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  • Report:  #624082

Complaint Review: psychic source

psychic source More names to the list of dishonesty, Internet

  • Reported By:
    anonymous — Nationwide USA
  • Submitted:
    Sat, July 17, 2010
  • Updated:
    Thu, April 18, 2013

Once again to add to what has previously been stated by others , and to add a few more descriptions and examples of deception , and the depraved way that these people make a living at the expense of fragile , emotional souls who may be suffering . 

For those that may be reading this and considering calling them , I ask you to stop . 

As fragile as you might be , you are stronger than you might think and risking an even greater blow that you do not need that will only send you on a spiral downward , not to mention how easily hard earned money can slip away . And to whom ? They are not human . It is my firm belief this service and other's like it should be against the law , and this whole new age movement they are using is a gateway to this depravity .

Live your life day by , day . Be good , and don't falter . And if you feel like you can't handle the pain , or frustration , simply take time , and believe - because no good solution will ever come of subjecting your psyche to people who clearly aren't very successful in life . Most of them are not in relationships , and clearly have had something go terribly awry if they do what they do for a living . Don't let their elaborate descriptions fool you . They are not here to help you . They cannot help themselves . 
So the next time you are feeling down , worried etc . - just remember who you are relying upon . (it it not harmless )

Here are a few more names :
Penelope - has incredible ratings , is beyond sweet , and even manages to get a  few things right especially where it hits closest to your heart strings . Is it a game of chance , or does she actually have the gift ? I cannot answer  . However the consistently false , outrageous , and elaborate predictions , that not only do not occur but seem to be the opposite of what actually happens . 
I imagine that all of them have  their own approach to readings , and also in dealing with certain clients in difficult situations . Perhaps hers is to simply tell sweet lies .

Aina Jean - she seems to instill confidence in the beginning , however as time goes by she gets sloppy and essentially gives herself away by knowing your story and simply reading it back to you if you have spoken to her more than once . This confirms what others have noted . That they , more than likely keep track of repeat callers . She made 30 dollars in a matter of a few minutes by not answering the question , but what seemed like reading off a list . At some point - you have to realize it is not because she is that good . She is not . 

Glenda - elaborate stories , created to build on the information already known about the client . Uses past life , future life . I say - get a life !  She is a babbling brook of @#$%^. 

Esther- full of stories . For every frustration you have she'll give you a personal story and describe the pictures on her cards until the cows come home , or until your funds run out . Will you question be answered , maybe . However again . if you have spoken to her before she will build on what she already knows to create the next logical thing to say . 
Jennifer - Cruel , clueless , coy . Based on most experiences she certainly is in the know when a certain client , has an issue that is not easy , and simply gives a cold reading , with a dash of her 5 cents . 

Kathryn - opinionated , judgmental , cruel , know it all . 

The sum of all this is :
Beyond high probability of sharing notes on clients , and utilizing cold reading , script to steer conversation . The rest of their antics are just that . 
Point - Don't allow you faith to waiver in life , and don't underestimate the power of all the good that can be . Don't allow someone to predict anything for you , because ultimately it is not what is or has to be true . But if you hand yourself over , you will mess with your own power to create the good . 

5 Updates & Rebuttals


You need a hug!!!

#6General Comment

Thu, April 18, 2013

WOW looks like you spent allot of money to complain about something!!! I have used this service and I agree some of the predictions do not pan out.....these folks are not God! I am a private reader myself and we just do not connect with everyone. And if the prediction is about someone else...well they have free will and they can be steered down the path by the divine in which the readers sees but that person decides which road to take and if they choose path b instead of path a like your reader sees...well....thats just how it is.

I have had success with readers PS. Ricky new there was something wrong with my vehicle and it just came out of the blue....he mentioned a specific area and part of my car I almost fell out of my seat!!! Amy predicted exactly when something was to arrive for me. To the day!!

Amy also predicted the date of something in my happened a day sooner...and ya know what....when I did a reading on myself prior to calling PS....I got the same date! Arthur gave me quite a few predictions....half of them have come to pass already and in the time frame he gave... the others are a few weeks to a few months away...however...I was not attached to the outcome and I did not force it....I let go and it all fell into place!

I have had a few bad connections with some of those readers...who are no longer on that line....PS had to have told them to go away because they were just horrible...promising the world in a golden wrapper to such a degree no one wouild buy into it!!!! When you seek out a reader the best way to go about things to get accuracy is to ask them to ask the divine...what do they want me to know about this situation ....allow the divine to guide your reader and do not be attached to the outcome! SO SO important!!! If you are attached to what you want the answer to be....that energy is picked up on by the universe and your reader....go into a reading open to the truth....being set on an answer screws stuff up for yourself...if your askign you obviously want to know so alow the answer to flow freely instead of silently controlling it and if it isnt what  you wanted to hear....ya shouldnt have asked...

Alsooooooooo.. sometimes when we get a date or a timeframe of something we are so  bent on that aspect of it that we lose site of the real inquiry. Also we can sway our own destiny being stuck on a date or time....I have had readers give me dates and times....when those times came I tried to force it to happen ...we cannot do that.....if it does not happen in the exact time frame ...but 9 times out of 10 if we just allow the divine to do their work in their own comes about....

We cannot invest to much in other people in our lives with their own free will....where we ask readers will he or she ever be in my life again....well to get a yes to that question...think about what a broad inquiry that is!!!?!?!?!? You must be specific and ask the question in a form of what you need to know.

I give guidance more than want A well this is what the divine is telling you to do to get to A...if you chose not to follow the guidance then guess! You have free will you have choices you ask for advice you get it and dont follow then why call in the first place? You cannot control anything through a reader....the divine is in control...we are here to lead you....yes some of us are shwon the furture of a certain inquiry but we are not ...again...God....

Cut those folks some slack and stop projecting your fury onto others....maybe you're so bogged down with negativity that no one is able to read you need some cleansing and some clearing of gunk  dear :)

Do you have any idea what you have sent out the the universe with these reports? That you are angry, vendictive and annoyed and that comes back to us 3 times as hard as we put it careful how you act think and feel and what you say.....I am saying this from a loving stand point and I hope you take my advice seriously...I have seen so many people get on a rampage and it just turns into a spiral of mess for themselves.

Share love and toss away dislike...its always better to lead with love !! What are you ganining from bashing these folks?  If you got a few bad readings then why do yu keep calling and calling?

By the way....I am human...I am blessed with the knowing we were all born with this special gift and only some are brave enough to admit that they are loving caring beings who want to help others with what we all have in us!!

Sending you love, peace and many blessings my dear and I hope you will find it in your heart to let go and let things be ....happiness will flow in!!!

BTW: do you really think they are getting paid what your paying.......there is overhead...if you think that a reader gets $30.00 for 10 minutes....well....thats just crazy...I am sure it doesnt work like private practice I charge that for an hour reading...and the reason ppl charge is because there has to be an energy balance to read people....a give and recieve..a yin and a yang.....thought I should cover that base before it too becomes an issue :)

Find happiness sweetie!!! <3

Love and hugs!!!


You need a hug!!!

#6General Comment

Thu, April 18, 2013

WOW looks like you spent allot of money to complain about something!!! I have used this service and I agree some of the predictions do not pan out.....these folks are not God! I am a private reader myself and we just do not connect with everyone. And if the prediction is about someone else...well they have free will and they can be steered down the path by the divine in which the readers sees but that person decides which road to take and if they choose path b instead of path a like your reader sees...well....thats just how it is.

I have had success with readers PS. Ricky new there was something wrong with my vehicle and it just came out of the blue....he mentioned a specific area and part of my car I almost fell out of my seat!!! Amy predicted exactly when something was to arrive for me. To the day!!

Amy also predicted the date of something in my happened a day sooner...and ya know what....when I did a reading on myself prior to calling PS....I got the same date! Arthur gave me quite a few predictions....half of them have come to pass already and in the time frame he gave... the others are a few weeks to a few months away...however...I was not attached to the outcome and I did not force it....I let go and it all fell into place!

I have had a few bad connections with some of those readers...who are no longer on that line....PS had to have told them to go away because they were just horrible...promising the world in a golden wrapper to such a degree no one wouild buy into it!!!! When you seek out a reader the best way to go about things to get accuracy is to ask them to ask the divine...what do they want me to know about this situation ....allow the divine to guide your reader and do not be attached to the outcome! SO SO important!!! If you are attached to what you want the answer to be....that energy is picked up on by the universe and your reader....go into a reading open to the truth....being set on an answer screws stuff up for yourself...if your askign you obviously want to know so alow the answer to flow freely instead of silently controlling it and if it isnt what  you wanted to hear....ya shouldnt have asked...

Alsooooooooo.. sometimes when we get a date or a timeframe of something we are so  bent on that aspect of it that we lose site of the real inquiry. Also we can sway our own destiny being stuck on a date or time....I have had readers give me dates and times....when those times came I tried to force it to happen ...we cannot do that.....if it does not happen in the exact time frame ...but 9 times out of 10 if we just allow the divine to do their work in their own comes about....

We cannot invest to much in other people in our lives with their own free will....where we ask readers will he or she ever be in my life again....well to get a yes to that question...think about what a broad inquiry that is!!!?!?!?!? You must be specific and ask the question in a form of what you need to know.

I give guidance more than want A well this is what the divine is telling you to do to get to A...if you chose not to follow the guidance then guess! You have free will you have choices you ask for advice you get it and dont follow then why call in the first place? You cannot control anything through a reader....the divine is in control...we are here to lead you....yes some of us are shwon the furture of a certain inquiry but we are not ...again...God....

Cut those folks some slack and stop projecting your fury onto others....maybe you're so bogged down with negativity that no one is able to read you need some cleansing and some clearing of gunk  dear :)

Do you have any idea what you have sent out the the universe with these reports? That you are angry, vendictive and annoyed and that comes back to us 3 times as hard as we put it careful how you act think and feel and what you say.....I am saying this from a loving stand point and I hope you take my advice seriously...I have seen so many people get on a rampage and it just turns into a spiral of mess for themselves.

Share love and toss away dislike...its always better to lead with love !! What are you ganining from bashing these folks?  If you got a few bad readings then why do yu keep calling and calling?

By the way....I am human...I am blessed with the knowing we were all born with this special gift and only some are brave enough to admit that they are loving caring beings who want to help others with what we all have in us!!

Sending you love, peace and many blessings my dear and I hope you will find it in your heart to let go and let things be ....happiness will flow in!!!

BTW: they dont get paid what youre paying ....there is overhead...if you think that a reader gets $30.00 for 10 minutes....well....thats just crazy...doesnt work like private practice I charge that for an hour reading...and the reason ppl charge is because there has to be an energy balance to read people....a give and recieve..a yin and a yang.....thought I should cover that base before it too becomes an issue :)

Find happiness sweetie!!! <3

Love and hugs!!!


United States of America

More names....

#6Consumer Comment

Sat, November 19, 2011

Ricky- PS's star. You'll think he really is gifted...until you keep calling back. When his predictions dont come true, he starts to slowly unravel. The reading from a few weeks ago is now changed and so are the parties' personalities and intentions. If you stay on the phone with him longer than 5 mins you find out he knows nothing about you or your situation at all and is just making generalized comments to lure you into opening up so you spend more money. He remembered me by my name from my first reading on my second call which was 2 weeks apart. Is he that psychic? No. He just keeps good notes. 

Madeleine- really great at psychoanalyzing you and picking up on small details from how you phrase your questions. She tries to customize from her stupid numerology and astrology charts to fit you and your situation. She too, like Ricky and most of them, falls apart after repeat calls. And boy, does this one know how to push the clock and your money to the limit with all kinds of new age bullshit.

Joseph- loves to see "symbols" and analyze them however he sees fit for your particular situation. Problem is the "symbols" are always changing, along with his predictions. And he always wants to know which state you're calling from? Why? I'm guessing the quicker to find you in his client file...

John- boy is he slow with those cards and boy can he ask questions till you're blue in the face. If you're reading with him, expect to spend at least $50 to get 1 question answered. Oh and he'll always tell you that this reading is not guaranteed only a look at what is going on right now. I thought psychics could predict the future?

Amy- short, snippy and can't tell s**t other than some crazy prediction and that she's an "empath and can literally feel your pain"

Arthur- boasts a Hollywood and political clientele but just like Ricky can remember you and your situation after only 1 call. Is he that good with all the hours he puts on that line and god knows how many others? Doubt it. His strategy to keep you on the line is the Psychic Life Coach angle. He loves astrology. Beware.

Beau- changed his prediction and analyses of the individual in question within 24 hrs. Enough said.

Susannah- sounds like she's a 65 old sweet grandma but oh can she tell you lies that will melt your heart and send you into endless hope. She is supremely skilled at turning a 1 minute prediction into a 10 minute fairytale.

Lily- consistently wrong and gets mad at you for telling her so. Her favorite line is "have an open mind when you're getting a reading" and by reading she means her spewing bs advice at you about a situation she knows squat about.

Melea- has a short list of garden variety predictions she makes for callers and rotates. Read her feedback. 




#6General Comment

Sat, February 12, 2011


You would burn witches if you could with that line of thinking or not thinking at all! Agaisnt the law? Should Psychiatrist be banned ? At one time they were thought of as not a real science. Fragile people should get treatment not go to a psychic. How can one go on a spiral downward you give these readers too much power. If you are an adult you would own that you have hurt innocent people who are making a living.

As far as successful in life , you stated that readers were not. Where is your proof? I have read for years, I was a federal employee who had top clearance. I read for 0 percent . However, I do not blame psychics who charge they have to deal with people like you. Immature, dishonest, and deceptive in your speak concerning well meaning people. I know there are quacks in every occupation.

Just to let you know I am married for 30 years. People love me and I teach them how to empower themselves. The only power is God. And you would be surprized how many women were seerers in the Bible, Haludk, Mairion, anna, and several others. Who discovered Christ the three wisemen who were also astrologers among reading signs in the stars. We all know they predict.

WE are not Human, what an evil thing to say. I have stayed up with many people  who were in bad relationships guiding them to empower themselves. I do not have psychic junkies I will not allow it. You are one of the addicted so you blame the reader. How sad may the Lord forgive you for calling us not human.



Save your sanity , and money .

#6Author of original report

Sun, August 01, 2010

There truly is no boundary that people in this profession won't cross . 

A prime example :
"advisor" Betty . This advisor has one of the highest ratings , and a schedule that is round the clock . It makes a person wonder how an advisor that barely takes a break in between callers for so many hours could possibly be in tune with your unique situation.
This service does not provide (call back , or a system that allows for a person to schedule a reading ) . A caller literally has to keep dialing the extension number over and over in order to win the race . (as one of the operators so aptly explained ) . " you have to be quick " . This is a dark comedy .

 But back to "Betty" - the charges per minute are steep , and frankly it seems to be a sweatshop . Betty has an  ability to certainly pick up on certain bits , but if you are a repeat caller , you will soon see how unethical , and transparent  the methods used by her ( and a vast majority like her ) . To make it brief and to the point , in the beginning it is like pulling teeth with her, but she is aware that most likely she'll hear from you again . She only answers questions , and is never able to give an ounce more than ...  in retrospect uses the information you provide to build on (as is the case with many) . She came apart at the seems when she simply became to tired to think and actually tune in , or even bother , and finally began shuffling those infamous cards they all pull out like a magic 8 ball . She read the cards  get a quick reading , and completely forgot the overly confident story she spun weeks before . This is a sweatshop . She is no exception to the rule  with cold readings , scripted readings . I would strongly recommend that any given person refrain from speaking with her , and all the rest  . There is nothing good to be gained from this . 
Once in a while we seek answers to issues that bother us , but aside from loosing money , and sanity , nothing good will happen . Every situation is unique, please don't be tempted because you see high ratings (they mean nothing !) read them and you will see for the most part , it's callers saying " can't wait to see what happens " . 

She is dishonest like the rest . Do right by your life and situation , and have faith .

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