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  • Report:  #1441998

Complaint Review: Randy Skaggs The Trixie Foundation KY

Randy Skaggs, The Trixie Foundation, KY Pauley's Place This place is a scam and highly abusive to animals and people Webbville KY

  • Reported By:
    Julia — Olive Hill United States
  • Submitted:
    Tue, May 08, 2018
  • Updated:
    Fri, August 11, 2023



We call it the Gulag of Despair for a very good reason...

For 28 years, local government, state officials, and all the large national animal protection organizations knew what was happening in Elliott County, Kentucky, at The Trixie Foundation, a nightmare facility operated by Randy Skaggs, but they did nothing to stop it. They KNEW it was abusive to animals and to many people, but the situation has been ignored because it is easier to ignore it than it is the correct the issues!

Due to MASSIVE outcry, an investigation was opened. The Dept, of Agriculture in Kentucky, sent a bovine (cattle) vet to the property approximately 2 months ago. A vet by the name of Beth Johnson did not remove 1 dog from the property in Elliott County. She judged the situation on a herd basis. Sources tell us that she walked the small parcel of land with 179 dogs on the property and did not examine one animal. And why would the DOA send her to begin with? This is totally outrageous and animal lovers, advocates and activists have had enough!

But due to that visit, on March 7, he was charged with 179 criminal counts of animal cruelty and 179 additional counts of failing to provide rabies vaccine for his dogs. This is the criminal complaint: 

Of course, this is a flawed investigation and has done nothing to remedy the problem. The Dept of Ag realized this and thanks to 1 investigator, a new warrant was obtained. As a result of that warrant, on May 1, 2018, the place was raided, 14 dogs and 4 kittens were removed from this hellhole. Why has this been going on as long as it has? Animal activists want answers! 


To add further insult, we learned that after an OSHA inspection for DANGEROUS living situations for humans, OSHA never followed up. They allowed a reduced penalty and never checked to see if things were corrected. This is unacceptable, especially when you consider how egregious the violations were. These were not simple violations: 


An excellent article from the Kentucky Center for Investigative Reporting 

This is not some poor picked on man with a lot of dogs. This is a major scam that has taken in millions of dollars over the years and used that money for his own personal benefit and not the animals. You can see 15 years of tax returns at this link:   

We MUST get the 501c3 non-profit status REVOKED...PLEASE sign!   

Here is the wonderful rescue that stepped in to help these poor innocent animals on May 1st, 2018. Like & follow their facebook page. Click here.    

Care to donate for the 14 dogs & 4 kittens that desperately need Vet care, please click here, then click on the donate button. 

​This is the facebook page exposing The Trixie Foundation and the monster, Randy Skaggs. See the deplorable conditions these animals were living in. Look at the conditions of the dogs, themselves. One dog was severely mauled, with evidence of old wounds. The recent mauling of this poor dog had his testicles ripped open and was found that way on May 1st, during the raid. One more day, this dog would have died from sepsis. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THIS HORRIBLE PLACE, go to this facebook page, like & follow it, please. 

Coming up this Wednesday, May 9, 2018 @ 6:30pm, EST will be our part 2 podcast show, titled, "Kentucky Gone Wrong." Simply click on this link below @ the start of the show to listen in live. May 9th, @ 6:30pm, EST. 

Something very disturbing and upsetting happening in the State of Kentucky and The Trixie Foundation is a SYMPTOM of the fatal flaws in KY state law. KY is controlled by a few powerful special interests groups such as the KY Farm Bureau and the Kentucky Houndsmen. Why does this State allow bestiality? Why was the anti bestiality law pushed aside and never brought to the floor, just recently? WHY does a group of hound hunters fight sooooo hard to keep sex with dogs LEGAL??? People that abuse animals in this way almost always move to children so when KY said it is OK to have sex with animals, they also threw children to teh wolves. Literally. Something is very, very wrong with the decision makers in this State. Makes you scratch your head and wonder why? Is it perhaps the Kentucky Farm Bureau and the Kentucky Houndsmen have a say in all this? Kentucky is rated one of the lowest States when it comes to animal welfare. Time to change all of this. And the time has come! KY is even worse on animal protection than the territories. KY is 54th in animal protection in the US and it's territories.


1 Updates & Rebuttals


Olive Hill,
United States


#2Author of original report

Fri, August 11, 2023

Since this report was filed, randy skaggs was charged with more cruelty charges and all the animals were removed. He took a diversion agreement on 479 criminal charges. He is right back to scamming and ripping off old ladies. He is harming animals and keeping them in substandard conditions yet he has posted $90K that he "invested". 

Please see 

Media on the removal of animals in 2020: A raid, a rescue, and more trouble for Trixie Foundation

Currently, Elliott County, home of the state's most notorious animal abuser, has no functioning animal control and they have allowed skaggs to violate his diversion unchecked. 

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