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Rafael Everett Legislation Department, Esper Law Firm John Lewis called from (855)303-5660, stating there was Sent letters via email, including birth date, social sec. driver license, physical address; Continuous phone calls (855)303-5660 Nationwide
Rafael Everett, Esper Law Firm, Claims he represents CashNet USA; He gave me this Account id: 00/100/3636.
This letter is a prior notification to you regarding your account with CashNet USA before your file gets registered inside the courthouse with the legal procedures on your name.
This notice will certify that a petition has been entered against you. The above name entity individual respectfully requests that you immediately settle this account. This consideration includes the penalty fees, judge fees; courthouse fees, etc. It may put you in a legal mess.
Since you have not made the payment, we would be forced to commence lawsuit without further delay followed by all the legal interrogatories and consequences; this could further jeopardize your credit ratings, and you're social will be hampered. The company holds the prima facie regarding your case.
The longer you go without paying your payday loan, the more you will owe the lender. Because money lender often charges hefty interest rates (up to 600% annually) and fees for nonpayment.
In short, you will end by paying $ 8, 483.67 either by selling any of your assets or properties, along with you the other references that you used while making the transaction will also have to face the consequences.
We would emphasize that should judgment be entered against you this may affect any future credit application you may make elsewhere. We would also draw attention that all legal costs incurred in this situation are usually payable by the debtor.
The balance includes an administration cost of $ 1,310.78 which has been added to offset (some of) the expenses incurred by our client.
This is the last warning before taking further actions on the judgment against you. Failure to this notice will require us to utilize one of the enforcement as mentioned above options against you. No further notice will be given before further enforcement actions on this judgment.
On 11/15/2017 at 3:00 PM, John Lewis called my brother-in-law in North Carolina, stating that he was calling regarding, "a formal complaint filed against Danielle Shrank." He stated, "If they have any information about my whereabouts they should call their office immediately (855)303-5660 and that their next step would be filing with proper authorities.
1 Updates & Rebuttals
tasikmalaya,West Java,
obat stroke
#2REBUTTAL Owner of company
Sat, November 18, 2017
OBAT STROKE Obat Stroke Di Usia Muda Yang Di Ramu Oleh Para Maestro OBAT STROKE Obat Stroke Ringan Yang Manjur Secara Tradisional OBAT STROKE Obat Stroke Ampuh 100% Dari Bahan Tradisional Alami OBAT STROKE Obat Stroke Tradisional Yang Sudah Piawai Dalam Menanganinya OBAT STROKE Obat Stroke Ampuh Aman Tanpa Efek Samping OBAT STROKE Racikan obat stroke herbal alami pencipta kesembuhan haqiqi OBAT STROKE Pengobatan Alternative Stroke Alami paling Perfectionis OBAT STROKE Obat Stroke Iskemik Herbal Alami 100% Tradisional OBAT STROKE Obat Stroke Unggulan Yang Sudah Berpengalaman Menyembuhkan OBAT STROKE Obat Stroke Ringan Dan Berat Alami Herbal OBAT STROKE Obat Stroke Tradisional 100% Dari Bahan Alami