was born and raised here, and until my parents die, I am not coming back, ever.

Scum like this cannot be allowed to wear uniforms.



Typical Mesa P.D. n**i lies....bring these scum down!

#34Consumer Suggestion

Fri, August 02, 2002

Cantrell is just one of the liars who predominate this criminal pack. Crack labs every seventy-five feet in this filthy Mormom nest, and cops without the guts to even tell the truth!

Cantrell is scum, plain and simple, a chronic lying of Mesa P.D.'s typical gutless cowards. She accused me of all kinds of crap, twice yet, and none of it stuck because it was all gutless lies. With cops like this, who needs criminals? No! These cops ARE the criminals. This woman should be locked up, forever, along with about 60% of these putrid filth, and that bull d**e chief. What's her name? MormonSTrauss? And the courts! What a sick joke!



Cantrell is a full-time criminal

#34Consumer Suggestion

Sun, June 16, 2002

This woman is a pathological liar. You are

only one of hundreds of decent, innocent people

she has ripped off. With "cops" like this, no

wonder this town has a high crime rate.

She is lower than pond scum. She has stopped me four times, and put ridiculous lies into every police report, wasting some 25-30 hours of my time.

I would sue this filthy rathole town, were I not leaving forever very soon. But I encourage others to go after bacterial infestations like this bogus "police officer"...

Obviously, the Mesa Mormon apparatus will do nothing about vermin like her and her coherts.

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