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  • Report:  #1344932

Complaint Review: Randy Lowery and Michael Crowder ACN

Randy Lowery and Michael Crowder ACN Mike Crowder Dishonest, manipulative, con men, morally corrupt who are broken morally charolette, medina, akron Nationwide

  • Reported By:
    LIERS — akron Ohio USA
  • Submitted:
    Thu, December 22, 2016
  • Updated:
    Mon, October 08, 2018

If you have been unfortunate enough to meet Randy Lowery or Michael Crowder RUN AWAY AS FAST AS POSSIBLE. They have ruined my life with their lies and deceit. ACN Randy LOwery and Michael Crowder have cost me time and thousands of dollars.  All of my ACN Energy customers are paying more than the monolpy month after month. I have put people I know in the worse situation that I can imagine. When they call to cancel they get a termination fee. That I have paid well over $7000 in these fees for my customers.

 These two individuals are not only of the lowest moral character, they are willing to have you throw your life away on lies and false hopes. Since I was a partner, and since quit, with them in ACN they have had a massive string of lies. Randy lowery first of all doesn't even make $100,000 a year like he tells everyone. His residual check is only $2000 a month and had to reach the top position in the company to do it. Michael Crowder doesn't do that much better with making less than $9,000 a month and having to be the top .001% of the entire company. It is discusting what they have people believe is possible in ACN. If you do not beleive me ask to see their cabs and commision for the last year.

I had to quit my partnership after hearing them lie constantly to individuals that they were talking with about the prices of the services, that were supposed to be less and ended up being higher over and over. At first I thought they were mis speaking but when confronted said people do not need to know the truth. To telling people fake promises of money and income. It was discusting that I allowed myself to be taken advantage of with their false hope and to bring others in to this shadey company. Michaell Crowder and Randy Lowery are pathetic excuses of being men and fathers. What deception they teach people is beyond me. If you partner with them or stay with them you will end up having the samethings being said about you.

6 Updates & Rebuttals

Medina Ohio

United States

Where are the snake oil salesmen now?

#7UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, October 08, 2018

I wonder where the team of snake oil salespeople have moved to now?  They damaged numerous lives in the Medina Ohio area and as with all deceitful scam artists they move around a lot.


I just hope that somehow these deceitful people are brought down to earth and have to answer to the many people they lied to on their way up the ladder of deceit!


United States

Take constructive criticism

#7General Comment

Tue, April 24, 2018

 Mr. Crowder, People might take the claims of you and your peers seriously if you didn’t immediately dismiss anyone that complains as someone who failed or didn’t try hard enough. It would be helpful if you presented facts when you address people’s concerns instead of subjective achievements or anecdotes.

I don’t care if a company "helps you win” or is "life changing” what is life changing to you might not be anything of interest to me. Address the concerns that you company operates as a pyramid. Not in structure, but in the sense that it appears ACN generates a great deal of revenue through fees it charges its reps. A video from ACN stating ACN is not a pyramid scheme because ACN’s video says it’s not is circular logic, not evidence.



What the heck

#7General Comment

Mon, January 09, 2017

I have no idea of your personal situation is however please tell the truth because the comp.plan is not what you say.Also being a IBO you have the ability to call IBO services and your back office tells you everything.You make no sence.Sorry



It's time the truth be told

#7UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Fri, January 06, 2017

I too am in 100% agreement with the original poster, my professional career afforded me the knowledge and skill to investigate and verify that ACN has a great business concept, but as time has gone on I see an out of control fire drill lead by people who worship money and compete for disciples.  In our careers, we are often asked to say and do some things we don’t enjoy and we all understand that it is never wise to air your company’s dirty laundry; it’s simple common sense. 

That is very different from being instructed to omit the truth, intentionally mislead people, and prey on the “ignorance” of your audience.   The way ACN was presented to me is probably the most deceitful exercise I have ever witnessed.  Names were mentioned in the original post and I will refrain from using names but anyone involved with ACN in NE Ohio will know exactly who the culprit is.  I only regret that I allowed myself to be temporary bamboozled.

As an ACN IBO (Independent Business Owner), before I figured out that I could not work with the local leader here in NE Ohio, I obtained 2 or 3 customers other than myself and a couple family members.  An ACN customer is worth a different number of points based on the service you sell them.  When I spoke in front of an audience of prospective IBO’s I was repeatedly instructed to tell my audience I had 120+ customers; the 120+ number represented the total number of “points” accrued by me and “everyone” under me in ACN. 

When some of us expressed a discomfort with “lying” about the number of customers, we were told that explaining the details would just confuse the audience.  Similarly, I was instructed to tell the audience that I had 20+ business partners; these so-called business partners were people who were signed up by the single person I had signed up and all the people they had signed up; 90% of these people were anything but a business partner and I never even met most of them.  While ACN calls its members Independent Business Owners, there is no independence and there is nothing to own.  Again, we were told that the truth would be too confusing. 

In summary, I had 2 or 3 customers and was told to say I had 120+ customers, I brought one person into the business and was told to say I had 20+ business partners, I was repeatedly pressured to make statements which were not true and I was told that the audience would be confused by the facts.  You CANNOT present facts at ACN meetings because if you do, you will immediately be ostracized.  Furthermore the points Troy made about how the push here in NE Ohio was to immediately pounce upon a new IBO and “get them qualified” was based on two unscrupulous reasons.  Getting a new IBO “qualified” paid a handsome bonus to the leaders and it circumvented the “money back period” by getting the disciple excited and engaged………….it was blatant and disgusting!

While I can’t speak about anyone’s income I can tell you that some key ACN leaders have a very powerful presence and they use it well; like many of the cult leaders we have come to know through history, they are literally mesmerizing!  Unfortunately, they use this charisma for deceit, misrepresentation, and sleight of hand.   In every meeting I attended, the key ACN representative used examples which were unrealistic or simply untrue, made conflicting statements, told lies about their personal life, and told lies about how they got started in ACN; all in an attempt to get people to sign up as an IBO “before they have time to think about it”. 

And the words “before they have time to think about it” were used frequently.   I can honestly say that ACN does offer some essential services at fair prices and no company can offer every essential service at the best price….it’s a competitive market.  Sadly, the methodology used by the leader here in NE Ohio is underhanded at best. I saw friends become enamored with these leaders, I saw friends try to emulate these leaders, I heard these leaders tell friends to learn how not to care about people. 

I know for a fact that ACN has left, and will continue to leave, many casualties in their wake.  The sad part is that if these leaders were to focus their drive, charisma, energy, and charm on something honest, they could be even more successful for the simple reason that honest reports like this would not be out there.  However, as Troy said, it is a good thing there is an outlet to allow the truth to be heard. 



I agree with the Anonymous Writer Beware

#7UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Fri, January 06, 2017

I couldn't agree more with this report about ACN here in Northeast Ohio. My name is Troy and I am a local buinsess owner here in Medina. I was " invited " to a home business seminar and watched a vidoe in June of 2016 introducing me to ACN. As soon as I was aware this was an MLM I was very frustrated . The fellas who invited me were relentless in getting me to sign up. I did and have regretted it ever since. The deceit starts right away with these guys. During this home " Personal Business Reception " you are told your utilities can be free by using this system. Later you find out is a percentage of a portion.... Right away the bait and switch starts. The more you learn the more you find you are making comcessions about what you are told and what you have learned . It's all based on false statements under what I thought were good intentions. What this boils down to is that YOU the new prosepective " business owner", you actually own nothing and are not a business man, are being vetted as a CUSTOMER! These guys want your $500 as soon as possible and then will be waiting at your doorstep the next day to qualify you, not beacuase they care about you, BUT, beacause they get a bonus off you getting your home into these " essential services". They will then prod you to get a " Personal Business Reception" setup as soon as possible so they can meet as many people as you are unfortinate enough to introduce them to so they can do the same. Get $500 and qualify them, get them to have a reception as soon as possible and replciate this cycle. As soon as you are done getting them people, you are no longer of value to them, and they WILL move on! They will promise to support you and help you grow, but know you are nothing to them, but your gas and elctirc bills most certianly are. You will also find out just as the other writer mentioned the electirc and gas bills will come in higher, you will not save any money and nor will your unfortunate family and friends who you suckered into this thing not knowing how bad it is. I will also list my personal cell number at 740-877-0345 and you may call me anytime for a real persective on this. I am truly dissapointed and embarrassed to have been involved with tihs organization and to have let mysef become part of it. Just like this other writer I helped and will continue to help them get their services out of the hands of this organization. 

Its these forums that allow people who have been wronged to give an honest asseessment of an experience and this writer above is SPOT on despit the pitiful response of the accused which is a " polite" rebuttal but is all the more pathetic. I did not meet Michael and only spoke iwth him by phone once. I cannot speak of the charechter of these two indivduals and will not defame them, buit will poiltely reccommend the buyer beware here. This is one group of bad apples...

Michael Crowder

North Carolina,

From Michael Crowder

#7REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, January 04, 2017

 Hi, this is Michael Crowder. First of all, I'm sorry you seem frustrated. I'm not sure what happened but this definitely seems but far fetched. Since I don't know who you are and you didn't put a name on this complaint, I figured I would post my personal cell number for you to contact me. It's 704-363-8800. My number one goal is to make everyone happy. I will note that the information you posted is totally inaccurate, but I will still help you any way I can. I've been involved full time in ACN for 7 years and it's been an absolute blessing. We've helped so many people around the world. As for my family that you obviously have never met, I've been married to my high school sweetheart for 23 years. I have 3 children who are all in Bible college and we strive to impact as many people as we can. Not sure what went wrong with you and considering this long post, you would assume I knew who you were. But I don't. So I'd really love for you to contact me and I'll see if I can help you. Have a blessed day. Michael.

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