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  • Report:  #1518633

Complaint Review: Professional Christian Coaching Institute

Professional Christian Coaching Institute PCCI COACHING FOR CHRISTIAN LIVING, INC. The Deceptive Practices of Professional Christian Coaching Institute (PCCI) Edgar Springs MO

  • Reported By:
    PCCI-Student — Heiskell TN United States
  • Submitted:
    Wed, May 25, 2022
  • Updated:
    Wed, June 22, 2022


They claim they are a 'destinctly Christian' school, but they also teach occult practices. They also have a financial deal with an International Coaching Federation (ICF) complaints review board member. 

The founder of PCCI (Christopher McCluskey) has a publishing company called Mount Tabor Media. The review board member (Michael Marx) of ICF has a conflict of interest, so how can a student file a complaint with the ICF and have a fair and just review given? 

(See the very last email at the bottom of complaint for the email I sent to Michael Marx)

Michael Marx receives royalty checks from Mount Tabor Media and at first he denied having any dealings with McCluskey, but then admitted he gets checks.

If you question their practices and ask about the potential conflict of interest with the ICF, they first attempt to silence you, then they ban you and shun you and keep your money, even though you didn't get to finish the coaching credential path for their school. Thousands of dollars has been kept by this school that lied about their 'destinctly Christian' claim. 

They started scrubbing their site of the occult teaching after I complained, but a lot of it is still there. I have asked for a refund but I've been given the silent treatment by all staff members. It's as if I don't exist to them.

 This is not the behavior of a Christian school. It's the behavior of a cult.

It doesn't appear to matter how much you paid for your classes either, or that you are still a student.  They ban you and ignore your complaints. This sounds more like a cult, not a Christian coaching school.  So, let me explain what led up to this complaint being filed so I can  warn others.

If you are considering getting coaching creditials, you need to be aware that the International Coaching Federation mixes their staff and volunteers among those whom they are suppose to review complaints against, should their be a need for a student to file a complaint.

It appears to be a good ole boy network of some sort, by people setting themselves up to monitor coaches even though the coaching industry is not regulated.


The coaching industry is not a regulated one like counseling is.  You can pretty much call yourself a coach for whatever you want your niche to be in, and there is no governing body that will oversee your coaching practice.

When I started my coaching journey, I would be teaming with a counselor to provide coaching services, and since counselors have a governing body that oversees their practice, I also wanted credentials.   

There is a dominant, self-appointed credential standard entity called the International Coach Federation  (ICF) that is commonly used by coaches to gain credentials and certifications.    (

Their requirements for certification is that you obtain a certain number of hours from an ICF approved training program, plus you take an exam and pay the certification fee.  You also have to keep up continuing education units, much like counselors have to.

In fact, it follows a lot of the requirements a counselor would have to follow, except that, like I said, certification is not required, and not regulated.    

As a Christian, I wanted to choose a training program that is Bible-based, and so I chose the Professional Christian Coaching Institute (PCCI).  (

They are an ICF approved school and they state this on their site:

"Every course at PCCI is aligned with ICF standards. All of our instructors are successful ICF-certified coaches. And all of our courses are pre-approved by the ICF as ACSTH: Approved Coach-Specific Training Hours.

Our CPLC credentials do double-duty, enabling you to exceed course requirements for the first level of ICF certification, the Associate Certified Coach (ACC). 

Combining our four Core Courses with our business-development course (The Successful Coach) and any other single course of your choosing enables you to exceed the course requirements for the ICF’s advanced level of certification, the Professional Certified Coach (PCC)."

They require four core classes before you can get their first certification, for a total of 104 training hours.  They also require 5 hours of 1:1 mentor coaching, plus 50 hours of compensated coaching experience.

The four courses include:

1. The Essentials of Life Coaching $2,000

2. Coaching Skills Development  $1,250

3. Ethical Practice and Risk Management $500

4. Coaching Skills Mastery $1,250

The two elective classes I chose in order to get the PCC advanced certification are:

1. The Successful Coach $1,000

2. Developing Emotional Intelligence Through Coaching. $1000

By May 2nd, I had completed all but one class, which is the Coaching Skills Mastery class.  I paid more than the posted fees because I chose the payment plan method.   I had paid the deposit plus two payments and my last class would start May 26, 2022.

I lined up my mentor coach for the required 1:1 mentoring hours, and I was planning to further my education with PCCI for classes that would continue my education for years to come.  

Recently, the ICF began rebranding itself to One ICF, and the detailed direction of their standards are not entirely posted yet.  Some of the information will apparently be disclosed in the Fall of 2022.    They have so many Web sites, and so many branches running in different directions that it's hard to tell what they're doing as they rebrand.

If you go look at some of the resources they mention, then you can find out 3rd party information, such as the UN 2030 agenda, and Paris agreement about climate change.   

I wanted to do more research about where the ICF stands before I get creditials through them.   They are not a Christian-based organization, so I started researching who they are.

It is operated by a for profit entity, Associations International, Inc.  (  This firm has the authority to hire, fire, and set standards.

The ICF has already, or is in the process of adopting the Charter of the United Nations.  Until they complete their site, the ICF is not being clear what this will mean for Christian coaches. Even their credentialing process is unclear, and under construction.   They are transitioning to levels, and not all the levels are clear, yet. 

I wanted to do more research on what this means to Christians before I alligned myself with the ICF standards for certification, due to their rebranding, and finding out that they are actually not one organization, but a conglomerate of entities.   It appears control of them is in the hands of a for profit entity that manages a multitude of firms.

I withdrew from the Coaching Skills Mastery class for the May starting date so I can learn more about who I was aligning myself with.  However, I continued to be a PCCI student, making regular monthly payments, participating in their PCCI Family Facebook group, and their PCCI main Facebook group.  I also still have my class files and records in their student dashboard area.

I am specializing in emotional intelligence and brain profile assessments and was researching the various assessments.  My main consideration is DiSC.  I ruled out the Enneagram because of its cult roots.  The Enneagram got its foundation from a mystic, and through divination practices.

As a Christian, I am Bible based and we are forbidden by God to be involved in divination and similar practices.  (See Deuteronomy 18:9-12) 

On May 13, 2022,  I wrote to PCCI staff explaining I didn't want to be governed by the ICF, and that I wanted to be full on, 100%, leading people to discover about the good works God prepared beforehand for them to walk in. 

PCCI students are encouraged by staff to ask questions and get feedback from staff and fellow students in their Facebook groups.  I wanted to know where coaches and staff stood on their understanding of the Enneagram.  I asked the following in the PCCI Family group.

"I have a question about coaching with the Enneagram.

Is it true this teaching was first started by an occultists who designed the logo without personalities in mind, and then it was passed on to another occultist, who add the 9 personality types, then adopted by Christians and changed to the Biblical meaning?

Much like Christmas and Easter begining in pagan rituals, then adopted by Christians and changed..."   

This began a very civil and much needed discussion among staff and students.  One staff member, Emily Eichstadt, ACC (Community Coordinator) sent me to a link on the Enneagram, published on the PCCI site.  It had a podcast presented by:

Christopher McCluskey, founder of PCCI

Kim Avery, a PCCI instructor, and

Teresa McCloy, a PCCI staff

All three of them brought up the concerns about the enneagram, but then suggested we "live with it a while" and see that we can use it as a tool in our coaching.

This concerned me because this is supposed to be a Christian school.  They even state on their site that they are a 'distinctly Christian' school, but this is deceptive if they are teaching us to "live with it" concerning the enneagram.

Because of my post in the Facebook group, other students of PCCI were bringing up the occult links to the enneagram, and their concerns.   McCluskey interrupted our disccussion and attempted to silence us, not only within the group, but to silence us outside of PCCI.

This is not a tactict that shows evidence of a Christian caught in wrong doing, and wanting to make corrections.  Instead, it shows how cult leaders, guilty people, and corrupt people behave to silence those who oppose what they are doing.

I wrote to McCluskey outside of the PCCI Family group, and explained my concerns after I started researching him and his network.  I didn't understand why he wasn't denouncing the enneagram.

McCloy has this information for her staff bio:

"Teresa is Founder and CEO of the REALIFE Process®, LLC. She is a CPLC and ACC Credentialed Life and Leadership Coach through Professional Christian Coaching Institute, consultant, speaker, and trainer. Teresa is a certified Spiritual Director through Sustainable Faith and is also certified with ©iEnneagram Motions of the Soul."

I began researching McCluskey and found out he has a financial link to an ICF complaint board member, who also was listed as an instructor for PCCI.  I asked McCluskey about this link and the potential conflict of interest.  He didn't respond back to me.

I asked why he shut down a much needed conversation about occult teachings within a Christian school, and the potential conflict of interest he has with ICF.   

He tried to refund the deposit and some of the money for the last class I cancelled as a "gift" to me, but rather than discuss his and his staff's affiliation with the occult teaching, and potential conflict of interested with the ICF complaints board member, he hid behind his staff member, and she sent me the message about him giving me a gift for the ethics class I was still making payments on, by not requiring any more payments.

I responded back to Jessica Fall, the Dean of Admissions, the following:


"I don't need a financial blessing from Chris, Jessica. I need a response from a Christian leader, as about the occult rooted teachings going on in a Christian school I trusted would be Christian.

Instead of a response, he's sending you as the messenger? I still want a response.

What are PCCI plans going forward when you all know where the enneagram plan came from. 

Again, please apply the balance to what I owe, and let me know how much I still owe on the ethics class. If you blind cc'd him in your response to me, thank you. I'll add him as well. 

Where does PCCI stand on enneagram teachings? He said he was going to remove it from the site, but it's still there, in two podcasts.

This issue is not resolved right now. I paid you guys thousands of dollars with the integrity belief that you are Christian, but you dabble in darkness. That's a lot of money you received. You broke that trust and integrity.

I think it's fair that I hear it from him as to what standing you are going to take. Are you going to give up the enneagram teachings as a Christian school?"


She sent me another email asking me to confirm my correct address.  I responded:


"Yes, you have the correct address.

I'm not done with this, though. If your school doesn't denounce the occult teaching, I will be requesting a full refund for all classes, or I will begin the official complaint process. This is very troubling, because I need to know where your leaders stand on this issue.

I was one class away from working on my PCCI certification, but the Bible is very clear about aligning ourselves with those who practice darkness. I can't even use the Trained by logo on my site, or have it as my credentials because ALL of us have to stand before God.

The reason I am having you put the money over to my ethics class is because I am fulfilling my obligation as a student. I am still considered a student, and a part of the PCCI family right now, pending the outcome of your decision to denounce the occult teachings.

I expect to be allowed to stay in the Facebook groups as well, until I hear back from Chris as to what he plans to do. Since this is a serious issue, I don't want it delayed because I need to know where we stand in choosing between God's kingdom, and the kingdom of Satan.

Have I wasted my money with your school? That's fine if you want to continue the direction you're going, but I will request a full refund so I can go after certification thought a Christian credential process.

I will also go public, because I feel like this is deception in the worst way, considering Chris, Kim, and Teresa knew the origin of the teaching, but told their students to live with it so they can see it as a tool for coaching.

I'm not going to pay money to a school that dabbles in darkness, and I will fight this unless Chris denounces it, removes it from the sites like he said he was going to do, and stops teaching it. You can't serve God and Satan. Pick one!"


Even though I was emailing staff privately, and not disclosing this in the Facebook groups, I was banned from both of the groups, and shunned.   

The staff refused to address my concerns about the occult teachings, the appearance of an ICF conflict of interest, and my request for a refund since I couldn't finish my certification process.

I sent the following email to the staff:



I have copied everyone on this that has been communicating with me, regardless of their role in your organization. I have also included [name removed], because he was the person I was was going to get my mentor hours in with for certification.

I have included Kim Avery and Teresa McCloy, because of the enneagram podcast.

I would like to approach this with the assumption that none of you know where the enneagram came from, and so that's what I want to share with all of you.

It was invented by a mystic (Gurdjieff) who summoned the spirit world, and the information given to him was not for personalities. It was for knowledge of all things. The emblem you are using came from a mystic. The Bible is very clear that we are forbidden to do that. 

It entered psychology through personality typing, specifically, overlaying Gestalt therapy on top of Gurdieff's spirit world symbol. 

Oscar Ichazo admits to lying about the roots of the enneagram, and admits that he got the information from automatic writing. This is an occult practice where You can hear it from his own words on this video:

You, as Christian leaders CAN NOT say that what you are teaching your students is from God! Did you know this before you created the podcast? Chris, Kim, and Theresa, I am asking you a point blank question right now, that I deserve an answer to.

Did you know that divination was used to create the enneagram?

Deuteronomy 18:9-12 tells us we are not use any form of divination / contacting the spirit world and yet you are teaching what was revealed through a mystic (early version) and a liar (psychology version) and !

Do you know the roots / history of the ennegram? At what point did you decide in your hearts that it's a tool you wanted to introduce to your students, and create a podcast on it suggesting to your students (and anyone else that finds the podcast) that we should "live with it for a while" and see it as a coaching tool? 

What point was your breaking point where you ignored the truth and tried to gloss it over with Christianity?

Do know that another round of introduction was created specifically to bring it into Christianity? Don Riso and Richard Rohr "Christianized" it, and cut out the role of the Holy Spirit, and put self-awareness at the focus instead of teaching God's word that we are to transform into the image of Christ, NOT ourselves. But they glossed over the truth and overlayed it with Christianity.

Oscar Ichazo and Claudio Narano were involved the demonic practice of automatic writing, and came up with the personality type version of it. This is a trance-channeling of demons, and the person involved in the practice automatically writes without consciousness. Hence.. automatic writing.

You are teaching and promoting demonic knowledge, not Godly wisdom.

Are you doing this out of ignorance of what the enneagram is? If so, then I will ask you that now that you know, will you denounce your error and do away with the teaching from your school?

All of you are on notice now. You have to choose God, or Satan. You can no longer conduct a so-called Christian coaching school and include demonic activity and ICF standards that go against God because I, through the boldness of the truth, am calling you out.

You are also on notice about the ICF. You are grooming God's children to go under the governance of the ICF, and not the Bible! Chris, you told me that I should be able to see that Bible verses are used in your school even though other people's writings are issued for class assignments.

Not once did we open the Bible as an assignment! Yes, you see Bible verses in other people's books, but you see people applying the Bible over the top of the enneagram as well! 

You can also see that you, Kim, and Teresa have attempted to give God's approval on the enneagram teaching by "Christianizing" it. 

I want an answer by close of business day tomorrow what you say about the enneagram, and the direction the ICF is taking coaches, and if you will continue to integrate it in with PCCI. 

I also want an answer as to why you are grooming your students to be certified through the ICF, who is ungodly, and has set itself up with standards they oversee in order to maintain certification.

Chris, you are an intelligent person. You have the ability to set up your own credentials that line up with the Bible. Coaching is an unregulated industry and if the ICF can self-proclaim them as credentialing standards, then you can also create a set of standards that pleasing to God.

You have a platform already. Why have you aligned yourself with an ungodly credentialing industry?

What you have done is subjected me to a standard that mixes Christianity with the occult and with ungodly authority over my coaching credentials. I will not be groomed in a manner that changes the way God set up His kingdom!

I spent two years working towards what I thought was a Christian school! God showed me what you are teaching, and who you are grooming me to be governed by. That's why I dropped the last class, pending the outcome of this awareness I got, and what you will choose to do about the occult teaching.

I can not finish my certification under a leader who dabbles in the occult, so I'm asking you to denounce it, or refund all of my money so I have not wasted my income in a demonic setting. Please, let me have my money back if you want to go the direction you chose.

If you denounce it and set up a credentialing process that is pleasing to God, I will stay with your school.

That's all I'm asking. If you choose not to denounce it, but are willing to refund my money, I will part ways with PCCI and you go your direction, and I'll go mine. 

If you do not denounce it, and do not refund me, then I need to file a formal complaint, because you deceived me into thinking I was getting a Christian education and a certification after I completed my mentoring and the four core classes.

I need an answer by tomorrow at 5 pm, or I file a complaint. You know the truth about the enneagram, and I know this because you brought up the concerns in the podcast, but you glossed right over it. God has commanded that we come out of the world, but you, Teresa, and Kim told us to "live with it awhile".

Chris, this is your company. What do want to do with this issue between you and me? "


I find it interesting that PCCI removed the enneagram podcast.  They have not yet denied my claims are true.  They have not addressed my concerns about the ICF and potential conflict of interest.  In fact, I am completely shunned.  

They are refusing to tell me what rules I broke that would cause them to ban me!  I had just one class left to get my first certification and they won't tell me what rules I broke that they would be silent when I bring to their attention my concerns.

Still no answer from them, so I sent this email:  


"Request for full refund

Since you have chosen to try to silence me when I brought up the occult teaching and the potential conflict of interest concerning the ICF, and then banned me, rather than talking about these concerns, I will now request a full refund.

I will give you until 10 AM (EST) Monday morning to respond to my request via email, or else I will file a complaint that will be public. I won't be going through the ICF because of your book deal with their complaints review board member.

I was learning what the ICF really represents and I withdrew from the CSM class until I could find out more. I was not withdrawing from PCCI. I planned on getting my certification from your school, and then going into the elective classes so I can coach groups, do strengths assessments, and do the coaching for the brain class. 

I also had an arrangement with [name removed] to manage the brain profile assessments for my clients until I could be certified for what she does.

It wasn't until you shut down the occult teaching in PCCI Family group that I started suspecting PCCI. Not only did you want us to be quiet there, but you also didn't want us to bring up the issues outside.

If there is nothing wrong with what you're doing, then why did you attempt to silence your students? I'm not getting message in private, and you have lost two other students, and a third one is questioning me.

If there is nothing wrong with what you're teaching, then why are you scrubbing your site of enneagram teachings if you are convinced that's a Christian practice that God would be pleased with? Scrubbing your site while banning me is proof you know of wrongdoing in the site of God. It also shows you resort to cowardly behaviors instead of allowing a civil discussion on such a very important matter.

Since you are scrubbing your site, I'll let you know you missed one. So if you are going to scrub your site of evil, don't forget the encore section. I'm glad you at least have the decency to remove the demonic influence from your site. Whether or not you, Kim, and Teresa continue on your enneagram journey is between you and God. 

My journey has now become to get my money back, or else expose your tactics to the public so other students aren't deceived about how you handle opposition concerning God.

We are now beyond a conversation, and I either want my full refund, since you have ruined my chance of getting a Christian coaching certification, or I will be filing a full report that will also be very much public. 

By the way, you lost two more students because your ICF networking, and/or because of what you did in the PCCI Family forum, and/or because of how you have shut down my certification opportunity and kept my money. 

I learned from my past experiences that God does not expect us to be a door mat. Chris, you should not have told me to be quiet about this, because that's what cult leaders, guilty people, and corrupt people do. They want to silence people and hide the internal workings of their organization. It was a worthy conversation to have and you shut down your students and then tried to tell us to be quiet EVEN on the outside.

I'm not going through the ICF at all. What's the point? You have a board member on your staff that could be handling any complaint I try to submit, however, I do have a call in to the ICF to find out what I should do about the potential conflict of interest. But, I will not be filing a formal complaint with them. The public is a better place because you can't shove this under a rug in the public domain like you did in the PCCI Family group, and through private emails.

I tried to deal with this privately, and every one of you have shunned me and not responded.

All of your names (with the exception of xxxxx) will be listed on the complaint. 

It will be on because their organization won't hide my complaint. You will have opportunities to respond to me on their site, and their site only. I'm not playing around with a leadership that silences their students when a student finds issues that need a proper discussion.

You will have to log in to their site to communicate with me and their team.

I will also be disclosing your financial relationship with the ICF complaints board member and your book deal with them. That will be a warning to potential students that going to the ICF to file complaints is just like the government good ole boy system.

All I asked you for was a refund, if you didn't want to denounce the demonic teaching, and since you shunned me, I can clearly see you don't care about this matter. This will be the last email I send in private. All other communication with any of you will be fully in public via that site.

Now, I want promise of refund by Monday morning when you open for business, or I go public on the ripoff site, and that's where you will be able to go in there and have a discussion with me since you are too much of a coward to do it here in private. "


As of Monday, May 23, 2022, there still has been no communication from PCCI about their link to the ICF board member, Michael Marx, or their occult link they brought into the Christian school.  

I am still banned from the forums.   Today, I wrote to the ICF complaints board member, the following:


"Attention: Michael Marx: I am now writing the complaint


Thank you for our brief conversation today, and for answering me that you would like a copy of the emails I sent to PCCI staff. I have sent all of them to you now.

I have not heard back from any PCCI staff member, and have been completely shunned. They also have not responded to my request for a refund, so I am taking this public, because they refused to discuss this in private.

I have been transparent in all of my concerns, and so I called you today letting you know your name has been brought up by me because of the appearance of a conflict of interest. 

At first, you told me you have not had any dealings with Chris McCluskey in a while, but then you stated you receive checks from Tabor Media. I reminded you that it's his publishing company, and you agreed.

So, I reminded you that you still have dealings with him if you are receiving checks from his publishing company. You agreed.

I also reminded you of the ICF ethics concerning the appearance of a conflict of interest, and explained to you that it's the appearance of conflict of interest I see in your relationship with Chris McCluskey if I were to file a complaint through the ICF, against PCCI.

You mentioned you are one of three that would review any complaint brought to the ICF and that you would be removed from the review. However, on information and belief, you would have influence in the matter because of the royalty checks you receive from McCluskey.

A reasonable mind would fairly conclude that you have financial gain coming from McCluskey and that any student bringing a complaint to your ICF board would not be treated fairly.

As a student, this does not appear fair to me, which is why I am choosing a 3rd party to go public with this matter.

I am copying this email to all the people I have been copying in the string of emails, so they are kept in the loop. I will now be writing my complaint and will post all of these emails in a public forum, since PCCI staff refuse to address my concerns in private.

I find it very revealing PCCI is deep into the occult practices and yet claims to be Christian. This is deceptive and the fact they banned me from their groups and tried to silence me shows they are choosing darkness and the money it brings them."



ICF Global Independent Review Board (IRB)

Apr 2016-Present

Michael J. Marx reviews complaints against against ICF members and credential holders.


All I am asking is that Chris McCluskey refunds the thousands of dollars I paid him, only to have him tell me to be quiet about his occult teaching and possible conflict of interest with the ICF review board.   He can go his way, and I'll go mine.

Not once did they respond to my requests for clarification on my concerns.  They just banned me and kept my money and now I can't get my certification as a coach.

At least ripoffreport will give me a forum to address my concerns without McCluskey and his staff interferring by silencing me, and having an insider on the ICF complaints board.


2 Updates & Rebuttals


United States

Response from McCluskey via Attorney General

#3Author of original report

Wed, June 22, 2022

I received a reply back from Christopher McCluskey, founder of PCCI, via the Attorney General of Missouri, Jeffereson City.

McCluskey doesn't deny my complaint concerning sorcery being taught in what he advertises as being a 'distinctly Christian' coaching school.

In fact, he embraces it, and told the Attorney General that my complaint is without merit, based on his opinion that the sorcery he teaches is popular with Christians.   This started when I asked questions in the PCCI Family Facebook group. Before I get to his response, let me clarify exactly what I asked in the forum.

"I have a question about coaching with the Enneagram. Is it true this teaching was first started by an occultists who designed the logo without personalities in mind, and then it was passed on to another occultist, who add the 9 personality types, then adopted by Christians and changed to a Biblical meaning?
Much like Christmas and Easter begining in pagan rituals, then adopted by Christians and changed adpted to the story of Yeshua being bornin a manger.

I really and truly want to know the truth of the Enneagram, because PCCI has it in their site. What if this really came from an occult?
Why are Christian coaches teaching this? Does anyone know where it came from?"

This post I wrote prompted a much needed conversation among students and staff; that is, until McCluskey shut down the conversation and told us not to discuss it in the group, nor outside the group.

Outside the group as well? Like as in, we can't discuss it among ourselves? We can't warn about the sorcery? Does that mean don't discuss it on external sites, either, or among other coaches questioning the teaching? What does he mean we can't discuss it outside the group, either?

I brought these issues to rippoffreport, knowing he can't shut down the conversation here, nor delete it. The conversation also prompted students to privately message me, thanking me for bringing up this topic, because they have a problem with it as well.

That brings me to his three page response he gave to the Attorney General. I will break down his entire response, if not here on, then I will create another place to have this discussion so other Christians can be aware of what is being taught in this school. I don't know how many additions I can add to my ripoff complaint, so I want to start with the most important paragraph of McCluskey's response.

I think it's fair to have this discussion so that Christians who are considering that school can be aware that it isn't distinctly Christian, and then they can make their own decision as to whether or not McCluskey's version of Christianity is okay with them, rather than discover it later, that he promotes sorcery, after students spend thousands of dollars there.

I have a problem with deceptive advertising and that's why I started this complaint.

In his response to the Attorney General, he states that I assert "that PCCI has mirepresented itself as Christian, alleging that we promote "sorcery, divination, witchcraft" and "dabble in darkness", "exposing God's children in occult practices.""

I did indeed assert this. He's correct that I stated that in my emails to him and his staff, because it's written on his public site for all to see that they teach the enneagram and that he promotes socery stories.

Also, in a public podcast episode, titled: CS Lewis & Impacting Culture Through Coaching’ by Chris McCluskey & Kim Avery, he boasts about his admiration for the sorcery stories created by CS Lewis.

For those who aren't familiar with these stories, they masquerade as Biblical while using sorcery, witches, and magic. Any Christian who uses the Bible as their source of what is right and wrong would know that the Bible considers this to be an abomination to the LORD.

Here is the podcast.

I'm not sure how long it will be before he scrubs this from the Internet like he did the others I brought up in my complaint.

Not even 30 seconds into the podcast, Kim Avery states "We were tempted to name a Christian coach goes to Narnia."

Narnia, a fantasy place of magic, sorcery and witches, should not be brought into Christian coaching, unless of course, you want to omit what the Bible says about sorcery and just elevate a story about witchcraft and sorcery above the story of God. In that case, you are teaching what is an abomination to the LORD, for those of us Christian coaches who have a problem with what PCCI is doing.

Instead of denouncing sorcery when CS Lewis announced he became a Christian, he brought his sorcery background into his stories, and Christians overlook the darkness because he calls himself a Christian. That may very well be that he called himself a Christian, but to bring sorcery, magic, and witches into Christianity is a sin. If you wrap an orange peel around an apple it's still going to be an apple. What Lewis did was wrap darkness around a Biblical theme and sold it as Christianity, but inside, it's still sorcery.

McCluskey states that he raised his kids on the CS Lewis writings, and particularly the Chronicals of Narnia. He even states "we would try to raise the kids in Narnia if there was such a capability."

On the page, featuring McCluskey, he identifies himself as:

"A former psychotherapist, Chris pioneered the field of life coaching because of his passion for vision, intentional living, and out-of-the-box thinking. He and Rachel have raised 4 kings and 3 queens of Narnia on their 440-acre ranch in the foothills of the Ozark mountains."

What he teaches his family, and how he sets up his household to showcase Narnia is his business. I don't dispute that he has that right. What I am disputing is that he advertised PCCI as a 'distinctly Christian' coaching school, when in fact, it isn't. He proves this by telling the Attorney General that I lack merit because the sorcery he teaches is popular.

Right above his kings and queens of Narnia reference, he writes:

"Christopher McCluskey is President of Professional Christian Coaching Institute, the world’s largest distinctly Christian coach training school aligned with the standards of the International Coach Federation (ICF)."

Please note the words again - distinctly Christian.

When someone advertises like this, then introduces sorcery to their students, that is highly deceptive, and that's where I have a problem with the wasted money; $5,900, to which I spent with an organization that led me to believe they are distinctly Christian.

Because McCluskey and his staff refuse to denounce sorcery, I, as a Christian that sees the Bible as authoritive over the teachings of Lewis and his Narnia, witches, sorcery, and wizardry, can not align myself with PCCI teachings. 

Had McCluskey not falsely advertised his school, I would not have entered that school. It wasn't until he silenced me concerning the enneagram that I dug deeper about why he would silence me and the other students who have a problem with sorcery in the school.

His false advertising is luring Bible Christians into a school they think is Christian. In fact, the Bible isn't even opened in class! They use books written by other coaches as their school books.

He admits to the sorcery when he says this to the Attorney General, in response to my complaint:

He says that I base my assertions "on our periodic references to a popular personality assessment which thousands of Christians utilize in their practices (the Enneagram), and to occasional quotations I have shared in talks from the fictional writings of Christian author CS Lewis ('The Chronicles of Narnia' and others.)

"Her definitions of what constitutes a Christian seem extremely narrow since literally thousands of Christians utilize the Enneagram, and CS Lewis is arguably the most well-known and celebrated Christian author of the 20th Century. Obviously, most Christians celebrate Christmas and Easter, and most worship on Sundays."

What's very alarming about what he's saying here is that he is raising up CS Lewis above God. God declared sorcery to be an abomination of the LORD, and the founder of a "distinctly Christian" coaching school has announced to the Attorney General that he is basing his teachings on popularity and not on God's word, and then saying my definition of a Christian seems extremely narrow because of the popularity of the teachings he promotes.

Were he to base his teaching on God's words, instead of Lewis, he would denounce sorcery and repent for teaching this to others.

His reference to Christmas and Easter, I assume, comes from my original questions in the PCCI Family group concerning the enneagram possibly being brought into Christianity like Christmas and Easter. His reference to Sunday, I assume, is because he is aware that I keep sundown Friday to sundown Saturday as my sabbath. It appears he is justifying that his response has merit, and that I lack merit because CS Lewis, Christmas, Easter, and Sunday are popular with Christians.

My issues with PCCI is not about Christmas, Easter, or Sunday, though I will address what he said later, in another rebuttal.  I was very clear that it had to do with the sorcery he and his staff teaches, so I can only go on the assumption that he threw this in to his response to boost his teachings based on what is popular with Christians.

Again, I am specifically complaining about the false advertisement, and the sorcery; however, I will address the other things in a different rebuttal since he used those things to try to discredit me.  But his attempts at trying to discredit me are not Biblical at all.

He doesn't deny the sorcery in his teachings, and yet he has been scrubbing them from his site after I complained. A reasonable mind would conclude that if you are confident sorcery is not against God's warnings, then you would provide proof of that to your students, using the Bible, and not some occultist turned Christian writer, who brings sorcery into his stories, againsts what the Bible instructs.

If my complaints lack merit with McCluskey, then it appears it's because his elevation of Lewis and the stories of sorcery outweigh God's instructions, and that sounds like he is stating that my complaint lacks merit because he believes sorcery is okay if it's popular.

One would have to ask what source of right and wrong the founder of PCCI uses when a student complains about something so serious that God calls it an abomination to the LORD, but McCluskey says I lack merit for complaining.

He told the Attorney General that I left after having only one class remaining. Yes, indeed. McCluskey deceived me into thinking he was running a dinstinctly Christian school, and God is very clear about aligning ourselves with the kinds of teachings he's involved in.

"Whoever turns to mediums or spiritists to prostitute himself with them, I will also set My face against that person and cut him off from his people. Consecrate yourselves, therefore, and be holy, because I am the LORD your God." Leviticus 20:6-7.

PCCI issues their logo with the words 'Professional Christian Coaching Institute Trained', and enables their coaches to use this even after one class is completed. However, his deception in advertising, and the truth about the sorcery being taught, means I wasted two years of training and thousands of dollars, and he claims my complaint doesn't have merit, yet were I to continue aligning myself with PCCI, I am "prostituting myself with PCCI's involvement in sorcery" and God will set His face against me.  So yes, I walked away from PCCI because they refuse to denounce what they teach.

What form of justice is available for false advertising, other than for me to warn others to make sure you are okay with sorcery before you align yourself with this school.

If you are looking for a Bible-based coaching school, this is not the place to spend your money.

When I complained about the sorcery, they started removing the podcasts from their sites, but it's still there in other areas. They are very much aware of the roots of what they teach, but if you say anything, they will use the 'popularity' argument to try to discredit you as a Christian coach that knows what the Bible says about sorcery.

If you are a Christian that rejects all forms of sorcery, regardless of how popular it is, you want to stay away from this school.

To the staff of PCCI, you have an opportunity to file rebuttals on this site and tell your side of the story. Let's not use my complaint as the measuring stick for merit since you want to use popularity instead.  So, which measuring stick do you want to use to justify what you're doing... Lewis, or the Bible?

Why are you teaching sorcery but advertising as destinctly Christian?

If you would have advertised as being a New Age coaching school, I wouldn't be here calling you out, because I would not have enrolled in your school. I would have found a school that doesn't dabble in sorcery.

Let's hear a rebuttal from you now that you told the Attorney General of MO that my complaint is meritless because what you teach is popular, but let's use Deuteronomy 18:9-12 to determine merit.


United States

I emailed the ICF and the founder of PCCI

#3Author of original report

Fri, May 27, 2022

Yesterday, May 26, 2022 would have been the first day of the last class I needed in order to get my first coaching certification through the PCCI school.

I initially didn't have a problem with PCCI. It was the ICF I was questioning. Their new site is incomplete, and it appears it won't be complete until the fall of 2022. This leaves it unclear exactly who coaches are being groomed to be certified under. Especially when you consider they have partially completed pages on their site that give a future season when we'll know the details.

This organization appears to have aligned themselves with contravertial ideals that have nothing to do with coaching, such as the climate change agreement (Paris). Also, they are aligning themselves with the UN 2030 agenda. Again, what do these things have to do with getting certified as a coach?

Are we going to have to pledge their alegience to these agendas, like coaches have to adopt the ICF pledge, ethics, and code of standards now, in order to be certified?

More importantly, once they get their site completely filled out with the content that we, as coaches, need to know, what does the end game look like for coaches? Whose authority are we really under? What rules will they put in place that we must comply with if we want to be certified?

PCCI became a problem when I asked questions in the PCCI Family Facebook group. That is, the enneagram, being sorcery/divination rooted, and the direction of the ICF. Two very different topics though.

The founder of PCCI, Chris McClusky, attempted to silence me. I have a problem with leaders trying to silence people when very good questions are being asked.

I discoverd he has a financial link to the ICF. And, he is not a distinctly Christian school at all. He does teach primarly a Christian based idea, but he also mixes in occult teaching.

I checked his site today, and he appears to be scrubbing it of enneagram related content after I complained, but there is still a staff member on the site: Teresa McCloy, who is has enneagram advertising about the program she developed. So, they have not denounced the enneagram, and have not notified their students that they have a financial stake in at least one ICF complaints board member.

I sent the following to the headquarters of ICF, and to Chris, and the same staff members I had been emailing. To date, not one person has contacted me concerning my complaints. I'm still banned.

They still kept my money. I still have no path to certification right now. It's as if I don't exist to them.

It seems if they were convinced the enneagram is distinctly Christian, then they wouldn't be trying to silence me, and they wouldn't be scrubbing it from their site.


ICF / Michael Marx / Christopher McCluskey Complaint


Attention: ICF

This is only for your reference. I am not taking the chance that you will treat me fair since the person and school I want to complain about is paying one of your complaints board member royalty checks. For that reason, I have chosen a third party to bring these matters to the attention of potential Christian coaches who might be considering PCCI as their school.

If all else fails to get my money back, perhaps a court mediation is my next option.

I'm taking this route because PCCI staff is refusing to address my concerns, and they have kept thousands of dollars of mine, without allowing me to be a student in the same manner they treat other students. In fact, I appear to be shunned, and no one has told me what I did wrong.

Here is the complaint I filed, and will continue to file in the public realm since Christopher McCluskey wanted me to be quiet about these concerns.

I don't believe it will do me any good to go through the ICF considering he pays royalty checks. I am out thousands of dollars with no path to credentials right now. I can't afford to start over.

Perhaps now, Chris, you will address my concerns since you didn't want to do this privately. If I have to go through a court to get my money back, I will be asking for all records and financial agreements you have with any ICF member; including agreements, monies paid, future monies, and also, I want your public notice you made warning your students of any ties you have to the ICF, and your world belief of sorcery being okay for a 'distinctly Christian' school.

I will also be presenting the court with evidence that you get your inspiration from C.W. Lewis, when you were asked in an interview what Bible verses you rely on for perseverance. None... You said you rely on the The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. This is based on sorcery, which as a Christian leader, you knew, or should have known, what the Bible says about sorcery.

I will be acting as a pro se litigant, so if want to give my contact information to your attorney, please do so. Had you not tried to silence me, we wouldn't be here.

They have published my complaint and you can view it here:


Even after I gave them a link to this complaint, they still have not contacted me. They still have not told me what I did wrong to get banned. They still have not responded to my complaints.

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