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  • Report:  #956636

Complaint Review: Psychic

Psychic Digital Network Services LLC; RE: 'Advisor Administrator' ,group leader: "Kit Karson" & "Kay Rivers" are one and the same individual l,ists self on site as two separate individuals over 4+ yrs to pr "Kit Karson" & "Kay Rivers" are one and the same individual on psychic sites-always was, still is. Seattle, Washington

  • Reported By:
    Deanna — Ft. Lauderdale Florida U.S.A.
  • Submitted:
    Thu, October 18, 2012
  • Updated:
    Thu, October 18, 2012

Owner of Psychic Frost
Advisor -Administrator (hires psychic readers): "Kit Karson"
Office Manager/Staff/ Customer Service (through emails: Sharon
Radio  show; Psychic Cosmos Blogs: "Kit karson /Kay Rivers"
It's not first time I've been requested to check a psychic line company (upon clients request to investigate any company etc;) and, individual 'psychic readers' working privately for themselves. The psychic company lines I was required to look into, each were equally as bad. Some of the (psychic) "advisor-administrators"; "agent/owner"; "managers"; "group manager /leader" etc; who do hiring of 'readers/advisors' for their company are extremely bizarre (aside from BS to customers, scam customers for funds, company refusal  to pay readers and/or not pay all owed, companies breaching its own contracts for hired "psychic contractors", etc.) .        

At times, I posed as a 'psychic reader' to get hired by the specific psychic company(s) in question  (not prerequisite for investigation).  The blatant, overt stupidity by some of these "advisor- administrators"; "managers"; "group leaders/agent/managers"; listed "readers;" AND, the psychic companies/owners that allow this to continue, never stops amazing me rofl.  Psychic Cosmos is one of them.  It's not first time, was requested to look into Psychic Cosmos, over the years.  
Psychic Cosmos also gets an F - grade, in numerous areas along with, regard to matters of Payroll. Sometimes non payment, partial payment, deliberate withholding payment; inconsistencies between company and managers regarding payroll, payment means/methods for "readers". Poor support for their hired "readers" ie: Sharon (office mgr/staff); Owner: Ben Frost.. No correction by the company of their staff, managers, administrators etc; errors whenever their "readers" show legitimate errors made by staff, managers, administrators etc;  (those advisors were often immediately discharged as result). 
Before summer, was informed (It was verified, investigated & found as truth) by few psychic advisors, if they chose pay check paid through PayPal, the psychic readers MUST pay the Psychic Cosmos Company's PayPal Fees or, they will not get paid  (if chose the PayPal method for payment of their pay check). Several psychic advisors said this was not mentioned either verbally to them by the manager (Kit Karson) or, was this ever written in their contract that psychic must pay the Company's PayPal fees (if they chose PayPal method to be paid) or will not get pay. There were deliberate delays to get paid; often not get their full pay; not get paid at all ie: "if we ever get our pay". This has been stated by many psychic readers that have "worked" for this Psychic Cosmos Company throughout the years. 
FYI:  It's quite easy to get "hired" as a 'psychic reader, etc;' even with those "top psychic line companies."  98% times, you don't have to be psychic etc; either. Surprised?

To be hired as 'reader etc;' by Psychic Cosmos, they do the standard application, interview and test reading. Interview & test are done by their "advisor administrator" (mgr. of psychics she hires & gets commissions from all of their calls,emails etc.) named: "Kit Karson".   Once hired, you write your Listing/Bio/Profile using your chosen Stage Name. "Your listing/bio must be original and written in the third person (inserting chosen stage name will use); Do not copy any information you have on another site (regarding profile/listing/bio)."  Your Stage Name with your 'listing/bio' will be put on their site along with, a photo of yourself. 

The photos posted to represent each 'reader' on the Psychic Cosmos site, becomes uniquely interesting, it's where the fun (sic) starts.  The PHOTOS: "must be in .jpg format" (most sites prefer or, require this); the photo you choose to use "cannot be used on another site" and, "your picture must be of a real person"; "require a head shot onlyno fantasy pictures". Majority of psychic sites do require "head shot" photo of the 'reader' (or A Person from a stock photo). To make things even more interesting with Psychic Cosmos, come the testimonials! 

NEXT: The 'readers' for Psychic Cosmos that have their "listing/bio" with their supposed photo on the site....IF this 'reader' has previous testimonials (from other psychic companies worked for, still work for, etc;), they are ("it's to bring more callers to reader") to use those testimonials and, "MUST change each customer's name & location, alter the testimonial so it's not exactly same as its original you took it from." If 'reader' doesn't have any testimonials thus, wants to add some to their "listing/bio", they can make one (or more) up and add them to their "listing/bio.".  *Interesting!! rofl.
The better quality psychic lines only permit a "reader" (psychic contractor) to have only ONE sub-contractor account to work their psychic company line. This applies for most of psychic companies and its contracts given to the hired "readers"(psychic contractors).  Exception for Psychic Cosmos, see "Kit Karson; Kay Rivers" "listing, photos.  For Example: "ABCD Psychic Network" (fictitious co. name & psychic contractor names given in examples), the psychic contractor "Angel Wings" sets up their profile/listings/bio with ABCD Psychic Network, under the name of "Angel Wings". This same psychic contractor "Angel Wings", sets up a second (or more) active contractor account using different stage name on "ABCD Psychic Network", also with active second listing/profile/bio under second stage name "Auric Maze", at the same time on same, psychic company line.It's 2 active psychic sub contractor accounts created by one person, using 2 different stage names at
same time, for one psychic line company. This person then collects 2 separate pay checks (as if were 2 separate individuals) from the one psychic company line.  
"Readers" hired for the Psychic Cosmos psychic line, were repeatedly told by "advisor administrator", "Kit Karson": "Your picture must be a current head shot picture of you with, preferably a white background, for the web site (no fantasy etc; shots); We feel it's best to use the advisors own picture, it shows customers that our advisors are real people, by using the advisors current, real photos (on site)".
This did not apply originally with Psychic Cosmos few years back, most (psychic advisors) purchased and used stock photos to "represent themselves". Recently, it DOES apply where readers (psychic advisors), 'must use current head shot photo of themselves to submit for the Psychic Cosmos website'. With exceptions for 9 photos (already posted) with its listings/profile/bios, visibly posted with stock photos of models etc; used, to represent the 'real person (psychic advisor)'. Two of these 9 photos, are the vector stock photos used with their listing, to represent themselves.
If a reader's (psychic advisor) chronological age (from their Photo ID or DMV License) is 64 years old, yet "their own photo" used on psychic cosmos site (to 'represent their likeness & self', "must keep it/photo real," for the site lol) shows two stock model photos of a female Kit real by using their own real, actual  (psychic advisors) photo of 'themselves' on the psychic cosmos website (as per "Kit karson  'advisor administrator' statements to various psychic readers hired)?" rofl.  One psychic reader used her own current photo for the site (the woman's age is early 50's) this "Kit Karson" told the reader: "The pic looks like around 35!; (I saw this actual photo on site very briefly, the woman's age clearly looked as a woman of early to mid 50's age range); In other words, they like things to be as believable as possible for site legitimacy" rofl. 
FYI: they let this "reader" (above described) go immediately because demanded her pay and the returned Psychic Cosmos PayPal Fees they took from her pay. The "reader" still waits for rest of the pay owed and, refund of their PayPal fees they took from pay, they refuse to send to date. 
This "reader" closed the PayPal account and notified "Kit Karson" & Support Staff in email, twelve days before next pay cycle  of closed account to send next pay check in regular mail". According to Support Staff person "Sharon",  who wrote the email sent to the "reader" (that email was forwarded to me) ....Unless, she "opens a PayPal acct. (also pay the Psychic Cosmos PayPal fees, taken from her pay) you will not be paid". Even though, the "reader" was told by "Kit Karson" when first hired: "pay is sent either by PayPal or, by regular check mailed to you which, will take longer to get, than a direct pay through PayPal."  
Apparently, attempts to speak with owner, Ben Frost, to date, has not been successful to remedy the matter here, either. Unfortunately, this seems to be common practice with Psychic Cosmos Company that many readers have had and, the most recent one let go for demanding her pay & refund of their fees taken from her pay; to get her next pay they owe that refused to send her.  Owner, Ben Frost fails to realize, it's illegal to with hold and refuse to pay someone what's owed for work they've done. His staff ie: "Sharon" and advisor-administrator seem to think the same.
The "Kit Karson" photo and "Kay Rivers" photo are BOTH the same stock photo female model (one photo in sepia finish, one b/w finish).

Age of this same model in both stock photos used to "represent "Kit Karson" and "Kay Rivers 'actual, supposed real' likeness" ("keeping photos truthful & real likeness of the advisor" lol) is: 25 yrs old - 30 yrs of age (maximum). The actual model's stock photos ("Kit" & "Kay" have used & still use on psychic cosmos site) were taken over 12 years ago.
The "Kit Karson & Kay Rivers": being, only one person in physical reality...her real chronological age is presently, 64 yeas of age, soon to be 65 yrs. old before this year is over.  The "Kit Karson" AKA "Kay Rivers" was & still remains as only, ONE physical person (not 2 or more separate people).     This "Kit Karson & Kay Rivers" are one & same individual, with two actively working separate listings/bios (both, each quite similar to the other 'listing/bio'); working also as TWO separate listed "readers" during and at same time (if have another phone number etc. to use, it's too easy to pull this off and get away with it...and, so she does). Apparently, when "Kit and Kay" logs  into psychic cosmos site, she logs into BOTH names at same time, to accept calls etc; from each    "Kit Karson", "Kay Rivers" listings, on psychic cosmos site.
Appears to be this "Kit Karson aka Kay Rivers" ('Kathy'--real name) seems to be, has been suffering from  D. I. D. (Dissociative Identity Disorder) for years. OR, it's deliberately done by 'Kathy' ("Kit Karson /Kay Rivers--Kay R.") to defraud the company/owner and customers. I suspect it's both. 
1) Most recent as last week, a call was made to the owner, Ben Frost, twice. An automated voice
    mail instantly came on that repeated caller's first name (FYI: the company doesn't accept blocked
    numbers and must unblock your number for the call to go through...and get this voice mail lol) and
    prompted caller to leave message with number. To date, no response from owner, Ben Frost. Other
    callers have had same whenever called to speak with owner, Ben Frost. There were no call backs at all.
2) If you call their "Customer Service Number" as many customers have done, without success....this
    "Customer Service Number" 866-991-4834 is ONLY to purchase blocks of time (automated recording
    over phone) for psychic readings regardless of venue (phone, email etc.). If need to 'speak' with
    Customer Service, this is done through email only. Sharon (for managing customer service inquiries
    responds by email)  is one to respond (or advisor-administrator "Kit Karson"  when the psychic
    readers email them  with any problem etc.) to the customers through email. Their means to reach them
    is on their site; "Contact Us" form with your issue & your email, that's it. No customer service phone
     number to speak with them.
This is not a good company to work for as a "Psychic Reader/Advisor etc;" from what many "psychic advisors/ readers" that have worked for this Psychic Cosmos Co. over the years to present, have said. 

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