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  • Report:  #261756

Complaint Review: QED Media Group Robert Russo Reputation Management

QED Media Group, Robert Russo, Reputation Management, Higher Search Engine Rankings Engages in FALSE PROMISES, LIES and EXTORTION. Defend My Name cannot get ANYTHING removed from search engines. Lied about having webmaster's tools to manipulate Google and other search engines! Their dirty con game secret revealed here. Portland Maine Florida

  • Reported By:
    Valhalla Alabama
  • Submitted:
    Thu, July 19, 2007
  • Updated:
    Fri, August 05, 2011
  • QED Media Group, Robert Russo, Reputation Management,
    Portland Maybe
    Portland, Maine
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:

After having some negative and untrue online comments made about myself and my company, I was told about this company by a friend who was having similar problems.

I contacted and was led to believe that they could have the negative comments completely removed from Google and other search engines. They claimed that they could manipulate Google with webmaster's tools. Since Defend My Name's rates start at $1000.00 a month I figured that this company certainly must have the resources and manpower to deliver on their promises so I signed up.

At first I was delighted. When doing a Google search only good things were appearing in the first search results page. One day someone asked me about the defamatory content and said they had just found it on Google. I was shocked to hear that so began a search of my own and, sure enough, the untrue comments were still there for anyone to find if they had the patience to keep looking.

The whole service was a big con game. Defend My Name cannot get anything removed from Google or anywhere else. All they do is bury the references under a mountain of blog postings, forum postings and little crappy sites that Defend My Name creates itself. The defamatory information is still there, just further down than before. The amazing thing is that these people cannot spell for spit and some of those blogs were an embarrassment to me. For $1000.00 a month I would think that Defend My Name could afford spellcheck or even a proofreader.

Here is an excerpt from Robert Russo's own blog and it is a spelling and grammatical nightmare (I have not changed one word of this, either):

'Doing Business online now a days is equivilent to gun slinging in the wild wild west! Because the Internet is a global entity it difficult to be governed by one set of laws. Every country sets forth the accountablility for those who commit acts of defamation, slander and libel.

It is so easy for a company to be destoyed by a negative Internet post from one individual. Case studies show that most of the predicted daily web searchs that take place on any search engine mostly is represented on the 1st page. This is the most valuable real estate in search engines. When your company branding and or online reputation is affected negatively this can directly affect you bootom line and you (ROI)(Return On Investment)

Defendmyname was created to assist companies and individualsthe ability to protect their investments online without having to secomb to the simple destruction that 1 negative Internet post can create. Our concept is simple! Great search engine development.

Everyone on the Internet has the ability to develop quality content for thier name and business. This requires great resources and sometimes can be difficult for small businesses. They just dont have the time, man hours and knowledge on how to combat this type of malice!

Defendmyname has developed sytems and processes as search engine experts to provide these very resources to clients! Our proven search engine development techniques have shown over and over real evidence that it works perfectly!

One part of search engine development is having the knowledge of how search engines work! The other part of search development is providing the resources neccesary to execute that knowledge in a rapid time frame. Because google and other engines are always changing the rules you must stay up to speed as to what is affecting your websites or website. The defendmyname program is a high impact search engine marking program with tangible results!

The most important aspect of search engine marketing is to test the algorhythim! This is very simple to do however requires some development and resources.'


Once I realized what Defend My Name was really doing and becoming more embarrassed by the minute due to the mangling of the English language in my behalf all around the internet, I decided that I really could do those same things myself for a lot less than $1000.00 a month. I proceeded to do these tasks myself in order to cover up the nonsense that Defend My Name had created. There is no mysterious 'algorhythim' at all; newer content appears on top of the search and older content falls lower in ranking. THAT is the mysterious algorithm; creating new content shoves older content lower in search results.

I continued to receive bills from Defend My Name and was unable to cancel this so-called service. I finally just refused to pay the monthly fees at which point Defend My Name quit creating the cover-up content and removed their links and the unflattering content came right back up on Google. I was told that paying the exorbitant monthly fee was the ONLY way to get the negative items 'removed'. Baloney! Defend My Name was not and never had been removing anything. I simply buried the undesirable content on Google myself with my own blog postings and some small cheap sites. It was easy and a lot cheaper than the extortionate fees charged by Russo and Defend My Name. At least the grammatical errors and misspellings attributed to me are really my own now.

Defend My Name's Google webmaster tools are phony. Those tools do not exist. If they did exist, they would be illegal and Google would track them down and have them all incarcerated. Defend My Name is a bogus service, but it cost me several thousands of dollars to find this out. They lie like real professionals, though.

Beware of anyone who claims they can remove negative web search results for a fee. They are lying to you. Especially beware Defend My Name who will cost you a fortune so that they can lie to you and make you look like a grade-school dropout!

Robert Valhalla, Alabama

7 Updates & Rebuttals


Ocean ShoresW,

Report: QED Media Group, Robert Russo, Reputation Management,

#8REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, November 08, 2009

What is our government doing??  We the people are trusting and believing that we will be protected and yet we are being ripped off daily.  When we try to contact them we receive a stantard reply and nothing more than a write here or write there.  Who is responsible to us?  Are we really going to hell in a handbasket?  Please let me know so I can stop beleiving...

Thank you.

Michael K. Dana, Esq.



#8UPDATE Employee

Tue, December 30, 2008

IMPORTANT NOTICE: QED Media Group, LLC, and Robert Russo have filed legal claims in federal district court seeking an injunction and damages for the information posted in this Ripoff Report (the "Lawsuit").

Pursuant to federal law, QED Media Group, LLC and Robert Russo hereby give notice that they have served written discovery on parties in the Lawsuit seeking all available identifying information about the author(s) of this Ripoff Report and its rebuttals and comments. If the author(s) of this Ripoff Report or its rebuttals and comments wish to respond to the discovery requests seeking identifying information, the author(s) may do so by filing an appropriate motion in the lawsuit, which is litigated in the United States District Court, District of Arizona, Case No: 2:07-CV-00954-GMS. Such a motion should be filed no later than January 9, 2009.


St. Louis,

Details on the QED Media - Rob Russo - William Stanley - John F Brewington JFB Aquisitions conspiracy which involves Alec Defrawy who hired them using money from Cortes Randell

#8Consumer Comment

Fri, July 20, 2007

"EDITOR'S COMMENT: The Rip-off Report website is currently involved in litigation with some of the companies/individuals mentioned in this Report/Rebuttal including QED Media, Robert Russo, and William Stanley. Among other things, this litigation involves claims that Rip-Off Report has defamed these parties with certain comments posted on this website. In light of the pending litigation and due to the nature of the statements contained herein, although it does not normally do so with other Reports, Rip-off Report has attempted to contact the author(s) of the Rebuttals posted below in order to verify the accuracy of the statements presented. To date, these efforts have been unsuccessful, and, in fact, it appears that the Reports/Rebuttals posted herein may have been a hoax. Specifically, the author of one Rebuttal indicates that he was or is a member of the Rip-off Report Corporate Advocacy Program, but our records indicate that statement is not true. This strongly suggests that some or all of the author's statements may also be inaccurate or untrue.

Despite this, we have decided not to remove these Rebuttals. Normally, as a matter of policy, Rip-off Report never removes materials from this website (for more information on this policy, please click here: and this circumstance will not be an exception to that policy. However, because Rip-off Report has been unable to contact the original author(s) of the material below, you should NOT regard these statements as accurate.

Furthermore, as a general rule, the statements contained in Rip-Off Reports and Rebuttals are the opinions of third party authors/users of this site and have NOT been verified for accuracy by Rip-off Report. These unconfirmed statements should be regarded as expressing only the opinions of their respective author(s) and should not be regarded as statements of fact. Due to their anonymous nature, the Reports/Rebuttals contained herein may contain statements which are exaggerated, rhetorical, non-literal, or otherwise non-factual. Because it is impossible for Rip-off Report to independently verify the statements published on this site, and because such statements have NOT been verified, you should NOT regard the Reports or Rebuttals on this site as containing actual statements of fact about the companies or individuals mentioned unless you have independently verified the specific statements at issue."



I have been directly victimized by this bunch. Alec Defrawy and his band of internet terrorists have hired this group and is also now financing and arranging for his hooligans to harrass me. They are receiving money from a man named Cortes Randell. (Is that a real name for a man?)

I have reported them to law enforcement and they told me to be patient, they know all about them and are well aware of the trouble they are causing people. They have evidently already made false moves and should soon be incarcerated. Then I can get some sleep.

This is my report I filed on the QED-Russo-Stanley conspiracy I got caught up in.

Read the report here:

The comments were taken down for some reason.

QED Media Group - Rob Russo blackmailed us to continue payments; Bill Stanley harassed us

Rob Russo and William (Bill) Stanley are blackmailing us to continue payments to them... for nothing, or they will make things worse for us and not just on the Internet. We are sure we are not the only ones.

I have read with interest the McCullagh article in cNet about Robert Russo, QED Media Group and his hired henchman, William Stanley. As many problems as I have had from Rip-off Report, personally, what,, the Defamation Action League, and the Internet Defamation League are doing to them, is exactly what they have been doing to my wife and me. We had signed up for their services, but we did not realize we made a deal with the devil.

Recently I became one of many who were ripped off by William (Bill ) Stanley and Rob Russo of QED Media Group. Rob Russo and Bill Stanley seem to be the very same person; at least my wife is convinced of this. At this time, I will assume they are 2 different people for the purposes of my comments, since I have no concrete evidence to the contrary. The service they offered, never worked. The negative listings, which appeared in Google searches about my wife and me and our business, never disappeared after spending over $30,000. Now, because of their interpretation of the contract, they are threatening us to keep paying, or they will take "necessary action." After seeing what they did to rip-off report and their attorneys, we are now seriously frightened.

Here is our story:

There are a number of complaints about our business listed on Rip-off Report. We did respond to most of the Rip-off Reports, it helped but we still don't like the Rip-off Report coming up on search engines when our customers and potential customers perform searches on our company on the Internet.

About a year ago, I called and spoke with Edward Magedson, who runs Rip-off Report. I recorded our conversations, (I live in a state where it is legal to do so), because I was warned by a company, called Federated Financial, to do so. When contacting them, I was put in contact with their attorneys, Chris McFarland and Christorpher Whitelock. They told me that Mr. Magedson would try to extort money from me and I needed to protect myself. They went on to explain that I would need the tapes to protect myself, and I could use the things he says against him in the future. I am glad I did record Magedson, but not for the reasons I thought.

Mr. Magedson (Ed) seemed like a nice enough guy, although he has this very "New York City" accent and demeanor (spiced with the occasional references I have heard only from old Navy salts). Ed gave me some extremely important information and I quickly obtained a very different perspective about the his role as consumer advocate and the role of his website.

Ed explained to us why it was best for us to defend ourselves right away on Rip-off Report, because we could respond properly to the various allegations mounted against us and tell our side, too. He went on to say that it would also give us the opportunity to show how honest and understanding we are, and demonstrate to our complaining customers how we can respond to and rectify their complaints.

Ed was right! When he said, "We all get complaints. Even when we do nothing wrong, someone will find something to complain about." I have come to realize that Ed was right on the money. Ed also taught us that we could instill confidence and trust with our potential customers, too, because they can see how well we deal with problem solving and conflict resolution, and it would be out in the open for all to see.

Remembering what Ed said about all getting complaints, we studied other companies who had received complaints and the deleterious effects of trying to hide those comments, as recommended and facilitated by the Better Business Bureau (BBB) and other governmental agencies, like various States Attorneys General and the Federal Trade Commission, for example. He opines that it is best to show all the complaints because, hiding them does other consumers no good and not only do we all make mistakes but it is the mark and quality of the person on how those problems are managed. This is an opportunity to show your mettle.

I thought ED was crazy (and ED claims that he is). When he said it is best to admit some culpability and then to explain how we fixed the problem so it will not happen again. As Ed mentioned, "Who would not want to do business with a company who can admit they were wrong and then do everything in their power to rectify the problem and compensate the customer?" After discussing our conversations with Mr. Magedson, my wife and I agreed that consumers want to find a disinterested third party opinion about a business before doing business with them. As a result of our conversation with Ed, my wife and I took the next step and we joined rip-off report's corporate advocacy program.

As convinced as we were by Ed and his ripoff report program, shortly after joining it, I found a listing on the Internet on "How to defend your name" from QED Media Group and Robert Russo. We looked into it and took on that program too.. This could be the biggest business mistake my wife and I have ever made. After first speaking with William Stanley, he handed us off to his associate, Robert Russo. I was then talking with Rob Russo who had taken over. Their voices seem to be very similar and my wife immediately questioned him about the similarities in their voices. She asked if they were related and finally jokingly suggested they were probably the same person, but stranger still, we never got a response from him, he just went on speak about other topics.

Russo and Stanley are very convincing. We signed up for 6 months, but they said we would see results after the first 3 to 6 weeks. Oddly enough, after 8 weeks we saw no results and we requested a meeting to get some explanations. At this point, Russo and Stanley became very nasty and threatened my wife that if we ever said anything bad thing about them publicly, they would make our lives miserable forever! They also threatened us that if we did not continue to pay them, despite the conditions of the contract, we would be very sorry. The reason why we are writing this anonymously, is because we know we are not the only ones they have done this to and they can never be sure exactly who we are. Russo and Stanley have quite a racket and we have paid them over $25,000.

We are full of regret to the point of wishing we had just stuck with the ripoff report program. We also feel like we made a deal with the mafia. My wife read some of the many websites about the companies on the Internet that Russo and Stanley mentioned on the phone; such as Prolexic, Bryan Vincent Associates (BVA), and now we've read this article on cNet, It is also appalling to me to see what Russo and Stanley did to the Phoenix law offices of Jaburg & Wilk. These people are Internet terrorists and need to be arrested. Now I read these posts by Richeson, who appears to be connected with them somehow. I am not an attorney, but it appears that they have some sort of a racketeering operation. With questions of multi-state jurisdiction, I would think the Feds would have to come in.

We have done a complete turn around about our attitude of Ed Magedson. He has the courage to stand behind his convictions and does not really profit from those positions, but instead ends up taking a great deal of heat for consumers who can't defend themselves. Such acts of bravery should not go unrewarded. We have looked up all the times he as been sued by so many. Which reminds me; we also spoke with Steve Miller and some of his people from Federated Financial a long time ago (I mentioned this earlier on in this piece.) I should also point out that Miller and his people contacted me and then began trying to convince me to help with their subterfuge.

What is important is at the heart of Steve Miller's argument was that Ed Magedson and ripoff report were engaged in extortion and that we needed to do whatever it took to bring him and his website down; we should lie, we should testify that we KNOW it was Ed Magedson, who filed the Reports. This was his plan to get around the Communications Decency Act of 1986, which was designed to protect websites like rip-off report. Steve Miller of Federated Financial in Deerfield Beach Florida insisted this was the best way to put Magedson out of business, to just keep suing him to cost him money in defending himself. I never felt about that, even when I thought Ed was a bad guy.

In sum, time has shown who the bad guys are and it is not Ed and his enterprise. Thanks, Ed.

The following links are companies, like mine, who have joined the corporate advocacy program that Russo, Stanley, Miller, et alia, like to call extortion. We are happy with the arrangement and actually see the benefits, unlike QED's program, which is rife with complaints;

QED is an acronym from the Latin, quod erat demonstrandum, which means, "that which was necessary to be demonstrated."



Shysters stole $15,000.00 dollars from me for non-service!!

#8Author of original report

Thu, July 19, 2007

Yeah, I bought into this defendmyname crap, too. With $15,000.00 UP FRONT I was promised that within sixty days all bad information would be REMOVED from search engines.

They used the same plan, blogs forums, etc. They did not remove anything for me, either. For my company it did not work. The bad posts remained near the top of Google in spite of all the blogs, etc. that defendmyname put up and posted to. Finally they admitted failure but didn't offer a refund. Said that they had put a lot of work and time into this and had earned the money.

I should have checked on this websites' company the Corporate Advocacy Plan. I think it would have been money better spent and the results could not have been much worse.

Defendmyname is a scam. Stay away.



Shysters stole $15,000.00 dollars from me for non-service!!

#8Author of original report

Thu, July 19, 2007

Yeah, I bought into this defendmyname crap, too. With $15,000.00 UP FRONT I was promised that within sixty days all bad information would be REMOVED from search engines.

They used the same plan, blogs forums, etc. They did not remove anything for me, either. For my company it did not work. The bad posts remained near the top of Google in spite of all the blogs, etc. that defendmyname put up and posted to. Finally they admitted failure but didn't offer a refund. Said that they had put a lot of work and time into this and had earned the money.

I should have checked on this websites' company the Corporate Advocacy Plan. I think it would have been money better spent and the results could not have been much worse.

Defendmyname is a scam. Stay away.



Shysters stole $15,000.00 dollars from me for non-service!!

#8Author of original report

Thu, July 19, 2007

Yeah, I bought into this defendmyname crap, too. With $15,000.00 UP FRONT I was promised that within sixty days all bad information would be REMOVED from search engines.

They used the same plan, blogs forums, etc. They did not remove anything for me, either. For my company it did not work. The bad posts remained near the top of Google in spite of all the blogs, etc. that defendmyname put up and posted to. Finally they admitted failure but didn't offer a refund. Said that they had put a lot of work and time into this and had earned the money.

I should have checked on this websites' company the Corporate Advocacy Plan. I think it would have been money better spent and the results could not have been much worse.

Defendmyname is a scam. Stay away.



Shysters stole $15,000.00 dollars from me for non-service!!

#8Author of original report

Thu, July 19, 2007

Yeah, I bought into this defendmyname crap, too. With $15,000.00 UP FRONT I was promised that within sixty days all bad information would be REMOVED from search engines.

They used the same plan, blogs forums, etc. They did not remove anything for me, either. For my company it did not work. The bad posts remained near the top of Google in spite of all the blogs, etc. that defendmyname put up and posted to. Finally they admitted failure but didn't offer a refund. Said that they had put a lot of work and time into this and had earned the money.

I should have checked on this websites' company the Corporate Advocacy Plan. I think it would have been money better spent and the results could not have been much worse.

Defendmyname is a scam. Stay away.

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