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  • Report:  #409038

Complaint Review: Puppy Pals

Puppy Pals, Lynn Adams Never send your dogs here! The owner is crazy! Llano California

  • Reported By:
    Los Angeles California
  • Submitted:
    Wed, January 07, 2009
  • Updated:
    Fri, February 05, 2016
  • Puppy Pals
    31425 223rd St E
    Llano, California
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:

My biggest question is, did any of you fellow victims take any legal action? Or did anyone actually get their money back? This place really needs to be shut down now! Is there anything we can do?? If you don't have time to read my whole report, scroll all the way to the end and check out the treatment I got!!

The story goes....

Basically everything that's happened to everyone else happened to me. I found this place through a neighbor, made an appointment and drove out there from Pasadena to check the place out with my Siberian Husky. Knowing that some people believe all siberians are aggressive and snippy, I made sure she met my dog and saw the way she interacts with others, gentle and friendly. We had a great time and thought highly of both Lynn and her ranch. She spent 3 hours complimenting my dog on her great behavior, assuring me that she'll have a great time and telling me how she's already felt a bond between the two of them. I was out of the country when Ziggy was scheduled to be picked up. I received an email telling me her pick up time was around 11am. So I went through a lot of trouble to have my aunt be there by then to have her let Ziggy out. Lynn continuously insisted that I leave a key out for her to let herself in, but who in the right mind would allow a stranger to do that? So by the time my aunt got to my house, at 10:45am, Lynn was no where to be found. She had supposedly showed up at 10:15am, found no one home and had left. I was out of the country and there was no way she could have reached me. I will attach all of the emails between me and her employees for more details. So having missed my aunt, she scheduled a pick up for the next day. I figured since it was both of our faults, (mine for changing last min plans and hers for not staying till the provided time) I was willing to pay for 1 more trip. Each pick up/drop off trip is $20 and I was planning on paying $40 for pick up and $20 for drop off. The day she dropped my dog off, the usually extremely chatty owner showed up at my door at 9:30am (scheduled time is 11:30am), barely said a word, let my scared ziggy out of her van, handed me a folder and left. I then looked inside the folder and found an invoice, charging me $2.50/mile, a total of $175 for the 2nd pick up. I'd previously given her my credit card number, and everything had already been charged for by then. Though confused and surprised at the charges, I was too excited to see my puppy and decided to deal with it later. Ziggy came home filthy, dried dirt/feces on all parts of her body and she smelled. As some of you may know, Siberian Huskies are very clean dog, they don't smell and they groom themselves. My dog was not as dirty when I found her on the street starved. I decided to wash her and brush her hair right away. As I did those, she started yelping. When I examined her body, there were chunks of scabs on her neck and on other parts of her body. I was very concerned by then. Ziggy is the most mild temepered Siberian Husky around, we go to the dog park every single day and she has never gotten into a fight, let alone be injured. I immediately called Lynn and the ranch, but of course, no answer, no response. I then sent them an email, hoping to find out more about Ziggy's injuries, also to ask about the extra charge for the pick up:

Hello, I've been calling for the past couple days and can't seem to get a hold of anyone, so I figured I should just email you and hopefully you will be able to answer some of my questions. First off, I found multiple scabs on Ziggy's body since she's been back. Dime sized scabbed wounds around her neck and body, and also some sort of injury on her left side. She cried when I brushed her side and was obviously in pain. I wanted to know if there had been any fights between her and other dogs because those injuries were definitely not there prior her stay at the ranch, and would definitely like to find out more about how she got them. Secondly, I would like to ask about the day Lynn had to come out to pick Ziggy up. I understand it's a standard $2.50/mile price, however I disagree on the fact that I would have to pay for it. I received and email from you telling me that Ziggy will be picked up at around 11am. I sent multiple emails letting you know that I'll arrange someone to be there around that time and yet by the time someone was there at 10:45AM, BEFORE the estimated time for pick up, the car was gone. I know you sent me an email after the incident, telling me that it's more than normal for the pick up to be early or late, however I didn't know any of this beforehand. I admit that there was a misunderstanding, however I don't think it's our fault and I should be the one responsible for the fee. Had you told me that the car would not wait and would leave before the scheduled time, I would have made other arrangements. I also understand that Lynn had asked for permission to charge for the pick up, but nobody knew the price of it, and also nobody asked me. I would have no problem paying $20 since gas costs money, however, $175 for a car ride that would not have been necessary had the car stay until the estimated time, just does not make sense to me. If you had emailed me any of this information, I would have had someone drop Ziggy off for free. Lastly, since Ziggy was not picked up on the 26th of December, why am I charged from the 26th till the 2nd of January? Sorry for sounding angry, but I'm just very confused and frustrated with everything. Please feel free to call me on my cell, or email me back when you get a chance. Thanks a lot,

Shortly after my email was sent, I got a response:

2:39pm PUPPY PALS does not operate office hours including taking extraneous calls during the Winter Holidays which are still in process for us. I will take a few minutes to address the transport on what you have written, but we are still busy with holiday doggies and I need to go join the team after the pooches have finished their grilled salmon meat treats which they're inside for now. The owner Lynn is out doing a van run. Will address the other when I have to do so or another staff member will.

I will start with the van time and the HUGE FAVOR which Lynn did to go get your dog the next day because your home system cratered. I can't fathom what about the word "AROUND" do you not understand as far as the van timing. This is not a hard/firm appointment as there can be snow/rain, traffic, LACK of expected traffic, big rigs which fish tail, clients who aren't ready, doors with changed locks, a huge variety of things which can or not throw the timing either way by HOURS. The times are padded for being somewhat late but the times always say AROUND which with the 15 minute swing at your home was definitely in that ballpark.

Lynn noted on our log that she got there at 10:15, waited half an hour, called every number on your profile, even tried to open every door/window in your house to simply get your dog. You promised Lynn that someone would be home and the timing didn't matter. Obviously that was not the case but you did not set this up in advance, instead you apologized because your brother who was supposed to be the hand-off abandoned his responsibility - per what you told Lynn.

Lyn talked to your aunt who was unwilling to bring Ziggy to the Ranch, she authorized the home pick-up the next day - which by the way took six hours round trip, did not come close to covering Lynn's fees nor the transport expense. OF COURSE you are responsible for paying for it. Why wouldn't you be? This is a business. When you exact hard costs from a business and a rate card is set up for covering these, of course you are expected to pay the associated expense. Why are you even asking about this? With all due respects, your attitude is riduculous.

Lorraine Camp Counselor


2:52pm I can at least do this part too real fast. Ziggy was charged for 12/26 because you had a Winter Holiday booking which is non-refundable. Had you canceled all, you would have been charged for all. We have limited van and ranch spaces. Each is allocated, each is charged. The Winter Holidays are essential for Lynn keeping and maintaining her business. Just because you did not honor the home arrangement for pick-up with Ziggy does not mean that we let out her space here - we did not. So your charge remains.

If YOU are angry, can you even IMAGINE how you are making US? You need to learn to honor the policies of a business if you are conducting service with that business. To us you sound like a fraudulent person who is trying to hurt us with no grounding for truth. Someone we would not want to conduct business with ever, too bad Lynn even accommodated you because we turned away others who wanted your dog's dates and spaces. I am sure Lynn's blood level will explode when she reads your email, you are so off base it borders on the ridiculous. Just my opinion, don't you get it???????

Lorraine Camp Counselor


3:23pm I knew when I dropped Ziggy off that you "had an attitude," I clearly didn't expect you to disavow so much with what I can only call your rant. I think you know that Ziggy was well cared for here, not stressed, was pampered with personal TLC from the humans and enjoyed her stay. Your email is not what I would have expected from you, particularly with your studies. I would have expected a much higher level, or perhaps this is just a test? Either way, I can only say that I am hugely disappointed in you and would have expected something different from you after meeting.

Of course I will address all, after my staff has done partials with you making them extraordinarily defensive of me with the van plus our policies, not getting on to Ziggy's play style. But let's start with THAT, Ziggy's play style. As a typical husky, she is very nippy with other dogs from two dimensions. One is that she (even after the successful one-on-one introductions) had to learn her placement in the pack hierarchy. Two plus, once establishing her starting place in the pecking order, she desired to escalate - to become "promoted" is the best description - and move up. As a result, Ziggy searched out the dogs with the most rambunctious play styles who are the pack leaders. She didn't now them, they didn't know her - she was the only new dog, in which case it obviously would have been more ideal had you made your vacation plans earlier and let her have a few small Ranch stays in advance to get to know a few of the dogs but you did not. We talked about this if you will recall. I agreed to leap in making lemonade out of lemons with you doing the same. But with the minor dime sized scuffs, well I have to attribute these to Ziggy trying to get in on the play, exerting her typical husky style, not really having good knowledge on HOW TO PLAY AS A DOG, and getting in the way when congs and other toys are tossed. She was not stressed nor scared, because my team and I took great time to make sure that she was well socialized. But we can't teach her how to get out of the way of flying lab mouths when she's in the path of a toy being tossed, she can get a few knicks from that experience, then learn later how to avoid. We could preclude her from all by putting her in a pen, but that wasn't what you signed up for by any stretch. So your girl got in the way of happy goldens and labs flying to get their toy. Well next time she won't. Simple, end of story. No dog attacked her, even cared about her. They don't you know. They just care about those who are happy mostly, and willing to play with them. End of story.

With the transport, you assured me when you were here that I did not need any home instructions. I explained how many clients are not home, I am fine and dandy with picking up dogs in the absence of the client at most of my dogs' homes. You assured me that this was not an issue at any level because your brother would be home and I had no worries about the timing nor the rendezvous with Ziggy should no one be home. It is not my fault that your home plans failed hugely. I see that you are angry. I am not angry, I am just hugely disappointed in you because you have lied to me maybe not intentionally, but still you have and NOW YOU ARE TRYING TO HURT MY COMPANY? NO NO NO NO NO. You better get a grip, kid and learn that people who are trusting like me take what people who seem to be nice like you say to me. I believed you, YOU are the one who lost the control on the transport end. I simply DID YOU A HUGE SERVICE (I PROMISE I DID NOT WANT/NEED THE BUCKS) to go get your Ziggy dog from home. Not only did I incur the huge time and transport expense (for me 6 hours away is one shift of two people here, yes I'm that good). You really messed with my schedule badly, but I DID YOU THE FAVOR.

So little psychiatrist kid healer, GROW UP, be responsible, own up to doing the wrong thing and move on. I can't even imagine taking your dog after your email temper tantrum. But maybe there's hope for you if you can simply own up to the objective situation, You need to THANK US (which you should do) for saving your own cratered situation, and move on.

Lynn PUPPY PALS RANCH An incredible place for dogs

wait for it.....

3:50pm If I can only tell you this, i operate "boutique" operation, not a "kennel" with 150 dogs at a time. While I have been transporting 70 dogs in and out during the holidays (= to 3500 lbs I figure), I still keep it small and specialized with individual attention. I have done nothing to hurt you or have Ziggy neglected - quite the contrary, I bended over backwards when we didn't have extra staffing to help you. I have no clue why you are so antagonistic. I would have assumed you would be kissing my behind in appreciation for all the extra efforts I put forth to help you when you flailed. I still expect that huge THANK YOU, or take your dog to a low level place next time where there will be hugely TRUE PROBLEMS, not the ones you have fabricated nor wasted my time/my staff's time on with responding to you as someone who appeared responsible but became one of those who just want something for nothing. BEWARE, I will not tolerate that at any level as I of course can't - you take my company's resources, it is of course your responsibility to pay for such. If it becomes legal, I will win with treble damages (which means you pay times three).

Lorraine for Lynn as dictated PUPPY PALS RANCH An incredible place for dogs

one more:

3:50pm During Winter Holidays I have TONS MORE than to be messing around with someone who represented herself as being hugely professional but ended up being idiocy, as yourself. I will tell you this about your dog as a ps. Your dog is horrid on the socialization scale, it was like all was new/never done when she met other dogs. You did not do your job up front to put her in a place like mine for the Holidays. Your dog was apprehensive, fearful - I took all of my staff to work with the other dogs while I personally coached your dog (the bill is $190 per hour) to get her to a decent social level. You are a low level liar, clearly not only about the "situation" et al when you're trying to scam us for money, but the truth about your dog. GROW UP and please LEARN TO BE HONEST. I have nothing else to say to you but will be happy t arrange a phone appt. which I will require that my attorney monitor and record because of your lying and lack of trustworthiness. The monkey is on your back as the one who is trying to scam my company.

Lynn Adams PUPPY PALS RANCH An incredible place for dogs

I was getting very upset at this mentally unstable lady, but did not respond to any of the emails. I just hoped they would stop coming. And at 6pm, I received this:

You are a little piece of huge stinky oriental f*** ing sh*t and the next time you try to f*ck around with pupy pals we will make sure that one of our people nails you and your dog and all of your family; DO NOT SCREW with these nice good people, you piece of crap. We know about you because we were at the ranch and herard the staff talking, we wnet in the office to get your info. YOU ARE F*CKING D in the water if you f*ck with these people any more, you ungratious c*nt. If you don't believe me, just wait you f*ck

Imagine my reaction. So I filed a police report, just in case anything happens.

People, do not send your dogs there. Who knows what actually happens at the ranch.

annoyed Los Angeles, California

4 Updates & Rebuttals

Michael g


another austin dog wisperer incident

#5Consumer Comment

Fri, February 05, 2016

 It's too bad you did'nt see beforehand all the other horrible things she did to countless other people and animals, she should be locked up. now she is in austin texas as "the austindog wisperer" My husky had half his ear bitten off and she didnt even tell me or take him to the vet,&600 bill. I can guarantee she put your dog in with her pit bull and dalmation and let them team up on your dog, she even sent me pictures of my dog being attacked . ludicrus



Similar situation

#5Consumer Comment

Fri, January 23, 2009

I had a similar situation last year where Lynn said she'd drop off the dogs "around" a certain time, but she showed up an hour early, while we had stepped out for 10 minutes. So she kept the dogs. It took us over 4 hours to get a hold of her because she said it's illegal to answer your mobile phone and drive at the same time.

We drove up to Llano to get the dogs. She left them in a kennel, which was clean but unsupervised. No one came out of the house to meet us, so anyone could have taken our dogs.

Given all the other complaints about Puppy Pals, I feel like we got off easy. The reason I didn't post a report earlier or give more details about my scary email and phone exchanges is because Lynn and Sheri know where I live and I fear for the safety of my dogs and family.

Victim Of Puppy Pals

Los Angeles,

We need to shut Puppy Pals and Lynn Adams Down

#5Consumer Suggestion

Mon, January 12, 2009

I was just about to file my own report about the horrific dealings about this business when I read your report. If we consolidate our efforts, hopefully we can do something to stop this from continuing. I am aware of another victim that is willing to join these efforts and would hope that others who have previously posted will contact me as well. Please email me at Meantime, please add to the complaints we have made at the Palmdale Sheriff's office at 661-272-2400. I also recommend contacting the Lancaster Animal Services Office at 661-940-4191 to tell them about the problems to also send a letter to the Director of the LA County Animal Control office at 5898 Cherry Ave, Long Beach, CA 90805 562-728-4610. I will post my situation shortly and everyone can see the continuing patterns of abuse, neglect, harassment, and threats from this despicable business.


West Virginia,


#5Consumer Comment

Wed, January 07, 2009

I was horrified when I read this! I cannot believe that woman would talk to you like that. The "anonymous" email was obviously not a customer but an employee or Lynn herself. Why would a customer care about that so much?

I don't care what she says about AROUND eleven and it's meaning. That to me means she should have been there at least until 11 and maybe even a little after. Getting there at 10:15 and knowing you're arranging for someone to be there and you are out of the country is ridiculous and unacceptable. I wouldn't give that woman any more money than what you think you should.

Don't even get me started on her bashing your dog......

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