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  • Report:  #1478569

Complaint Review: Puppies N Love

Puppies N Love Animal kingdom sold a sick puppy mill puppy Phoenix, Tempe, Tucson, Glendale, Gilbert Arizona

  • Reported By:
    Horrified Consumer — Phoenix Arizona United States
  • Submitted:
    Fri, May 10, 2019
  • Updated:
    Thu, October 24, 2019

Puppies N Love sold us a very sick dog. They claim their puppies are healthy and do not come from puppy mills; all of which is false. The owners are money hungry degenerates, and their manger Loni is an evil, conniving manipulator. 

To begin, we walked in on April 26th 2019. The store seemed clean and their reviews seem okay. You can’t please everyone , and owning over 10 dogs myself, I know first hand you can’t predict the health of every dog. First of all, THEIR PUPPIES COME FROM PUPPY MILLS. They claim they check them twice a year and they are all registered through the standard regulators. However, that doesn’t mean the dogs don’t live in poor conditions and come from reputable breeders.

My breeder ended up being a puppy mill , with over 65 breeding dogs. None of the information they gave us matches up, and the so called information they have in their binders at the locations are all falsified. Even my veterinarian stated that all the diseases my puppy has come from poor and dirty living conditions. That just goes to show where they get their overly priced pets from. 

Secondly, when the state of my puppies health came into question ... the stores demeanor completely changed for the worse. To make a long story short, they didn’t disclose the health of the puppy my dog shared its kennel with. The puppy ended up being prescribed medication for an undisclosed health issue... which was NOT brought to my attention when my own puppy was bought. 

When the store was contacted with all of our issues , they gave us two options for our very sick cavapoo that cost nearly 4000 dollars. We could either bring it back for a full refund. Which is unacceptable, to us it isn’t about the money like it is for this company. This is a member of our family. You wouldn’t get rid of your child for a refund? Would you? Rhetorical.

Our second choice was we could bring him back to them and they’d treat him for 14 days and the we could pick him up again. This one to me is even dumber than the option above. For obvious reasons. We then tried to request half of our money back because of the things we’ve had to buy him to make him comfortable that isn’t covered in their so called warranty’s.

As well as the endless nights of no sleep and emotional distress. They ended up coming back with $400 on a $4000 dollar dog. Never once did the owner ask how the dog was doing , nor did he allow for me to speak with him. Everything was done through the middle men at their paradise valley location. This goes to show how the owner cares about his dogs. They only care about the money and that’s that. They are insensitive scammers. 

To conclude, we ended up accepting the $400 since the owners WOULD NOT budge on giving us any money back. The owner never once asked to speak with me. Very unprofessional. When I arrived at the Puppies n love mall location , Loni was there and asked us to hold on. She then tried to then fix the situation by explaining that sickness in puppies is normal. WHICH IT IS NOT.

I’ve worked with dogs for over 10 years, and am currently in the process of becoming a vet in the future. Don’t try to coddle me with falsified information. Sick puppies is not common when it comes to reputable breeders and rescues. I then stated I would never support them , nor another pet store in the future and Loni then tried to come up with another excuse. TERRIBLE TERRIBLE MANAGEMENT.

Throughout the entire experience, all Loni could do was come up with excuses and shame us for being angry with their business and practices. I shut her right up as soon as I explained what I had found out about their so called “non puppy mill breeders”. We accepted the $400 and then left the store, and immediately called the credit card company.

We disputed the charge with the company of Puppies N Love. Which is something we never do. We would never try to take someone’s money back, but after the way we were treated, and how the owner handled the situation. We feel no pain in taking our hard earned money back from this joke of a company.

Overall, the company is a joke. Shouldn’t be in business. As well as the staff at the stores are blind to the sicknesses that go around their stores. After accepting the $400 I informed loni that we would be taking further steps such as reviews , and legal action. She then stated that it is ridiculous for us to do such a thing after they have been so “helpful”. If this company thinks what they did was helpful, they need a mental health check. 

Anyway, thank you for listening and please do no support this joke of a business. I look forward to the future , and furthering my actions with this company. 

3 Updates & Rebuttals


United States

sad for puppy

#4General Comment

Thu, October 24, 2019

 It is named kennel cough because it can quickly spread through a kennel and infect every dog. Kennel cough can be transmitted by aerosols released when a sick animal coughs, by direct contact with an infected animal, or by the sharing of contaminated objects.and that includes kennel pet bowls Veterinarians recommend that any dog that is suspected of having kennel cough be isolated from other dogs for 14 days, however they are usually only contagious for the first 7-10 days of illness. sound terrible, and can leave a dog short of breath if you have ever had this happen to you its not a pleasant feeling but most of the time it is not a serious condition, and most dogs will recover without treatment.but most dose not mean every dog can puppy's just like human baby do not have a strong immune system so illness can be fatal ear mites Symptoms like ear itchiness, redness, and discomfort may prompt a visit to a physician. Upon physical exam with the use of an otoscope, ear mites may be visible. Appearing tiny and white in color, these mites can be treated with the use of multiple medications, frequent linen washing, and thorough drying of damp items and once again have you ever had a ear ache or a bad rash still not a pleasant feeling .What causes ear mites? Ear mites are most commonly contracted from outside environments, or areas of poor hygiene and stress, such as pet stores and/or animal shelters. Ear mites in dogs and ear mites in cats are tiny little creatures rather like spiders. ... Ear mites are one of the most common causes of ear infections in pets. now illness a disease or period of sickness affecting the body or mind. all thees facts can be google search so said pet store said that her/his pet vet tack or on staff vet checks each dog and that they check the dog 3 time ok mabe the dog did not show symptoms at time but one if not all of the other dogs would show sings with in a few days of her dog leaving the pet shop and the fact that ear mites are known to be contracted from areas of poor hygiene dose give her a fair right to question your business practice and staff vet and sales staff but her point that she made and you seem unable to see is that a pet heath should be treated like a member of you family to ppl if they suffer from illness pain discomfort there owner do and cant be replaced with a refund and should have ben handle by the manger to show that the issue was seen and that you did feel truly sorry for the dog and steps to prevent it from happen to the next puppy not look at as some one that did not want the dog and i cant fault you for that ppl do get a pet and cant handle the responsibility and yes there are ppl that are trying to get free money at the cost of others but the fact that she just wanted half of the med bill is fair and all so a good sing of a good owner and should have ben given more attention be for it made it on this site

“Very Disgruntled Customer”

United States

How is telling the 100% truth full of "lies and deceit”??

#4Author of original report

Tue, May 14, 2019

Yes you are indeed correct! We are on a social media campaign to bash your business! Your business practices are backwards and foul. We also are indeed a disgruntled family, are we supposed to be happy you sold a very sick dog? You haven't seen any vet records? Why are you straight up lying?

Oh , my apologies... why are you full of "lies and deceit"? Everything I've stated is 100% true. We submitted our vet records straight to your so called "claims office". You nor your staff never once requested to see them nor did you ever once ask to speak with us.

I myself have had over 10 dogs from trusted breeders and rescues and never once have they had the ailments this dog has. Your whole spiel about socializing the dog and group kenneling is a complete poor excuse for you not taking proper care of the puppies that are unfortunate enough to enter through your doors.

As for him not showing signs , his kennel mate the same day was diagnosed with an undisclosed medical condition. The only reason we found out about that was because WE called to inform you of our current situation and the girl on the phone accidentally slipped and let it out. As for your full refund , once again he is not a pair of jeans that you can just return with no remorse!

We bonded with him, but I guess you don't know what that's like since all you care about is shuffling puppies out as fast as you get them in from puppy mills. As for your other option .. giving him back to the back to you to treat??? Do you know how stupid that is. If you're so smart .. kennel cough can be transferred through the air or by direct contact.

So chances are ... every dog at your location has it. So we would give our dog back to you .. why? As for bashing you publicly, yes we are in fact doing that! Everyone deserves to know how you run a business. As well as YES everyone , we did request a 50% refund. It's no secret, so stop acting like it's your secret weapon. We've already spent $500 on stuff to make him comfortable that isn't covered under your so called "warranty."

I also might add that your warranty is completely fake , it's AZ state law that requires you to refund a buyer for up to a certain amount of time .. they're called lemon laws. You just use that as an excuse to mark your dogs up 2 grand.

It's NOTHING special to you. As for requesting to still be available for the health warranty , we gladly told your staff we would forfeit that for a half price refund. So NO you are either mentally incapable of realizing the truth ; or you're a deceitful manipulator.

As for "extortion" as you put it , you're the only ones guilty of that. Selling fake documents along with the dogs you get from puppy mills. Even though you advocate you don't buy from puppy mills, it's all a big lie! As well as putting "repeated negative reviews" yes we are! Each one of us has the right to leave a nasty review exposing you because each of us own this dog as a "disgruntled family" as you so lovingly put it! Then finally, did you not see the edit where I said we took your $400? Or are you illiterate on top of being a scammer too? We also told Loni we would be following through with reviews and legal action , so just doing the right thing and actually keeping our word! Unlike Puppies n Love! So yes , look forward to more reviews, Facebook posts , and legal action!

Overall, bottom line is , you're a joke of a business owner; you flip as soon as a family walks out the door with their new family member. As well as you never once asked to speak with me nor wondered how your so called "baby" was doing. ONCE AGAIN, THEY BUY FROM PUPPY MILLS, MAKE FAKE DOCUMENTS, SELL SICK DOGS, AND DONT FOLLOW THROUGH ON THEIR WORD! overall; please support a reputable breeder (that doesn't have over 60 breeding dogs .. ahem) or go and rescue! So many other loving animals , and loving human beings to work with! Puppies n


United States

Two Sides to Every Story

#4UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Tue, May 14, 2019

The Sesi family is on a social media campaign to bash our company, the store at which they purchased their puppy and its staff, and they have filed multiple social media negative reviews under different names. This review is written by a very disgruntled customer whom we tried very hard to placate but who is trying to what amounts to 'extort' money from us.

Her reviews and her report are full of flat out lies and deceit. The Sesi family bought a puppy which went home and was diagnosed with ear mites and kennel cough. This is very unfortunate and we do our best to prevent this from happening, but it's entirely impossible to prevent the spread of puppy ailments 100 percent of the time, and this does NOT render their puppy 'very sick' as both are common and easy to treat, plus the puppy's treatment and all medications are paid for with her warranty.

That's why we give puppy health warranties. Neither will affect the puppy's long term health and the family is claiming we sold them a 'very sick' dog. UNTRUE! This is very unfortunate and we do so much to prevent this type of thing from occurring, but when puppies, dogs, cats, animals live in a communal environment (which they do in pet stores, shelters, rescues, even inside of their own homes) they pass ailments from one to another and it's very hard to prevent.

We did not see the ear mites in the puppy's ears, even though our vet and our vet technicians checked the pup's ears. In fact, the family signed off on paper that the dog looked healthy at the time of purchase and before the pup went home. The puppy did not show any signs nor symptoms of kennel cough when sold. We have very strict policies about not allowing pets to go home until we have completed their entire medical protocol if they show any signs or symptoms for any ailment prior to sale.

Kennel cough has an incubation period and when a puppy goes to his/her new home it's very stressful and common for an ailment to break. Our puppies have been seen by licensed veterinarians at least twice and usually three times before they are sold. So, when the family called our store to complain about the 'very sick puppy' we offered them to bring the puppy back to the store for a full refund if they no longer wanted the puppy.

We also offered to take the dog back, treat both conditions at our expense and give the puppy back once treatment was complete. The family declined both measures and then threatened to do just this (to begin a social media campaign to bash us publicly) unless we gave them a 50-percent refund, plus allowed them to keep the dog.

Keep in mind: their puppy's health warranty DOES cover the cost of treating those conditions and all of the medication. This is unreasonable and amounts to extortion! They also claim that we sold them a "lemon" under Arizona's Lemon Law, yet they say they love the dog so much and it's now part of their family. If the dog was a 'LEMON' they should have returned it for a full refund so we could treat it and find it a loving home.

So, this family wants the puppy, half of their money back on top of all of the vet bills being paid. Please readers note: they are now leaving repeated negative reviews under different names saying the same thing. We offered them $400 as a courtesy for their time and troubles, and they took the money! Now, they are claiming we did not do anything to help them. Nonsense. 

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