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  • Report:  #117969

Complaint Review: Primerica

Primerica is a sophisticated, elaborate pyramid scheme disguised as a legitimate business RIPOFF North York Ontario *EDitor's Suggestions on how to get your money back into your bank account!

*UPDATE: Primerica recognized by Rip-off Report a business opportunity well worth considering - it's not for everyone but many representatives make solid commission incomes. Primerica takes appropriate action against representatives conducting themselves improperly, pledges 100% commitment to customer service.

  • Reported By:
    Mississauga Ontario
  • Submitted:
    Mon, November 15, 2004
  • Updated:
    Fri, January 14, 2005
  • Primerica
    Finch And Keele (NorArm Tower) Suite 409
    North York, Ontario
  • Phone:
  • Category:

About a month ago, a relative of mine spoke to a Primerica representative named Chris Colbeck.

Mr. Colbeck asked him if he knew anybody looking for part-time work. He mentioned my name because I am a first-year student at York University in Toronto, and I need steady work to pay off my OSAP loan. He relayed Mr. Colbeck's cell number to me and when I called, he came across as a very friendly person and I immediately agreed to go in for a job interview, mainly because this opportunity had fallen into my lap.

For the first interview, I was told to dress professionally and bring my resume. I was nervous because I had honestly never done a job interview before. My clothes were not exactly what he had asked for, and my resume had to be thrown together the day before. During the interview, Mr. Colbeck asked me about school and what my career goals were, what my dreams were. It seemed as if he didn't care about my work history, he just wanted someone trainable to work in a leadership position. I was most definitely trainable and very excited about the opportunity. About two weeks later I got a call back for the second interview.

The experience changed here, because up to this point I thought this was a normal kind of job. But the second 'interview' was a presentation where some of the employees answered questions and explained the promotion system and how everyone gets paid. One presenter also told us about the $199 fee for training, which, we were told, "The company pays for you".

The presentation got me fired up, dollar signs for eyes kind of fired up, and I thought to myself, "You're so lucky to have this opportunity, you can really start making money!" I told Chris how excited I was and he signed me right up. I gave him my SIN, my personal info and signed their agreement, which I did read, though not thoroughly enough to see the catch I suppose.

Fast forward to right now. I sit here typing this because a few days ago I saw a charge on my credit card for $212. I was confused because I had bought some books from and though these things were related. But when I asked my bank, they said the charge was for Primerica Financial.

This is when it hit me: they've been leading me on the entire time. My mother, who is a paranoid person by nature, told me this wasn't right when Chris wanted to meet her. My sister told me her friend used to work for Primerica and they are a shady, soulless sort of corporate entity.

Me, in my gullible, give-people-benefit-of-the-doubt, green University student, trustworthy kind of nature, fell for it as hard as anyone could. Chris Colbeck and his wife Vicki made me feel wanted in the company. They made me feel like I was embarking on a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Even when my friends began to point out inconsistensies in their explanations of the job, I told them they were too cautious.

My friends... did I mention Primerica asks you to bring all of your close friends and loved ones into the business because they are, as Vicki Colbeck described, "a rag-tag crew of people trying to pull the world out of debt"? I got five of my friends to come to one of those presentations, and luckily they didn't offer their money up for the "Financial Licencing Course".

I'll explain this as simply as possible: Primerica employees lie to your face. They manage to avoid the law because they really are part of the world's largest company, which makes all this even more frightening... the licencing fee is really about $60 and anybody can do it, independently of Primerica. The $199 is how they make money, and also by selling life insurance.

I was told they give the financial analysis for free, and if people choose to follow their advice, the other companies involved (AGF was given as an example) benefit, and then reimburse Primerica and its employees. This, unfortunately, is a dream. Too good to be true, although in a different world it might work.

So here is my situation now: in two weeks the course will start. Technically, they have no legitimate (by law or by reason) cause to keep my $212 away from me. I should be able to back out and put this nightmarish thing behind me. But I am not going to get hostile with Chris and Vicki Colbeck.

First, I will call some loved ones and book these appointments. They will be angry with me for wasted time, but a few people already are. After booking these appointments, with one of them, in their office, I will ask about the money. If I can convince them, by appealing to my student status (they should NOT be putting unannounced charges on a debtor's credit card), to refund my money until after my training, I will leave and never speak to them again.

If not, well, I might just get a little bit hostile. My sister warns me they are liable to move shop to a different part of the city once they have scammed enough poor trusting University students. But I will contact people I met in the company and warn them off.

I will go to a meeting, stand up in the middle of it and tell everybody it is a scam. I will stand outside the building and hand out flyers telling people to visit this very site. And I will appeal, not only to Chris and Vicki Colbeck's sense of humanity, but to every employee I saw in that office.

I will tell them that they are making a living by lying to people and stealing their money. They can deny it with their polished sale-pitches, their edge-of-the-law reason, but I will make it very clear to them that as human beings, they have done me evil.

Will I get my money back? Will my friends and family let me live this down? Will Chris, Vicki and the rest of them have some kernel of decency inside them? The answer to all these questions is, probably not.

However, this experience has taught me just how depraved our society really is how money corrupts, how corporations really can get away with almost anything.

Don't listen to the people on this site talking about how Primerica is legitimate; it is all rhetoric, all redundancies and sophistry and theatrics and error.

Please, please, PLEASE do not let Primerica take advantage of your good will. Speak out against them, or at the very least warn anybody who is considering business with them.

Mississauga, Ontario

EDitor's Suggestions on how to get your money back!


Go to your bank within 60 days of the charge, or as soon as you know about the charge, don't delay, and tell them that there has been fraudulent activity within your account. Explain that you wish to file a dispute, and demand that they assist you in accordance with Federal Regulation E.

According to the majority of victims interviewed by Rip-off Report, those who immediately called their banks to dispute the charges did not get very far. Many victims got the following responses from their banks: we could not do anything for you or you waited too long; it has been more than 60 days.

If the bank is says that you have waited too long, explain to them how you called their 800 number as soon as the charges were found, and were told by the bank that nothing could be done. Remind the bank that they failed to assist you properly at the 800 #, and instead, provided you with an inadequate explanation of your right to dispute. Tell the bank that it's their fault time has expired, and since they gave you the wrong info to begin with, they will just have to deal with it, take the loss and reverse the charges.

Tell them the truth; this was unauthorized and your account was NOT to be charged! Keep emphasizing how you never authorized anything! Direct them to the hundreds of victims reports that were filed on Rip-off And if you're at the bank, walk them over to their computer and make them go to this site! If you are on the phone with them, tell them you will wait while they access this site! Either way, be persistent!


Let them know nicely, that you were advised to Report them (the Bank) and this situation to the Banking Commission in your state. Since each state has a different name for the agency/controller over banks, find that name before you call or get to the bank so you can throw it in their face. The more knowledgeable you appear to be, the further you will get.

And just continue to demand the Federal Regulation E form! The bank CAN, MUST and WILL reverse the charge! But, you must be persistent; ask to speak to the supervisor or the area manager for all the branches in the state.

Let the bank personnel know you are meeting with the media later in the day, that you would much rather they do the right thing (as most other banks have) by looking at the complaints and immediately reversing the charge(s) to your account; no matter how long ago it was. Be sure to call the Media if necessary so you are telling the truth.

If you have to, be loud (but nice) in front of other customers. If you are just calling by phone, the above tactics should still work. The bank can easily fax or mail to you the Federal Regulation E dispute form.


If the charge was to your credit card (not debit card, check card, or checking account), contact the credit card company as soon as possible to request a dispute form. Consumers usually have a little longer to dispute fraudulent credit card charges (up to 6 months), but it is better to act right away. In this type of situation, credit card disputes are usually successful since fraudulent companies often won't contest the disputed charge. In rare cases, credit card companies will review disputes, but refuse to reverse the charges. If this occurs, complain to a manager and let them know you will be filing a report here.

Remember Don't let them get away with it! Make sure they make the Rip-off Report .. The more Reports filed on a Company or individual, the more likely it is that the authorities, media and attorneys will want to take action.

And good luck Let us know how you do!

ED Magedson Founder, Rip-off & Author of

Don't let them get away with it.
Make sure they make the Rip-off Report!

We are not lawyers.
We are not a collection agency.

We are Consumer Advocates.
...the victims' advocate

WE are Civil and Human Rights Activists

We are a Worldwide Consumer Reporting News Agency consumers, for consumers

CLICK HERE to read about Credit Card Scams... find out how to get your money back. *Rip-off Report Investigation provides valuable information.

Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on Primerica

2 Updates & Rebuttals



Good news!

#3Author of original report

Thu, January 13, 2005

Hey everybody, this is Adrian, the guy who filed this particular report.

Good news: Primerica refunded my money! Not all of it, and it took a while, but I thought it was never going to happen at all! Fortunately, the charges on my credit card were cleared. All is good in AdrianLand. Glad that's over with!



Get out while you can still save face

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, November 18, 2004

This is a message that I replied to someone else on another forum about Primerica. I'm a good hearted person who just wants to help his family become financially independent, but not by being unethical and deceitful. You can get your money back by writing to Primerica and asking for a refund, but only before you attend any licensing class or insurance training known as PFSU. It may be called something different in Canada. Be careful not to subject yourself to lawsuit though when calling the RVP or calling the busines a scam in public. Eventhough it is. This is what I wrote.

I could give u a hundred reasons why not to join Primerica. I was a regional leader, struggling to find a market to sell the products to. I learned almost two years in to the business that many of the products have serious flaws and are, ethically, not sellable. For instance the Refinance through Citicorp Trust is terrible. The rates are no where near competitive and many of the reps sell the product by understating fees or trying to justify fees which are very high. Sales trainers train reps about the rate being a simple interest rate instead of a compound interest rate, but they tell the reps not to mention that to the clients. Why, you ask. I did the calculations on several loans I sold to client thinking I was doing what was right. The clients will end up paying much more than they should have if they went elsewhere. The recruiting process is a big lie. They entice you into thinking you're the next best thing and that the are looking for managers to run a location. The fact is they never tell you they are looking for insurance agents to override so they can run the location themselves. Market Saturation is very bad. There have been so many recruits come and go that in a few years Primerica will be a thing of the past. They'll tell you it's impossible to saturate the market. They're wrong. They trained that 1 in 50 people know about Primerica or have heard about Primerica. Those numbers are wrong, many people have in fact heard of or have been in contact with a rep. I feel sorry for those people in small markets especially. They've got no chance of sustaining a business. My Regional Vice President lied on several occasions to me and other reps. He would help us do business in promise that he would pay us after he was paid, since he held the proper licenses. He would then never pay and say we owed it to him. The only positive thing I got out of Primerica is to read contracts thoroughly. Primerica contract/IBA is laced with things you should be cautious of. They'll tell you that you will own your own business that you'll be an independent contractor, when in fact you're a captive agent and can't do any other business other than Primerica affiliated companies, which severely restricts you. And that whole thing about the fact that you can make it if you work hard, BULLCRAP. I worked hard, just ask my wife and three kids who never saw me. Two years of hell, with my wife always wondering if I get to spend anytime with them. I could could kick myself for waisting two valuable years in a busines filled with deceit and unethical practices. The RVP would tell us to set the client up for a Mutual Fund trade even though we weren't licensed to do so. Can you imagine if the NASD or SEC found out about that. He had me do an appointment once, prior to being licensed in insurance and actually sell the insurance. He then would sign the contract and get paid. That is illegal to do.. I'm oly telling you this, because I was caught up in what I thought was good and right. I wanted more for my family, but instead the only things I got were lies, debt and two waisted years. You be the judge yourself if you want. I hope you believe me because I would hate to see spend anytime wishing for something only very few obtain. And thouse that do obtain it do it the unethical way.

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