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  • Report:  #146836

Complaint Review: Primerica

Primerica ripoff Columbus Ohio

*UPDATE: Primerica recognized by Rip-off Report a business opportunity well worth considering - it's not for everyone but many representatives make solid commission incomes. Primerica takes appropriate action against representatives conducting themselves improperly, pledges 100% commitment to customer service.

  • Reported By:
    Columbus Ohio
  • Submitted:
    Mon, June 20, 2005
  • Updated:
    Sun, October 01, 2006
*Consumer Comment: financial independence and time freedom. We can accomplish this by utilizing Citigroup, who, happens to be the Largest company in the world *Consumer Comment: financial independence and time freedom. We can accomplish this by utilizing Citigroup, who, happens to be the Largest company in the world *Consumer Comment: financial independence and time freedom. We can accomplish this by utilizing Citigroup, who, happens to be the Largest company in the world *Consumer Comment: financial independence and time freedom. We can accomplish this by utilizing Citigroup, who, happens to be the Largest company in the world *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Why do I even waste my time...Primerica preys on the weak and uneducated. PERIOD *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Why do I even waste my time...Primerica preys on the weak and uneducated. PERIOD *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Why do I even waste my time...Primerica preys on the weak and uneducated. PERIOD *UPDATE Employee: Lies and false promises? *UPDATE Employee: Lies and false promises? *UPDATE Employee: Lies and false promises? *UPDATE Employee: Lies and false promises? *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Rebutting Kenny (Mahopac) *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Rebutting Kenny (Mahopac) *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Rebutting Kenny (Mahopac) *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Rebutting Kenny (Mahopac) *Consumer Comment: I feel that our country has fallen victim to a disabilitating attitude that allows for blame and the "pass the buck" mentality. *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Rebutting Kenny (Mahopac) ..good idea for some payback, Pamphlets should be distributed at Crimerica's interview meetings *UPDATE Employee: Primerica Helped Me Out *Consumer Comment: Saad, Please do your own research before you tell others to do the same *Consumer Comment: Saad, Please do your own research before you tell others to do the same *Consumer Comment: Saad, Please do your own research before you tell others to do the same *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Rebutting Saad (San Francisco) ..I recommend that you give out pamphlets at the next Crimerica meeting that gives out the true facts about Crimerica *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Saad, after 3 years you still sound like a newbie! *Consumer Comment: Response to Saad *Consumer Comment: Primerica myths = Citigroup does not stand behind Primerica's insurance policies. If Primerica became bankrupt Citigroup has absolutely no legal obligation whatsoever to honor the policies. *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Adding to Skull Pilot's remarks on Zig Ziglar *UPDATE Employee: What about World Financial Group (under AEGON)? *Consumer Comment: ZEL in Los Angeles *Consumer Comment: Consumer Comment for Zel

responding to the primerica email string. I think they are using the same tactic over and over again. Whenever I post a new resume on monster etc. I can be sure that I will get a call from primerica

I talked to them twice, and the only thing they have to offer is that they ask you to give them names and contact informationof people with credit problems that you know- i.e. help to screw your friends.

Stay away from it this if you want to keep your friends

Columbus, Ohio
Virgin Islands (U.S.)

29 Updates & Rebuttals



Consumer Comment for Zel

#30Consumer Comment

Sun, October 01, 2006

Comments for Zel,

I was almost lured into this same situation by WFG, going through the interview process and such, attending the Great Race Tour of Champions Seminar and hearing the so called sales pitch which revolved around nothing more than Recruiting, Recruiting just about made me sick. This was my second day with WFG, needless to say being analytical in my ways, and seeing the light before I got to deep into this miss-adventure and what the relationship was with selling insurance, I chose to put an end to my affiliation with this company on the third day.

Zel, as for your recourse, and this something that Leroy forgot to mention in all his posts, Leroy's insight is worth honoring; all Insurance Agents should carry Error and Omission's Insurance to prevent themselves from being sued by the client. Error's and Omission's Insurance is just like Mal-Practice Insurance for doctors. In your case, the agent did commit an Error and did commit an Omission in disclosure of Policy information. You should file a complaint to the State Insurance Commissioner, he/she will do an investigation if indeed an Error and Omission did occur and it's proven the policy would be voided, I would assume not looking the Law its self as I write this. As for the Agent who sold you the Policy, he/she could possibly have his/her State Insurance License suspended by the State.

Leroy is correct about the free look period which is normally 10 days and depending on the type Policy up to 30 days (normally for the elderly looking at LTC Polices).

Chris - Tempe,AZ



ZEL in Los Angeles

#30Consumer Comment

Thu, March 16, 2006

First of all, if you are still in your "free look" period you can return the policy to the company for a full refund, no questions asked. The "free look period" should be listed on the front page of the policy.

You should ask for the compliance officer of the company. As I understand it WFG doesn't sell their own products like primerica does. They sell products from other companies. You mentioned AEGON. Call AEGON and raise hell with the compliance officer. Threaten to file a complaint, threaten to take them to court. I have seen companies unwind a transaction when they feel it will be a pain in the rear not to do it.

By the way, our Insurance Commissioner in California, Sam Garamendi, played his entire football career at Cal without a helmet. As a result he is nothing more than a braindead pretty face propped up in a nice suit. He is the SECOND WORST insurance commissioner in history. Quackenbush was the worst. One was a democrat, one was a republican so you can see my criticism of Garamendi is not inspired by partisan politics but by his horrible record. He has run for governor before and will do so again. Vote against him anytime and everytime he runs for anything other than dog catcher.


Los Angeles,

What about World Financial Group (under AEGON)?

#30UPDATE Employee

Mon, March 13, 2006

I bought an EIUL from an Agent I trusted (the trust was based on the fact that he is a good friend of a relative). I am still under WFG (World Financial Group) based in Los Angeles. I am currently taking the 52hr Life License and I learned that what my Agent did was illegal. He did not disclose mandatory information and did not present all information orally prior to me signing the contract and paying the first premium.

According to my instructor for the Life License class, The Agent must disclose these information: Rider, Contingent Beneficiary, Automatic Premium Loan etc. I confronted my Agent this was his (Agent) response:
It will take forever to explain everything;
The class only explains the theories, but it doesn't apply/teach an agent to sell"
and He knew I couldn't afford them.

So now I am trying to get hold of my Instructor to get the penal code to prove that what my Agent did in fact, ILLEGAL. I have been calling WRL (The insurance company that trains WFG employees in selling the insurance), CIC and got the run-around! I have been transferred at least 15 times and given different numbers. NO ONE KNOWS! I simply asked (after explaining the situation), "Is that illegal? Some says YES, but do not have anything in black and white.

I'm frustrated. I just got into a company that I now don't trust. Maybe it's the Agents (yes, many did the EXACT same thing) and not the company itself that is a crook. What do I do next? Who can I talk to? I need to know if I should leave WFG and file a complaint, or stay with WFG and file a complaint against my Agent only.

I didn't do my homework prior signing the contract and joining the company since I trusted the Agent because my relative trusted him. I feel like an idiot.


North Brunswick,
New Jersey,

Adding to Skull Pilot's remarks on Zig Ziglar

#30UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, December 28, 2005

"And just so you know Zig Ziglar and Dale Carnegie are not in the insurance business, they are motivational authors and know nothing about insurance today."

I've known about Zig Ziglar before getting involved in selling insurance policies.

Zig Ziglar says that waiting for a prospect to respond to a closing question doesn't work in general ("Zig Ziglar's Secrets of Closing The Sale", copyright 1984, pages 325-6). I've been using that method successfully for over 10 years as what Zig Ziglar describes is wrong and out of date (a simple modification does the trick - his advice on page 394 is simply a variation on putting a pen in the prospect's hand as described by an insurance agent in another book).



Primerica myths = Citigroup does not stand behind Primerica's insurance policies. If Primerica became bankrupt Citigroup has absolutely no legal obligation whatsoever to honor the policies.

#30Consumer Comment

Wed, December 28, 2005

Bi-Weekly mortgage arrangements are entirely unnecessary. All that it does is create a 13th payment within a year. All you have to do is pay an additional 8.33% of the principal and interest each month and it will do EXACTLY the same thing. Do the math.

In a cash value loan from an insurance policy YOU ARE NOT BORROWING YOUR OWN MONEY!!!! The insurance company is sending you their money. Yours cash value serves as collateral for the loan. Should you die with the loan still outstanding the principle and interest is repaid to the insurance company by reducing the death benefit.

Citigroup does not stand behind Primerica's insurance policies. If Primerica became bankrupt Citigroup has absolutely no legal obligation whatsoever to honor the policies. It would be voluntary on their part. Since Citigroup allegedly went out of its way to avoid paying guaranteed pension benefits to the workers of a small company one of its subsidiaries bought in Ohio and then bankrupted, (see Parade magazine 12-25-05 issue), and given the corporate culture at Citigroup that has lead to it paying over two billion dollars in regulatory fines and class action settlements in the last couple of years, its my opinion anyone that thinks Citigroup would step in and honor primerica's promises is in for a great disappointment.



Response to Saad

#30Consumer Comment

Wed, December 28, 2005

Cash value loans.......Saad says if you take money out of your 0wn savings account (the cash value account) you have to pay it back with interest and then says "what kind of savings account is that?"

Answer- a cash value loan from a policy is actually a loan directly from the insurance company to you. Your cash remains in your policy and is collateral for the loan. It continues to earn interest during the time it serves a collateral. What Primerica doesn't tell you is that the difference in interest between what pay the insurance company for the loan and what your money continues to earn is on average 2%. Some companies offer a NET interest loan of 0%.

Saad says Primerica came into existence because a son couldn't collect on his dad's policy.

Answer- Bullpuckey. Your RVP changed the official PFS mythology to fit his downline's gullibility. In official PFS mythology
A.L. Williams' dad only had a $10,000 death benefit in a cash value insurance policy and someone said "too bad he didn't have term".

Of course the real reason A.L. Williams started this pyramid scheme was he found out the average insurance agent sells 6 policies to friends and relatives and then quits the business. A.L. figured out a way to have gullible people sell those 6 policies to their freinds and relatives and turn all the commission over to him.


Saad says I can go directly to Citigroup for all kinds of financial services and that there are black sheep in any family.

Response- Why in the world would I want to do that? Citigroup has paid over TWO BILLION DOLLARS in fines and class acton settlements over the last couple of years for all sorts of unethical practices by various. Although I don't know of any corporation that is pure, I'll stay away from those with track records of being rotten to the core. In this case the parent IS the black sheep.



Saad, after 3 years you still sound like a newbie!

#30UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, December 28, 2005


You would think that after three years, you would know more about life insurance, investments, mortgages, etc. I am literally appalled at your knowledge (well lack thereof) of the subject matter.

Saad, I do have a treat for you. It is currently 12.28.05 2:55pm (EST) and I have submitted a report that should shed light on Primerica and MLMs alike. It is currently going through processing so I'm sure it will post to the website, before this comment will post to this thread. If it doesn't keep your eyes open, because the information I have compiled is something you will definitely NEED to read.

Thank You


North Brunswick,
New Jersey,

Rebutting Saad (San Francisco) ..I recommend that you give out pamphlets at the next Crimerica meeting that gives out the true facts about Crimerica

#30UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, December 28, 2005

"Victim of a consumer Rip-off? Want justice? Rip-off Report is a worldwide consumer reporting Website & Publication, by consumers, for consumers, to file & document complaints about companies or individuals who ripoff consumers."

How are you helping out the victims Saad? I guess you have nothing better to do as those rah-rah meetings must be getting boring. I recommend that you give out pamphlets at the next Crimerica meeting that gives out the true facts about Crimerica (e.g. the average agent makes less than $6,000 a year and consumers are getting ripped off by Crimerica) along
with the right questions to ask at these "interview"
cattle call meetings (that'll put some excitement into the meetings).

Skull Pilot


Saad, Please do your own research before you tell others to do the same

#30Consumer Comment

Wed, December 28, 2005

The fact that you don't understand the difference between different types of life insurance after 3 years illustrates the quality of PFS training.

FYI Universal, Equity Indexed Universal, Variable and Variable Universal life products do not pay dividends nor have they ever paid dividends. You are confusing them with mutual policies. Here are some of the things PFS should be teaching you:

You can get both the cash value and the death benefit with a UL, EIUL, VL or VUL policy. It's called option B or increasing insurance. Using option B a death benefit grows over time and upon the death if the insured, the beneficiary gets the cash value and the death benefit.

You can use the money in a policy without paying interest. Many policies have wash loan provisions where your net interest is zero. Some policies have participating loans where you can actually earn net positive interest on your loan balance.

EIUL policies pay up to 17% on cash accumulation and not just 3-5% as PFS teaches you. And unlike mutual funds, the cash value will never decrease if the market falls.

You obviously don't understand loans either. Making bi weekly payments is not double amortization If you want an example how a SMART loan is more expensive than other loan read the thread titled SMART Loans What PFS does Not Teach Its Reps here

Citigroup itself does not sell insurance, they own an insurance company it's not the same thing. Citigroup is one of the largest issuers of credit cards in the world and you say they are getting people out of debt through PFS. Please.

And just so you know Zig Ziglar and Dale Carnegie are not in the insurance business, they are motivational authors and know nothing about insurance today.

You tell people to do research on the insurance business and yet you do not understand it yourself. Perhaps you should first practice what you preach.

Skull Pilot


Saad, Please do your own research before you tell others to do the same

#30Consumer Comment

Wed, December 28, 2005

The fact that you don't understand the difference between different types of life insurance after 3 years illustrates the quality of PFS training.

FYI Universal, Equity Indexed Universal, Variable and Variable Universal life products do not pay dividends nor have they ever paid dividends. You are confusing them with mutual policies. Here are some of the things PFS should be teaching you:

You can get both the cash value and the death benefit with a UL, EIUL, VL or VUL policy. It's called option B or increasing insurance. Using option B a death benefit grows over time and upon the death if the insured, the beneficiary gets the cash value and the death benefit.

You can use the money in a policy without paying interest. Many policies have wash loan provisions where your net interest is zero. Some policies have participating loans where you can actually earn net positive interest on your loan balance.

EIUL policies pay up to 17% on cash accumulation and not just 3-5% as PFS teaches you. And unlike mutual funds, the cash value will never decrease if the market falls.

You obviously don't understand loans either. Making bi weekly payments is not double amortization If you want an example how a SMART loan is more expensive than other loan read the thread titled SMART Loans What PFS does Not Teach Its Reps here

Citigroup itself does not sell insurance, they own an insurance company it's not the same thing. Citigroup is one of the largest issuers of credit cards in the world and you say they are getting people out of debt through PFS. Please.

And just so you know Zig Ziglar and Dale Carnegie are not in the insurance business, they are motivational authors and know nothing about insurance today.

You tell people to do research on the insurance business and yet you do not understand it yourself. Perhaps you should first practice what you preach.

Skull Pilot


Saad, Please do your own research before you tell others to do the same

#30Consumer Comment

Wed, December 28, 2005

The fact that you don't understand the difference between different types of life insurance after 3 years illustrates the quality of PFS training.

FYI Universal, Equity Indexed Universal, Variable and Variable Universal life products do not pay dividends nor have they ever paid dividends. You are confusing them with mutual policies. Here are some of the things PFS should be teaching you:

You can get both the cash value and the death benefit with a UL, EIUL, VL or VUL policy. It's called option B or increasing insurance. Using option B a death benefit grows over time and upon the death if the insured, the beneficiary gets the cash value and the death benefit.

You can use the money in a policy without paying interest. Many policies have wash loan provisions where your net interest is zero. Some policies have participating loans where you can actually earn net positive interest on your loan balance.

EIUL policies pay up to 17% on cash accumulation and not just 3-5% as PFS teaches you. And unlike mutual funds, the cash value will never decrease if the market falls.

You obviously don't understand loans either. Making bi weekly payments is not double amortization If you want an example how a SMART loan is more expensive than other loan read the thread titled SMART Loans What PFS does Not Teach Its Reps here

Citigroup itself does not sell insurance, they own an insurance company it's not the same thing. Citigroup is one of the largest issuers of credit cards in the world and you say they are getting people out of debt through PFS. Please.

And just so you know Zig Ziglar and Dale Carnegie are not in the insurance business, they are motivational authors and know nothing about insurance today.

You tell people to do research on the insurance business and yet you do not understand it yourself. Perhaps you should first practice what you preach.


San Francisco,

Primerica Helped Me Out

#30UPDATE Employee

Tue, December 27, 2005

Hi I started working with Primerica
since March of 2002. Primerica came into
existence because a son was not able to collect
life insurance premiums after his dad died.
During the funeral, this son's brother in law
said -- too bad your dad didn't buy term
life insurance.

You see many insurance companies trick their
customers into buying universal life or variable
life insurnance plans. Mang agents trick their
clients into saying that this insurance plan
also serves as an investment as it pays
dividends and builds cash value.

First of all in life insurance terminology,
dividends are "refunds of overpaid premiums."
Cash value is a savings account. If you withdraw,
you actually have to pay it back with interest.
What type of savings is that? besides your beneficiaries never see a dime of the cash value.

Primerica's philosophy is to unbundle your savings from insurance policies. Too many have been cheated by regular insurance companies.

Yes you can go directly to Citigroup for
all these services and I would strongly
recommend speaking to a Smith Barney
agent over myself. But many people don't go
out shopping for insurance.

Plus we are one of the only companies to
actually provide double amortization on
home mortgages. You can actually pay twices
each month to decrease your home loan principal.

I have helped so many people get off credit
card debt. It is a legitimate business and
has helped Citigroup quite a bit.

Just imagine you need 200,000 to start a
similar business at StateFarm or Farmers
and 199 here.

There are black sheeps in all organizations.
Primerica is a referral based business
and we are never supposed to cold call to
recruit!!! Those using Monster or Hotjobs
or to trick people to submit their resumes
without mention their business are doing it
the wrong way.

I go to college career fairs, various
financial seminars, etc. It is a face
to face business. Primerica is not an AMWAY!
We do not live of residual income! We do
focus on recruiting because all life
insurance companies loose agents faster than
they can gain.

I love Primerica's model but because I have
a passion for health care, I will be switching
to a company that sells health plans.

Please read Zig Ziglar's books, also
Dale Carnegie's books. Do a little research
on the insurance industry. Every step of the
way, you will appreciate how Primerica has
changed the shape of this industry.

How many of you are sick and tired of
being sick and tired? You can't crawl out
of credit card debt, you need to explode
out of it. Folks, Primerica is not the
only solution but the best one out there!


North Brunswick,
New Jersey,

Rebutting Kenny (Mahopac) ..good idea for some payback, Pamphlets should be distributed at Crimerica's interview meetings

#30UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, December 27, 2005

"Victim of a consumer Rip-off? Want justice? Rip-off Report is a worldwide consumer reporting Website & Publication, by consumers, for consumers, to file & document complaints about companies or individuals who ripoff consumers." How are you helping the victims of Crimerica, Kenny? You must be getting bored with the rah-rah meetings again to come running back over here to do some more shilling.

I think it's a good idea for some payback Kenny.
Pamphlets should be distributed at Crimerica's interview meetings that give out the facts about
Crimerica (e.g. the average agent makes less than
$6,000 a year) along with what questions should be asked at these meetings.


New York,

I feel that our country has fallen victim to a disabilitating attitude that allows for blame and the "pass the buck" mentality.

#30Consumer Comment

Mon, December 26, 2005


I am having a bit of a challenge responding, since I don't know what I am responding to. Accusatory remarks are not only childish, they accomplish nothing. Do I give 100% of my effort? Yes, I do, in every endeavor I undertake. My challenge is with those who feel "mislead" because no one handed them a bunch of money. I mean, if you owned a delicatessan and you worked there for 60 hours this week but saw not even one customer, how much money have you made? The answer is none. In order to profit in business, you must provide a service. Also I was wondering,of "all the litigation Citi is involved in" as you say, what does it have to do with Primerica, specifically? I can't speak for anyone else but I will say that since joining Primerica, I have become aware of many things that "average" people just simply never heard of. Like the rule of 72.Which explains how money is compounded over time. I feel that our country has fallen victim to a disabilitating attitude that allows for blame and the "pass the buck" mentality. You can see it everywhere whether it is Politics or business or anything else for that matter, if people don't take personal responsability for their lives, no one else is going to. There are more than fifty people in Primerica that make over $1,000,000/year. Why were they able to make it and others not? And how many make that kind of income in your company? I say QUITTERS NEVER WIN, and WINNERS NEVER QUIT.


North Brunswick,
New Jersey,

Rebutting Kenny (Mahopac)

#30UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, December 02, 2005

"And did YOU give it 100%?" What do you consider to be "100%" Kenny? I would consider one month to be enough to tell while two years is way beyond that.

" you think that the SEC would allow Primerica to stay in business if they weren't doing the right thing 100% of the time?" Irrelevant Kenny since Crimerica isn't traded on the stock exchange. However their parent, Citigroup, is traded on the stock exchange and the government has fined Citigroup and is pursuing Citigroup in court.

"Before you criticize and make false accusations you should "educate" yourself to the facts of the matter." Practice what you preach, Kenny.


North Brunswick,
New Jersey,

Rebutting Kenny (Mahopac)

#30UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, December 02, 2005

"And did YOU give it 100%?" What do you consider to be "100%" Kenny? I would consider one month to be enough to tell while two years is way beyond that.

" you think that the SEC would allow Primerica to stay in business if they weren't doing the right thing 100% of the time?" Irrelevant Kenny since Crimerica isn't traded on the stock exchange. However their parent, Citigroup, is traded on the stock exchange and the government has fined Citigroup and is pursuing Citigroup in court.

"Before you criticize and make false accusations you should "educate" yourself to the facts of the matter." Practice what you preach, Kenny.


North Brunswick,
New Jersey,

Rebutting Kenny (Mahopac)

#30UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, December 02, 2005

"And did YOU give it 100%?" What do you consider to be "100%" Kenny? I would consider one month to be enough to tell while two years is way beyond that.

" you think that the SEC would allow Primerica to stay in business if they weren't doing the right thing 100% of the time?" Irrelevant Kenny since Crimerica isn't traded on the stock exchange. However their parent, Citigroup, is traded on the stock exchange and the government has fined Citigroup and is pursuing Citigroup in court.

"Before you criticize and make false accusations you should "educate" yourself to the facts of the matter." Practice what you preach, Kenny.


North Brunswick,
New Jersey,

Rebutting Kenny (Mahopac)

#30UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, December 02, 2005

"And did YOU give it 100%?" What do you consider to be "100%" Kenny? I would consider one month to be enough to tell while two years is way beyond that.

" you think that the SEC would allow Primerica to stay in business if they weren't doing the right thing 100% of the time?" Irrelevant Kenny since Crimerica isn't traded on the stock exchange. However their parent, Citigroup, is traded on the stock exchange and the government has fined Citigroup and is pursuing Citigroup in court.

"Before you criticize and make false accusations you should "educate" yourself to the facts of the matter." Practice what you preach, Kenny.


New York,

Lies and false promises?

#30UPDATE Employee

Fri, December 02, 2005

Dear "Rip",
You stated that people with no financial education are "out there" representing themselves as "financial wizards after being fed lies and false promises." Is that before or after they obtain their State and/or Federal licences? You said you were "on the inside" for 2 years. I guess you have since quit. You see, there are alot of people just like you who thought it would be easy to become wealthy. Problem is, Primerica is NOT get rich quick. It is a company that has been in business for over 20 years and affiliated with Citigroup since its' inception in 1998. My other question is, do you think that the SEC would allow Primerica to stay in business if they weren't doing the right thing 100% of the time? My recommendation to you would be, instead of being bitter, take a good look at what your expectations were. And did YOU give it 100%? Before you criticize and make false accusations you should "educate" yourself to the facts of the matter.Good luck to you in your pursuits.


New York,

Lies and false promises?

#30UPDATE Employee

Fri, December 02, 2005

Dear "Rip",
You stated that people with no financial education are "out there" representing themselves as "financial wizards after being fed lies and false promises." Is that before or after they obtain their State and/or Federal licences? You said you were "on the inside" for 2 years. I guess you have since quit. You see, there are alot of people just like you who thought it would be easy to become wealthy. Problem is, Primerica is NOT get rich quick. It is a company that has been in business for over 20 years and affiliated with Citigroup since its' inception in 1998. My other question is, do you think that the SEC would allow Primerica to stay in business if they weren't doing the right thing 100% of the time? My recommendation to you would be, instead of being bitter, take a good look at what your expectations were. And did YOU give it 100%? Before you criticize and make false accusations you should "educate" yourself to the facts of the matter.Good luck to you in your pursuits.


New York,

Lies and false promises?

#30UPDATE Employee

Fri, December 02, 2005

Dear "Rip",
You stated that people with no financial education are "out there" representing themselves as "financial wizards after being fed lies and false promises." Is that before or after they obtain their State and/or Federal licences? You said you were "on the inside" for 2 years. I guess you have since quit. You see, there are alot of people just like you who thought it would be easy to become wealthy. Problem is, Primerica is NOT get rich quick. It is a company that has been in business for over 20 years and affiliated with Citigroup since its' inception in 1998. My other question is, do you think that the SEC would allow Primerica to stay in business if they weren't doing the right thing 100% of the time? My recommendation to you would be, instead of being bitter, take a good look at what your expectations were. And did YOU give it 100%? Before you criticize and make false accusations you should "educate" yourself to the facts of the matter.Good luck to you in your pursuits.


New York,

Lies and false promises?

#30UPDATE Employee

Fri, December 02, 2005

Dear "Rip",
You stated that people with no financial education are "out there" representing themselves as "financial wizards after being fed lies and false promises." Is that before or after they obtain their State and/or Federal licences? You said you were "on the inside" for 2 years. I guess you have since quit. You see, there are alot of people just like you who thought it would be easy to become wealthy. Problem is, Primerica is NOT get rich quick. It is a company that has been in business for over 20 years and affiliated with Citigroup since its' inception in 1998. My other question is, do you think that the SEC would allow Primerica to stay in business if they weren't doing the right thing 100% of the time? My recommendation to you would be, instead of being bitter, take a good look at what your expectations were. And did YOU give it 100%? Before you criticize and make false accusations you should "educate" yourself to the facts of the matter.Good luck to you in your pursuits.

Rip Doff


Why do I even waste my time...Primerica preys on the weak and uneducated. PERIOD

#30UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, June 23, 2005


I don't know why I even bother repsonding back to you. With all due respect, you probably fall under the uneducated. That's not entirely bad though. You've just fallen victim to the lies and deceit that run ramped throughout Primerica. Primerica Reps will recruit anyone. As long as you don't have a criminal background, you're fair game. Nearly every recruit that comes into the business is financially uneducated, yet within a few months, after being fed lies and false promises, they are out in the public parading around as some financail wizard with all the answers. It's really ashame that Citigroup let's this occur. I was on the inside for two years and I was always willing to take one for the Primerica team. I learned my lesson. Unfortunately there are many just like you and me who are raked in, with good intentions, only to learn that Primerica is basically a wolf in sheeps clothing.

Rip Doff


Why do I even waste my time...Primerica preys on the weak and uneducated. PERIOD

#30UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, June 23, 2005


I don't know why I even bother repsonding back to you. With all due respect, you probably fall under the uneducated. That's not entirely bad though. You've just fallen victim to the lies and deceit that run ramped throughout Primerica. Primerica Reps will recruit anyone. As long as you don't have a criminal background, you're fair game. Nearly every recruit that comes into the business is financially uneducated, yet within a few months, after being fed lies and false promises, they are out in the public parading around as some financail wizard with all the answers. It's really ashame that Citigroup let's this occur. I was on the inside for two years and I was always willing to take one for the Primerica team. I learned my lesson. Unfortunately there are many just like you and me who are raked in, with good intentions, only to learn that Primerica is basically a wolf in sheeps clothing.

Rip Doff


Why do I even waste my time...Primerica preys on the weak and uneducated. PERIOD

#30UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, June 23, 2005


I don't know why I even bother repsonding back to you. With all due respect, you probably fall under the uneducated. That's not entirely bad though. You've just fallen victim to the lies and deceit that run ramped throughout Primerica. Primerica Reps will recruit anyone. As long as you don't have a criminal background, you're fair game. Nearly every recruit that comes into the business is financially uneducated, yet within a few months, after being fed lies and false promises, they are out in the public parading around as some financail wizard with all the answers. It's really ashame that Citigroup let's this occur. I was on the inside for two years and I was always willing to take one for the Primerica team. I learned my lesson. Unfortunately there are many just like you and me who are raked in, with good intentions, only to learn that Primerica is basically a wolf in sheeps clothing.


New York,

financial independence and time freedom. We can accomplish this by utilizing Citigroup, who, happens to be the Largest company in the world

#30Consumer Comment

Thu, June 23, 2005

I have worked at numerous jobs prior to primerica financial services. None of them told me they wanted me to succeed .none of them asked me about what my goals were for the future. I work in and around New York and New Jersey with Primerica because they have a duplicable system in place where I, let me repeat that, I , am able to go find other people to work with and truly leverage my time by training, developing, and most importantly Leading other people to help families have a legitimate chance at financial independence and time freedom. We can accomplish this by utilizing Citigroup, who, happens to be the Largest company in the world.I don't think anyone lasts in business without providing a great service to people. So the fact of the matter in my opinion is that there are 2 reasons why people may have a challenge with us. Either they are afraid of change which in an ever-changing world is just plain silly. Or perhaps they simply haven't invested enough time finding out exactly ehat it is that we do. As a result of one or two or both of these things, people draw conclusions based on misunderstanding. I look foreward to helping anyone who has a question about what we do. Thank you for your time and have a great day!


New York,

financial independence and time freedom. We can accomplish this by utilizing Citigroup, who, happens to be the Largest company in the world

#30Consumer Comment

Thu, June 23, 2005

I have worked at numerous jobs prior to primerica financial services. None of them told me they wanted me to succeed .none of them asked me about what my goals were for the future. I work in and around New York and New Jersey with Primerica because they have a duplicable system in place where I, let me repeat that, I , am able to go find other people to work with and truly leverage my time by training, developing, and most importantly Leading other people to help families have a legitimate chance at financial independence and time freedom. We can accomplish this by utilizing Citigroup, who, happens to be the Largest company in the world.I don't think anyone lasts in business without providing a great service to people. So the fact of the matter in my opinion is that there are 2 reasons why people may have a challenge with us. Either they are afraid of change which in an ever-changing world is just plain silly. Or perhaps they simply haven't invested enough time finding out exactly ehat it is that we do. As a result of one or two or both of these things, people draw conclusions based on misunderstanding. I look foreward to helping anyone who has a question about what we do. Thank you for your time and have a great day!


New York,

financial independence and time freedom. We can accomplish this by utilizing Citigroup, who, happens to be the Largest company in the world

#30Consumer Comment

Thu, June 23, 2005

I have worked at numerous jobs prior to primerica financial services. None of them told me they wanted me to succeed .none of them asked me about what my goals were for the future. I work in and around New York and New Jersey with Primerica because they have a duplicable system in place where I, let me repeat that, I , am able to go find other people to work with and truly leverage my time by training, developing, and most importantly Leading other people to help families have a legitimate chance at financial independence and time freedom. We can accomplish this by utilizing Citigroup, who, happens to be the Largest company in the world.I don't think anyone lasts in business without providing a great service to people. So the fact of the matter in my opinion is that there are 2 reasons why people may have a challenge with us. Either they are afraid of change which in an ever-changing world is just plain silly. Or perhaps they simply haven't invested enough time finding out exactly ehat it is that we do. As a result of one or two or both of these things, people draw conclusions based on misunderstanding. I look foreward to helping anyone who has a question about what we do. Thank you for your time and have a great day!


New York,

financial independence and time freedom. We can accomplish this by utilizing Citigroup, who, happens to be the Largest company in the world

#30Consumer Comment

Thu, June 23, 2005

I have worked at numerous jobs prior to primerica financial services. None of them told me they wanted me to succeed .none of them asked me about what my goals were for the future. I work in and around New York and New Jersey with Primerica because they have a duplicable system in place where I, let me repeat that, I , am able to go find other people to work with and truly leverage my time by training, developing, and most importantly Leading other people to help families have a legitimate chance at financial independence and time freedom. We can accomplish this by utilizing Citigroup, who, happens to be the Largest company in the world.I don't think anyone lasts in business without providing a great service to people. So the fact of the matter in my opinion is that there are 2 reasons why people may have a challenge with us. Either they are afraid of change which in an ever-changing world is just plain silly. Or perhaps they simply haven't invested enough time finding out exactly ehat it is that we do. As a result of one or two or both of these things, people draw conclusions based on misunderstanding. I look foreward to helping anyone who has a question about what we do. Thank you for your time and have a great day!

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