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Quik Payday ripoff Debt disclosure Logan Utah
Unfortunately, disclosing debt is NOT illegal when done by the actual primary party to whom the debt is owed. Only 3rd party debt collectors are subject to the federal law.
It ought to be illegal, but the original person or company owed can legally call you as often as they like, and call everyone you know, your boss, friends, relatives and the little old lady down the street and tell them your entire debt, and how you paid or not paid, and what currency you paid in if they like.
Not a **** thing legally can be done.
Sad but true..
Yourtown, Nova Scotia
1 Updates & Rebuttals
St George,Utah,
#2Consumer Comment
Mon, November 14, 2005
This is a common pratice, I manage a check loan store and deal with this rather often, it makes it possible for us to collect debt that is owed to us. The only way to prevent this is to 1) Not borrow money or services in the future. or 2) Make the payments that you promised you would. Usally we only resort to contacting others or disclosing information after someone has allready defaulted.