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  • Report:  #325978

Complaint Review: Quixtar

Quixtar Made no money-Upline would not leave us alone! National Internet

  • Reported By:
    Mason Ohio
  • Submitted:
    Mon, April 14, 2008
  • Updated:
    Mon, January 28, 2013

OK, so my husband and I signed up for Quixtar in January of 2008. Our upline convinced us it was the most inexpensive way to start your own business, and that if you are not satisfied in 6 months, you get your money back. What's to lose right?? We were told it costs $180 to start and we said "ok sign us up." We were then informed that we had to also sign up for "CommuniKate," an 800 number where we could be left messages, as well as the "LTD" site which would have tools for us to use, plus the "CEP" which would automatically ship us CD's every month for $40 a month, not to mention complete our 100 points for the month, so we had to order another 68 points worth of crap since 32 points came from our initial product pack. 68 points averaging at $3 a point, came out to be another $190. Plus the $40 for the "CommuniKate" and the $17 I think for the "LTD" site.

$467-this turned out to be our actual startup cost

So we started off really strong, doing everything our upline told us to do. Our upline being from a different state, drove 9 hrs every Saturday for almost 2 months, so we felt extremeley obligated to make their time worth it. I had known them for years and I had moved out of state, but I trusted that they would not get us involved with something that was bad. We would sit and call people and set up a few "QI's." We were so excited the first time someone came to a meeting, but then they decided not to do it. And week after week we were excited when we scheduled someone to come to the meeting and then got disappointed when they didn't show up. Then one week, I began crying because I was so upset and we left the meeting. I got scorned by my upline and friend for 10 yrs because "I should stay there to be supportive for everyone else, it will only help me to succeed." So we continued to work our butts off. We were so excited when we met our 150 point goal within our first 2 weeks in and we would get a $50 bonus because my inlaws bought some stuff from us. I was so excited when I did my first QI a week into the business, I was shaking the whole time, but I did it. I had the drive to do this. So for those of you who are going to tell me that I didn't work hard enough you can forget that. They told me to listen to CD's...I did, in my car, at work, at home. They told me to read books, I read them all. They told me to make a collage of stuff I want, I went and spent $30 on magazines to make a collage!! In February we bought another $300 worth of stuff and continued to work hard, but at this point, we had exhausted everyone in our contact list and I had sent a message to everyone on my entire 140 person Myspace friend list (I know all of them from high school and such).

We were lost as to where to go next. Then my husband and I, who currently were living in his parents basement, made the decision to move out on our own and get an apartment. Instead of our upline being happy for us, they told us it was a dumb mistake!! What is dumb is being newlyweds living in your parents basement!! We finally had steady enough income from our jobs to afford to get an apartment. We were so happy while they were so upset with us. I felt like I was letting them down.

Then the calls started coming in quite often from further up the line all the way up to the platinum's in our leg. They would call and keep us on the phone forever talking about how great ladies leadership would be. I would feel bad because I was distracted by what I needed to do in my own busy life and I felt BAD that I couldn't devote the time to them that they expected. I literally felt like they were my boss and if I did something wrong I was going to get in trouble for it.

Our upline soon stopped coming out to visit, however, the phone calls did not stop. They kept pushing and pushing. I started feeling like I had to make excuses and didn't even want to answer my phone anymore. They would bug us about going to the meetings and about the upcoming function and how it's so important that we go. But here is the funny upline pretended to be doing so well, but yet they weren't very well off, and they WOULD NEVER TELL US HOW MUCH APPROXIMATELY THEY WERE MAKING!!! Nobody ever tells you how much they are actually making, only that things are going really well and they are "making sacrifices to acheive their dream." When I asked my upline why they didn't buy a house or get a newer car his response was "when I have enough money to buy a house and a car in cash on the same day, I will buy a house and a car. Till then, I am willing to sacrifice some things to make my dream happen." Ok I get that, but come on, you are 29 yrs old, if you spend the next 10 yrs "acheiving your dream" you will be 40 by the time you get anything nice in life. That just doesn't really seem like a way to live to me. My father once said something very important to me "If you don't allow yourself some fun on your journey, often when you reach your goal, suddenly it seems meaningless and empty." You need to have goals in life, but at the same time, you gotta live your life!

Mind this point my husband and I were still having no luck finding any new IBO's and we only had 2 customers ever purchase anything. We made $14 our first month and then after that, nothing. We signed up customers who said they would go on and check things out, but never did.

It is now April and we finally got our $50 bonus check which got lost in the mail the first time. So all in all we have spent $150 on meetings, $1000 on products, $100 on CommuniKate, $80 on "LTD" and such which we could have gotten for much cheaper and we have gotten $64 back in return. Now we feel horrible that we cannot buy our 100 points ($300) in products this month because we don't have the money to put upfront. We just don't have it.

And we still are getting nowhere, and honestly I feel no motivation at this point because we have lost far more than we have made and have gained a group of hounding people that now have our phone numbers and won't leave us alone!!! I have been avoiding my upline for 2 weeks now and now I am getting emails saying they are worried about whether I am alive or not. Finally I told them that we are lost and don't really think this is for us, and I got called a quitter!! Saying that I have no ambition, and that when they asked me during my QI how ambitious I am and I said a 9 that I was not be honest with them or myself. They have made me feel like a horrible piece of scum, and now I have everyone calling me and leaving me messages trying to get us to not leave the business and give it another chance.

Quixtar is the worst thing that ever happened. Everyone is so upset with us for not going to the conference at the beginning of this month and they all say it is optional, but your upline makes you feel like it is mandatory. They look down upon you when you don't do everything they tell you to do. It's my money, and I want to invest it how I want.

QUIXTAR IS HORRIBLE. IT HAS BEEN THE WORST EXPERIENCE OF MY LIFE. I have read what people have said on here in response to peoples reports, and it is all regurgitated from what your upline tells you. Yeah, my upline always tells people that "he likes to think if it that you are in business for yourself, but not by yourself" I always thought he made that up....but then I discovered that its just what someone told him to say.

And one other thing....the only people who make money are the ones who got in on the ground floor. Think about it....with every new IBO that is signed up that is one less in a pool of people. Do you know how many people who have told me that someone already told them about it. Because every time someone gets signed up, that person goes and tells, lets say, 100 people to start. Think about it, the people that got in from the ground floor had an open pool. Now there are so many IBO's that the market is just flooded!!! It is too late to be successful in Quixtar. Everyone that has been successful is lucky they got in when they did.

So here I sit over $1000 in the hole, with nothing to show for it. But atleast I can get my $180 back within 6 months right??? Yeah, no risk involved right? You get your money back right?? WRONG! You may get your start up money back from Quixtar, but they already made money off of you. They still have $800+ of your money, and that is just in 2 months actively doing this!!! Imagine how many IBO's out there that lose $800 in just 2 months....where do you think they get all the bonuses from?? Not to mention, as other's have said, the CD's and the Books, and the tapes.

My husband and I have made the decision to quit Quixtar and go back to earning our money the good old fashioned way. But I just have one question for all you rebuttling IBO' much do you make a month?? How long have you been in? I want an average figure per month. If you make anything less than the $500 per month you invest between purchasing products, meeting tickets, CommuniKate, CEP and LTD......don't even bother responding because you are defending something that has done nothing for you!!!

Mason, Ohio

10 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America

My experience with these people

#11General Comment

Mon, January 28, 2013

Please be patient, as I am doing this from an iPhone. The keyboard sucks.

Many years ago, while I was in college, I was engaged to a fantastic woman who got sucked into this junk. She was convinced that she would no longer have to teach and could lead a life of luxury and decadence. These were never qualities she possessed prior to her brainwashing. "Jane" as I will call her would spend hours listening to tapes, reading books and could not have any kind of a social life. Every person she met was just another sucker to be brought into the business. She would drive all over the state of Texas to attend "meetings" about how fantastic the system was. When I got invited to social functions people would make it clear that Jane was not welcome due to her continual prostelitizing. Finally, she got invited to Dallas to pay to attend a meeting about some special new product being introduced that would save people's lives. We had plans to meet my parents and unveil our plans for future nuptuals. It was Easter weekend. Being a good boyfriend I opted to support her. I drained my meager savings and bought a suit so I could look spiffy for the event.

We arrived and I paid $140 for a hotel, bought a nice dinner and figured we could go check out downtown Dallas. She had other plans. We met with a bunch of fruit loop Amway zombies to discuss the business. They kept pressuring me to join this stuff, but would not answer any questions I had. I just said I would check into it. Of course I was not allowed into the meeting, but met Jane and the goobers afterword for a shot and a beer. They all were rolling a small gel cap around on the table and were talking about the miracles of garlic. What? I said garlic was cheap, and the jumbo sized bottles are available at any store. That's when things turned rather nasty. They told Jane I was full if stinking thinking. I was the reason Jane was failing, and that she needed to dump the loose baggage. Excuse me? I was sitting there at the table! They spoke like I was not there. After I called one of the women a snotty witch, I left, walked to the bus station and bought a ticket home. Jane never called me, I never called her. I heard she is on her 3rd marriage now and after many years has still stick with the plan. Her sister called me about 6 months after all this and said Jane quit speaking to her family and friends because they were "landmines" on her road to success.

I currently work in the oil and gas industry and gross $125,000 a year, have a 401k with dollar for dollar match, insurance, a company pickup and expense account. I have zero debt, and own a rental house. Since this experience, I have had 1 person try to sign me up. I explained the facts of life to him. He currently works in the oilfield making money with more time off.

Amway or whatever it is called ruins lives, is cultish and will force people to be isolated from their families. Hope my experience helps people out.

Money Talks

New York,

how can you say this is legit?

#11Consumer Suggestion

Thu, September 30, 2010

Quixtar is a scam, plain and simple. Dateline even did an episode on Quixtar and showed why it is a scam and why only those on top make money. Pyramids do not work because it requires you to recruit people to make money. Eventually, people on the very bottom will have no one else to recruit, thus they cannot make money in any way, shape, or form. The Dateline report showed that the guy advertising this in a forum in a hotel told an undercover dateline reporter that he can make up to a quarter million dollars in 12 to18 months. They showed how people go to ceremonies where you have guys preach how this opportunity is excellent for anyone who wants to be rich. But the truth is only those on top make money. On average, those who work for quixtar make about $1400 per year. That is a total rip off for all that you invest. Remember, the people on top tell people they need to buy motivational tapes, books on how to get rich, spend money on trips and rallies to attend forums and conferences, etc..... The only way to make big money is to sell all these books, tapes, trips, etc.... which can only be sold by those at the top, not the people being recruited. To the person telling Kathryn and others she is sorry it did not work out for them, truth is you are not sorry. You are lying and deceiving people to get them to buy things from you so you can make money. If people would realize that pyramids are all a scam, pyramids would collapse.

By the way, an associate tried to recruit me to join quixtar. Thank goodness I did not. After I realized how much money you have to spend to barely get started I realized how stupid quixtar is. They always tell you how much money you can make and how much freedom you will have. That is all a lie. And the guy on top would always be calling me asking me when I would come to the next meeting and if I could have a meeting at his house or someone else's house. He even insisted on me making a list of people to call and when he made make a list, he did not wait until I called them, he called them himself. And when some people he called told them they were busy, he kept insisting to listen to him before they got back to what they were doing. Seriously, if it is your "personal business," why are those on top all on your back and making you feel guilty if they think you are not doing what is best for your "business?" Quixtar is nothing but a scam and it is sad how so many people fall for this scam. Quixtar is ruining people's lives. More people need to wake and realize this is a scam and not quit their jobs to join this crap. In this tough economy, the guys running quixtar are definitely licking their chops knowing more desperate people will try and join this and will be hustled out of their money.


Kansas City,

Why are you on Ripoff

#11UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, January 19, 2009

Since all of you who are defending this company are doing so great with Q* why are you looking at the bad experiences of this company?

*I know you're sitting there trying to find a logical reason, one that your upline implemented in your head, to expalin why you're chasing this almost unattainable dream. Don't lie to yourself!!!

**Now go and try to salvage any relationship that you have messed up.

Bill G


You will never make money with Quixtar

#11Consumer Comment

Fri, August 01, 2008

On a recent trip to Barnes and Noble I observed a Quixtar IBO attempting to recruit college students. I pretended to be interested and was invited to a gathering for new recruits. There were about 20 people, mostly college age but some in my age group. I'm 40 and I have known Amway/Quixtar was a bad idea since I was a teen and my cousin tried to recruit me.

About 20 minutes into this nimrods presentation I said it had been fun but I needed to pick up my son from soccer practice. He accused me of being a non-believer and said I was jelous of his position. I looked at him and the group and said ''anybody else who drove here in a 07 Mercedes SL550 raise your hand.
Gues what, no

I'ts just fun to mess with these brainwashed idiots.



It's not Quixtar...

#11Consumer Comment

Mon, June 23, 2008


It's sad when so many people blame Quixtar for having a bad experience with starting their business. You wouldn't blame the NFL if one player or team did drugs would you? If you would, you have other issues. My point is, I've rarely if ever heard anyone have an honest complaint about Quixtar or their products. Every starts out blaming Quixtar for their bad experience, but after reading their story, it always comes back to their sponsors / upline / team they join up under. There are alot of bad teams out there giving "Quixtar" a bad rep, and it's not fair to the rest of us. I signed up under LTD as well a while back, I listened to everything, and did everything, and got into alot of debt too. Instead of quitting and calling Quixtar a bad company I just decided that I've spent enough, and I wasn't going to waste more money if I'm not getting results. I stopped going to all the meetings, ect. But I still loved the products, so I bought what I needed every month, 100 points or not.. I just bought what I needed. My upline stopped calling, I didn't care and I didn't feel bad about it. But I can understand if it was someone you knew from your past. And I've heard so many stories about sponsors helping you in the beginning, but if you didn't do everything right they just shun you. Last time I checked IBO stood for "INDEPENDANT BUSINESS OWNER". Now granted not everyone can know how to run a business on their own right from the start. I spent 5 years reading leadership / self help books. (on my own, not because of my upline). And now I work from home full time, and am having much more success with my Quixtar based business. I'm not wasting money with meetings, CD's ect. And when I get people started and work with them, I've learned from the mistakes of all these other 'bad teams' out there, and I help out my people without expecting them to buy into all of that stuff. People are out there by the thousands looking for ways to make money without having to go into debt, and I'd love to help them, without causing them to buy into all the "extras" that are "needed" to build a business. Well I'm about done for now, I hope you read this and I don't know if I can leave my personal info on here but feel free to call or write me, I'd more than willing to talk and answer any questions. I'm not here to convince you to get signed up with me either. Just hope this helps or at least helps anyone else out there that's looking to get started with any business. Not only should you do research into the company you're looking at getting involved in, but look into the team (upline) as well. Even if it's your best friend from grade school. I just hate to see all these people get a bad taste in their mouth about making money with a business opportunity just because of a bad sponsor / team. There are so many great / legit companies out there to get involved with, but at the same time there are alot of bad teams promoting those companies too.

Thanks for listening,


North Carolina,

Former IBO

#11UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, June 16, 2008

Kathryn your story sounds pretty accurate for the experience of an IBO. I actively worked "the business" for over two years with mediocre success.

I would like to submit to you, however, that while I didn't make the kind of money I wanted, I am appreciative of the intangible life lessons on success I learned. Try to take the good from the otherwise bad situation and apply it in a field you love. I have no doubt you have ambition. And you don't sound like you want to work a dead end job for 30 years, so use it as a learning experience.

I'm sure you developed confidence. Think of how scared you were on those phone calls and Q.I.'s yet you overcame your fear. You probably also developed a great habit of reading success related books. I still have that habit today and owe it to the business because although I had graduated college before I started the business, I had never read a complete book.

As far as the LTD team I'd have to say OVERALL I think they are one of the greatest groups of people to associate with. I don't think they harassed you out of malicious intent, I think your upline was so passionate they felt the best thing for you was to build the business. I'm not justifying the content of their remarks or actions, just pointing out that I doubt the intent of their heart was of malice.

Now regarding the validity of the business given my lack of financial success and your testimony of being $800+ in the whole after 2 months, I offer this for your consideration:

1) ALL business are a risk with no guarantee of success.
2) Most business don't turn a profit until at least the second year.
3) Start-up cost for any business I know of is going to be more than a couple of hundred dollars.

Even if you bought, arguably the most successful franchise, McDonalds at $1.3 mill.+ with average earnings of $250,000 a year you wouldn't "break even" until after 5 years.

If you've seen the Pursuit of Happiness with Will Smith, that's a testament to how much hard-work and sacrifice it can take to reach a high level of success. Most people don't get to see the great struggles and sacrifices highly successful individuals endure before they reached their goals.

Tyler Perry lived out of his car while producing his plays before he "made it". It could have been argued that he wasn't enjoying his life on the way, but that was the choice he made and it paid off. To live a life others can't believe you have to make choices others won't make. Furthermore It could be argued that if you are doing what you love you can enjoy life in most any circumstance. I read once that there is nothing better for a man, than that he should enjoy good in his labor.

If I got to spend every day of my life doing whatever I wanted to do but I had to drive a 20 year old car and rent an apartment at all times, I would take that over having a few nice things but trading 8 to 10 to 12 hours of my day doing something I hated.

At the end of the day I would suggest to anyone considering Quixtar to just keep in mind IT TAKES VERY HARD WORK. It's not a get rich quick and I don't think anyone in the business would claim it to be. You can make good money relatively quickly ($500-$2000 in the first month I have seen) but that is far from the norm (Kathryn's situation seems more typical of "average" results). Then of course the IBO's would ask "do you want to be average?" it's a fair question I guess; my only thought is how much above average does it take to succeed at Quixtar.

Take the principles of business, leadership and success you gained from your experience and apply it to what you love to do and make a business out of that. That way when you don't make any money in the first two months, which you probably won't since most businesses don't, you won't be so frustrated because you love what you're doing anyway (most people do what they love for free or even pay to do it, figure out a way to make what you love pay you: watch The Big Idea on CNBC for a feel of what I mean).

Best wishes
Former IBO


South Carolina,

Quixtar (in response to the comment from Kathryn in Mason, Ohio, in the US)

#11Consumer Comment

Tue, April 22, 2008

I do not understand why you wanted to try Quixtar? To be honest with you. A lot of the online businesses are scams. This includes ones where the nigerian ones are coming up, but I would recommend never to try them.

For future purposes, always means always means always, ask the following questions:
1) Do you have a business plan?
2) Show proof that what you say is correct.
3) Ask them to provide financials for the past 5 years.

The above are some questions one needs to ask and remember a good business plan is vital in raising capital for a business. It does not matter where the business is located but it will matter that in the future you have an idea of your business and people see that you are willing to help them and they will help you back. When 2 sides help each other, that is when things get better. It even gives you a good vision of the business. In online businesses, you just pay the money, but 2 sides are not working together and you will loose a lot of your wealth just to help yourself.

Quixtar is not the only online business to think about. There are many out there. I would like you to research them very carefully. Also you can speak to a BBB (Better Business Bureau) to help you understand the company.

Here are some good businesses I would recommend you to take that will give you a good financial future:
1) Insurance agents
3) An business related to janitorial work
The above are some good ones.
The businesses related to janitorial work is a franchise. The company will help you till you succeed. One good janitorial business is system 4. You can invest a one time payment of 5000 or less. The parent company will work with you till you succeed.
The wealthy tutor one is for anyone interested in starting a tutoring business. It can help anyone interested in a tutoring business.
There are many other businesses where you can research. You can search for them on sites like www. and so on.

Remember a franchise is a great business to work with. The parent company will always help till you succeed. Still there can be some that are not like that. I would encourage you to research them and even talk to a professional.

Also a good place to interact with on businesses is They provide free help to anyone interested in doing a business.

So kathryn, think before you act next time. Good luck


South Carolina,

Quixtar (in response to the comment from Kathryn in Mason, Ohio, in the US)

#11Consumer Comment

Tue, April 22, 2008

I do not understand why you wanted to try Quixtar? To be honest with you. A lot of the online businesses are scams. This includes ones where the nigerian ones are coming up, but I would recommend never to try them.

For future purposes, always means always means always, ask the following questions:
1) Do you have a business plan?
2) Show proof that what you say is correct.
3) Ask them to provide financials for the past 5 years.

The above are some questions one needs to ask and remember a good business plan is vital in raising capital for a business. It does not matter where the business is located but it will matter that in the future you have an idea of your business and people see that you are willing to help them and they will help you back. When 2 sides help each other, that is when things get better. It even gives you a good vision of the business. In online businesses, you just pay the money, but 2 sides are not working together and you will loose a lot of your wealth just to help yourself.

Quixtar is not the only online business to think about. There are many out there. I would like you to research them very carefully. Also you can speak to a BBB (Better Business Bureau) to help you understand the company.

Here are some good businesses I would recommend you to take that will give you a good financial future:
1) Insurance agents
3) An business related to janitorial work
The above are some good ones.
The businesses related to janitorial work is a franchise. The company will help you till you succeed. One good janitorial business is system 4. You can invest a one time payment of 5000 or less. The parent company will work with you till you succeed.
The wealthy tutor one is for anyone interested in starting a tutoring business. It can help anyone interested in a tutoring business.
There are many other businesses where you can research. You can search for them on sites like www. and so on.

Remember a franchise is a great business to work with. The parent company will always help till you succeed. Still there can be some that are not like that. I would encourage you to research them and even talk to a professional.

Also a good place to interact with on businesses is They provide free help to anyone interested in doing a business.

So kathryn, think before you act next time. Good luck


South Carolina,

Quixtar (in response to the comment from Kathryn in Mason, Ohio, in the US)

#11Consumer Comment

Tue, April 22, 2008

I do not understand why you wanted to try Quixtar? To be honest with you. A lot of the online businesses are scams. This includes ones where the nigerian ones are coming up, but I would recommend never to try them.

For future purposes, always means always means always, ask the following questions:
1) Do you have a business plan?
2) Show proof that what you say is correct.
3) Ask them to provide financials for the past 5 years.

The above are some questions one needs to ask and remember a good business plan is vital in raising capital for a business. It does not matter where the business is located but it will matter that in the future you have an idea of your business and people see that you are willing to help them and they will help you back. When 2 sides help each other, that is when things get better. It even gives you a good vision of the business. In online businesses, you just pay the money, but 2 sides are not working together and you will loose a lot of your wealth just to help yourself.

Quixtar is not the only online business to think about. There are many out there. I would like you to research them very carefully. Also you can speak to a BBB (Better Business Bureau) to help you understand the company.

Here are some good businesses I would recommend you to take that will give you a good financial future:
1) Insurance agents
3) An business related to janitorial work
The above are some good ones.
The businesses related to janitorial work is a franchise. The company will help you till you succeed. One good janitorial business is system 4. You can invest a one time payment of 5000 or less. The parent company will work with you till you succeed.
The wealthy tutor one is for anyone interested in starting a tutoring business. It can help anyone interested in a tutoring business.
There are many other businesses where you can research. You can search for them on sites like www. and so on.

Remember a franchise is a great business to work with. The parent company will always help till you succeed. Still there can be some that are not like that. I would encourage you to research them and even talk to a professional.

Also a good place to interact with on businesses is They provide free help to anyone interested in doing a business.

So kathryn, think before you act next time. Good luck


South Carolina,

Quixtar (in response to the comment from Kathryn in Mason, Ohio, in the US)

#11Consumer Comment

Tue, April 22, 2008

I do not understand why you wanted to try Quixtar? To be honest with you. A lot of the online businesses are scams. This includes ones where the nigerian ones are coming up, but I would recommend never to try them.

For future purposes, always means always means always, ask the following questions:
1) Do you have a business plan?
2) Show proof that what you say is correct.
3) Ask them to provide financials for the past 5 years.

The above are some questions one needs to ask and remember a good business plan is vital in raising capital for a business. It does not matter where the business is located but it will matter that in the future you have an idea of your business and people see that you are willing to help them and they will help you back. When 2 sides help each other, that is when things get better. It even gives you a good vision of the business. In online businesses, you just pay the money, but 2 sides are not working together and you will loose a lot of your wealth just to help yourself.

Quixtar is not the only online business to think about. There are many out there. I would like you to research them very carefully. Also you can speak to a BBB (Better Business Bureau) to help you understand the company.

Here are some good businesses I would recommend you to take that will give you a good financial future:
1) Insurance agents
3) An business related to janitorial work
The above are some good ones.
The businesses related to janitorial work is a franchise. The company will help you till you succeed. One good janitorial business is system 4. You can invest a one time payment of 5000 or less. The parent company will work with you till you succeed.
The wealthy tutor one is for anyone interested in starting a tutoring business. It can help anyone interested in a tutoring business.
There are many other businesses where you can research. You can search for them on sites like www. and so on.

Remember a franchise is a great business to work with. The parent company will always help till you succeed. Still there can be some that are not like that. I would encourage you to research them and even talk to a professional.

Also a good place to interact with on businesses is They provide free help to anyone interested in doing a business.

So kathryn, think before you act next time. Good luck

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