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  • Report:  #267693

Complaint Review: Quicken Loans

Quicken Loans Wrongful Termination Troy Michigan

  • Reported By:
    Detroit Michigan
  • Submitted:
    Wed, August 15, 2007
  • Updated:
    Tue, June 30, 2009
  • Quicken Loans
    800 Tower Dr
    Troy, Michigan
  • Phone:
  • Category:
*UPDATE EX-employee responds: Exactly! *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Very Right! *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Brian is right... *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Countrywide Hurting Due to Bad Loans- Quicken is next? *UPDATE Employee: A week ago, I was 1 minute late. ONE. Yes, one. I was a minute late one day, and a few (maybe 4) minutes late the second day. *UPDATE Employee: A week ago, I was 1 minute late. ONE. Yes, one. I was a minute late one day, and a few (maybe 4) minutes late the second day. *UPDATE Employee: A week ago, I was 1 minute late. ONE. Yes, one. I was a minute late one day, and a few (maybe 4) minutes late the second day. *UPDATE Employee: A week ago, I was 1 minute late. ONE. Yes, one. I was a minute late one day, and a few (maybe 4) minutes late the second day. *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Mr. Mildly (Phone Monkey) Amused *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Highest Standards *UPDATE Employee: Confused *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Training Class *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Don't Do it *UPDATE EX-employee responds: DONT DO IT *UPDATE Employee: Follow the Leader *UPDATE EX-employee responds: OK Monkey *UPDATE EX-employee responds: uh *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Telemarketer *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Telemarketer *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Telemarketer *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Telemarketer *Consumer Suggestion: Telemortgagemarketers are NOT Bankers *Consumer Suggestion: Telemortgagemarketers are NOT Bankers *Consumer Suggestion: Telemortgagemarketers are NOT Bankers *Consumer Suggestion: Telemortgagemarketers are NOT Bankers *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Also wrongfully terminated *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Great Post *UPDATE EX-employee responds: SEX IN THE BUILDING *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Sweatshop still going strong?

I have been reading quite a few of this reports regarding the McLender "Quicken Loans". After some time to think, I've decided to voice my experience at Quicken without any censorship. I feel it's important for everyone to understand exactly what this company stands for, and more importantly, what their entire business model rests upon.

The truth about Quicken is, from my experience, that their business model relys upon the ability to hire up to 300-400 people at a time, send them through orientation, split them into a few groups, run them through a training (read: brainwashing) process, weed out those new hires that exhibit free thought or the ability to reason and understand standards of ethics, and fire the rest of the unfortunate souls into "the floor".

This ominous "floor" is simply a massive array of cubicles where, during the blocks of time there are calls being made/taken, chaos reigns. People (read: kids) shout and holler, objects are thrown, people are running around, etc. I've seen this for myself...those of you who aren't in the know will need to take my word for it. Ask someone else who's worked there before, they'll tell you.

But the real beauty of this room is that this is where the magic happens. Here, there are standards of practice that simply cannot be found most anywhere else. Well, maybe at places like Enron, Tyco, Adelphia cable, Worldcom-MCI, Global get the idea. The truth is, at Quicken Loans, it does matter what the client (read: sucker) thinks about the mortgage industry or what they need! The "mortgage expert" that has been trained to suck that client dry will "discuss their goals and make sure they are in the best possible spot!"...which basically is a cryptic way of saying the banker is going to carefully position himself BEHIND the client and begin to "service the account".

To put it bluntly, Quicken Loans exhibits something I consider Corporate Terrorism. And yeah, I'm going to explain what I mean by that:

At Q, you are first instructed at the orientation that you need to be a "free thinker" and to "think at a high level" and never accept something if it is wrong. Then, after orientation, you are placed in training (read: brainwashing) where you are told to NEVER bend ANYTHING you are taught there. If you slip even slightly outside the boundry of what you are being told to do, it is considered a MASSIVE issue. This is where my story comes in...

A week ago, I was 1 minute late. ONE. Yes, one. I was a minute late one day, and a few (maybe 4) minutes late the second day. Every day prior and after that, I was at least 30 minutes early to work and stayed over an hour later, but usually more like 2 or 3. I was hauled into an empty office by my trainer and some other guy who had been helping him train us, and was berated by him for my "inability to adhere to the high standards of practice expected of me a Quicken Loans.". I was simply in shock. Then, I was informed this meeting was pertaining to a exam score from my first test in training, which I did poorly on but did a re-take and got a 95%. I was told it didn't matter that I learned from it because I needed to already know that stuff. Strange, huh? Then I was given a two-page document informing me that I was being a very naughty mortgage lemming and was instructed to sign and date the document at the bottom. I did so, foolishly.

After giving the entire experience some thought, I returned to work the next day...90 minutes early. Heh. I began reviewing for another exam, reading my email, checking voicemail, etc... And later in the morning I decided to ask those two trainers to explain to me both why I had to sign a document that had vague claims of poor work and why the document had some items listed on it that I simply had no part of! I made it a point to be professional and tactful, asking what I had been doing wrong so that I may correct it and blah blah blah. I was brushed off, told that "late was late, no matter by how much time you're late" and the meeting ended rather anti-climactically.

Hours later, I was taken into an office and fired for the exact same reasons I was spoken to the day before. This is not a joke, nor am I leaving out details. The simple fact of the matter is this: Q takes advantage of the LOs that give their sweat and effort for the job, and gives them peanuts as compensation.


As a personal note: The objectors to these testimonials, usually bearing names like Lola (company inside joke) or Jay (exec at the company), are probably not the best inside information to support Q's cause. Think for yourself...or to use the common "ism" or philosophy shoved down your throat during training: "Do the right thing!"

Maybe that's just what needs to be done. The right thing. Give it a try, Dan. And while your at it, how about those over-time hours? Guess what? You owe me too, buddy!

Detroit, Michigan

29 Updates & Rebuttals


Bloomfield Hills,

Sweatshop still going strong?

#30UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, June 30, 2009

nothing has changed with quicken loans, post after post and these jerks still dont get it. past workers are still fighting for back pay for working countless hours without overtime pay. when is dan going to wake up and do right? that's why LaBron still has no ring and will never get one due to his owner not doing the right thing in life. people are still upset over their deposits. its too bad that d-hall didn't beat the short guy down. i would have paid to see that fight. when is the move to detroit going to happen? oh, I forgot the hook up man is now out of office (Mayor Kilpatrick) why didnt you all hire him and put him on the phones? I guess peter beat you to it. I love this old post above.

Very Unhappy



#30UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, October 08, 2007

I could not resist, i had to put this information out there because of what you said about directors not controlling themselves!

How bout a divisional vice president who was terminated because he was having sexual relations with multiple woman Inside the workplace. I mean this is just totally indicitive of the type of people that quicken covets. If it were not the fact there this guy was a lawsuit waiting to happen they probably would have not fired him.

He was sold out by one of the woman he was "playing"


and as a side note the last i heard she was still employed there just FYI


Sagamore Hills,

Great Post

#30UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, September 28, 2007

You summed up alot of reasons why this company is a joke. Most management cannot control themselves around female bankers. They take advantage of young, naive women who are impressed with their positions. The problem is, 99.9% have no management experience or training. They don't understand sexual harrassment and don't understand that cocaine is not a good thing, but a terrible thing. When a director is married with kids, buys cocaine, sexually harrasses a female suborditnate, most companies would not promote this person, but this person can get very high (notice the pun) at Quicken.
Bankers get fired for pointing out the obvious, yawning at meetings, having a down month, but all this other crap is worshipped.

Grateful To Be Gone


Also wrongfully terminated

#30UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, September 20, 2007

I 100% know exactly what you are talking about "Alan." I worked for QL for roughly 9 months, and that was truthfully the longest, most stressful, horrible waste of time in my life. I did learn a thing or two from them in terms of sales and am now working for a reputable broker and putting people in good financial positions and also being compensated for my effort. I had to laugh when I read your comment and thought back to what they told us in orientation, "raising your level of awareness, do the right thing, the big one, numbers and money follow, they do not lead."

These are some of the corporate "ism's" or philosophies that they preach to you in orientation. Then comes the training where the long 10-11 hour days groom you for the 14-15 hour days you will be expected to work once you hit "the floor."

I literally gave up everything while working at that place thinking that if I tried hard enough, I would make lots of money, just like they said in training. I no longer had friends that were interested in hanging out because I never saw them, I no longer had a girl friend because the hours did not permit me to see her, I did not have a chance to visit my new born niece for the first year of her life, and for what??? 200 dollars per loan? the company made an easy 4,000 dollars per loan.

They tell you when you start there that sales is all smoke and mirrors, and if you maneuver your smoke and mirrors properly, you can get any client you talk to to do a loan with you. Well boy did they get me. They had their smoke and mirrors fine tuned, and sold me on the company.

The funny part is that if you talk negatively about the company, you are reprimanded. Anyone that has been on "the floor" for over 2 months starts to see the light. They preach, "numbers and money follow, they do not lead" butt. I once counted how many emails i got in one day showing company wide numbers such as the "books" back, CTI calls, Volume amounts, etc. As far as the money part of that....what money? I started to voice some of these things at work, and thats when things went downhill.

Towards the end of my sentence at QL, I wrote a significant amount of loans in one month. It was in the double digits, the following month, I had a rough go at it and only wrote a few loans. Keep in mind, my 13-14 hours each day in the office did not change though my production did.

The month that I was doing poorly, I received an award for my previous month. I found this kind of odd. At the middle of the month I was doing poorly, I was told by the VP, and the future VP for a new region that if I did not hit double digits by the end of the month, I would be placed on "a Letter" a.k.a. a form saying that if you don't hit a certain double digit number by the end of that month, you are fired.

So I was expected to write a loan each day for the rest of the month, or be faced with the letter. Needless to say, I was not able to write a loan each day for the rest of that month, something Dan Gilbert himself couldn't do to save his life. So the first of the next month rolled around and I was short of the loan a day, and knew what was coming. I walked in the office that day and wrote three loans in one day. Towards the end of the day, The newly promoted VP came over to my desk and gave me Indians tickets for my performance that day.

About an hour later, he pulled me into his new shinny office and placed me on the letter. I was obviously disgruntled. To make this very long story short, I kept on pace to hit my goal from the first of that month to the middle of that month. At the middle of the month, I was pulled into his shinny new office again and was told that I was fired on the terms that I "was no longer into it." I was on pace, but was quote "no longer into it."

Fooled me Mr. new VP. I have a feeling that I was one of those people that "knew too much dirt" to have around. See, the newly promoted VP was my direct boss before he was promoted. I knew about a bunch of things that would jeopardize his position. Want to know more?....of course you do!

I know that when the company took some of it's top performing bankers to Puerto Rico for a trip, one of the employees over-dosed on cocaine that a group of them, including the new VP bought upon arrival. The employee spent his trip in a Puerto Rican hospital.

I know that the new VP was flirting with a few girls in the office, one of which is currently looking into a sexual harassment suit, and I know that he put one of the girls into a position of kissing him while they were both drunk. She came to my desk crying about it the next day. I know that the new VP was in the parking garage smoking a cigarette and decided to urinate in the corner right in front of the entrance to the building. These among other things are what the VP of the company is doing, yet "Alan" was fired for being 1 minute late. This to me is a disgusting display of how insane that company is.

After 100% devotion to this company for 9 months, I was chewed up and spit out. I would never work there or do business with this company ever again in my entire life. I HIGHLY recommend anyone looking for a mortgage to look else where.

They ask for a 500 dollar deposit to get an appraisal ordered and lead you to believe that you have nothing to lose and that you will get your money back if the loan doesn't close....believe me when I say that you will never see a dime of that back. We were trained to make you feel comfortable giving us the money. We were also trained to do whatever it takes to get the 500 dollars from you and to worry about everything else once the loan is in the door because now you have 500 dollars at risk. That is not good business.

And America says Walmart is Evil. take a look at Quicken Loans!



Telemortgagemarketers are NOT Bankers

#30Consumer Suggestion

Tue, September 11, 2007

You guys do realize that the real joke here is that Quicken called you telemortgagemarketers "Bankers". That is hilarious. As so called "bankers", you wouldn't even be qualified to take my kid's allowance and give them back a deposit receipt.

Bankers...Why do you even continue to call yourselves that?



Telemortgagemarketers are NOT Bankers

#30Consumer Suggestion

Tue, September 11, 2007

You guys do realize that the real joke here is that Quicken called you telemortgagemarketers "Bankers". That is hilarious. As so called "bankers", you wouldn't even be qualified to take my kid's allowance and give them back a deposit receipt.

Bankers...Why do you even continue to call yourselves that?



Telemortgagemarketers are NOT Bankers

#30Consumer Suggestion

Tue, September 11, 2007

You guys do realize that the real joke here is that Quicken called you telemortgagemarketers "Bankers". That is hilarious. As so called "bankers", you wouldn't even be qualified to take my kid's allowance and give them back a deposit receipt.

Bankers...Why do you even continue to call yourselves that?



Telemortgagemarketers are NOT Bankers

#30Consumer Suggestion

Tue, September 11, 2007

You guys do realize that the real joke here is that Quicken called you telemortgagemarketers "Bankers". That is hilarious. As so called "bankers", you wouldn't even be qualified to take my kid's allowance and give them back a deposit receipt.

Bankers...Why do you even continue to call yourselves that?


Sagamore Hills,


#30UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, September 10, 2007

If you break down what most bankers are making per hour, they are making much less per hour than a telemarketer.


Sagamore Hills,


#30UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, September 10, 2007

If you break down what most bankers are making per hour, they are making much less per hour than a telemarketer.


Sagamore Hills,


#30UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, September 10, 2007

If you break down what most bankers are making per hour, they are making much less per hour than a telemarketer.


Sagamore Hills,


#30UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, September 10, 2007

If you break down what most bankers are making per hour, they are making much less per hour than a telemarketer.




#30UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, September 10, 2007

Im sorry but after witnessing what goes on inside Quicken, those people are far from Sales-people. Hammering the phone making your 100 cti calls a day. Know what i call that? A glorified telemarketer. I most telemarketers even make more.


Sagamore Hills,

OK Monkey

#30UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, September 09, 2007

Sales is actually generating leads by referrals and other means. Quicken sales force are actually "Phone Monkeys" because they are robots who cannot think for themselves. They can excel if they are willing to lie and cheat clients. If you have a conscience, you realize their practices are very shady and you lose the will to work there.
The main point is, don't compare Quicken coked up Phone Monkey's to actual sales people.


Harper Woods,

Follow the Leader

#30UPDATE Employee

Sat, September 08, 2007

Are any of you actually Leaders? Or do just like to follow one another? You guys are too funny. Just admit that you SUCKED in Sales and that's why your unemployed!




#30UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, September 02, 2007

Please man do not work there. They will fill your head with all sorts of empty promises and dreams of money and happiness. But when you hit that sales floor its like n**i Germany. They take your family, your happiness, and your soul. F that place.


Bloomfield Hills,

Don't Do it

#30UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, September 02, 2007

Word to confused - Don't work for the Devils. If you have any human feelings of treating people with respect then QUICKEN is NOT the work place for you. Your better off working in China for .25 cents a day making $100 SHOES. You will not make 100k or even 50k, you will work 80 HOURS a week - SAT & SUN & Holidays. Tell your family good bye, forget any kids, you will have the be Brain washed to believe in their sick thinking of that they are helping people with a mortgage while loving their dear sweet employees. ALL BULL S***! You also need to ask a few of the 500 people that's sueing them for back pay of overtime, you will hear the SAME treatment stories over and over again.

"It is better to suffer wrong than to do it, and happier to be sometimes cheated than not to trust."


Sagamore Hills,

Training Class

#30UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, September 02, 2007

Do you notice that very few people are disputing any of these comments. If you want to work 70+ hours per week and make $200 per loan, this is the company for you. If not, get out before you get sucked in.




#30UPDATE Employee

Sat, September 01, 2007

I am about to enter into a Quicken Loans training class based in Scottsdale Arizona. Reading all of these negative reports has me very nervous about it. Is this a mistake. Am I going to regret this? Any responses would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.


Sagamore Hills,

Highest Standards

#30UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, August 31, 2007

Bankers at Quicken are held to the highest standards while VP's and Directors are coke heads!


Bloomfield Hills,

Mr. Mildly (Phone Monkey) Amused

#30UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, August 28, 2007


I bet you're in Management huh? I bet you're acting as if you've only been with the company for one year. Your nobody but one of Dan Gilberts PR people. Go back up under Dan desk and you keep working it my man, because based on your postings you clearly have to be doing Dan in order to post your LIES. We should buy you a CHEERLEADER outfit with a big a** QUICKEN on it. LOL! I bet you wear shoe lifts - like Dan? LOL!

Mildly Amused


A week ago, I was 1 minute late. ONE. Yes, one. I was a minute late one day, and a few (maybe 4) minutes late the second day.

#30UPDATE Employee

Sat, August 25, 2007


I am sorry to hear that you were fired for being late. But as a mortgage professional at Quicken Loans we are all held to a higher standard. If you want to work for the best you have to be the best. You sir, obviously did not have the COMMITNENT" to be a successful mortgage professional.

You made a choice to be late, just be thankful that someome knew enough to to realize that you did not have what it takes to work for the best.

Best wishes to you and your future. I bet you wont be 1 second late at your next place of employment.

lol absolutely hysterical

Mildly Amused


A week ago, I was 1 minute late. ONE. Yes, one. I was a minute late one day, and a few (maybe 4) minutes late the second day.

#30UPDATE Employee

Sat, August 25, 2007


I am sorry to hear that you were fired for being late. But as a mortgage professional at Quicken Loans we are all held to a higher standard. If you want to work for the best you have to be the best. You sir, obviously did not have the COMMITNENT" to be a successful mortgage professional.

You made a choice to be late, just be thankful that someome knew enough to to realize that you did not have what it takes to work for the best.

Best wishes to you and your future. I bet you wont be 1 second late at your next place of employment.

lol absolutely hysterical

Mildly Amused


A week ago, I was 1 minute late. ONE. Yes, one. I was a minute late one day, and a few (maybe 4) minutes late the second day.

#30UPDATE Employee

Sat, August 25, 2007


I am sorry to hear that you were fired for being late. But as a mortgage professional at Quicken Loans we are all held to a higher standard. If you want to work for the best you have to be the best. You sir, obviously did not have the COMMITNENT" to be a successful mortgage professional.

You made a choice to be late, just be thankful that someome knew enough to to realize that you did not have what it takes to work for the best.

Best wishes to you and your future. I bet you wont be 1 second late at your next place of employment.

lol absolutely hysterical

Mildly Amused


A week ago, I was 1 minute late. ONE. Yes, one. I was a minute late one day, and a few (maybe 4) minutes late the second day.

#30UPDATE Employee

Sat, August 25, 2007


I am sorry to hear that you were fired for being late. But as a mortgage professional at Quicken Loans we are all held to a higher standard. If you want to work for the best you have to be the best. You sir, obviously did not have the COMMITNENT" to be a successful mortgage professional.

You made a choice to be late, just be thankful that someome knew enough to to realize that you did not have what it takes to work for the best.

Best wishes to you and your future. I bet you wont be 1 second late at your next place of employment.

lol absolutely hysterical


Bloomfield Hills,

Countrywide Hurting Due to Bad Loans- Quicken is next?

#30UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, August 16, 2007

I hear that QL has now stopped it's hiring of 200 people a month ( when 300 leave every month) and is now cutting people. They don't want the media to know. Shhhhhhhhhh! They also can't fund JUMBO or Sub-Prime loans. Look at the good side of this for all you super WEB MORTGAGE BANKERS, YOU NOW WONT HAVE TO WORK 12 HOURS A DAY, YOU NOW CAN GO TO 8 HOURS LIKE A NORMAL PERSON. LOL! DAN will never allow that to happen, get back on the phones and get another book back.

PS. Also Why is that RACIST DVP JOEL GURMAN still working in that place? Still walking the halls in his White Hooded Sheet KKK outfit looking to hang someone of color, they may have made him the Grandwizard Dragon by now. It dosen't matter to DANNY G, if you went to MSU you're ok with him and the gang - that's all that matters in that place, not what you know but who you BLOW get's you to the top. LOL!



Brian is right...

#30UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, August 16, 2007

This site is blocked from the company computers, the "Guy" says this site is not appropriate.


Bloomfield Hills,

Very Right!

#30UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, August 16, 2007

You are so right. This is how QUICKEN LOANS works. I've been saying this all along. It's a shame that the CUSTOMERS have suffered impart of this SALES training which is illegal, unfair, unlawful to ALL people. People are now losing their homes due to these loans that WE was taught to put people in for the love of DAN GILBERT's pockets. You all should see Jay's million dollar home off Orchard Lake, while people suffer FORECLOSER due these fancy named loans you all thought of - Jay sits at home snuggled up to his fireplace, sending out e-mails telling the WEB CENTER to SALE, SALE, CLOSE, CLOSE or thinking of the next BS voice mail to con the sales force into feeling good about ripping off a client etc. Look at COUNTRYWIDE, 90% of these loans was sold to them. Dan needs to stop smoking and wake up and smell the coffee. QL is a classic SWEAT SHOP.






#30UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, August 15, 2007

Everything you posted it right on the mark......

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