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  • Report:  #138255

Complaint Review: Public Storage

Public Storage ripoff dishonest fraudulent billing improper lien Cincinnati Ohio

  • Reported By:
    Cincinnati Ohio
  • Submitted:
    Sun, April 10, 2005
  • Updated:
    Fri, May 20, 2005

I have seen othes reports on the site and would like to thank every one.

My report is mostly the same as I have seen on others reports about public storage. But thank to we were able to save our stuff from being sold.

We were late in january and paid a $10.00 late fee and a $50.00 lien fee and we went back to the storage unit and found out we were still locked out.

At which time we were informed the $150.00 did not pay us up like we were told it would. We had to pay the remainder plus another set late fees and lien fees.
and we researched on line and found ripoff-com and we made a b-line to the courts filed a complaint, and contacted the local television consumer advocate and the district manager after being contacted by the advocate.
He changed his voicemail message and left town the following day after filing the complaint he called from wisconsion. To tell us he was leaving the country would be back the following week.

He didn't show up for the first court apperance and the second he showed up with out legal representation.
And it was resolved with the clause that we could not sue or file another complaint. As well the judge did say that the lien's were never filed in any county.

However when we gained access we found our stuff had been ramsacked and alot our stuff had been broken.

We are contacting the courts about this; we took pictures this time and had the police file a report about this.

So if you read this and decid to do business with this company rember to make sure you keep all recipts and corespondence and to place every thing in writing.
And fight for your belongings do not ever let them tell you you can't do any thing. File law suit and make them explain where and when all lien's were filed and print out the rip-off reports for court and the judge will see the companys fair business practices.

Remember don't let them get away with it.

Cincinnati, Ohio

1 Updates & Rebuttals



Public Storage Needs to Pay

#2Consumer Comment

Fri, May 20, 2005

I've read through many of these complaints against Public Storage, and have to admit that I too have been a victim of their evil empire. It's true, from what I've seen and heard from employees of Public Storage, they aren't treated much better than the general public. I've been told by Public Storage DM's, take my best shot to make them change their ways. goes.

Suggestions on how to bring a company like this into compliance with customer service, and avoid the rip offs that they conduct daily to the public and their own staff.

1. When dealing with a large company such as this, you have to impact something that'll make them take notice.

2. I've found a great way to do this, the first is by bringing the value of their stock DOWN. That's right...want to hit a big company like them? Hit them at the stock level. THAT WILL make them notice you and your endeavor to make them change their evil ways.

3. How does one do this? More public awareness in the form of BBB complaints, Attorney General complaints, Local TV and Radio commentaries and consumer protection programs and of course, good old fashioned getting the word out.

4. One can discover who the shareholders are in the company and write letters directly to them to let them know how their investment is looking right now from a public standpoint. As Public Storage IS a publicly traded could have an effect.

5. ADVERTISING. Look at where they advertise, and see what you can do to compromise that advertising, or better yet...make them pay top dollar for it. Let me explain....

Public Storage uses such services as Google adwords for their advertising. They are charged a fee every time someone clicks on the public storage ad words that are located on the right hand side of a google search when searching for Public Storage. Granted, it doesn't ALWAYS come up each time, but try it a couple times and it will. CLICK on that link and it will take you to their site. 5 cents....charged to their credit card account. Now, if ENOUGH people were to do this from all seperate computers around the world.......for "informational" purposes of course (you want to find out info about their company, right?) :-) IF 100,000 people were to do this, that would cost Public Storage $5,000 ! Now, don't go and click and re-click it thinking you're racking up cents for Google has implemented special filters to prevent someone from doing that. THAT is where you need MAJOR public support to hit them were it will cost them. Remember, these are all legitimate advertising clicks that they agreed to when they agreed to advertise on Google ad words.

What else can one do? There are many things one could do if you just took the time to figure it out, and decide if you want to put the time into to bring about the changes. EVEN if they cancelled their Google ad words after their bill went through the roof...the public wins that the people have DICTATED to the evil empire that they can't advertise they way they want to anymore! THAT IS a WIN for a small battle, but a larger win than one may think.

Women. What do women have to do with Public Storage and getting them to change? Well, the last time I looked at their Officers of the Corporation, they ONLY had men in office. This is a PUBLICLY TRADED company...with NO women in the TOP ranks? Women and women's groups such as NOW or similar ones, COULD start flooding their company with e-mails, letters and phone complaints. Do you know what would happen over 1 million women (conservative figure), in these groups called thier toll free 800 numbers to complain (let alone on the same day or even same week!) Two fold WIN...higher toll charges for the 800 number usage time that Public Storage has to pay and all the jammed up phone lines from the complaints. ....WIN again.

Environmental. Yes, environmental groups could also start campaigns against Public Storage for something as simple as this. Here is a fact: When items are auctioned off for non-payment of rent, a buyer buys the whole lot in the storage unit. They have a policy to BURN paperwork that is left in the units. BURN? Now how on EARTH is that environmentally friendly? What happened to being responsible for the wellfare of the environment and RECYCLING the paper? They should shred the papers, then recycle them appropriately! But that's just a tip on the head for the environmental issues that Public Storage disregards on a daily basis.

More? about several thousands of lawsuits for them to handle? Just an idea. How about the fact that personal information left in units (held hostage is more like it), sensitive information (in this world of identity theft) is allowed to be given and taken by those who BUY your lot at the auctions??? Tax documents, financial information, SS #'s, account information, etc. There should be a LAW against them contributing to the distribution of PRIVATE financial data or other sensitive data. Do you know that they won't even let you remove those documents if they're in your storage unit? That's right...any bidder can take your personal information....gee, let's hope they're decent law abiding citizens now! Yes, that one REALLY pisses me off.

Ok, I've said my peace for now, and have given some really good suggestions for bringing about change with Public Storage and how they treat their customers and employees. It only works though if YOU actually do something. Let's call this using the "nuclear option."

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