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  • Report:  #64414

Complaint Review: Primerica Financial Services

Primerica Financial Services ripoff, cultish, broken promises, false hopes Denver Colorado

*UPDATE: Primerica recognized by Rip-off Report a business opportunity well worth considering - it's not for everyone but many representatives make solid commission incomes. Primerica takes appropriate action against representatives conducting themselves improperly, pledges 100% commitment to customer service.

  • Reported By:
    Deer Trail Colorado
  • Submitted:
    Wed, July 23, 2003
  • Updated:
    Sun, August 06, 2006
  • Primerica Financial Services
    Denver, Colorado
  • Phone:
  • Category:

My husband had a company in which he earned a six-figure income. However he was tired of it after a number of years, it was hard work, and a great responsibility. He decided to sell eventually.

Shortly after he was approached by a Primerica Rep. who "interviewed" him. Actually, they are dying to hire anyone and everyone regardless of experience or anything else, so "intervie" seems to be the wrong word. This rep. really talked my husband up, building him up, talking about how as a rep. for Primerica he could stop working and spend more time with the family, play golf, travel, and make a six-figure income.

My husband came home hyped-up. He agreed to a follow-up interview. Soon he was invited to the weekly meeting. Here they had individuals stand up, all with impresive titles, and talking about what Primerica has done and could do for the new soon-to-be recruits. He was hooked.
He jumped right in. He was soon attending parties. Made to feel very important.

My husband has a low self-esteem and was the perfect target. Many of the reps began to convince him that if he had his wife's support and she joined also that he would be very successful and then we could operate as a "team". I was not interested as I have my own career passions and goals and did not agree to it. Yet when he received his first award they included my name on the certificate as well. I believe I had earned the title of district manager or something.

My husband soon was attending meetings, making appointments, on the phone, busting his butt for this company every minute of every day, yet barely earning a cent. Our family soon began to suffer financially as there was no paycheck coming in. It started to create a great financial strain and soon we were broke as he was not earning much of anything yet still meeting with people all day, signing new recruits and supposedly getting promotion after promotion which offers an impressive title and a higher commission. But a promotion does little good on no income.

His hours also started getting longer and longer as he was desperately trying to earn some money. His famous line for 2 years now is "it's ready to bust wide open". We have gone through every bit of our savings account. His friends have tried to talk some sense into him, but then the Primerica cult (sorry, it sure seems that way) comes about and makes more false hopes and dreams emerge as they show him pictures of Paris and how he can go there instead of looking at pictures, and soon his eyes glaze over and he is back at it. It has caused him to spend little to no time at all with his children, and he is gone an average of 6 nights a week, along with all the day hours he is investing in Primerica.

I would say that my husband averages about 70 hours a week on building his dream and wealth with Primerica, yet he earned a total of $5000 last year with Primerica.

I recently started going to the local food bank to help out with the groceries as we could not even afford to comfortably feed the family anymore. He doesn't seem to have a problem with this because it is "going to bust wide open" very soon. My husband is giving financial advice to others while his family is getting their groceries at the local food bank, something seems wrong with this picture.

Bottom line...Primerica's false hopes and promises have contributed in destroying a father, destroyed our family's financial security, and played a part in our upcoming divorce. I believe Primerica is not interested in my husband acheiving his wealth or dreams, rather in making fortune for themselves. My husband was a victim, a willing one, he was a fool that has lost most everything. I'm curious if there is anyone else with a similar story to tell.

Colorado Springs, Colorado

Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on Primerica

15 Updates & Rebuttals


New York,

I'm sorry Denise

#16Consumer Suggestion

Sun, August 06, 2006


I'm so sorry to hear what happened to your family. You can read my story about what happened to my ex-husband and ex-father-in-law at the ripoff report below. My ex-husband had a decent job when his father (who had been with AL Williams for four years at that point w/o making a dime) convinced him that his J-O-B wasn't paying him what he was "worth" and that only Primerica was the way to go...long story short, my ex decided to go with it. He said, "The only way I'd quit my regular job is if I was making at least fifty thousand a year--" Whatever. Shortly after we split up he went to it full time.

That was TEN YEARS AGO. His wife supports their five children with the salary she makes as a church secretary and he gets handouts from those pathetic siblings of his who work j-o-bs and who'll never "be their own boss" and "financially free." (They're freer than him!) BTW, they were using that "bust wide open" line in 1990.

So sad.



All The Same; You are all leaches who prey on the weak, confused and naivete

#16Consumer Comment

Thu, August 03, 2006

I remember when I was growing up I had a neighbor who was about five years older than me and received a full scholarship to a major university. My entire neighborhood spent the next twenty years trying to figure out how he could drop out of school with a 4.0 GPA and fill his mothers basement with Amway!

I also remember a cousin who got his first job selling used cars and begged the entire family to come to the lot and 'look' at a car so his manager could pull out that 'cash is king' four corner board designed to keep you from focusing on price, interest rates or length of contract.

After moving into my own house I remember a neighbor who was a stay at home mom who took her husbands charge card and purchased 8K worth of Mary Kay. She did this because a Preacher's wife who stayed a couple houses down convinced her she could become rich also. You all the same Tom. You are all leaches who prey on the weak, confused and naivete of some very good people. You destroy their lives for your own gain and I pity you not them. You have no shame. You have no conscious.



Every company uses Monster dot com

#16UPDATE Employee

Thu, July 27, 2006

I work with Primerica and have never seen any of this chanting or AMEN stuff. I have seen people excited for each other for succeeding at this business for anything and everything they do: passing their life insurance test, securities test, helping out their first family or hundreth family or more in a dramatic positive way (not in a negative way as many have said on these boards), passed a certain income level ($50,000, $100,000 or more), been promoted to a higher income level and so many more positive reasons. So, what's wrong with being excited about doing something good for people and being rewarded for it.

Every job I've had in my life, most of the time the employess are negative because they don't like what they do and when they get recognized by their company, it is usually a bad thing. They are getting written up or fired. When they do get told something good it is usually only a very few people being told this and not very often.

Also, our offices are very professionally run by well-trained licensed representatives of Primerica. We take it seriously to help as many families as we can and we don't sell to people or families that don't need our services (many financial service companies sell people financial products they don't need). And yes, we recruit people into our business just like any other company on this planet. Everyone is looking for good, motivated people to come work for them. We do this and do not receive any money for hiring these people. And yes, they pay $199 that covers their background check (no convicted felons), state licensing school and the life insurance test. All of these fees come out to over $400, but a person pays only $199 and can earn that back on training with our company within the first month. Does this sound like a ripoff to you? We pay for more than half of your fees to get started with our company and you get licensed with your state and then we pay you back this $199 as you get trained. That sounds like no risk to me if someone decide this wasn't for them and that's okay.

I recently put my resume on Monster dot com to see who would contact me. I put I work with Primerica Financial Services. I did not put financial services as the area I was looking for work in and it seems like every financial service company out there has emailed me and called me saying your resume is very impressive because you are a representative with Primerica. The companies contacting me are mortgage companies, insurance companies and investment companies such as Prudential, New York Life, Mass Mutual, Metlife, American Express (Ameriprise), Bankers Life, America National, etc. I've had at least 30 different financial service companies contact me and they all say the same thing, "I'm in charge of expansion here with my company" or "My company is looking to open up 3 to 5 more offices here" or "we are looking for motivated people that want to earn a high income up to at least $200,000 a year" or "I'm a district manager with my company looking for qualified people like yourself" or "come in for an overview of our company" or "you don't need experience, we will train you" and so on.

It's so ridiculous to think that it's a crime for someone to be contacted by someone from Primerica on Monster (it's not)... because every financial service company is there contacting people in the same way. Don't act like a victim. If you don't like the company don't work for them, don't call them back or don't answer your phone or e-mail. It's that simple. If a company (any company) pays for an account for Monster... then they have the right to call people as long as they are honest about their business and that goes for any business that recruits people off of Monster.

Someone recently tried to recruit me into a phone company multilevel business (ACN) which would have cost $500 to join. There is no licensing needed to work for this company, but they charge $500 to come work with them. Why is it so expensive, I don't know why? Also, you have only 12 days to get your money back if you are not satisfied with the company (Primerica has at least 30 days) and most people won't do anything and lose their money. Another thing is a person needs hundreds and thousands of people to make any money in this business. This person that tried to recruit me told me he doesn't care if anyone does anything because he still makes $50 off each recruit. He says it's a numbers game. That doesn't sound like a business that I could work for if you don't care if people succeed or not. I know this is only one person of their company, but it still makes me feel bad for the people that pay this money and never do anything.

Another company (Mary Kay) just announced that they have their first million dollar earner in their company. It took her over thirty years to reach this million dollar level and now she is going to retire. The bad thing is, she won't be able to keep her business once she retires (she probably is well-off anyway) but will be too old to enjoy it. It said she has a hard time getting around.

In Primerica, one of our representatives in Florida is making over $800,000 a year in only 10 years with around 300 people in his organization. He is not directly responsible for all those 300 people, many of them are independent of him with their own offices.

It's really a shame people read these negative comments on this site and believe what they read instead of trying for themselves or researching websites that are not opinions, but facts (these sites are not regulated, people can say anything). Not everyone is able to be their own boss or dedicate the hours, days, months, years needed to make this business work successfully. But, if you put in as many hours as your full-time job, this business would pay you many times over what you are really worth.

To the people that said you lost everything because you came to work with us. How can this be? This business only cost $199 to get started and within a month if you work just a minimal amount of time you will earn this money back. There is hardly any risk, just your time. And if you work part-time learning and growing your income with us while you keep your full-time job, how can you lose everything or anything? I earned $3,000 part-time my first year starting in July (half a year-life licensed in September) while working a 40 hour job and going to college. I have paid for everything in this business (vacations, supplies, licensing renewals, etc.) from my Primerica earnings. I have never paid out of my pocket from my other job (soon to be gone job) or my wife's pay.

I'm sorry you worked so hard for nothing or you told your spouse you did and you really didn't work as hard as you said. I've seen this in every job I've had, the spouse telling the other one empty promises about how great they will do and then saying it's the business's fault they didn't make it. No, it's the person that didn't make it work. Sometimes, it really doesn't work, but not here.

So, research the right companies and websites with the facts not opinions: A.M Best, Moody, Fitch, Consumer Reports, Better Business Bureau, NASD, SEC, your state insurance and mortgage licensing divisions, Suze Orman, etc. Make the choice on your own, with your own research. I'm not saying don't listen to your family or friends (sometimes they can be right), but don't listen to people that are more broke than you or don't have the knowledge of financial matters. How many times has someone told you that a movie, a restaurant, a car, or anything was not good and then you tried it for yourself and totally loved it? Everyone has a different experience, some good, some bad. We are all different and see things from our own perspectives. So, don't be limited only from what you read on this website.


St. Peter,

Cult? Yes they are!

#16Consumer Comment

Fri, July 21, 2006

My Best Friend is with Primerica. He has been with them for 9 months. He is getting married today to his girlfriend that he recruited and works with. They are getting married at a courthouse and I'm not invited. I only found out about it this Wednesday. The only people that know about the wedding are myself and his mother, no one else.

The "Best" Man is the person that recruited him. The person signing her papers is another Primerica rep.

I have only seen my "Best" friend 4 times this past 9 months. Three of those times were when he was trying to recruit me, the other was to tell me he is getting married.

He wants me to give up my 9to5(no weekend) job to join his 7 day a week, coming home at midnight, no vacation, not seeing friends or family job. I like my job, I wouldn't like it with those stipulations added.

My friend used to be a teacher and pro-education. Primerica conviced both my friend and his "now" wife that College is a waste of time. His wife quit school after one year. She was a good student. He is very bitter about his 6 years of student loans.

However, both are extremely happy and I hope them the best. There are obvious things that I see for them ahead. They simply have that "Glossed" look.

I'll be there when it comes crashing to a halt. I'm not guaranteeing a "Crash", I'm saying that it will be the only way that I'll see him. His life is his wife and his job. The only vacations they will see will be ones they have to work 120 week to earn through Primerica.

I for one will pay for my own vacation and work my 40 hour week. Oh, and I'll be paid to go on vacation.

Good Luck Best Friend, I'm sad to say, You'll need it.



Better companies out there!

#16UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, October 06, 2003

I am very impressed with these responses about Primerica, also known as scamerica! They are all right on the money. My wife and I moved back from overseas from Saudi Arabia to Fresno, and we began working with Primerica while I resumed my full time teaching career.

I immediately became aware of the pavlov/conditioning techniques that they use to brainwash and get you locked in. We were one of the top regional managers in the nation when we left there over two years ago to work with another company, and we were attacked relentlessly by everyone in the office.

Primerica is a cult! I pray that you can get your husband back. Primerica is very strong on conditioning! You have to work on decoding all of the Pavlov techniques they use on their agents.

What is scary, is that there are tens and tens of thousands of people who have lost everything because of Primerica, including their spouse, all of their savings, regular job, and some have even committed suicide!

I am in Fresno, California, and since leaving Primerica, I became an NSD in less than a year and a half with another company, and I don't have to go to meaningless meetings, and dumb Saturday trainings. There is hope out there. There are other companies. Post your questions below to me, I will see if I can help.



I am so sick of Primerica... -A Division of Citicorp

#16Consumer Suggestion

Mon, September 15, 2003

Somebody here posted a phone number of a Primerica recruiter. When you call that person they say "Thanks for calling Primerica-A Division of Citicorp". it's like they have to use the name Citicorp to get people to do anything. I work for a reputable company and we are actually a sister company of a Fortune 500 company but I don't say "Thanks for calling _ A division of _" because I don't have to defend my company because it's not a scam like Primerica.

I still don't know why Monster is letting these guys recruit off of them. They get scores and scores of complaints on Primerica in fact when I called and told them I wanted to complain about a company that keeps contacting me he already knew it was Primerica.

Primerica sucks!!! stay away. Tell the recruiter you are not interested and not to call you anymore.


North Brunswick,
New Jersey,


#16UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, September 13, 2003

Not a rebuttal, just a few questions:

(1) How many people work at Primerica on the
front lines (no recruits)?

(2) Of those front-line people, how much money
is made during the course of the year solely
from product sales on average per front-line

(3) What's the most money a front-line person
has made during the course of a year solely
from product sales?

Can the answers be documented? (pay stub or
income tax reurn e.g.)


Colorado Springs,

Hello Denise!... Please tell me more of your experience.

#16Consumer Suggestion

Fri, September 12, 2003

A friend is trying to Recruit me into the Colorado Springs office, and I would like first hand info on whom to watch out for, and how to convince my freind that he should get out. Thanks,


Diamond Bar,

Primerica is Like a Vulture

#16Consumer Comment

Thu, August 21, 2003

I get so upset when I read and hear about people who get so involved in these types of operations and they were taken advantage of. What is really sad is that everyone that ever joined Primerica or some other unscrupulous operation simply wanted something better for themselves and/or their families.

I know one person who approached me about Primerica. After I attended one meeting and I saw these people acting like complete imbeciles, I shook my head and walked out the door. Let's face it folks people who are really successful do not jump up and down but they are more passive and often tell you that this opportunity may not be for you.

Personally, I am involved in a financial type business that has the MLM style but so far I see no consumer complaints either on this site or any other so this is a good thing. I will not even approach someone until I see the facts as promised. It is bad enough to be swindled but to hurt others really makes me feel like a fool.


My philosophy on these ventures is to approach cautiously and don't jump in too deep because there may not be any water in the pool.

Best of Luck to all!



You are 1000% right!

#16UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, August 01, 2003

I read your story & I was what is known as a "near-term" RVP with the company! I was always amazed that the people I recruited never asked me the real questions that they had about the real-ness of the business "opportunity". I never made much money. In fact, I never made more than $25k in any 12 month period. Most PFS "success" stories would say, "Oh, you just don't recruit enough.." Blah! Blah! Blah! The fact is that when I joined, I took my "field-trainer" to see over 32 qualified families that needed life insurance. Most were friends of mine. I said "were". The "success" story who was my "field-trainer" (an ex-waiter & wine uncorker) failed at all, yes, all but two families to sell life insurance. The two families that did buy did so out of pity & friendship to me, they later stated. It took a long time to realize the truth of what I was involved in. Do yourself all a huge favor; when someone you don't know wants to "recruit" you to the "Best business opportunity on Earth", and they don't look like they have five dollars in their pocket, or worse, they look like they just stepped off a Used Car lot ( or waited tables an hour ago!), listen for what's NOT being said. Repeat, listen for what's NOT being said to you. You'll save a lot of time, money and your family's patience. Remember, if your gut tells you that you smell a Rat, it IS a rat! Trust yourself and that little voice of reason telling you to do your research and not be drawn in by emotions of friendship, loyalty, and all that poo-poo BEFORE you sign any "recruitment papers", "freedom papers" or whatever those PFS "Success Stories" call it today.



Denise, what a sad story, I hope your husband finally sees the light. ..typical Primerica BS.

#16Consumer Suggestion

Wed, July 30, 2003

What you have described is typical Primerica BS. They have your husband completely Brainwashed. you are smart to have figured all of this out so I hope you can encourage your husband to do his own research. Direct him to this site. Have him call his own insurance rep or old rep and let them educate him how Primerica works. MOST Primerica reps make no money and 95% quit after a few months. Do you know that over 100k people in the US have actually been reps at one time or another? Again most quit after a few months when they realize what a scam it is. I was almost suckered into this a few years ago, and a few months ago was approached by a supposed recruiter at the mall! I hope you have a job and can keep your finances up to date until your husband smartens up.

Take Care



Don't give up on your Husband ..Your husband has been brain-washed.

#16UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, July 29, 2003


Your husband has been brain-washed. That's what the Fast Start Schools, Weekly meetings, conventions, etc are all about. These meetings are relentless and recruuits are pressured not miss any, even to the detriment of their families. If you begin to miss these meetings eventually your head will clear and you become a rational person again. PFS is like smoking, it's best not to start. Sure there are people who become "successful" but at what price? Their friends, families and relationships? After spending 6 years with the company full-time, I found the cure is worse than the disease. Most PFS reps have the typical canned responses that they've been brain-washed to reply with, that's why it does little good to debate them. However, deep down they know their insurance for term is not the cheapest and is in-fact quite expensive.
My wife is 35 and get 30-year level term for 22/month. I don't think PFS can touch this. They know that the interest rates on their "SMART?" loans are too high, but they've been BW into using
smoke and mirros (aka FNA) to convince their prospects. They've been BW into thinking that they are in business for themselve when acutally PFS is the business and "Family HQ" calls all the shots. They know their Mutual Funds and Annuties are Loaded and use BW techniques taught at their meetings and FSS to "overcome objections." But to be fair, its a really a sales business and like most sales there is a lot claims made that are just plain hype. Tell your husband to just take a couple of months away from PFS and the environment, maybe he'll come to his senses and you may be able to save your marriage. I had a similar experience, but Thank GOD, I came to my senses, turned my life and marriage around and have recovered and gained financially.



Don't give up on your Husband ..Your husband has been brain-washed.

#16UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, July 29, 2003


Your husband has been brain-washed. That's what the Fast Start Schools, Weekly meetings, conventions, etc are all about. These meetings are relentless and recruuits are pressured not miss any, even to the detriment of their families. If you begin to miss these meetings eventually your head will clear and you become a rational person again. PFS is like smoking, it's best not to start. Sure there are people who become "successful" but at what price? Their friends, families and relationships? After spending 6 years with the company full-time, I found the cure is worse than the disease. Most PFS reps have the typical canned responses that they've been brain-washed to reply with, that's why it does little good to debate them. However, deep down they know their insurance for term is not the cheapest and is in-fact quite expensive.
My wife is 35 and get 30-year level term for 22/month. I don't think PFS can touch this. They know that the interest rates on their "SMART?" loans are too high, but they've been BW into using
smoke and mirros (aka FNA) to convince their prospects. They've been BW into thinking that they are in business for themselve when acutally PFS is the business and "Family HQ" calls all the shots. They know their Mutual Funds and Annuties are Loaded and use BW techniques taught at their meetings and FSS to "overcome objections." But to be fair, its a really a sales business and like most sales there is a lot claims made that are just plain hype. Tell your husband to just take a couple of months away from PFS and the environment, maybe he'll come to his senses and you may be able to save your marriage. I had a similar experience, but Thank GOD, I came to my senses, turned my life and marriage around and have recovered and gained financially.



Don't give up on your Husband ..Your husband has been brain-washed.

#16UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, July 29, 2003


Your husband has been brain-washed. That's what the Fast Start Schools, Weekly meetings, conventions, etc are all about. These meetings are relentless and recruuits are pressured not miss any, even to the detriment of their families. If you begin to miss these meetings eventually your head will clear and you become a rational person again. PFS is like smoking, it's best not to start. Sure there are people who become "successful" but at what price? Their friends, families and relationships? After spending 6 years with the company full-time, I found the cure is worse than the disease. Most PFS reps have the typical canned responses that they've been brain-washed to reply with, that's why it does little good to debate them. However, deep down they know their insurance for term is not the cheapest and is in-fact quite expensive.
My wife is 35 and get 30-year level term for 22/month. I don't think PFS can touch this. They know that the interest rates on their "SMART?" loans are too high, but they've been BW into using
smoke and mirros (aka FNA) to convince their prospects. They've been BW into thinking that they are in business for themselve when acutally PFS is the business and "Family HQ" calls all the shots. They know their Mutual Funds and Annuties are Loaded and use BW techniques taught at their meetings and FSS to "overcome objections." But to be fair, its a really a sales business and like most sales there is a lot claims made that are just plain hype. Tell your husband to just take a couple of months away from PFS and the environment, maybe he'll come to his senses and you may be able to save your marriage. I had a similar experience, but Thank GOD, I came to my senses, turned my life and marriage around and have recovered and gained financially.



Don't give up on your Husband ..Your husband has been brain-washed.

#16UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, July 29, 2003


Your husband has been brain-washed. That's what the Fast Start Schools, Weekly meetings, conventions, etc are all about. These meetings are relentless and recruuits are pressured not miss any, even to the detriment of their families. If you begin to miss these meetings eventually your head will clear and you become a rational person again. PFS is like smoking, it's best not to start. Sure there are people who become "successful" but at what price? Their friends, families and relationships? After spending 6 years with the company full-time, I found the cure is worse than the disease. Most PFS reps have the typical canned responses that they've been brain-washed to reply with, that's why it does little good to debate them. However, deep down they know their insurance for term is not the cheapest and is in-fact quite expensive.
My wife is 35 and get 30-year level term for 22/month. I don't think PFS can touch this. They know that the interest rates on their "SMART?" loans are too high, but they've been BW into using
smoke and mirros (aka FNA) to convince their prospects. They've been BW into thinking that they are in business for themselve when acutally PFS is the business and "Family HQ" calls all the shots. They know their Mutual Funds and Annuties are Loaded and use BW techniques taught at their meetings and FSS to "overcome objections." But to be fair, its a really a sales business and like most sales there is a lot claims made that are just plain hype. Tell your husband to just take a couple of months away from PFS and the environment, maybe he'll come to his senses and you may be able to save your marriage. I had a similar experience, but Thank GOD, I came to my senses, turned my life and marriage around and have recovered and gained financially.

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