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  • Report:  #1021315

Complaint Review: Q Link Wireless Horrible Free Government Cell Phone @ Horrible Customer Service, The Worst Cell Phone Company! Dania, Florida

  • Reported By:
    Ms.Barnes — St, Joseph Missouri United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Thu, February 28, 2013
  • Updated:
    Thu, November 02, 2017 or Q Link Wireless company is the most worst cell phone company of them all! The government cell phones are of poor quality, arrive broken or damaged.

Q Link Wireless has the worst customer serives of any cell phone company! It takes 3-5 hours of waiting on the phone for a customer service rep to answer your call.

They never reply to any of their emails. The government free cell phone service they offer is a ripoff, no customer service, poor quality cell phones.

They also advertise that you can upgarde your cell phone to a smart phone, which is the reason why i joined them!

However after 90 days of horrible service @ countless wasted hours of waiting on the phone for a customer service rep to answer. I am "not" able to upgrage my old junk used free government cell phone to anything better!

Once you have applied @ received your free government cell phone the "UPGRADE" to a better smart phone offer completely dissapears from their web site!

Calling them again for the 6th time in 3 months does no good. They have excuses for why i can't now upgrade my cell phone to a better quality cell phone. Saying it must be a problem with their web site, or try calling back in a few days.

This company is a scam!  Every time i had gotten ahold of someone to talk to there, it took upwards to 4-5 hours of waiting time listening to their recorded 2 songs over @ over again. And it has always been the "Very Same Customer Service Rep"

I assume they only have one person working there as a customer service rep. I've called them a total of six times, waited upwards to 4-5 hours to speak to someone @ its always been the same rep who eventually answers my calls!

Stay away!

Beware of Q Link Wireless.

13 Updates & Rebuttals


United States

Contact the programs that

#14Consumer Comment

Thu, November 02, 2017

 Contact all the programs that are the reason you are able to get the free phone from this horrible company and comolain to them about the illegal stuff Qlink is doing to the program recepients many of who are very ill and if they could not use their phone to call their doctor , pharmacy , police or ambulance they or their family can bring this to court . This company is seriously digging itself into a court sentencing . This is illegal and can be fixed through Legal actions .


United States

Call Medicaid office

#14Consumer Comment

Thu, November 02, 2017

 Call the Medicaid office to report how this company is treating people and ask who exactly to call to get something done about this, because sending Medicaid and food stamp recepients unusable phones and then charging a medicaid or food stamp recepient money to get a replacement phone is a total SCAM and is illegal and something can definetely be done about this. Also a lot of Medicaid and food stamp recepients have serious illnesses which they would need to use their phone to call their doctor , pharmacy or 911 and if someone got ill or injured and could not use their phone for help that person or their family can bring lawsuits against this company !!!! I know they better not send me an unusable phone .


United States

Not Legal what they do

#14Consumer Comment

Thu, November 02, 2017

 No, your wrong they can not just send you a phone that is unusable, where you cant hear people or even use the phone that is illegal .



factcheckyourvenom and TYG need to shut up

#14Consumer Comment

Sun, August 13, 2017

Those two are the spoiled, entitled brats that exist to torment others because they've got to inflate their tiny di-I mean, egos.

Seriously, stick your head in a bucket of water, then light yourself on fire.



I ordered qlink so far it's been great.

#14Consumer Comment

Thu, December 15, 2016

 I am a new qlink customer but have called them 3 times and each time I was speaking to a rep in less then 2 minutes. They were extrememley nice and very thourough with answers to my questions. The website has tons of info on it including info about not being able to upgrade your phone and the old customers with basic phones can get a smart phone but it costs money. U can use your own phone to purchase a plan but for a free phone with free service and a smart phone at that I couldn't have asked for better service. Maybe U had a bad experience, but they have either changed tremendously or your experience was a unique one.



Works for Me

#14General Comment

Tue, September 06, 2016

 I have been a Qlink customer for over three years now, and have never experienced anything other than Great service and Support. All of my emails have been replied to promptly, as good or better than any other professional company. I am a very pleased customer of Qlink Wireless.


Baton Rouge,

Qlink is a rip off.

#14General Comment

Wed, July 06, 2016

 TYG or whatever your name is, no one deserves snotty service, to be ripped off or to be treated like crap just because they are poor and need a little extra help. There are some very shady things about Qlink. They should be investigated. Any company providing a service to the public and it's customers should treat their customers with respect and provide services to the best of their ability. No on should be treated like this company treats people.Putting down poor people just shows how small of a person you are. Do you work for Qlink or something. You are the only person on here with a f-ed up attitude. I bet you kick puppies and make fun of the disabled too. Let me guess... Trump supporter?!




#14Consumer Comment

Wed, May 13, 2015

I own a tracfone and on a limited income it is hard to pay even $10. for 30 units. That is the reason people like me try and get help. People like you should learn to deal with costumers no matter who they are or what they buy. Some times the money you would buy minutes with have to go to buy meds or food or even gas. Maybe you should live on a limited income and see how you like.



Know your facts

#14Consumer Comment

Sat, February 07, 2015

It would be nice if people would have all the facts before running off at the mouth. When it is implied we aren't customers and therefore shouldn't expect to be treated like custumers when we own a governmement phone it just shows your stupity. I had a Reachout Wireless phone but every month I purchuched unlimited minutes for it. They only give a person 250 free minutes so many buy additional minutes because they all offer a variety of plans. That makes us customes and we should be able to expect to get what we paid for. When I first picked up my reachout wireless phone the box said "Unlimited Talk, Text and data for $26.50 a month. I paid $26.50 and was unable to get on the web. I called Reachout Wireless and argued with them because they said that data refered to receivivg the text. That was very misleading because when a phone company says unlimited talk and text that automatically covers sending and receiving text. Any time you see data it means the web. I may still have paid that price for unlimited talk and text but thats not the point. I don't want a company lie to me and me pay for something I don't get. So know the facts



Good God

#14General Comment

Fri, July 19, 2013

Wow.  Just wow.  First, to the OP:  If you want any kind of customer service at all, here's an idea:  Become a customer first.  In order to become a customer, you'll need to follow this instruction very carefully, as it's easy to get wrong:  Cough up the extremely difficult $20 for minutes with Tracfone or one of the other lower-tier prepaid cellphone companies.  I saw a Tracfone the other day at Dollar General for $8, even, with prepaid minutes included.  I know this is not an easy thing to do, as it would require you to get something for something, but I'm afraid it's the only way to become a customer of anyone.  If you're not buying anything, but receiving things for FREE, you're not a customer, unfortunately.  If you're receiving a Lifeline phone and feel entitled to grade-A "customer" service, you don't deserve anything given to you.

Secondly, to the rebuttal posters I see here:  As much as the OP irritated me over his or her horrible, "gimme gimme gimme" freeloader attitude, I have to take issue with your ill-informed comments as well.  You and your ilk are from the same gang that likes to toss around the contemptable "Obamaphone" lie.  The Lifeline program, as misdirected, wasteful, and pointless in this day and age as it is, is funded by the Universal Service Fund.  This is a fee charged to the telecommunications providers, who may or may not pass the cost along to their paying customers.  Your tax dollars are not going toward these phones, but if you subscribe to phone service, the telco might charge you the USF.  I don't agree with it by any stretch of the imagination, but this program has enough flaws working against it as it is, and certainly doesn't need lies to make it look bad.  

My advice to fellow opponents of the Lifeline program: Drop the rhetoric, drop the silliness, stop making yourselves look like mouth-breathing uneducated bumpkin hicks, and argue against it based on the facts.  There is no shortage of real, concrete facts that point to this program being a total waste without resorting to idiocy.  Especially considering the CHEAP pricing of basic prepaid phones these days.  Anyone can afford one.  ANYONE.  Paying customers have no business subsidizing those trying to get a free phone.  




#14Consumer Comment

Tue, June 11, 2013

Hey,  everybody !!   This is  just  a  little  retort  and  rebuttal  to  the idiot....pardon  me....GUTLESS  idiot,  whose  name  is  TYG.  ( Say TYG,  is that  a  real  name ?  A nickname ? Just wondered if a gutless,  $h#$t-for-brains,  ball-less   know-it-all  like  you  even had  a  real  name...)

Pardon me, everyone, I digress. 

TYG,  if  that's  your  real  name:  you   pathetic creep:  do you know that when you open your mouth your mind is on parade ?   Yeah, that's what Mrs. Underwood,  my  first-grade  teacher  told  me.   LIFELINE  is  a  ONE  HUNDRED  F'ING  PER/CENT  TAXPAYER  FUNDED  PROGRAM.

Your  advice  to  this  consumer  is  ten  kinds  of  $h&^%*T, my  friend, just  like  your  mind,  you  gutless  fool.   Last  August,  2012, TERRACOM  WIRELESS, an  OKLAHOMA   FIRM,  was  squarely  kicked  in the  balls  by  the  FEDERAL  COMMUNICATIONS  COMMISSION,  for diddling  around  with  taxpayers  money,  you  jerk!!!!

LIFELINE  PROVIDERS  must  provide  according  to  the federal guide-lines. By the way, do you live by any guidelines yourself ?  

This  man  pays  a  co-pay,  for  phone  service,  just  like  when  a  medicare  patient  sees  a  doctor,   or  buys  a  prescription,  they  pay  a  "co-pay".   Just  because  you  are  in a  FEDERAL  program,  doesn;t  mean  you  aumatically  get  $%H%^IT  for  service, or  should have  to  put  up  with  illegal  and  phony   crapola.

So,  now,  I  hope  you  find something to do with that mass of marinated strawberry preserves you call a  brain, and find something  to  actually  do  in  life,  besides  make  a  genteel  arse of  yourself.

Finally....send us all a Christmas card, and  tell  us  how  you are getting on. We ALL want to know.




#14General Comment

Mon, June 10, 2013

 And what exactly do you expect for your FREE service and FREE phone?? Stellar CS and up to date phones?? How exactly do you think they are able to offer FREE?? Costs are cut, mainly labor. Recycled phones and third rate cellular service. So you are getting EXACTLY what you paid for.

If you want better CS and better phones, I would suggest that you PAY for it yourself. The problem is that you are expecting Grade A services from what is basically poor ppl phones. Its not going to happen. Its Federally funded. Go ahead and call the FCC. Youre going to be surprised at how indifferent they are going to be towards your claims. They will even tell you, "What did you expect from a free phone and service?"

If youre on a fixed income, then try Tracphone. They have cheap phones and the service is roughly $20 a month. As they give you double or triple mins depending on your phone, you could end up with the same amount of mins per month and it costs you very little.



Your problem sounds very familiar !!!!

#14Consumer Comment

Mon, June 10, 2013

Hello !   Your  problem  with  QLINK  sounds,  unfortunately, very  familiar.  I am a  TERRACOM  victim (customer?)  in  Grove,OK.  Terracom's  customer  service  also,  is  a  scam,  at best...and  is  a migraine  headache  in   the  making,  and  a   crime-in-progress,  at worst.

 My  point  in  writing  this  consumer  comment,   is  to  let  you know  that  LIFELINE  IS  A   FEDERAL  PROGRAM, RUN  BY  TAXPAYER DOLLARS,  and  QLINK,  like  every  other   LIFELINE  provider,  must  TOTALLY  conform  to  F.C.C.  guidelines,  and  those  guidelines  are SETTLED  LAW.  They're  not  a  suggestion.   They're  the  LAW. 

 Were I  you,  my  friend,  I  would  get  on  the  phone  immediately  with the  Consituent  Services  Representative  at   your  U.S.  Senator's  nearest  branch office  in   FLORIDA,  and  ask  them  to  look  into  your problem.  Also,  your  Congressman's  office  will  be  glad  to  take the  same  complaint.  TERRACOM  was   turned  upside-down, and  shaken by  the  F.C.C.  last August,  by  a   Federal Judge,  because  they  were playing  it  fast  and  loose  with   taxpayer's  dollars.  Get  tough  with these   jerks !!   You're  the  boss.  Don't  forget  that ! 


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