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  • Report:  #85640

Complaint Review: Professional Marketing Group - PMG Mentors Energy Professional Marketing Group INC.

Professional Marketing Group - PMG Mentors - Energy Professional Marketing Group Took advantage of vocationally challenged man with serious neck trauma selling psuedo expert mentoring business training nonrefundable for thousands Provo Utah

  • Reported By:
    Burley Idaho
  • Submitted:
    Sat, March 27, 2004
  • Updated:
    Thu, December 16, 2004
  • Professional Marketing Group - PMG Mentors, Energy Professional Marketing Group INC.
    5072 North 300 West
    Provo, Utah
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Shortly after purchasing a DVD purporting to give a special insider tips for selling on ebay I received a phone call from PMG. I was asked many personal questions about my work background, financial situation, credit history etc. They made it feel and sound very much like a job interview.

They told me very few people were selected to come on board their program. They elaborated in great detail how financially successful their expert tutorage program is likely to make their students. They associated their tutor program with some big-named, highly successful people such as Robert Allen and Shawn Casey.

I was very skeptical at first. The initial contactor gave me a website to allegedly check them out with the BBB. The website said they had the average amount of complaints of a business of this type that had been resolved. Very peculiarly, since that time I have gone into BBB's website and it has a different appearance than I remembered and does not contain the same message as it did from the website I was given when first contacted by PMG. Rather, it warns that BBB has been receiving reports that PMG claims to be a member of BBB which BBB says is false.

After being told the cost, I asked what I was to receive in return. I was given a description that sounded very impressive. Along with the tutorage, I was told I would receive a package of highly innovative products to assist me in marketing and promotion including sellable product.

I was still skeptical. They assured me that if in the unlikely event I was not sucessful in earning enough to pay off my credit card debt, they would continue to work with me at their expense beyond the initial training period. I was also told that this offer was available only right then as many more potential prospects were available to fill the slot. I foolishly agreed and paid the $7660 on my Visa card.

I received some over-rated software, no sellable product, just a membership to a wholesale co. that sells common oversold items. I supposedly also got something to promote my website on the net but have been unable to come up with marketable product to date.

I have been in the program for nearly two months now and have not made a dime. I have worked very hard--hundreds of hours trying to follow their so-called expert instructions. I have come to realize that they are not what they claimed. The info they provide is very common and can be accessed from many free resources and usually consists of common sense.

Most of their "expert advice" is not all it's cracked up to be, such as obtaining dropshippers as the magic bullet to starting a business. It turns out dropshippers are rare and charge extra for the service.

In my opinon Professional Marketing Group mentors are rank amateurs that haven't provided anything of monetary value. Unfortunately, I knew of no way to determine the quality of this program without actually experiencing it and then it was too late.

The things I have learned in this program have been a result of trial and error, and I couldn't be more dissatisfied with what I have received. After I requested a refund, they informed me that they only give refunds under dire circumstances.

I believe it's time to take action against this company for their unscrupulous manner of doing business.

Burley, Idaho

8 Updates & Rebuttals


South Carolina,

Not happy with PMG, asked for refund and got it, but they kept $900. How do I get that money back?

#9Consumer Suggestion

Wed, December 15, 2004

I like the questions that Bill asked before signing up with PMG. I asked many of those same questions when I talked to the company rep. Basically, he changed the subject by telling me what I wanted to hear. He promised to make me successful beyond my wildest dreams. That's it in a nutshell. Anyway, the whole deal went sour after I signed up. I asked for a refund, they initially refused, but then gave it to me after I persisted with emails and also with VISA's chargeback dept. Even so, they want to keep $900. Do you have any ideas how I can get that money back?



Thank you bill for the wonderful idea. Let's put it into action!

#9Consumer Suggestion

Mon, April 26, 2004

Hey Bill, How are you? I hope I caught you at a good time. Your idea sounds like fun and I think we should all get started on it real soon, for this may be the absolute only way to cure the disease, that's spreading rapidly like wildfire and beginning to infest entire states.

I havn't been contacted by PMG, nor have I ever conducted business with them in any way. I have however, been scammed big time by the fraudulent, third party marketing company who now owes me thousands of dollars for pissing me off. The company you ask? John Beck's Free and Clear and John Beck's Amazing Profits. You've all seen the infomercial.

This program is nothing but a huge scam and they know it. The company has already proven itself fraudulent in the dispute battle which we're presently in, by not being able to furnish any items that have to do with the reason for my dispute. They have proven everything that I accuse their fraudulent business of being.

They're dragging the dispute out for as long as they can, in hopes that I someday bow out of the dispute, or in hopes to somehow catch me on some kind of contract related technicality. They attempt this, by continuously submitting items which have absolutely nothing to do with the reason why I've disputed the service.

Items such as reciepts, invoices, contracts, etc, etc. All of these items would be legitimate counters, if they had anything to do with the reason for my dispute. I have not once denied enrolling in their program, so everything that they have submitted so far, is irrelevant to my dispute.

For them to even attempt to do what they're doing only proves to the entire public, that their fraudulent, bogus & non-existing "mentoring" program is nothing but an attempt to lure people into their cleverly disguised traps where the non-existing service is only a cover.

Another thing that totally proves my theory in that this fraudulent and non-existing "mentoring" service is nothing but a trap, is the fact that some victims obtain refunds while most victims don't. I'm sure that every one who is a victim of this scam received the exact same baloney, because we were all lied to and blatantly mislead into investing money into this non-existant scheme.

So every one who has unacknowledged and unresolved complaints against this fraudulent company, that's overwhelmingly similar in nature and content, should have the same results when pursuing a refund, otherwise it's really clear to see that my theory on these bogus offers being nothing but traps stands 100% accurate without any doubts.

Below is a list of the various addresses in which this scam operates out of:

John Beck Free and Clear
12843 Muscatine Street
Arleta, CA 91331

John Beck Amazing Profits Mentoring Institute
P.O. Box 3685
Burbank, CA 91504
Mentoring office: 888 909-8168
Facsimile: 818 767-3400

John Beck
2089 E. Fort Union Blvd
Salt Lake City, UT 84121
818 767-3300

Anyone and everyone who is interested in starting a nationwide boycott/campaign against these fraudulent companies, feel free to start calling these numbers at any time. The best thing to do is call any and all of the toll free numbers from public pay phones and from residential and cell phones where your number has been blocked. This will at very least, illiminate a few, if not the majority of fraudulent businesses sales leads, by wasting much of their time and money in toll charges

This mission could also save hundreds or possibly even thousands of people from being taken by this nonsense. Most importantly, don't forget to list down any and all numbers of companies that have wronged and cheated you. Do this by posting a rebuttal on this particular rebuttal. For best results, as to not lose contact with one another, we should all stick to this exact same topic and rebuttal.

For this campaign to work, we must all do our parts and cooperate to the best of our abilities. Don't ever think that these companies are going away by themselves. If we do nothing to shed some light on the situation soon, these fraudulent companies will rapidly multiply like gremlins and continue to scam our loved ones for many generations to come.

If anyone has any suggestions on how we might be able to run this campaign better, by all means post it here. Until next time, take care cause I care, Aloha from Hawaii and God Bless each and every one of you.

P.S.Good idea bill, this should be fun. I hope that we are able to successfuly form a union and anti-scam campaign. Take care now.

P.S.S. Any and all media companies, attorneys and FTC officials who may be interested in my story, please contact me through this website.


Los Angeles,

If your teachins is succesful, prove it or whow othrs the proof

#9Consumer Comment

Sun, April 25, 2004

It would seem that the only purpose in life of these people is to make money by swindeling, cheating, not telling the truth and certaily never, ever being responsible for their actios.


Los Angeles,

Well, you can protest. Really Buyers are interested in value for money

#9Consumer Comment

Sun, April 25, 2004

Well, you heard my ideas on how to make telemarketers pay ... Let them call you, solicit your hard earned money. Email them every time you think you have been ripped-off, make THEM Pay.

If each and every one of us did this, guess what. They will be broke. Make it more sure by having them spend time at their expense ... remember telemarking is not cheap.

BTW, you may want to consider asking the IRS and SSA if the employees in your state have had wages reported. Oh, and the stress related issues, for the poor dumb telemarketers, well my heart goes out to them ... just remember that they knowingly lied to you in the first place.

Federal law (and laws in your states) may make the practices of PMG and such others illegal at either state or federal levels. I am not an attorney, nor do I offer legal advise, but I believe that if you are being sold a bill of goods you have recourse.


Los Angeles,

Telemarketing is expensive, make fraud expensive

#9Consumer Suggestion

Sat, April 24, 2004

I too was contacted by someone from PMG, called himself Nick. This after I purchased info on real estate, foreclosures etc. We seemed to hit it off as he claimed to have been a missionary in Tahitti (one of my favorite places on earth). Knew the islands etc. Then he started the pitch. Usual story you can read here many times, he was attempting to qualify me for a mentoring program where I would be one of 30 chosen to receive expert mentoring so that Robert Allen could use me as a success story. Sounds good, right? Then he says that there is a cost, just to cover the costs mind you, mentoring and tutoring does not come without a price.

But, the good news, the tuition was OPM - other peoples money. Turns out I could put it on my gold or platimum card ... USE THE BANK'S MONEY. I reminded him that it was not OPM, I was responsible for the debt - IT WAS MY MONEY! But not to worry, if I have the dedication and committment to work at least 10 hours per week, I could "flip" the property and make an extimated $22,000 and just pay the card off.

Anyway, I said that when I pay for instruction, and I certainly have --- three degrees from a well known institution at $17,000 per semister cost -- But I tell Nick not to worry, I am willing to pay for expert education.

I could almost hear the sigh of relief when I said that. But, I said, I can view the credentials of my professor, walk around the campus and all of that. So I suggested that he have his manager be prepared to tell me who the instructors/tutors actually are to be. Furthermore, I asked him to be prepared to give me the name of anyone in southern California, who is or has been a client, that I could meet -- FACE TO FACE. After all, I told him, I do not know PMG from Acme Processed Foodstuffs and Manure Company. They are going to want a committment of time and money from me, so who am I giving the money to? Ummmmm, well we cannot do that, that would violate the confidential relationship with their clients. I responded that I certainly understood that and would have been surprised had they agreed without first contacting their client/student first and getting his/her permission. But I reasoned that any SUCCESSFUL student of theirs would be very willing to demonstrate their newly aquired real estate expertise.

I am going on a bit here, for a particular purpose. If it took you 2 minutes to read this much, understand that I took about 2 hours of Nick's time. He already knew that I could put at least $75,000 on credit cards, I knew that I was a big fish for him to land. I knew the closer would be asking for nothing less that $20,000. Nice commission on that one. I did however say that I did not expect his call and that as we had hit it off so well and talked for so long, I would not be available when his manager would be able to call. I had to take a friend to pick up his BMW which was being serviced and that as interested as I was in his opportunity I had made a committment to my friend. He would expect me to keep my committment to him and my tutor/mentor right. Right.

I suggested that he or his manager call back to schedule a time for me to speak with his manager. Believe me, the manager called back as did Nick. In fact I was busy and let them keep calling for a few days. And call they did. Bless answering machines. Finally, I did call Nick back (on his 800 toll-free (to me)) line. We chatted a bit more, etc., etc.. I finally told him that I did not think we had a good fit if I could not at least know who the mentor/tutor was and speak to a client. Nick was pretty upset. I think he had been car shopping or something. I guess I just dashed his hope for that new Beamer. Remember, I know these guys a working in a boiler room. They work there, most of them, because they are broke and want some fast cash. Believe me, they can make it too and probably pay cash for that new car. Of course it is stolen money.

I knew I would get a callback from a closer -- you know him. Ever been in a car dealership and have the salesperson take the deal to the manager? You know the drill, guy comes out and tries to hammer a better deal (for the dealership) etc?

I kept making the closer use all his lines and tactics on me. Remember, If he is trying to close me, I am using OPT&R (Other Peoples Time and Resourses). Sorry, couldn't resist that. I spent freely 2-1/2 hours of Nick's time and he paid the phone bill. Raised the guy's hops then sent them into the toilet.

I know I could work the closer because he HAS TO LOOK GOOD to the troups. I spent another hour on him. Even better, the closer sent me to the closer's closer. He's the real head honcho who must demonstrate his abilities. I spent another hour of his time. Needless to say, he did not close me either.

So, go to those sites offering "free stuff". Let the PMG people (or others like them) call you and start the sell. Keep them very interested in selling you their product. Ask questions, questions and more questions. Agree that you are very motivated and anxious to be accepted by the mentor. Get their toll free number. Get their website name, ask where you would send followup questions. Keep them on the line as long as you can, get them to call you time and time again, THEN let them accept you or not as you will.

No one would want to make a career out of this, but just imagine how incredibly expensive it would be for these folks to have hundreds or thousands of dead leads each costing 2-3 hours of time none of which result in a sale. Ouch! Then of course you would want to send in your questions. Good questions, stupid questions -- just questions by the hundreds or thousands, preferably each in a separate email. Poor guys will spend hours pouring over the questions trying to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Get your brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, sons, daughters and friends to order free stuff and have some fun. Ask them to have their friends and families do the same. If everyone who reads this does this only once and gets 5 other people to do the same and they each get more. Well you get the idea.

You probably have heard about DOS attacks (Denial-Of-Service) attacks that have been launched against Yahoo, Microsoft etc.. These attacks are devistating to any organization that has one targeted against them. Well, this is the same idea. Beat em using their own tools, time and money.

Sure, they will get better at spotting the ploys, but it sure will be a costly lesson!

Sounds like fun to me. I have several phone numbers and I have already ordered stuff, using different names of course. I plan to have just a bit more fun. Am I rotten or what?

One caution, these guys sell and trade email addresses, so open a disposable one on some free site. There are tons of places where you can open an email address which you can later discard. You do not want to be spammed to death later.

Another point: to those people on this site who have done a bit of homework investigating PMG and others like them. They change their business names almost as often as you change your underwear. When the reputation gets too bad, like magic, for less than $150 (in most areas) they get a whole new name.

Now, go order more free stuff. After all we are all just the stupid people out there who will never be successful because we do not have their magic formula for success.



committment which we require from are students are very reasonable

#9UPDATE Employee

Fri, April 23, 2004

Hi Vic, this is Jason, the senior director of the program, to which you were invited. As you recall from your first converstations with my associate Justin and myself, we were only looking for a few serious individuals who felt they had the basic attributes which make up a successful business person.

All who read this can agree that to be successful you need to have: motivation, determination, drive, knowledge, preparation, ability, intuition, etc. When we spoke I sincerely felt that you possessed all of these with the exception of preparation and knowlege; THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT A MENTOR HELPS TO ACHIEVE. Vic I truly hope that the experience that you had will not deter you from pursuing a business of your own. The only issue I have is why didn't you call at first sign of incapatibility between you and your mentor. I promised you that I would take care of you so long as you informed me each time you ran into an obstacle. Fact is, our success rates are extremely high. We do not have a perfect success rate but without an absolutely flawless way to weed out the curious from the serious, it will always be difficult achieve perfection. We put the responsibility on the student to take action and work hard. We simply help them develop a system which eliminates trial and error and shortens the learning curve.

The committment which we require from are students are very reasonable and we even guarantee that if you dont double you investment within 12 months and you've kept these commmittment, we will work with you more aggressively at no extra cost until you do.

I'm open to suggestions if anyone can prove that making a six figure income is easy, if there is any such thing as a free business, or if a true get rich program exists. I don't know of any. I anyone has questions or would like to do some research into our testimonials please call me at 1800 748-5199 ext. 4072. I wish everyone good luck with whatever you do to better your financial position, and I just ask that you do SOMETHING rather than nothing.



Reconciliation Reached

#9Author of original report

Tue, March 30, 2004

To PMG's credit they have agreed to issue a full refund less a 10% cancellation fee.



Sounds to me like you have been scammed.

#9Consumer Suggestion

Mon, March 29, 2004

This message is in response to victors report. How are you doing victor? I hope that this short message finds you in good spirit, because it will definetely be an uphill battle from here on out. You see, I've had a similar experience with another bogus mentoring program that had been sold to me by a fraudulent third party marketing company. They promise you the world, but are totally unable to live up to any of their claims. That's not even the worst part. Once they have your credit card number and agreement to purchase, there's really nothing you can do but dispute the service and pray for the best. That's why it's really important for EVERYONE and I do mean EVERYONE to avoid ordering any type of moneymaking via telephone mentoring until thorough research have been conducted on the company. NEVER take a positive rebuttal and use it to influence your decision, for there are lots of shills that post positive things about companies only to further deceive and promote fraudulent businesses. The only legitimate rebuttals are those from companies that are willing to step foward and rectify and satisfy any and all of their consumer complaints. Fraudulent companies constantly make excuses as to why they have so many rip off reports on them and try to justify the fact that every business has complaints againsts them. Go back to the main page and type in John Beck in the search box to view my report. There you will be able to read my entire unpleasant and unresolved experience. Feel free to print it out and share it with the media, your credit card company, etc, etc. The more that we can spread information about scams and use it to protect others, the better. We must all band together if we are to force any changes or get any company to straighten out there act. Until next time, Take Care Victor and I wish you the best of luck, Aloha from Hawaii and God Bless.


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