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  • Report:  #29926

Complaint Review: Primerica

Primerica bait and switch job opportunity "the indefensibile fact is that they mislead people into believing their is an actual salaried position available within their company" ripoff Westchester New York

*UPDATE: Primerica recognized by Ripoff Report a business opportunity well worth considering - it's not for everyone but many representatives make solid commission incomes. Primerica takes appropriate action against representatives conducting themselves improperly, pledges 100% commitment to customer service.

  • Reported By:
    Mount Vernon NY
  • Submitted:
    Fri, September 13, 2002
  • Updated:
    Fri, November 23, 2012
  • Primerica
    Westchester, New York
    United States of America
  • Phone:
    914-830 1486
  • Category:

SPECIAL UPDATE: November 23 2012: Primerica remains committed to increased customer satisfaction and has improved their business practices over the years to better serve their customers. Primerica is truly dedicated to making sure their customers are satisfied and that any complaints which do arise are addressed promptly and fairly.

To date, Primerica has made good faith efforts to resolve all complaints reported on Rip-off Report. Based on our experience, the member business has proven to be among the top members of the Rip-off Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program as a Verified Safe Business.

Over time and since becoming a member, Primerica has remained actively engaged and improving the way they address customer service complaints. As an active and current member of the Rip-off Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program we are happy to report that now more than ever Primerica remains committed to improving customer satisfaction.

Remember, no company or individual can ever satisfy 100% of the people 100% of the time. There are no products or services that will always be perfect for everyone and even the best companies will receive complaints from time to time. However, by participating in the Corporate Advocacy Program, the member business has made a commitment to working with its customers to resolve complaints quickly and fairly whenever possible.

Please keep in mind that as a consumer you have some responsibilities as well. Success has many definitions that based on your past experiences, current situation and your perceived expectations. Success with any product or service is always based on the proper application and understanding. The fastest car will not run if you never turn the engine on. Look at how you used the product or service that was provided in relation with the instructions that you received. The Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program will help you get your voice heard but please be prepared with documentation and fair representation of your concern, also have an idea of how the company can fix your concern. Can they offer additional services, extend warranties, offer a fair refund or just get you talking with someone that can help. ..let them know and let us know!

*Any consumer not receiving satisfaction from a member of the Corporate Advocacy Program should email us at

EDitor's Comment: Ripoff Report REVIEW: Primerica gets a POSITIVE RATING in customer support from Rip-off Report and is fulfilling its commitment to provide excellent customer service. Primerica pledges to resolve complaints and address representative issues. For a long time this EDitor had concerns about Primerica because of the number of Reports about them. For many months Rip-off Report was looking into the company, even before they contacted us to resolve any issues and mostly misunderstandings being posted by competitors. With over 100,000 representatives and 6 million clients, Primerica is bound to be the subject of a certain number of complaints about improper agent conduct, as well as product and administrative complaints.

Rip-Off's investigation found such complaints, but importantly also found that Primerica is committed to resolving such complaints quickly and doing everything possible to satisfy its clients. It also takes appropriate action against any of its representatives who are found to have conducted themselves improperly or unethically. We believe that the number of complaints against this company, whether through the Internet or other channels, is small when put into the context of its enormous size. Most big companies would never commit themselves like Primerica has. Read our investigative Report and Primerica's commitment to 100% consumer satisfaction.

Primerica Financial Services provides products and services through independent representatives. Primerica has more than 100,000 licensed representatives who serve more than 6 million clients in the U.S., Canada, Puerto Rico, Spain and the United Kingdom. Through a Financial Needs Analysis, the companys representatives provide a snapshot of a familys financial picture and suggest a strategy for financial security via Primericas products and services Primericas business opportunity is attractive to people from many different backgrounds, including women, African-Americans, Hispanics and young adults

Much like others here I was suckered in to attending a Primerica "presentation." The only different shade of spite I can add is how this "division of citigroup" went about reeling me in.

I replied to an employement ad within the New York Times for an "Office Assistant" with citigroup. I was contacted by Robert Underwood/Stacey Donnel for an initial interview. I provided some references checks and an "updated" copy of my resume. (Updated, because they don't have the initial one you sent in. Why? Because it's useless to them.)

I was talked to for about 10 minutes, asked a few standard job questions including: on a scale of 1 to 10 how interested was I in this opportunity? I replied that it was difficult to know since I had been told absolutely zilch about what position I might be applying for. The term "Office Assistant" had never been spoken. I was then told that my position would be better detailed if I came to a second "presentation" the following night.

So the earliest warning sign in the scam here was that the intial interviewer a) knew nothing about me and b) knew nothing about the imaginary "office assistant" job I applied to. The rest of the story is about the same as everyone else's here.

What botheres me most is that they reeled me in by posting a phoney job ad. As far as all those sticking up for Primerica, I sa it's fine and all if you want to hawk their plans for them.. but the indefensibile fact is that they mislead people into believing their is an actual salaried position available within their company.

B Westchester, New York

26 Updates & Rebuttals



gee you guys are stupid!

#27Consumer Comment

Mon, October 09, 2006

All you so called "agents" defend a place that could give a d**n if your there or not. You guys keep talking about CitiGroup being the parent company, so what! They take all of you uneducated people make you pay $199 even though the life insurance test only costs $60 and yes it is a fact because I have that license by passing the very easy test. Why do you think CitiGroup has primerica...easy because people who work for Primerica are not qualified to work for CitiGroup. Primerica will hire anyone, they have nothing to lose. They give 0 leads, 0 supplies 0 everything! If an "agent" sells one policy, that is great to them because they didnt invest a d**n dime in you! I know this because my little brother almost got coaxed in this. I went to one of those rah, rah meetings with my brother and wanted to laugh my a*s off. It was a room full of people in cheap suits, clapping at everything the so called "vp" said who was the speaker. These people were not professionals and I told my brother to stop wasting his time with these jokes. I saved him from the fraud and the stench from the people who were in that meeting. They "hire" anyone, invest 0. If the rep sells great, if they dont at least they have thier list of contacts the so called "vp" asked for before inviting my brother to the meeting. Wow what a joke, you guys are morons, if you guys were so solid and as great as you guys try to make it, CitiGroup would have no employees because they all would want to be with primerica. Primerica "agents"= pure uneducated trash, who will believe anything!



Senior Rep

#27UPDATE Employee

Mon, October 09, 2006

It's too bad that because of all the scams that are out there, people are skeptical and even paranoid. I'm astonished that with all the resources available via internet, these complainants have not seen that Primerica is a subsidiary of Citigroup!! Do you know what that means??? Legitimate company with trillions of dollars in assets in backing. In addition, before I joined, I knew Primerica was one of the top Life insurance, let alone Financial Services, Company out there. Do the research...they always come out on top.

I imagine the experience is related to a particular satellite office and not the company as a whole. I joined part-time knowing it was commission based only and have been quite pleased with the amount of money of made. I have been able to do some "extras" that I may otherwise have not been able to.

It's not for everyone, but if you believe in a great product out there to help middle class families, then you can also be successful. I am not ready to go into this full-time at this time, but in the next year or so will definitely be making enough to quit my 9-5 job and have my own flexibility.

Hopefully many of you will reconsider and research other offices before making accusations that perhaps may be the experience of one bad satellite office. Again, this isn't for everyone, but for those that it is and give it a fair chance, can be very rewarding. There is no cost to you to try it. The $199 gets you licensed to sell life insurance, and once you pass your state exam, they reimburse. How can you go wrong?



John in Rhode Island

#27Consumer Comment

Mon, October 09, 2006

John repeats the old "only few types of people hate primerica" myth. According to them the only one who dislike primerica are people losing business to them and those who tried and failed. I can tell you there is nothing I enjoy better than stumbling across someone who has primerica policies. For one thing they are overpriced and easily replaced with far more cost effective insurance. For another in 99% of the cases whoever sold it to them is long gone out of the business, and finally, in a lot of cases a sale to one person leads to the sale in several within the same family who all bought from the same failed agent. My record is 13 primerica policies replaced withing one exended family.

John says in the 11 years he has had a primerica policy the rates have never gone up. John vividly illustrates why dealing with primerica part-timers isn't a great idea. He apparently doesn't understand the basic concept of life insurance that once the policy has been issued the premiums cannot go up unless they are scheduled to at a predetermined time. 11 years ago all 90+% of the policies primerica sold were

20 yer term policies so the premium wouldn't be scheduled to go up for another 9 years.

In the last 11 years term insurance rates throughout the industry have dropped dramatically.

I routinely run ads that say if I cannot beat the rate of any term policy bought within the last 7 years I'll give the person 4 movie tickets. I could just as easily say a new Mercedes. My chances of having to give away either are virtually nil. In all liklihood, (unless there has been a change in health for the worse) even though John is eleven years older he could buy more death benefit for the same premium now even though he is 11 years older.

Lastly, if you look through the pages of this website you will find plenty of primerica custromers with complaints.


Little Compton,
Rhode Island,

john a typical crimerica moron

#27Consumer Comment

Mon, October 09, 2006

i hope, no i pray, i will run into you in the field. your post indicates you are the claasic primerica shill: uneducated and brainwashed. i look forward to replacing your junk insurance and bitchslapping you out in the real world. cheers, jay


Rhode Island,

It's not for everyone, but it does have great produces and services.

#27UPDATE Employee

Sun, October 08, 2006

I found this web site in January of this when I was trying to make the decision of joining Primerica. I have read many complaints, but not one from a Primerica customer.

The only complaints I find on this web site about Primerica all come from three types of people.

Those that work in the financial services field, that hate Primerica because they are steeling some of their business. And because Primerica agents are regular people that do come from all walks of life, and because they do market their products and services to their family and friends. They end up telling their families and friends exactly what they learned and how people get ripped off.

Then there are those that failed with the Primerica Opportunity, and those that never tried it, but even thought they didn't spend one minute in Primerica. They seem to know everything about.

Now I did join Primerica, and I like it. No one has lied to me about anything. From day one I have been told that it takes lots of hard work to make it in Primerica. No one told it would be easy and no one promised me anything.

Also I have been a Primerica customer for over 11 years. My premiums have never gone up. And no other insurance company has offered me a better deal. And so far the peoples who's policies I have replaced. Thanked me for helping them, and one said that they can't believe a family friend that was a professional in the insurance industry ripped them off with the policy he sold them.

Primerica changed the life insurance industry for the consumers benefit. Ask anyone who has been in the life insurance business for at least 25 years, what company has made the most impact to benefit the consumer? And they will say Primerica.

Also if you asked, which financial services company does the most to try and help people financially? By trying to get into peoples homes and show them how interest rates work. And how they can payoff their bills faster. So they can live a better life. Show them if they are saving enough for their retirement so they don't end like some of the seniors you sometimes see still working well into their 70's so they can pay for their heating bills, medical expenses or to simply keep a roof over there head, and much more? There is only one company that I know of that does all that, and it's Primerica. Maybe that's why I have a hard time finding complaints from actual Primerica customers.

If you don't like the Primerca opportunity that's O.K. it's not for everyone, but it does offer great financial products and services.

If you did try the Primerica opportunity and failed. Ask your self if you realy tried your best? Could you have tried harder? Did you try to go to atleast one home a week, and do the best presentation you could do? Did you ask for help? Think about it.



SD rebuttal

#27UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, October 07, 2006

Sd you state " I've always wanted to venture off into my own biz and to have professional licenses to back me up couldn't be all bad." It grat you got the professional licenses, but you don't seem to have a clue about the business side. If you decide to leave, what can you take with you from your business that you have built?

You recruit, train, and override. Now what if you found a better opportunity? What can you take with you if you left? Have you ever noticed the RVP's, NSD's who have left? What did they know or find out. You are fighting to get where they are and they are leaving.. Think about it..What's going on.



Primerica scam

#27UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, October 07, 2006

I myself don't think Primerica is a scam. I do think they go after a certain market. I do know that it is very hard to get agents to open up their minds. One question I do have for the agents is, how do you feel when you find out that you could have saved your family memebers and warm market money if you shopped the market?

I couldn't handle selling a higher priced product to a family member.

It looks like PFS is trying to bring Art Williams back, well it's a different ball game now. Art is a great motivator, but ask him if he would as a consumer in today's enviroment buy a PFS term product?

At one time Art said, "The enemy can't win..They can't sell term as cheap as ALW can"..Well he was wrong... What else was he wrong about?? Art was/is a great man, but term prices are going down...It's a whole new ball game.

You PFS agents need to get away from the emotion and look at it as a business. You have competitors out here now. Across the kitchen table you can't win against an independent. that's a fact. These boards realy serve no purpose for you guys. Unless you change as company it's just a matter of time. Good luck, your gonna need it.



overpriced products

#27Consumer Comment

Fri, October 06, 2006

SD is comparing the price of the products he is replacing to term insurance. Two different things. Primerica term products are overpriced when compared to the term insurance of other companies.

In fact, the prices primerica charges women are so overpriced they can actually by a cash value policy for the same premium primerica is charging for term insurance instead.

By shopping for your term insurance you can increase your death benefit and pay the same premium you do with primerica or just pocket the savings.



I'm a Primerica Rep It was Great Choice for me

#27UPDATE Employee

Thu, October 05, 2006

I first heard about Primerica 11/2005 researched it and ran across this site back then.

There are several threads/complaints on this site about Primerica. The ranting and raving about it being a pyramid, that it is a rip-off, all they want is your "list", they promised me a J.O.B., it's a "cult", the reps work 60-80 hours a week...etc.

Despite what I read I got involved with the company(the negativity sparked my interest). I figured it was a winning situation for me. I've always wanted to venture off into my own biz and to have professional licenses to back me up couldn't be all bad.

My experience so far has been GREAT. I make a few hundred extra dollars a week part-time. That's going on ONLY 1 or 2 appointments a week(approx 2-4 hrs). I am currently considering going full-time(The freedom of working when I want).

It does appear that skeptical people that run into the "shady" reps have a bad experience. But that could be what they are attracting.

As far as the policies being over-priced my clients have found that Primerica's policies are actually cheaper than the policies they replace. Some choose to increase the face value because they are comfortable with their current policy's premium others go for the savings.

I haven't taken my securites exam so I can't do investment products.

I know this won't do anything for those that just HATE Primerica. But hopefully it will give a realistic perspective from a real Primerica Rep part-timer.

My background...

B.S. Electrical Engineering

A.S. Computer Science Engineering

Day-Job Engineering for major Telecommunications Company(since some of these supposedly educated haters try to insenuate education has something to do with it)



Victor & Claude

#27Consumer Comment

Wed, September 27, 2006

Victor says no one else is doing what's right for families. Bullfeathers.

Primerica sells overpriced term insurance. One way to prove it is to go to term quoting website.

Another way is the fact that the average death benefit paid on a primerica term policy is about $43,000 lower than the undustry wide average for term policies.

The not-so-SMART loan is never good for the consumer, only the lender. Stuff abvout simple interest, biweekly payment plans along with ridiculous statemnts that "interest rated don't matter" are all designed to keep the focus away from the absurdly high interest rates. Suffice it to say that on a $250,000 loan over 20 years the family that is being "helped" by primerica is paying approximately an extra $87,000 in interest payments.

Claude says the $54,000 ceheck he saw came from Citigroup so it ain't gonna bounce. Claude is the type of person primerica sends out to advise you on your finances yet he doesn't understand something as simple and fundamental as the relationship between Citigroup and primerica. Here it is Claude;

primerica is a wholly owned subsidiary of Citigroup. It is not a division nor a branch of Citigroup. What this means is that Citigroup does not "BACK" primerica. If primerica couldn't keep pay its claims to its policyholders Citigroup would have absolutely NO LEGAL OBLIGATION whatsoever to primerica policyhilders. The policyholders of primerica would have NO LEGAL RECOURSE against Citigroup.

Part-timers selling over-priced term insurance and bloated loans from a cenned sales pitxch are not good people to trust your families finances to.



Victor & Claude

#27Consumer Comment

Wed, September 27, 2006

Victor says no one else is doing what's right for families. Bullfeathers.

Primerica sells overpriced term insurance. One way to prove it is to go to term quoting website.

Another way is the fact that the average death benefit paid on a primerica term policy is about $43,000 lower than the undustry wide average for term policies.

The not-so-SMART loan is never good for the consumer, only the lender. Stuff abvout simple interest, biweekly payment plans along with ridiculous statemnts that "interest rated don't matter" are all designed to keep the focus away from the absurdly high interest rates. Suffice it to say that on a $250,000 loan over 20 years the family that is being "helped" by primerica is paying approximately an extra $87,000 in interest payments.

Claude says the $54,000 ceheck he saw came from Citigroup so it ain't gonna bounce. Claude is the type of person primerica sends out to advise you on your finances yet he doesn't understand something as simple and fundamental as the relationship between Citigroup and primerica. Here it is Claude;

primerica is a wholly owned subsidiary of Citigroup. It is not a division nor a branch of Citigroup. What this means is that Citigroup does not "BACK" primerica. If primerica couldn't keep pay its claims to its policyholders Citigroup would have absolutely NO LEGAL OBLIGATION whatsoever to primerica policyhilders. The policyholders of primerica would have NO LEGAL RECOURSE against Citigroup.

Part-timers selling over-priced term insurance and bloated loans from a cenned sales pitxch are not good people to trust your families finances to.



Victor & Claude

#27Consumer Comment

Wed, September 27, 2006

Victor says no one else is doing what's right for families. Bullfeathers.

Primerica sells overpriced term insurance. One way to prove it is to go to term quoting website.

Another way is the fact that the average death benefit paid on a primerica term policy is about $43,000 lower than the undustry wide average for term policies.

The not-so-SMART loan is never good for the consumer, only the lender. Stuff abvout simple interest, biweekly payment plans along with ridiculous statemnts that "interest rated don't matter" are all designed to keep the focus away from the absurdly high interest rates. Suffice it to say that on a $250,000 loan over 20 years the family that is being "helped" by primerica is paying approximately an extra $87,000 in interest payments.

Claude says the $54,000 ceheck he saw came from Citigroup so it ain't gonna bounce. Claude is the type of person primerica sends out to advise you on your finances yet he doesn't understand something as simple and fundamental as the relationship between Citigroup and primerica. Here it is Claude;

primerica is a wholly owned subsidiary of Citigroup. It is not a division nor a branch of Citigroup. What this means is that Citigroup does not "BACK" primerica. If primerica couldn't keep pay its claims to its policyholders Citigroup would have absolutely NO LEGAL OBLIGATION whatsoever to primerica policyhilders. The policyholders of primerica would have NO LEGAL RECOURSE against Citigroup.

Part-timers selling over-priced term insurance and bloated loans from a cenned sales pitxch are not good people to trust your families finances to.



Victor & Claude

#27Consumer Comment

Wed, September 27, 2006

Victor says no one else is doing what's right for families. Bullfeathers.

Primerica sells overpriced term insurance. One way to prove it is to go to term quoting website.

Another way is the fact that the average death benefit paid on a primerica term policy is about $43,000 lower than the undustry wide average for term policies.

The not-so-SMART loan is never good for the consumer, only the lender. Stuff abvout simple interest, biweekly payment plans along with ridiculous statemnts that "interest rated don't matter" are all designed to keep the focus away from the absurdly high interest rates. Suffice it to say that on a $250,000 loan over 20 years the family that is being "helped" by primerica is paying approximately an extra $87,000 in interest payments.

Claude says the $54,000 ceheck he saw came from Citigroup so it ain't gonna bounce. Claude is the type of person primerica sends out to advise you on your finances yet he doesn't understand something as simple and fundamental as the relationship between Citigroup and primerica. Here it is Claude;

primerica is a wholly owned subsidiary of Citigroup. It is not a division nor a branch of Citigroup. What this means is that Citigroup does not "BACK" primerica. If primerica couldn't keep pay its claims to its policyholders Citigroup would have absolutely NO LEGAL OBLIGATION whatsoever to primerica policyhilders. The policyholders of primerica would have NO LEGAL RECOURSE against Citigroup.

Part-timers selling over-priced term insurance and bloated loans from a cenned sales pitxch are not good people to trust your families finances to.



Reading between the lines of Claudes Response

#27UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, September 26, 2006

Claude says:

We try not to recruit dishonest, selfish, and desperate individuals. I personally promote this business as a part time opportunity for honest people were you would be paid based on commission only. My guys market Primerica Financial Services by prospecting on the ground and using referrals. We tell you "what this is" up front. And, you will not experience a "bate and switch" from us.

>> The overwhelming number of complaints on this site directly contradicts this.

Claude says:

Unfortunately, Primerica uses independent agents to market their services. The services are "GREAT", and if you were to take time to find out more about them-"they blow the competition out of water". OK, but, their are some "Retarded" agents that put ads for administrative assistants in news papers to try to get you to an opportunity meetings.

>>Primerica does not use independent agents, but independent contractors beholding only to Primerica, and can sell only PFS supplied products.

>>GREAT is subjective term, and there MANY companies that blow Primerica out of the water

>>I agree with Retarded agents part, however I'm sure they're using misleading although approved adds from PFS Corporate, Fast Start or Builders Schools, etcMore deception is the use of words like scholarships and Franchises. And this site proves there are a lot more than some

Claude says:

Primerica teaches families the "best" way to save for retirement, save for children's education, and protect income. Primerica services are designed to improve family's financial situations. They "love people and use money" instead of "using people and loving money". You cannot say that about other financial companies or banks. Who wouldn't want to get out of debt?

>>Again best is subjective, if you mean sell loaded mutual funds as the best way to save for retirement, college education, I beg to differ.

>> If you mean pay too much for the term insurance especially if you're female, I beg to differ.

>> If you mean pay higher rates offered through your SMART? Loan, I beg to differ.

>> Citibank a member of Citigroup seems bent on getting everybody in debt based on the number of Credit Card offers I get from them. So YOU can not say this about your own parent company!

Claude says:

Plus, an agent that takes up Primerica's "knighted shield and armor" has the potential to make 6 figures in a company that actually helps people. The reason why I am so convinced is because I've seen a guy get a 54,000 dollar check "right" in front of my face. And, Citi-group has over 1.5 trillion dollars in assets, so I know that that check is "not gonna bounce".

>>knighted shield and armor what heck is this?

>> The check for $54,000 is just a carrot to dangle in front of you, this one guy out of 100 of thousands of agents that have left this company for the opposite reason.

Claude says:

This business is not for everybody. It is only for individuals who are open to possibilities. It is an opportunity that requires hard work, and I would not recommend it to skeptics. But, if you are interested and you stay in the Greenville, South Carolina area or would like to find out more about PFS, give me a call.

>> Nice try Claude but if you're looking here to recruit people you must be pretty desperate yourself. Thanks to ROR for recognizing this.



South Carolina,

Good Company with a Bad Reputation

#27UPDATE Employee

Tue, September 26, 2006

Look, I cannot speak for those agents. I can only speak for myself and the basic principals of Primerica Financial Services. The opportunity is not for everyone. I say this to every person I recruit, because I would not want anyone in my business that does not believe in what we do.

We try not to recruit dishonest, selfish, and desperate individuals. I personally promote this business as a part time opportunity for honest people were you would be paid based on commission only. My guys market Primerica Financial Services by prospecting on the ground and using referrals. We tell you "what this is" up front. And, you will not experience a "bate and switch" from us.

Unfortunately, Primerica uses independent agents to market their services. The services are "GREAT", and if you were to take time to find out more about them-"they blow the competition out of water". OK, but, their are some "Retarded" agents that put ads for administrative assistants in news papers to try to get you to an opportunity meetings.

Those guys make me so angry- I just want to smack "Fire" out of them, because I know how important this is and what this does for families. And, I've seen how this business has changed the lives of so many for the good, because they do not have to worry about debt.

Primerica teaches families the "best" way to save for retirement, save for children's education, and protect income. Primerica services are designed to improve family's financial situations. They "love people and use money" instead of "using people and loving money". You cannot say that about other financial companies or banks. Who wouldn't want to get out of debt?

Plus, an agent that takes up Primerica's "knighted shield and armor" has the potential to make 6 figures in a company that actually helps people. The reason why I am so convinced is because I've seen a guy get a 54,000 dollar check "right" in front of my face. And, Citi-group has over 1.5 trillion dollars in assets, so I know that that check is "not gonna bounce".

This business is not for everybody. It is only for individuals who are open to possibilities. It is an opportunity that requires hard work, and I would not recommend it to skeptics. But, if you are interested and you stay in the Greenville, South Carolina area or would like to find out more about PFS, give me a call.

My name is Claude. My Number is (((ROR REDACTED PHONE FOR SECURITY PURPOSES))) and I would be more than happy to help. "SEE YOU AT THE TOP"!!

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.



Followup to the above post for Victor

#27UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, September 25, 2006

A follow up note for Victor, show us by providing a copy of the page or pages in the IBA (Independent Business Agreement) and/or RVP contract that you have a PFS Franchise or will or could own a PFS franchise. We especially want to see the explicit words PFS Franchise. Certainly someone as honest as yourself would not be perpetuating myths to prospective clients now would you? So lets see it in writing, this should not take long since it should be readily available? We all await.



Must be a lot of misguided offices

#27UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, September 25, 2006

For Victor of College Point, New York:

Well Victor there seems to be a heck of a lot of offices doing the wrong thing. You can go through all the threads and see the same pattern state by state, and even in Canada. I believe you got it wrong, the fault lies within PFS corporate and their refusal to do nothing more than perpetuate the problem because the bottom line is profit. Its all systematic deception taught from the SNSDs down to the regional managers. That's why there are so many complaints, it's obvious, and if you can't see that you're beyond help.

Secondly, everything you've uttered is straight out of the brainwashing Fast Start Schools, or Builders Schools and other weekly training playbooks. You don't offer Franchises, that's delusional, read your IBA. PFS owns your clients and your recruits! And you've been brainwashed, once again into thinking you do what's right 100% of the time as if there is no other entity out there that does this. Again Fast Start School brainwashed dogma. And how can you say this when you sell over priced term and high 2nd mortgages know as SMART? loans and loaded Mutual Funds?. Oh well, some day you may see the light but I'm responding to your post not so much for you as but a warning to prospective people to avoid PFS at all hazards. And I'm speaking from experience. I have a suggestion to you and all PFS apologist, rather that just apologizing why don't you try to help the people whom you have wronged!



College Point,
New York,

Response to the Original Post

#27UPDATE Employee

Fri, September 22, 2006

If everything that you said is true i apologize for your experience with "Primerica" but the truth of the matter is that your grudge isnt with primerica your grudge is with the office you dealt with. just like any other franchise you are allowed to manage your business the way you want after being trained the right way.

My point? basically you shouldnt judge the company as a whole based on the action of the individual offices. what primerica does for familys is Irrefutable, its right 100% of the time regardless of what the competition says.

Now there are some offices out there misleading people into joining just because they want quick business. Primerica is built with the right people doing the right thing. I tell people straight up front that its commission only and that the good part is that they can do it part time on the side of there full time jobs.

Now the competition has everyone believing we only sell life insurance, and this is proof that the people who believe this either didnt listen to the person who presented the company to them OR didnt bother getting a full presentation done for them.

Primerica is not in the life insurance business, and they do not make money from recruiting people so why would we scam people to join? there is no benefit. Primerica is in the franchise business. in expansion. and in doing so Primerica hopes to be able to help more families.

THERE IS NO OTHER COMPANY OUT THERE DOING WHATS RIGHT FOR FAMILIES. This became obvious when i ran into similar companies doing what ever it took to get the biggest pay check.

Primerica prides itself in making money doing the RIGHT thing for families. its not just about making money.

So now in every bunch theres always a few spoiled apples. Some offices dont do the business to help families they only care about making money.

the good news? These offices seldom have a long career life. bad people always eventually get found out.

so B i am sorry for your bad experience again but its not primericas fault its that office's fault you had that experience. And for any agents reading this please dont be naive to think that every office is perfect. Humans arent perfect and we never know who we are following so although you are supposed to be coachable doing the business you should also have the common sense to treat others the way you would like to be treated. Always tell the truth and dont mislead people into the office. the more we do this the more this site gets more dumb posts bashing the whole company and not just the indivual offices.



North Brunswick,
New Jersey,

Rebutting Kenneth (Sylvester) Where does the responsibility of Crimerica lie

#27UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, December 06, 2005

"Please don't usher hatred for a company when it was the individuals who you should fan the flames upon."

Where does the responsibility of Crimerica lie in relationship to this? (minimally they are the catalyst and all evidence suggests that the fat cats are aware of this - so much for compliance).




#27Consumer Comment

Mon, December 05, 2005

I feel so sorry for the people who are in mislead by Primerica agents. I also feel upset by the people who are the agents saying whatever they think will get a person to one of their meetings.

To be short and to the point, there are good and bad folks in the world. I have good and bad people who have come to my church through the years. But that did not stop me from enjoying my house of worship. (There are bad folks at my job, but I don't quit because of them.)

Please don't usher hatred for a company when it was the individuals who you should fan the flames upon. A Primerica agent helped me with my insurance, investments, and sent me right on my mortgage so I would not be almost 70 years old paying it off. If I were to feel like the poor souls who was misinformed I would have let one monkey spoil the blessing I was suppose to get.



i agree with everyone who says PRIMERICA IS A LOUSY SCAM

#27Consumer Comment

Wed, April 21, 2004

meg, i totally agree with you. it makes me angry to even hear that some people are defending primerica with such persistence. trust me, you are ALL being suckered!!!

i was called by a friend who is already working with primerica for 2 months, and she called me one day, saying theres an open position with "Citigroup" .. NOT primerica. when i asked what type of position it was all she could say was "oh, its financial stuff". VERY VAGUE. then she asked me to come for an interview at 7pm. i told my parents (dad being a harvard graduate) who quickly told me its odd to have an interview at 7pm. so i drive all the way to san antonio from austin.. and hour drive, just for this really lame interview. i walk in, have a small interview with a lady who is practically trying to persuade me how "big" of a company primerica is becoming.. even showing me a solar system map comparing citigroup to other companies. then i have to sit in a class for almost an hour.. where they pretty much try to convince you of how much money you'll earn. everyone in the class already had a job.. i asked my friend, so this isn't a full time job? -no. well it could be, but most people already have jobs and only work part time.

this is where i start getting defensive. then she tells me its ONLY commission. who wants a job like that? it sounded very much like a scam to me at this point. after the very corny class which i pretty much rolled my eyes in the whole time, my interviewer asks me to go back into the room with her to talk. i wanted to just leave but stayed to be nice, since my friend was there. she asked me on a scale of 1-10 how interested i am. i said i still dont know what this job entails. i also asked if this job required a degree, she quickly digged her grave answering "no you could have a GED and work here". then what was that 4 years of school worth!!? she was very vague in everything else, telling me i have to go to a training course for 2 days, and pay a 200 application fee. now what kind of reputable job would have a 200 dollar application fee. and if you can make it back so easily as they claim.. then why even have the fee. she asked me persistently to apply that night. i said ill take the application home with me and think about it. the whole drive home i was thinking what a waste of time this was. made me appreciate my current job much more. the next day, the interviewer calls me at home asking if i wanted to join yet. i thought for "real" jobs, they dont bug you until you apply. you're the one who has to fight for that position, not them begging you to apply. anyone who is even thinking about going to an interview.. DONT. take my advice, being a UT graduate, and have much work experience i would know. when i replied to her i wasn't interested, her tone of voice became different and she was eager to hang up.


New York,

Are you purposely being obtuse...

#27Consumer Comment

Wed, November 20, 2002

...or are you just incapable of understanding clear, plain English, Tim?

"B" isn't complaining about having been ripped off by Primerica PRODUCTS. "B" is claiming that Primerica is misleading in its attempts to recruit new people into the biz.

While that's not a monetary rip-off, it is, indeed, pretty lousy business practice. People who are out of work answer these phoney job ads & are sucked into listening to these presentations thinking there's a job attached.

Without going into the merits of Primerica products - yes, I do know the difference between term and whole life insurance, thank you very much - why don't we answer the complaint posed by "B", shall we?

WHY, if Primerica is such a great opportunity, do Primerica reps feel the need to mislead people in their recruiting attempts? Why not just say, "I'm with Primerica. I've had success with it. I'm looking for people who are interested in joining me."? Why put ads in newspapers looking for "office managers" or "office assistants"?

WHY, if Primerica is such a great opportunity, are Primerica reps so vague about the "job description" when trying to recruit new people? Why not just tell it like it is, instead of saying "those questions will be answered at the meeting"?

Please, Tim, answer these questions rather than falling back on logical fallacy and obfuscation.


Taylors Falls,

Why do these "agents" keep changing the subject?

#27Consumer Comment

Wed, November 20, 2002

The original post commented on the fact that primerica misleads people into thinking that there is an "actual" job. They invited me to an "actual" interview. They lied, what more is there to say. I have read post after post starting along that line.

But as you read through the rebuttals they seem to turn into a debate over term life vs. whole life. WHO CARES. I, along with many others I know, refuse to do any sort of business with a company who rips off and misleads.

I also have often read the rebuttals that say, "so, if they didn't get your $199.00, how were you ripped off?" How about time?

You see time is a precious commodity, expecially for those in search of employment, so don't "rip them off" by sending them off on a wild goose chase.

So you "unlearned" primerica agents out there, here's a little pointer. Look at the original posts, these are the "complaints" or "accusations"

A rebuttal is a response to that original thread, not an oppurtunity to educate the public on (term vs. whole). So what if term is better. No one is going to buy from you anyway.


Sterling Heights,

How do you feel they ripped you off?

#27UPDATE Employee

Tue, November 19, 2002

I dont get why you are ripping on Primerica. Do you know the difference betwen Whole life insurance and Universl life insurance? I'm not saying the person who represented Primerica(in your case) was a professional agent.. cause obviously he wasn't or else he would have explained it better. I work for Primerica. I STRICKLY go off referals. I will not "cold call" anyone. That is not a part of my work ethic. I feel this job is personl and I'd like to meet with each person individually. I'm sorry you encoutered a bad agent. But I assure you, that no matter what is being sold, there will be bad salesmen selling anything. We dont sell anything, we only help people save money on what they already have. If we cant save them money, we are not going to push them into spendng more money for the SAME thing. If we would... we wouldn't work for Primerica we'd work for one of the others that pays more commision. Out of all the times I have sat down with customers we were never NOT able to help them in some area. In closing, please dont put the bad "rap" on the company; rather, put that bad rap on the agent himself. If he was a "real" agent he would be more professional about representing the company and what we do.


New York,

I got called ..Sounds Like SCAM!

#27Consumer Comment

Sat, September 14, 2002

I received an email from Primerica about two months ago and disregarded it as it sounded like a spam email. I received a personal email from Primerica again and gave the person a call.

We spoke about my background, what I was currently doing and he asked if I wanted to come to a meeting.

When I asked him what type of job this would be, he stated he was looking for people to open new Primerica sites from the ground up. Sounded interesting so I agreed to go to the meeting.

15 people crammed into a room, the projector went on and I heard much of the same babble that everyone else is reporting.

I was pretty hesitant because I have a friend in the business who, frankly, has become a pain in the butt...calling all the time about one life insurance policy, every time I turn him down, he calls with another life insurance policy. It also sounded kind of cheesy the way they were throwing the words "rich" and "money" around.

The guy called me tonight and I had a bunch of questions for him, such as... "Will I get paid to train", his answer was "yes" when I asked him how much, his answer was "it all depends" and when I said "on what?", he said "Come to the meeting, those questions will be answered" The meeting is scheduled for tomorrow morning (not much notice) He mentioned other meetings but when i attempted to schedule for another time, he pressed for the morning meeting.

Why don't they answer questions? Sounds Like SCAM!



Contact Donna Guilmette for a Full Refund

#27Consumer Suggestion

Sat, September 14, 2002

If anyone has been ripped off by this scam, you need to contact Donna Guilmette; 800 666-7837 x8514. I got all my money back.

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