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  • Report:  #161333

Complaint Review: PrePaid Legal

PrePaid Legal Breach of Contract RIPOFF Ada Oklahoma

  • Reported By:
    Waynesboro Pennsylvania
  • Submitted:
    Wed, October 19, 2005
  • Updated:
    Wed, October 26, 2005
  • PrePaid Legal
    One Prepaid Way
    Ada, Oklahoma
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I have been a member of PrePaid Legal for over 6 years and even sold the product at one time. During that period of time, I was employed by a local attorney, but continued my membership with PPL.

I found myself in a very bad situation where I was charged with felony offenses for forgery, etc. during my employment with the attorney I worked for. Without going into alot of detail, I was innocent of the charges and needed an attorney out of the area to resolve this matter. I read my contract with PPL and found out that if I was charged with a crime in the scope of my employment I would be entitled to benefits to defend myself. I called the main office to discuss my benefits for my pre-trial and trial and was told that "forgery" was not a part of my job. DUH!!!

I called Welsh, Gold and Seagle (sp?),who is my provider firm and spoke with an attorney there who agreed that my membership should cover this trial. She wrote to the main office on my behalf to ask them to reconsider their position and stated that if ever there was a case that should be covered it was this case. Again, I received a denial and was told to contact an attorney, who would give me a 25% discount. BIG DEAL!!

Due to the lack of fund available to go to trial and my attorney's about face as we came closer to the trial, I ended up agreeing to "repay the money" be on ARD for 24 months and 50 hours of community service. For something I DID NOT DO. I have mortgaged my house to the hilt, I lost my job with the school district as the local newpaper was nice enough to splatter my name all over the front page of the local newspaper, above the fold even and I am broke. I now have to pay back over $16,000, which I do not have and need to have by the end of the month.

I believe that PPL should be held responsible for these fees as I had a contract with them and met all my obligations to use their services and they denied me what I was fully entitled to.

I would like to sue this company, but have no idea where to start. I would need an attorney who will take this on a contingency as I am flat out of money. This has completely ruined my life and my financial situation.


I do not need responses from PPL members telling me what a great company they are. I know first hand what a rip off they are and they are sucking people in for 25.00 per month and offer nothing in return.

Waynesboro, Pennsylvania

17 Updates & Rebuttals


East Haven,

Funny- It's all the PPL haters ganging up!

#18Consumer Comment

Tue, October 25, 2005

Someone who has HONOR and LOYALTY is someone who sticks by his new wife, stays loyal to her and takes custody of her two young children all while she gets sent away for a year. While making sure she has enough money to purchase everything she needs to live as comfortable as possible while she is there, going to visit her as much as possible and writing her regularly making sure she never feels alone and always knows she is loved and cared for. So don't talk to me about HONOR and LOYALTY.

She took the rap for my dope? As in drugs? LOL.. Uhh no Mark, But I can see what type of mentality you have; You read something with the words crime, criminal charges, or prison in it and you assume drugs?! That statement says a lot about you Mark! Pretty sad. No Mark my wife and I don't use drugs (I mean "dope"). Which is more then I can say about you, because anyone who refers to drugs as "dope" most likely uses or has used drugs.

C'mon Mark, do you also truly believe that you have any say in the case of someone else going to jail- wife or not? The system doesn't work like that Mark, you can't just take the fall for someone- I tried, it don't work- just makes the accused look even more guilty. Just so you know Mark; My wife and I have been married for a yr and a half, the crime she was charged with was from something that [supposedly] happened over 3 yrs ago, which was around the time we started dating. So, no it had nothing to do with taking the fall for me- I would never let that happen. But I've known her for a long time and I knew that she wouldn't ever do something like that. If she did, I would of never stayed with her, never mind marry her and have a child together.

Hey Mark, I hope that you are really a marine by telling Robert "SEMPER FI", and not just another wannabe who goes around talking like one.



Semper Fi, Robert

#18Consumer Comment

Mon, October 24, 2005

Salvatore, Robert understands what HONOR and LOYALTY are, but a guy that would let his wife take a fall will never understand what he is trying to convey to you. He would rather go down than let a wrong get by him, and the judges and police understand this. He actually has more credibility in a courtroom than a lawyer. How do I know this? I've been there myself, described by a judge as "a man that will do the right thing, legal or not." As far as being a "tuff guy", you don't get that either. He's just able and willing, where others may not be. The liberals' feminization of the American male hasn't worked on him. As for your wife, let me guess, she took the rap for your dope. Am I close?



More of that reading In-comprehension stuff from Salvatore

#18Consumer Comment

Mon, October 24, 2005

Let's see, the first post I made concerning his Volcano Insurance was on 9/6/05. I made no deragatory remarks to or about Salvatore. I simply stated what a waste the stuff was. It did not cover anything I needed it for. He used a very bad analogy about getting into an accident after cancelling my car insurance and expecting the wreck to be covered. Bad analogy then, as now. It was actually like getting into a wreck and having the car insurance cancelled AFTER the wreck and then saying they won't cover it. PPL covered nothing, always coming up with one excuse after another as to why they can't do it.

Salvatore, wonderful Gent that he claims to be, fired the first round of insults at me on 9/7/05. In his 4:37:45 posting, he refers to where I live as "hickville", and then goes on to call me "idiot", "ignorant", and "moron". Nice. I guess that's how people in CT greet each other.

I have gone through as many of these PPL threads as I can stomach, and they all have the same trend running through them. Anyone who doesn't like wasting money on PPL, is an "idiot", "ignorant", and a "moron". Seems to me, anyone living in a state that allows the local government to seize someone's property so another private enterprise can use it, fits that exact description.


East Haven,


#18Consumer Comment

Mon, October 24, 2005

Robert, you can stop with your ridiculous story- NO ONE CARES! I mean what are you trying to prove? That is the second time that you posted that same lame story.

Oh and you know about I.D theft? Well, that's great, so what are you going to do when it happens? Call the police, the credit bureaus and your credit card companies? Yeah, that's going to do a lot for you! I'll bet you think that I.D theft is only when someone steals your credit info.


East Haven,


#18Consumer Comment

Mon, October 24, 2005

What are you Timothy, an English teacher? I'm in a freakin' forum writing most of this stuff between working and raising 3 children, with my eyes half closed. So no I'm really not that worried about my grammar and I'm definitely not going to take the time to correct it so idiots like you and Robert are satisfied with it.

Robert didn't insult anyone?!?! You obviously didn't read all of the posts. Just so you know Timmy, that the insults really started when Robert attacked me personally, which is one thing that I never did to anyone. It was very childish and low-class for him to resort to that. But I guess that I can't blame him; when someone constantly talks about how much of a tough-guy he is and how every one is so scared of him especially to a complete stranger, it says a lot about his social status.

If it makes you happy Timmy- I can admit when I'm wrong. Your correct I did say criminal matters, I meant felonies. It must be great being perfect like you, huh?

As far as me not knowing the difference between different criminal matters- #1 I'm not a criminal, or a law officer, etc. who needs to know the differences. #2 I also don't need to know about legal matters just because I am a PPL associate, I never claimed to be a lawyer nor do I need to know about legal issues just to sell the service.

I also show respect where respect is deserved, and Robert DOES NOT deserve respect what so ever!! And what does a personal debate that I get into have to do with PPL?



Take care Salvatore

#18Consumer Comment

Sun, October 23, 2005

I already know about ID theft. It happens. Go ahead and sell someone your PPL and let them go thinking they have something there. I had your crappy policy before and it covered NOTHING. That was real theft. I never said anyone except the one guy was scared of me. You Yankees have a real problem comprehending the English language. Maybe it's the accent. The Judges got mad for the stupidity of bringing in a person who #1-acted in self defense, #2-was merely involved in a traffic accident, and #3-was defending his wife's honor. The DA's in all 3 got bitched at for wasting the court's time, and in case #3, went through 3 different attorneys in 5 years who figured out after the fact, they had a real gem for a client. The MArine Corps figured it out too, thus he has been transfered from one unit to another, while still at the same base. THAT does not happen to a good Marine. My attorney is now and has been for as long as I can remember, the same guy. Go back to what you said about yourself. It is truly fitting.



I see your true colors shining through

#18Consumer Comment

Sun, October 23, 2005

Sal, you really are a dolt. I'm glad that you are now providing prima facie evidence of that. For a while there, I thought I was the only one who saw it.

This report has, thus far, been the best example of how you shoot yourself in the foot every time you open your mouth. You sell a questionable insurance plan, but never actually defend it in any meaningful way. Rather, you resort to insults virtually EVERY TIME.

And you know what? This only provides further proof that the PPL plan is worthless! Wow, even the people selling this junk can't justify it. Instead, they have to insult everybody who dares challenge it.

I would also like to thank you for showing potential consumers how lousy PPL customer service is. The home office must be proud.

A couple more things before I go. First, you originally state that PPL covers NO criminal matters. You later state that PPL covers ALL misdemeanors. If you don't understand that these statements contradict, then you're just too d**n stupid to tell people what their policy does and does not cover. Second, it's "would HAVE" and "should HAVE," not "would of, should of." If you can't offer anything of substance to defend your company, you can at least make an attempt at LOOKING professional by not writing like a fourteen year old.

I disagree with pretty much everything Robert says (present circumstances excepted). But I respect him nonetheless, because he supports all of his positions without having to insult people. And even as Robert and I get in tussles every now and then, we still show each other respect. That's where you went wrong from day one, Sal. You expected respect, but never showed it.


East Haven,


#18Consumer Comment

Sat, October 22, 2005

So what was the point of all that Robert? Why do you feel that you must make people believe that you are a big tough guy? I know, I know Robert, everyone is afraid of you- from marines, to attorneys, to judges, the list just goes on cause your so bad a$$ - right?

Have you ever heard someone called a "studio gangster"? Well, that is pretty much what you are Robert- coming to a forum on the internet where no body knows you and you will never have to really face anyone, and acting like the bad-a$$, killer that you do. The internet is perfect for punks like yourself, because you can be anyone you want to be. I kind of feel sorry for you that you need to put on this big tough guy act to make yourself feel better, because you have been bullied all of your life. But get over it already Robert, it's ok.. you are a grown adult (at least by age)- the bullies are not coming back to pick on you any more, I promise. You can let that part of your life go now Robert, it'll be alright.

You feel better now Robert? Now you can be yourself, we won't bother you because of what you really are- a punk-a$$, broke b_tch. Just be yourself for once and be proud of it.

Take care big guy, hoped that helped. It always feels good to know that I helped some lost battered soul who can't deal with who and what they truly are.

Hey Robert can I offer you a legal plan? Or how about protecting your family from identity theft? Since it is the worst and fastest growing crime ever, and you claim to be such a "real man" who always protects his family.



Here you go again Salvatore

#18Consumer Comment

Sat, October 22, 2005

The first of two Aggrivated Assault with a Deadly Weapon charges was in NM. A truck driver forced my rig off the road and wanted to act stupid. He was mad because he was empty and broke, I was loaded and making money. He had nobody else to mess with, so I was his choice. Bad choice though. After he ended up wetting his pants, yes he did, he ran to the cops. He never bothered to show up for the trial, and the Judge dismissed the charges. When I complained about the DA being able to waste my time bringing me back if he could ever find his star witness, the Judge said NOT GUILTY and off I went. That DA was still being screamed at for his complete incompetence as I walked down the hall to retrieve my gun.

The second one was in NC. Ended the same. That one was a fraud to begin with. It stemmed from a traffic accident. I rearended a woman, who got some shyster to say the Felony Assault laws applied, using the truck as the deadly weapon.

The third arrest was the one I actually proud of though. It was for stalking. I call it hunting down a dog. I went after a man who was bothering my wife. Some of us still defend our wives' honor, Teri. I realize that is a foreign concept to you Salvatore. He wouldn't just leave her alone and go away, so I took care of it. It's hard work tracking someone down who won't come out in the open. But, everybody slips up. He did, and so did I. The difference is Salvatore, at my trial, the Judge got tired of listening to the lies this clown was spouting and stopped the trial. He asked me to NOT bother the guy anymore, and I agreed. Get it? He ASKED me, he did not order me. The Judge understood the concept of protecting one's family, and told me to go. The scumbag asked for a 15 minute headstart so he could leave before I did. What a man. There was no restraining order, but if there was, I would have carried it with honor. You see, the other guy was, and still is, an active duty Marine. He stands about 6'2" and is much broader in the shoulders than my self at 5'10". Yet, HE was terrified of little old ME. He even used the word "afraid" in his testimony...the only truth that he uttered in his 15 minutes of shame on the stand.

The DA soon after quit and found greener pastures elsewhere. He ended up needing 3 more attorneys. Since he wasn't MAN enough to face me, I took his sorry a*s through the legal system. His Command found out what a POS he is and he's been transferred from one unit to another. All three of his attorneys(one would quit him and he'd get another) have quit and moved on to different lines of legal work. The last one begged to end it all, as he couldn't stand his own client. Too funny.

So no Salvatore, I really don't give a flying fart what your opinion of me is. Everyone who knows me, knows I can be counted on to protect them if it comes down to it. Every unit I was in, during my Marine Corps career knew I was the one who would not back down from the bad guys. I actually walked away from most fights growing up, and in the Marines. Fighting over a beer or a misunderstanding is stupid. Fighting for what's right is not. Sometimes, you just have to do what's right, even if it's not the right way to do it. Here's another newsflash for you. If I do get into a fight, it automatically becomes aggrivated assault. Perhaps if you had the same training I had, you'd understand.

I can tell you for certain, that jerkoff stays clear of my wife now, and when he sees me, he gets to stepping. "Good boy".

By the way, I am friends with cops. What's your point? Why else do you think I have never had a mug shot taken, or had cuffs put on me, EVER? I think it's because they know me, and know I am not a criminal. Hell, I've never even ridden in the BACK of the squad car. In NM, they had me follow them in my truck. In NC, they had me meet them at the Magistrates office. You are corrcet in one aspect though. You are an idiot...YOUR words, not mine.

Oh well, you keep selling that Volcano Insurance. Take care now, ya hear?


East Haven,

Robert is a criminal? What a surprise!

#18Consumer Comment

Sat, October 22, 2005

You have been arrested 3 times?! And for charges that were to serious for me to know about!?!
OK, so what are you trying to prove Robert, that you are a criminal? Great, you just proved my point about you moron- that you really are a low-class piece of trailer trash, red-neck. Let me ask you, are you proud of your criminal charges Robert? Yeah, most people like you are. I won't be surprised to see you on the next episode of Jerry Springer.

At least my wife can walk around with her head up knowing that she has always maintained her innocents, which is a lot more then you can say Robert.

And no Robert, you can not take the rap for someone else just because you say so- that's not how the system works Robert. Hey, instead of being a criminal- why don't you try being a productive part of society and become friends with some cops? That way they can teach you how the law and the justice system works.

You have got to be one of the biggest morons that I have ever encountered! But I really am the idiot here wasting my time with someone like you.



What a putz

#18Consumer Comment

Fri, October 21, 2005

You keep selling your volcano insurance Salvatore. My wife isn't in jail, and never will be. I've been arrested 3 times for charges more serious than you want to know about, and I have never spent a second in jail, or even had my picture taken. I know what I am talking about, and I don't need a snake oil salesman to try an rip on me.

Take care pal.


East Haven,


#18Consumer Comment

Fri, October 21, 2005

Well Teri, I don't see one word in your post that would suggest whether you are a male or female. Unless you mean your name "Teri" which is a name that many men have also. So, I guess I can read you arrogant b_tch. And why is that bothering you so much? You must have major issues with you sexuality to personally attack me like that. Which was very childish at the least, but I can lower myself to your level for a few minutes...

As far as letting my wife go to jail, maybe you need to get schooled on the law with Robert. It's just so hysterical how people like yourself think you have any say in the law what so ever. And you want to talk about being a "real man"? (For all I know you are a real man). I would rather do time maintaining my innocents, then be free having everyone think I'm guilty (Cause let's face it when you plea-bargain you are basically omitting to the crime). It's called having morals and values in life, something you and your husband obviously do not have, especially if you would allow each other to plead guilty to a crime that you didn't commit. I would never let my wife plead guilty to something that she did not do! But what you are saying is that a "real man" will let you plead guilty? That's pretty sad.

You claim because you have worked in the legal field, you know that no one would be given a 1 year sentence with no criminal past? Well, either you never worked in the legal field or you have and you are just completely incompetent. First off, how can you say that when you don't even know the crime charged or anything about it? And an FYI for you Teri- The charge actually had a 10 year sentence, but because she had no criminal past she was given a year max. Not to mention everyone who requested no jail time because of lack of evidence against her, like the prosecutor, family relations, adult probation, etc. Also with her lawyer claiming that she had a 99.9% chance of not doing any jail time at all, why would she plea-bargain?! If your husband would let you plead guilty to a crime that you didn't do then he is a punk not a man!

You want to talk about being a real man? Well, 6 months after we married we all moved in together (My wife, my two step-kids, and I) and 4 weeks after our (my first) daughter was born was when my wife was sentenced. I kept custody of and been raising my two step kids and have been raising my daughter since she was 4 weeks old, alone, by myself for a year now. All while starting a business, so the kids and my wife will have a better, more stable life. And I have stuck by her since the beginning. There aren't to many guys who would of taken on that responsibility, especially two kids who aren't even his. If you think that anyone would of done that, your full of $hit.

Also, please tell me what being able to read or write has to do with you being a woman, a mother, a grandmother, etc.? Or do you just enjoy writing nonsense? Not that I give a crap what you are or who you are.

And back to the original topic, which we should of never gotten off of. If you have been treated so badly and the PPL provider law firm hasn't covered what is on the contract, why don't you call PPL customer service and have it taken care of? Instead of coming to a public forum just to b_tch about it? Where is that going to get you? If your health insurance won't cover a medication that they are supposed to cover would you go to some forum on the internet and b_tch about them? Or would you call the customer service dept of the insurance company to straiten things out? The problem is that you are one of those people who just like to b_tch and complain about everything. Get a life already, lady- man or what ever you are.

And to Robert, you really need to shut your ignorant, low-class mouth. The only time you have anything to say is when there is someone to back you up. Grow a spine you little weasel.


East Haven,


#18Consumer Comment

Fri, October 21, 2005

Oh ok, big tough guy Robert is going to stop the law! Sure, your wife will never go to jail because you say so? Man you are even more ignorant then I thought!!!

LMAO!! -I can see it now- Big rough and tough Robert walks into court as his wife is on trial and he says; "My wife isn't going to jail, I'm big bad Robert and no judge is going to send my wife to jail, Grrr"!!!! And the judge says "Oh-Tay Mr. Robert, I'll free your wife, SIR" ...LMFAO!!!!

FYI- Robert. I was as stupid as you once and thought that I could take the fall. I even went and said that I did the crime, but they didn't buy it. And that just made her look even more guilty.

Wow, it makes my laugh to think that you really have that much power over the law. Man you are a moron!! No Robert, things don't actually happen in "real life" the way they happen on TV. So go watch your family guy and your other cartoons and keep dreaming. This sounds like something that I would have to tell a child, but I'm saying it to a grown man, how sad!

And Robert- Don't comment on something that you know nothing about, ignorance is bliss...



Way to go Salvatore

#18Consumer Comment

Thu, October 20, 2005

Man, I thought you were a bit "off" before, but still a likeable guy. HOLY MOLY!!!! You let your wife go to prison?! WTF?!

I don't care what my wife does. If it's a choice of her going to prison or copping a plea, she's NOT going to prison. My children's mother is NOT going to prison for anything. She could kill someone, and she will NOT go to prison. I'll take the hit before she does.

At least some real men are still out there, and Teri seems to have one at home.



I Love People Who Can't Read

#18Consumer Comment

Thu, October 20, 2005

I am so amazed at the ignorance of people who think they know everything and then open their mouths and remove any doubt.

I am not expecting any more than the contract I have with PPL. I did my part and paid my monthly fees and I expect PPL to do their part for what they agreed to do. Unfortunately, they are not doing that. My contract with PPL says in very distinct language that they will give me so many hours of criminal defense work if I am charged with a crime that is connected to my employment.

I am so sorry that you are they type of man that would allow your wife to go to jail for something she didn't do. Maybe you need to spend your $25.00 a month on some kind of counseling on how to be a real man. Real men don't tell their wives what to do, they assist and support a woman in whatever decision she needs to make. Unless, of course, she went to jail for something you did and she might have been covering for you, which in that case I can understand why a man would not let a woman plea bargain.

If you were a strong reader of the English language you would know I am not a guy !! I am a woman!! A mother !! A wife !! A sister !! An Aunt!! and someday a grandmother !! I really don't care if you believe my innocence or not !!

I will not even waste my time telling the details of my story to a man who cannot read or understand the written word.

I have spent 10 years in the legal profession and I know that a woman with no prior criminal history does not do prison time for a year unless it was a very very bad crime.

I can only say that I am glad that I have a real man for a husband who helped me make a decision and then stood behind me on that decision. Maybe someday your wife will find a real man and leave your sorry butt behind !!


East Haven,


#18Consumer Comment

Thu, October 20, 2005

It just amazes me what you people expect for $25 a month-unbelievable!! The PPL service is not for criminals, it does not cover criminal charges. But unlike health insurance where if something is not covered, it's not covered and your $hit out of luck. With the PPL service when something is not covered you can at least save 25% off of the attorney's fees. I don't hear people saying-"oh my god, I have to pay a co-pay to see my doctor- my health insurance is such a scam!" I mean think about how much health insurance cost and you still have a freakin co-pay?! Or how about how much car insurance cost, but if you get into an accident you have to pay a $500-$1000 deductible if you want your car repaired! Talk about scams!

The PPL plan is for average legal issues and also a preventative service, example: traffic tickets(which they do cover), will preparation and updates..power of attorney..last testament(which would usually cost $200-$400, just had mine done), incorrect billing(they saved me $650 off an $800 phone bill), IRS audit, all misdemeanors, telephone consultations, personal and business letters(had one written already), personal and business phone calls, legal document review, certain motor vehicle related charges, driver's license assistance, personal injury/property damage collection assistance, trial defense up to 300 hrs, and the 25% off for any other legal issue that isn't covered. So if you think all that isn't worth $25 a month, your crazy! But your going to cry and complain that a $25 a month service can't keep you out of jail!? C'mon already have some common sense!

Not to mention an extra $10 a month to protect and restore your identity, which would usually cost anywhere from $2000-$7000, around 600 hrs of lawyer's time, and 2-5yrs to straiten out your credit and your identity. That alone is worth hundreds. The bottom line is that PPL will be around for a very long time with or with out whiners like you.

And to the guy who is crying about having to do some community service for something he [claims] he didn't do, boo-f_cking-h*o. My wife just did a year in women's prison for something that she didn't do, because I would not let her plea-bargain. And she is someone who never even got a speeding ticket, nor has she been in any kind of trouble in her life. I also have a cousin who did 11 yrs for something that he didn't do, but he said he would rather do the time and claim his innocents then plea-bargain and be free. So go do some community service and deal with it!



Welcome to the club Teri

#18Consumer Comment

Wed, October 19, 2005

Search PPL in this site and look for my story with them. Apparently, traffic violations and other work related incidents are also not included. It seems only simple wills and other stuff that you can do yourself for the cost of the filing fee ARE included. Big deal.

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