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  • Report:  #1106628

Complaint Review: Psychic Christopher Golden

Psychic Christopher Golden / Psychic Penile Manifestor / Metaphysical Member Manifestor / Uninvited John Thomas / Uninvited Joh Transgender Transformation, Telephathic Tranny, Beverly Hills California

  • Reported By:
    Caddy Shack Art — Toronto Alabama
  • Submitted:
    Fri, December 13, 2013
  • Updated:
    Thu, May 12, 2016

Okay I paid $75 for a 15 minute psychic session from Psychic Christopher Golden of Beverly Hills, CA.  I wanted to get back together with my ex.  We are both women.

Chris told me that the Patty went back to her husband Jermaine was that she was going through a "phase" and did not prefer women.  He said she was not a l*****n which I find to be a bigoted comment.  This made me very distraught as this also means she does not prefer me.  I could not stop hiting myself.  I have since spent a considerable amount of time and money in therapy, thanks to Mr. Golden, the homophobe.

In the winter of my discontent, I booked a 1 hour session for $300 with Chris the Golden psychic.  THAT'S A LOT OF MONEY BUSTER.

17 Updates & Rebuttals

Jessica S.


Prove it

#18Consumer Comment

Thu, May 12, 2016

Prove your gender was changed. Offer up some evidence or keep quite. A spell does not change the gender you were born with. Only SRS does that, and even then many trans people complain that they later regret it. I think you are living out of fantasy of having a man part and this is how you show it to the world in a way. This is your form of exposing yourself yourself.  

Jessica S.


Similar Reports Filed - no evidence

#18Consumer Comment

Tue, April 12, 2016

There is no evidence that any of this happened. One has to wonder what kind of person is so far gone as to believe that a psychic in Beverly Hills has used some kind of mental telepathy to cause them to experience a change in gender. I mean, this lady actually says she did not order this part. What a weird way of saying it. Those are not the words of a person who is emotionally well. Imagine going around believing that and then feeling frustrating, becos no one else will believe you. Meanwhile all of the havoc occurs as she posts videos and reports, smearing Psychic Christopher Golden.




Niagara falls,

All this stuff should be removed off this site !

#18Consumer Comment

Wed, June 18, 2014

I came on here for real reviews not this craziness ! This site is for real hinest reviews so consumers can make informed choices ! All I read was two  extremes ! The person who orignated this post has some serious mental  health issues and a personality disorder of some kind or they would not post sick stuff like they did !

By the way I am NOT homephobic and have two sone that are gay and they are awsome sons and so loving...not only that their partners are extremely welcomed in my home and my heart ! But even my sons would think you are ridicuolus and had something wrong with you ! It is those like you who make it so hard for others to accept you and this is sad !

But I also think you are playing a sick game here and this is a big joke to did not get what you wanted and so you are somewhat bullying this man Christopher to ruin his reputation and this is harrassment ! If you have an issue with him deal with it like an adult !

No one but a doctor can give you both body parts ! Get real ! Maybe you were already born this way ? If your girlfriend went back to her husband then let her be and get over her ! She made her choice and respect that ! Just because Christopher could not give you the" impossible" doesn't mean you have to attack him like you are ! Seriously don't talk to a psychic but maybe a psyciatrist might be more help in your case ? I didn't come on here to listen to your gross mouth talking about your genitals ! What is with the sending him pictures taken in a public place of your privates anyway ? More stuff to prove you need a shrink ! I am contacting this site to have them remove this garbage asap !

As for that Christian fanatic on here who commented threatening hell on need a shrink also !

I am sick of you religious fanatics shoveing your religious beliefs down everone's throats and telling them they are going to hell ! How the heck can you make that decision...isn't that your God's decision ? Yet you already have them in hell as if you are God ! It is crazy people like you that have made this world so violent turning people on each other just because they are different or don't share your beleif ! I used to be somewhat like you..only not judging and out of wack like you ! I was more gentle and loving than you come across ! And yes I was faithful to God ..I lost my job standing up for your Jesus and my friends and my whole life went done hill...yet your jesus never even lifted a finger to help me a tiny bit ! I am 50 yrs old now and this has been a consrant with your Jesus/God ! Your OT God is evil and blood thirsty,hates women, babies, elderly and animals and LOOKS for  and instigated people to give up and fail just so he can KILL them !

Example : the Israelites exodus....This God leads women, young children, babies and elderly into a wilderness, dry, sunny and very hot....and makes them go wothout basic nessesites of Life to survive....they had to go with out food, water ect sometimes for days or longer periods... Imagine your baby crying all day and night and your young children begging for food and water and getting weak and sick and possibly dying from it...your elderly mom or dad or grand parant already weak/frail in age the same ! NO kidding the would complain and grip about it !

I would and so would even YOU ! You think you are so Christian now but if you were one of them you would complain and your  God would kill you for it also ! Not having food and water for a long period in those conditions would cause your brain not to function normally and you would have crankiness and not be able to make sound choices. Your mind would messed up and you would be faint and light headed and weak !

Your God then is the cause of them complaining and he made them.. shouldn't he know how the mind works without water for days and days in those conditions ? He deliberately instigated it all and then wants to punish them after for it....the is twisted !

The bible os full of stories of how God drove, instigated and set it up for people to fail just so he couls have his pleasure destroying them after...trip them up and then  murder them for it ! I heard a  desciption of satan in church and was taught that is what he does to us ...hmmmmm ?   Seems your God and satan are alot alike and possibly cohoots with each other ! IE: the story of Job being a pawn in some bet between God and satan !If satn is so the is God who is arrogant ! When he starts feeding hhungry babies so they don't die or starvation instead of letting your ignorant religious bigots live in wealth and abundance maybe I will repent and be saved ! But NOT until ! Your God should know that you donlt get love and devotion from your creations by fear and threats of death, neglect and get that from caring and showing it tangibly ! I would rahter end up in Hell than live with any God like the one your worship and God is NOT Love and has no mercy and the OT clearly proves that !

I came on her originally to get honest reviews on this Christopher but am leaving with nothing thanks to you both !







Los Angeles,,

Similar Experience

#18REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, June 12, 2014

I also had a similar experience with Psychic Christopher Golden back in May. I had paid him to do some work to get my ex back and instead he did a spell to change my gender. I am now both male and female. I have both parts. This has caused me a great deal of confusion, guilt, shame, lust and curiosity. When I asked him to please remove this unwanted part, Psychic Christopher Golden said that what I should to is to "Go F--- yourself". So now I'm doing that quite regularly and I'm finding that this actually simplifies my life considerably.



If only!

#18Consumer Comment

Thu, February 20, 2014

If only a story like this could be true, Psychic Christopher Golden would be a millionaire, and I would have a million bananas. If you speak the truth, come pay me a visit, I'd love to check it out for myself and see what it can do...perhaps a little experimentation? Wonder how it compares to the real deal, or maybe it is the real deal for real? Psychics can be great, and they can be even greater. This is the greatest by far.


Los Angeles,

Sometimes I feel like...

#18Consumer Comment

Tue, February 18, 2014

Sometimes I feel like I don't have a part to play in these types of situations. I wish I had a part to play, but I feel like I don't. Psychic Christopher Golden can sometimes help.

It's good that you got a part. I always wanted a part, and I've been playing with the idea of a part a lot. A bit like a part in a play, but more like a part to play.

Either way, I feel for you, and would feel it for you too. Life can throw strange things at you, or attach strange things to you, and sometimes we don't always want to take part. Yet, if you start to feel for it, it might just become a part of you.



Psychic Christopher Golden FTW

#18Consumer Comment

Mon, February 17, 2014

You know I ordered some parts from Psychic Christopher Golden and I didn't get them... some parts for the rear of my boyfriend's automobile. There must have been a mix up... maybe you got the parts that I ordered by accident... they were meant for me. Now I can't put any parts in the rear of my boyfriend's automobile because I didn't receive them. And I paid handsomly for them as well. Can you tell Psychic Christopher Golden there was a mixup and send those parts my way?


San Jose,

Psychic Christopher Golden Loves Free Willy

#18Consumer Comment

Wed, January 29, 2014

Psychic Christopher Golden is a big Free Willy fan...that explains everything. You should have done your research and known that going into this. He is also a big fan of bananas and Magic Johnson. These are all the warning signs you should have needed. He is skilled at helping people get their exes back, and he loves take that all with a grain of salt and do your research next time!



Psychic Christopher Golden knows better

#18Consumer Comment

Sun, January 26, 2014

Psychic Christopher Golden knows better than to take the easy way out when delivering for a client. He goes above and beyone the call of duty. That's why he did what he did with you... he did the same to me. One day you'll understand. All I can say right now is, take your protein, say your prayers. eat your vitamins, and hang loose. Your day will come and you'll thank Psychic Christopher Golden,

Joanna S


Psychic Chris - not a banana boy

#18Consumer Comment

Sat, January 25, 2014

I highly doubt your story, although, I can say, if it is true, Psychic Christopher Golden must be truly gifted and if you said you were going bananas maybe he just interepreted you literally as meaning that you wanted a banana, and through his psychic powers actually delivered it to you. I wouldn't discount that possiblity.


San Jose,

Psychic Christopher Golden has style

#18Consumer Comment

Mon, January 20, 2014

Psychic Christopher Golden does have style. He gave me an extra long part. At first I was a bit upset, but when I figured out how to work it, I grew to love it. My partners love it too. Now I party on both sides of the fence. I play on both teams. I'm a switch hitter. I bat both ways. I ride the waves and the waves ride me. I am the spinning wheels, and I am the highway. I am the magic carpet ride and I am the sky. I am the autumn moon and I am the night.


San Jose,

Psychic Christopher Golden

#18Consumer Comment

Mon, January 20, 2014

I had a free willy moment just now. You are blessed my dear. Let the spirit of the blessings descend upon you. Psychic Christopher Golden has not put a spell on you. He has blessed you and consecrated you with a sacred member that is something worth beholding and holding. Hold it dear and hold it close to you always. It is a part of you.

Lester Graham


Psychic Christopher Golden is NOT a Christian

#18Consumer Comment

Sat, December 28, 2013

I paid this man $75 for a psychic reading after he said in an email that he had "strong religious convictions". Well the joke is on me because his religion is not Christian. I tried to witness to him but he would not accept Christ as his personal Lord and Savior. He would not repent and now he must pay.

Psychic Christopher Golden is not a Christian. America is a Christian nation and this (((redacted))) is using the Occult as his religion and he will pay dearly for it when he is cast into a lake of eternal hellfire, for all eternity. 

I asked him if he wanted to live in a country that taught homosexuality in the schools and he said no. He sounded like a decent fellow, but then he added and I quote, "But I do support marriage equality". That's it. He is working with the gays and Liberal Hollywood. He's a part of all that. I'm done.

And I've got Bible for this: "A man or a woman who is a medium or a wizard shall be put to death; they shall be stoned with stones, their blood shall be upon them." (Lev. 20:27)

So anyone who thinks I'm wrong is insulting God.





Everyone has gone mad!

#18Consumer Comment

Sun, December 15, 2013

Geez, these crazy reports about Christopher Golden started out crazy, and now they have exploded into a total sea of madness!

I think there is one person out there who is a few cards short of a full deck that is posting all of these things.

I have written on other reports as well because Chris is an amazing psychic and I want him to maintain his good reputation. I want everyone reading these reports to know that Chris is a true gentleman and he definitely can be trusted.



I also have a crazy story

#18Consumer Comment

Sun, December 15, 2013

Your story is totally crazy, and so is mine!

Thought I'd share... so here goes:

Psychic Christopher Golden told me I could get me ex back if I meditated every day and did not think about him. I paid him $500 to tell me this. I was impatient, and called my ex five times a day instead. My ex didn't pick up the phone. I didn't know what I was doing wrong, so I sent another $500 to psychic Chris and had a ten minute call with him. Chris told me to keep meditating and not to call my ex. I meditated for five minutes before I got bored. So to kill the boredom I tried calling my ex 10 times. I thought that would be more effective than just sitting around meditating.
My ex didn't come back to me, despite me paying Chris $1000 and me calling my ex about 50 times. I mean, shouldn't I be calling my ex to get him back, instead of just meditating? What kind of advice is that???

Caddy Shack Art


I did not order this part

#18Author of original report

Fri, December 13, 2013

Over the Summer I gave $75 for a 15 minute psychic session from Psychic Christopher Golden at Psychic90210.…  I wanted to get back together with my ex.  We are both women.

Chris told me that the Patty went back to her husband Jermaine was that she was going through a "phase" and did not prefer women.  He said she was not a l*****n which I find to be a bigoted comment.  This made me very distraught as this also means she does not prefer me.  I could not stop hiting myself.  I have since spent a considerable amount of time and money in therapy, thanks to Mr. Golden, the homophobe.

In the winter of my discontent, I booked a 1 hour session for $300 with Chris the Golden psychic.

I asked this jerk if there was any kind of spell he could do to make Patty want to come back to me.  He said that spells do not work.  He said spell casters are scam artists and not to waste my money.

I offered to pay Chris my entire life savings.  Still the homophobe said no.  This costed me even more money as my therapist said I had to go and see her now every single day or else the state won't send me my check.

Finally I booked another 1 hour session with Homophobe 90210 and he sent me back a refund, with an email saying he does not feel he can help me.  I was so mad I could not stop pacing and praying to Jesus.  Jesus.

I begged Chris with several messages and emails and now he has really done it.  Chris did in fact a spell on me and this morning I woke up as a man.  I know have a male genital part that I do not remember having there before.  I'm almost positive that I have never had this before.  I do not appreciate this as it was not what I asked for.  Every time I look at it, it's pointing back at me.  Also, I can't seem to stop playing with it.  I thought he said no spells.  No spells he said, and now he has cast a spell on me.

I feel that this is classic false advertising.  I contacted Patty and told her about my new part and she will still not talk to me.  And she is getting a restraining order for civil harassment.  I have emailed Mr. Golden dozens of times and he has blocked me and also threatened me with legal action.  I am going to take this matter to the Better Business Bureau.

Caddy Shack Art


I did not order this part

#18Author of original report

Fri, December 13, 2013

I took pictture, with my cel phone, or the part which I did not order.  I emailed it to Psychic Christopher Golden and I am presently sending a hard copy to his house.  I think he needs to see the hard copy.


Anyways, he emailed me back and said he does not want to see it.  I personally find the male member to be repulsive, but if Psychic Chris were to go to all of the trouble of sending me a picture of his, I would be the bigger man/woman and at least rise to the occasion.


Does he even know how many times I had to take a picture to capture it in the right light, to get it's character?  Would he even have the tenacity to do the same, I wonder.  And he says he's a real psychic.


I want the spell removed because I don't want this thing pointing at me all the time.  They are going to kick me out of this cyber cafe if I take it out again (so they say).


This is really hard.

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