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  • Report:  #441071

Complaint Review: Psychic Sara Freder

Psychic Sara Freder rip off horoscope, offering free numbers and horoscope wants $$ Internet

  • Reported By:
    queen creek Arizona
  • Submitted:
    Mon, April 06, 2009
  • Updated:
    Mon, April 06, 2009
  • Psychic Sara Freder
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I sent Sara Freder my information for a free horoscope and for luck concerning finding work, need of money, etc. She says in 48 hours, she will have my personalized horoscope ready. in 24 hours, she sent an email, a LONG email repeating herself over and over how I was destined for money, about $60,000 to be exact, as was the number she kept seeing for me. then says I need to ACT NOW ir the opportunity was going to SLIP AWAY.... and gave me 3 options of what to pay for.She made sure I knew this was a GENEROUS OFFER. I had my mother send her info for a free horoscope, she got the EXACT same letter, only with HER name on it. Here is my letter....

My dear Stephanie,

When you asked me to help you, I promised I would soon give you the results of my consultation. I am hurrying up to give you those precious results because those pieces of information are extremely IMPORTANT for you and your future. I hope you will take great pleasure in reading the study I have conducted for you for free.

In this Detailed Study, you will find your Free Personal Horoscope and a Psychic Reading of your life, which implies a good personal mental help.

IMPORTANT: It is in your personal interest to read this study until the end. In it you will discover some surprising things about yourself.
As a gift, your three lucky numbers:
The 10, the 12 and the 26

Yes, Stephanie, in this letter you will find information of the utmost IMPORTANCE for you.

This morning, as I was about to look into the information you have provided so I could find the best way to help you, I had a violent flash about you. In that very moment, something told me that you need me, and I immediately put everything aside so I could take up your case personally. And then, what I saw coming to you has completely astonished me.

YES, Stephanie, coming ahead are events of an exceptional importance that are going to radically change your whole life these days.

I immediately wrote down the most significant beneficial DAYS, and because your near future is packed with very positive events, I am going to tell you the most important of these events, so that you don't miss them by any means.

The first beneficial day I have envisioned is Saturday, April 11, 2009. On that day, I foresee an unexpected income. This relatively substantial sum should be enough for many of your financial troubles.

On the second beneficial day, Wednesday, April 15, 2009, you are about to receive a piece of very good news. I foresee someone who is very dear to you, eventually returning into your life.

Your third beneficial day, on Friday, April 17, 2009, forebodes a very sizeable gambling win. I clearly see a substantial figure followed by many others. This second income will let you make new projects and you will see your future in a very different light. On the same week, prepare yourself for a very important encounter that is going to bring you major financial fortunes.

And then I saw yet another (the third) income on Tuesday, April 21, 2009. This time, it is going to be a major sum. In the following weeks, I foresee good news concerning your friends and feelings (I think this is the good news you have been hoping for!). You will make an interesting encounter that will bring a very important improvement into your life. At last, you will be able to accomplish the dream you have been keeping close to your heart. This is the truth, Stephanie, you life is fast going to become the amazing life where everything goes the way you want. This is why I had to tell you right away and prepare you to receive all the blessings of these fabulous events.

Because for you, Stephanie, this is going to be a chance to get your life together I know this is a very delicate point in your life. You will finally get to live the life of your dreams, the amazing life, the dream life you long for, the life you deserve.

Yes, Stephanie, things are about to take a sudden turn and offer you a unique chance to rebuild your whole existence.

Instead of your present life, filled with hardships and difficulty, these exceptional events I envisioned coming into your life will plunge you directly into an amazing existence where Money, Luck and Love are part of your universe.

I have seen it very clearly, which is why I am prepared to perform for you a very significant in-depth work which I hope I can show you soon, so you can be ready to take advantage of these extraordinary beneficial events I have seen coming to you.

I will show you what your new and great life will be if you listen to me and if you decide to follow my advice.

YES, Stephanie, I can see that your life is about to change in the next few days!

But be careful! Your problems may be solved easily to lead to the birth of the wonderful life you had dreamed of. But it is also possible that this important step in your life might be rather difficult to solve. You could then keep on living the same insipid life for the rest of your life without being lucky enough to see changes in your life.

Since I have been dealing with other people's happiness, I have come to realize that it is always very difficult to solve the important and delicate issues in one's life.

This is why I am writing to you right now. I know you already and I know that life has not always been easy. This is why I am offering you to accept my help. My help will be quick, total and efficient.

I want to help you because I know that right now you are not able to face the difficulties on your own because of adverse reactions and to face them without any serious help around.

You know that right now you are fragile and rather sensitive. It will be difficult for you to deal on your own with the sudden arrival of those exceptional events.

Your ability to see fortune,
your energy,
your practical sense,

all those things that make you unique have been undermined.

Your real capacities are not fully adapted to the impact of those wonderful events.

Without any external help, I do not think that you are able to deal with this important change in your life. Without any good help, this could become catastrophic.

Moreover because of all the negative influence that you have been receiving these past few months, your natural skills to deal with things have diminished. Because of that you are not fully in possession of the power that LUCK and SUCCESS can bring.

This negative cosmic aura that surrounds you will detract from your potential for good luck, romance, and especially your potential for financial gain.

However, when these fabulous, amazing events happen, you must be absolutely ready if you want to find this new world full of success waiting to happen for you in the near future

What do you have to risk by recognizing this important stage in your life? One thing you will lose is to miss the opportunity to experience these exceptional events. You will not be able to benefit fully from these wonderful, positive occurrences in your life. You will run the risk of living the rest of your life in a negative kind of way.

Please understand, Stephanie, that all the problems that can arise and cloud your existence can only get worse if you do nothing You have neither the strength nor the courage to face these serious problems.

I do not want to sound too dramatic, or have you think that your life may become so black if you do not have the wisdom to make the right decision today. All that I wish for you is that you do nothing that might be dangerous for your future, and do nothing to block your energy potential that will infinitely increase your life force for luck, success, happiness and wealth.

Please understand also, Stephanie, that there must be a definite choice for your immediate future:

A - On the one hand there are those who are ready to receive all the chances that are offered them, ready to make an easy transition to this stage. These people will be rewarded with the fruits of the good life because of their choices since they were able to seize the opportunity presented to them

B - On the other hand, there are those who are left with loneliness and despair, unable or unwilling to seize the opportunity presented to them.

You can be sure, Stephanie, that I can and will help you as I want you to be able to take full advantage of this terrific opportunity that is offered to you. I want to be sure that those who are ready find themselves rewarded and able to take full advantage of the bounty and blessings destined for years to come. The reason I am writing this letter to you is that I am willing and able, and more than happy, to help you come to the right decision at this vulnerable and difficult time in your life.

I also happen to be the best person to guide you and protect you so that these important events will affect your life as smoothly as possible. They will represent for you the beginning of a new life, a wonderful life full of Joy, Luck, Love , HAPPINESS and Money!

Yes, Stephanie, I am involved in this mission. I have the power and I am going to succeed!

This is what I am going to do for you, Stephanie

The first thing I want to do for you

is to immediately intervene so that you can solve some serious problems that make you miserable.

1. First of all what I am going to do for you for free is to make you get a lot of money so that you can solve the most urgent issues.

To do that I am going to calculate your 7 Lucky Numbers that you will be able to use when I will tell you to do so.

The only thing you have to do is to use those numbers on the dates I will give you. As for me I will organize especially for you a CEREMONIAL FOR MONEY to bring luck your way. And since I foresee a big income (I clearly see the number 60,000) I feel optimistic about you and I think that you can be positive too.

2. Secondly I am going to send you FOR FREE a positive gift, the best Talisman for your immediate protection. I will charge and magnetize this talisman especially for you so that it gives you the chance to turn around your life as soon as you get it. Right away you will enjoy complete astral protection that will clear your surroundings and your mind from all the negative influence you have had recently.

The second thing I can do for you

Is to intervene on your behalf so that your daily life becomes and remains the Wonderful Life of your dreams.

-1 . I will send my Magical Photo, which I will magnetize especially for you.

This is going to be a unique connection between ourselves, a privileged link between you, Stephanie, and me, between the two of us.

This way, each time you feel the need, you can take it in your hands and establish an instant and powerful connection between ourselves, for an immediate, easy and effective communication.

2 . Then, I will complete the study of the Road to Happiness in your Life which I am already working on for you, Stephanie.

This study of the Road to Happiness in your Life is going to be a singular and exceptional document.

Inside you will find about all the good things that are going to happen to you in the next 12 months, particularly those wonderful things that await you during the amazing period of Happiness I have seen coming to you. I will be prepared to send the study of the Road to Happiness in your Life the very instant I'll have it finished.

In it, you will find absolutely everything you need to know to turn the coming days into the best time of your life. You will know what you must absolutely do and what not to do so you can take full advantage of all the wonderful opportunities that are about to arise and to radically change your life.

The Study of the Road to Happiness in your Life will provide a wealth of extremely useful information, with the unique power to help you take full advantage of the lucky days in the amazing existence you are about to enter. The coming days will certainly be the most exciting days of your life.

2 . I will also complete the Complete Astrological Consultation and send it to you as soon as I have your permission. And if you agree right away, I will be able to offer an exceptional discount off my bill.

I hope you have the wisdom to accept this substantial GIFT. I truly want your HAPPINESS and I don't want a simple matter of money to come between you and all the LUCK and HAPPINESS in the amazing life you will soon get to know.

In my Complete Astrological Consultation you will find all the invaluable information you will need to discover this amazing new life, where everything goes your way.

Inside you will also find my secret instructions and my most valuable advice. Due to the crystal-clear vision of your life I told you about earlier in this letter, I have the power to indicate precisely and in great detail the exact course you must take that will lead you directly to this extraordinary HAPPINESS that awaits you and this newfound and coveted FORTUNE you so rightfully deserve.

Yes, you heard me FORTUNE for I have also seen very clearly that you are about to become rich; THAT I have seen very, very distinctly.

In my Complete Astrological Consultation

I will reveal to you how the favorable planets positively influence your state of mind and your mood, making you a unique person like no other, how these planets determine your favorable moments, your peaks of luck, your encounters and relationships.

I am going to reveal: what the others wish to you, what they think of you, what beneficial effects you cause, what is your true sensitivity. Besides, expect more surprising revelations about yourself, about your personality and the people surrounding you...

I will help you discover: your real capacities, especially your hidden ones, your exact chances in everything you do, your true strong points and how to use them, your gifts and your secret powers, your hidden talents and how to make good use of them...

I will show you: the obstacles that lie within you and disturb you, and how to overcome them, hitches that keep you away from success and how to defeat them, but you will also learn how to boost your chances in everything you do, what to do to avoid pitfalls and obstacles, how to make the right decisions at the right moments, and how to take full advantage of this unhoped-for chance that is about to befall you.

YES, Stephanie, I am certain that you are going to make the right decisions that will lead you straight to the MONEY, LUCK and HAPPINESS that you deserve.

3. Finally I will perform for you a long series of mystical ceremonials called High Protection Ceremonials that I will do as soon as you give me your agreement. The purpose of theses ceremonials is to fill you with the great power of Luck and with all your Potentials so that you can fully enjoy the positive effects of those Exceptional Events. This will open the door to love, good fortune and money. Those mystical ceremonials will bring you day after day all the useful elements that you are missing right now. That way, your daily life will become and remain forever the Wonderful Life that you deserve.

This positive and Supernatural Action will increase significantly your energy in order to increase your good luck, success and happiness.

From now on and indefinitely I will work on bringing back and maintaining the GREAT HAPPINESS in your life. I am hoping to hear of your satisfaction soon. You can also read the testimonies joined in a separate letter. I am so happy to think that this could be the beginning of a new life if you make the right decision today.

I promise you Stephanie that I am placing you today under a high and permanent protection. If you trust me and follow my advice, GOOD FORTUNE, LOVE and MONEY will suddenly be part of your life for ever.

This important step is like a huge door that is going to open onto a better world. Right now it seems to me that you are not strong enough to open it by yourself in order to enjoy the Treasures of your future. But I promise you that the two of us (you and your faith, me and the special powers I received) we can open that door. Together we will manage to open that door and discover a new world better that you can imagine...

This is what you will get if you successfully turn the corner. Your future will be poor and dark if you do not turn the corner successfully. It will be rich and brilliant if you succeed.

If you successfully overcome such an important time you will live a totally different life from the one you have now. You will live the wonderful life you deserve.

What about not having to worry about how to make ends meet, how to reimburse debts and credits but on the contrary what about having all the money you need and more (I foresee a huge sum of money)...

Not to feel lonely and despaired any more but on the contrary to feel surrounded by Friendship and Love, to always have somebody close by, someone to talk to, someone to rely on and who loves you,

Not to be a victim of shyness and psychological blocks any more but on the contrary to be confident again, to be aware of your radiance, your charm and feel self assured,

Not to doubt yourself and your future but on the contrary to have faith and certitude regarding a happy future,

You will see a bright future ahead, which will make you feel confident, happy and hopeful. You will see for yourself the truth in the sayings: money draws money, luck draws luck and love draws love.

YES, Stephanie, the more you are with luck (and believe me you will be lucky), the more luck will come your way. The more money you have the more you will get. And the more love you have the more you will get. This is the way of the world and this is how I see your new life.

YES, Stephanie, if you really turn the corner in good conditions, believe me, your life will be very different from the one you have now.

But you must act now.

Yes, dear Stephanie you need to act now if you want your life to change, if you want money to fulfill your many pleasures, if you want to feel attractive and confident, if you want to keep on being with luck and live a different life from the one you have now. You must act now, now and not later.

This is why I am telling you to act now and complete the help form for a Wonderful Life (the wonderful life that you deserve) and return it to me today. This is really very important for you and your future! Indeed:

I will need to take the time to calculate your 7 Lucky Numbers, I will need some time to prepare your Talisman for Instant Protection, I will need time to magnetize my Magical Picture especially for you, I will also need some time to prepare the Ceremonials for High Protection.

and I must also complete the study of the Path to Your Happiness as well as my Complete Astrological Consultation.

Please give me your agreement right away.

Time flies and it would be a real shame not to be in great shape to turn the corner and deal with the wonderful events that are coming your way soon. I am counting on you and waiting to hear from you. Please accept this offer as a token of our friendship. Thinking of you.

Your friend,

Sara Freder

PS: You are not lacking much to experience those wonderful and lucky events. But it is up to you to accept this exceptional offer that I am making today : to know how to recognize and seize good opportunities.

I will clearly show them to you in my Complete Astrological Consultation and in the Study of the Path to Your Happiness.

I must tell you that my Complete Astrological Consultation and my study of the Path to Your Happiness will be terrific means to lead you directly to that Wonderful Life that you deserve.

They too are an important event in your life since they will allow you to know all about your most urgent concerns that are Money, Feelings, Work, Games and Love. I will be able to help you in these areas that mean so much to you.

Imagine now what your life will be like when you know in advance what good events are about to come your way. Never again will you make the same past mistakes and you will know how to increase your luck.

If you really wish for a change, if you want all the good things I foresee to happen, do not wait any longer. Quickly ask for the study of the Path to Your Happiness and my Complete Astrological Consultation by completing the help form for a Wonderful Life.
CLICK HERE to complete your Help Form for a Wonderful Life


Let me tell you that you will have FABULOUS and EXTRAORDINARY CHANCES in the coming days. You will have to decode and catch particular trigger mechanisms, faint revealing signs, secret winks, subtle messages at the time Fate sends them to you to gain a great deal of wealth and joy from them. I want to tell you confidentially about that, my dear Stephanie.

You have to very quickly get out of this disastrous circle of negativity which prevents you from finding the path to happiness. I want to guide you towards those new positives steps in store for your life for you to know how to reach, at the right time, the good things that your astral destiny holds you but that negative forces have kept so far away from you.

Something was not clear to me about your wish, I was in some confusion. But after some short moments of serious attention about your case, my dear Stephanie, the answer has come to me. Your problem requires much more attention than my first vision revealed.

However there is no need to worry too much. All you have to do, as fast as possible, before the big positive changes I have foreseen come into effect, is to COMPLETELY ELIMINATE THE NEGATIVE ENVIRONMENT in which you are and which is generating bad-luck.

The atmosphere in your life has to be purified to become totally positive. To achieve this you absolutely have to free yourself of all your inhibitions, and to put into action the ability which is inside you.

It is your only chance to grasp all the positive effects of the fabulous period of happiness which is coming your way and which will bring you all the best things in life.

You absolutely must get out of this negative environment if you really want to take advantage of all the financial and other opportunities that you are going to meet, (which is very important your particular case).

But you must particularly mistrust certain people who are used to harming you through their acts and words, if you want to regain inner harmony. I use most of my occult power to fight against the evil eye and bewitchment, and I can tell you what kind of damage they cause.

You do not know yet, but there is a hidden treasure deep inside of yourself. And I am able to help you find it in order to give you the possibility of being a winner.

That is the great power I have in my medium that I want to transfer into you to free your psychological faculties.

I am absolutely sure that I will succeed...

You have to be sure, as well, even though the INTERVENTION OF A VERY IMPORTANT PERSON you recently consulted did not succeed to free of your your problems!

There are many reasons for this failure. I do not want to enumerate them all, but I can give you the main reasons:

There are two of them:

Yes, there are two reasons for your setbacks: The most important may be that your birth theme was not in harmony with the general astral configuration at the time of your birth, which is essential. Then, as nobody ever taught you to identify the signs, the winks, the sensitive messages that Fate sends to us when chances pass us bringing kindness, you have been the victim of something destructive at a tremendously important moment in your life.

Today, the first reason for these failures will come to an end as the general astral configuration and your birth theme will join together. And I can assure you of this, to your benefit, my dear Stephanie!

The second reason will soon be just a bad memory. You simply have to strongly wish it and to rely on me.

Your success could be spectacular, if you could express yourself at the right time!

Unfortunately, I do not see anybody round you who could guide you towards the achievement of your dreams.

That's why I propose to help you IN PRIORITY...

For all these reasons, I can start for you on the in-depth study of your secret astral-clairvoyance and the neutralization of the negative waves that are around you and which you have to quickly get rid of. I need your agreement to do this work. So do not wait for the events show you I was right.

Do whatever it takes to say FAREWELL to all of your problems.

Here is the good news!

You know that your situation is worrying. You must also know that the light of the Astra is shining in your favor, and that you can take advantage of it. You know that my friendship and my devotion will help you to forget the difficulties, the disappointment and the many breakdowns which prevent you from enjoying life, and are nuisances for you.

I can also guide you towards success, towards real chances, to give you the opportunity to say: FAREWELL to failures and HELLO to joy in life, luck and happiness!

That is why I propose to you, without delay, to make an in-depth study of your case, my dear Stephanie, and to keep doing my occult work to neutralize all the negative waves you have to get rid of if you want to regain your PERSONAL POSITIVE MAGNETISM!

I am ready, I am just waiting for you to give me the go-ahead. Now is the right time. Time is short!

Do not take any risks!

More over you can already feel that a very pleasant surprise is waiting for you! As we just found out during this first clairvoyance, my dear Stephanie, huge positive changes concerning your case are about to happen in the coming days!

We have to act RIGHT NOW to give you the opportunity to take advantage of those changes. I would like to tell you: today is a great day, YES a great day, because my answer brings you a couple of gifts. First my revelations and also something that you did not expect: CHANCE, an exceptional CHANCE (with a big C and with lot more!).

You know that for a long time I have dedicated my life to doing good and make people happy (the press, the media have made stories out of it). The stars have told me that huge positive changes concerning your case are about to happen in the coming days and that is why we have to act immediately to give you the opportunity to take advantage of these changes. Indeed, the coming days will be decisive for you!

You must be confident that you will soon see the light at the end of the tunnel. And that is the truth..

Ineed all my fellow Clairvoyants, Astrologists etc would agree, you belong to a positive astral configuration that you should not miss.out on. A particularly good time is very soon coming your way!

That is why YOU NEED MY RAPID AND EFFICIENT HELP to take advantage of this positive time.

You know that you are unable, at this time, to grasp these fabulous chances when you withdraw into yourself in the way that you do. That is a fact, which you are aware of as much as I am. You are stuck in a vicious circle of negativity, you are spiraling downwards. But you can get out of it if you are able to react right now.


Since it is now or never, and since the Sky is with us, I am ready to give you my help using all of my magical and astral knowledge and all my occult powers. To achieve as fast as possible, as we are pressed for time, I propose that we should act right now in a big CONFIDENTIAL AND COMPLETE STUDY OF ASTRAL CLAIRVOYANCE concerning your case.

The numerous disclosures revealed by this study will give you the opportunity, my dear Stephanie , to learn many things that you ignored about yourself, and which are probably the cause of certain failures. It will also give you the opportunity to learn what the future will be made up of, in order to avoid the negative signs and to grasp 100% of the positive signs.

That is only an overview of that which I will be able to disclose to you thanks to this thorough and confidential clairvoyance.

I will also be able to explain to you all about your feelings (including your most delicate or urgent worries), your welfare, your morale and how to keep it high, possibility of professional success (or concerning one of your dearest relatives), your lucky numbers in every aspect of your life: money, Love, business; in short, a great deal of valuable information for you !

Let me tell you once again, my dear Stephanie, the coming days will be full of extraordinary and fabulous moments.

They will be made up of particular trigger mechanisms, faint revealing signs, secret winks, subtle messages all sent to you by fate for you to gain a great deal of wealth and joy from them.

I would like to tell it to you in confidence!

You have to quickly get out of this disastrous circle of negativity which prevents you from finding the only right track to follow to reach Happiness. I would like to guide you towards these new stages in your life in which you can grasp at the right time all the good things that astral fate has sent you and that the opposite, negative forces have kept so far away from you.

I've already told you that your situation is worrying, you are aware of that, but you must also know that with my rapid and effective assistance the stars will soon brightly shine for you.

You also know, my dear Stephanie, that my friendship and my devotion will help you to get away from your difficulties, your disappointments and successive breakdowns which have stopped and prevented you from going any further in your Life.

Once again, my dear Stephanie, I repeat that I can help you, guide you towards Success, real Chances and then you will say GOODBYE to bad luck, HELLO to joy of life and HELLO to Happiness!

I am sure of this and that's why I have already started a powerful occult action to give you the opportunity to see this victory come about very soon. That is my CONFIDENTIAL OFFER to give you the opportunity to quickly see the end of you unsatisfying life, and I think I'm right.

Accept my assistance, my dear Stephanie.

Click to get your COMPLETE AND CONFIDENTIAL ASTRAL CLAIRVOYANCE STUDY whose numerous pages will bring YOU tremendous assistance in the period of big changes which is coming. Accept to quickly receive all the work I'm going to do for you and which will include many precious revelations for your future (your LUCKY NUMBERS, the best days to play and bring in the rewards).

You will be able to take advantage of all Chances and Happiness that you absolutely need. You are entitled to this!


At the same time I can also send you, and only you, My MAGNETIZED MAGICAL PICTURE.

This picture will mean a privileged link between YOU and MYSELF, between US. It will bring you STRENGTH, COURAGE, OPTIMISM to lead you to SUCCESS, HAPPINESS and JOY IN LIFE as soon as you receive it!

Read these TESTIMONIES of people who've TRUSTED me. Read them as often as you can to give you the opportunity to understand what you want!

I hope that you will very soon write me such a letter of satisfaction! Click to get your COMPLETE AND CONFIDENTIAL ASTRAL CLAIRVOYANCE STUDYof which it's numerous pages will bring YOU tremendous assistance in the period of massive change which is approaching.

CLICK HERE to complete your Help Form for a Wonderful Life

Angry stephanie
queen creek, Arizona

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