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  • Report:  #1131691

Complaint Review: Reality Dance/Reality Fame TV

Reality Dance/Reality Fame TV Antoinette Conville, Ann Conville, The Jam Tour, Jam Tour, Antoinette Levins Conville, Antoinette E Conville, , National Scam Artists for Performers, Touring, Shows, TV, Radio, and more. New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Boston, & more New Jersey

  • Reported By:
    Scammed Performer — Florida
  • Submitted:
    Wed, March 19, 2014
  • Updated:
    Wed, January 06, 2016

"We Don't Bully, We Just Dance." is the wholesome sounding slogan these crooks use to lure you into what eventually becomes an Entertainment Nightmare. In the entertainment industry, you are generally told that you will meet people who are "fake". Reality Dance and Ann Conville is FAR BEYOND "fake". With years in the music industry, I have met many people who tend to make false promises and fib about their association in the industry, but none as close to as coniving as this company and especially the "founder" Antoinette Conville. 

Before having dealings will Conville, we were approached by various people warning us of their experience with her and her company. Unfortunately, we did not listen, and decided to give her a chance. Why? Because of what she "offered", and most of all, her "Anti bullying message". In the end, everything Conville promised to do, was unfulfilled. She not only neglected to fulfill a signed agreement and owes us a large sum of money, but became a bully to many of the people involved in her summer project, "Summer Jam".

When we were asked to do the event, everyone was excited. Conville at first requested a Rider from each performer and then sent every act a contract. In the contract she agreed upon fulfilling the rider, listed specific dates and times for the shows, agreed to cover all traveling "limos" and lodging, and of course the most important part, the payment. After all the parties signed and agreed upon the contract, we believed everything would be followed as per the contract. However, none of it was fulfilled in it's entirety. 

INSTEAD : The Riders were not followed, The technical arrangements were not supplied, Times changed without warning, everyone was stranded without a ride to the venue on the second show date in PA, many were yelled at and mistreated during the entire weekend, and most importantly NO ONE HAS RECEIVED PAYMENT.

The events were July 27th and 28th. The payments are long overdue. As we hope to get our well deserved and legally agreed upon compensation as promised, we all decided to spread this message. Unless you want to be ripped off, treated with upmost disrespect, and have dealings with an Amateur Uncredible "Event Company"DO NOT work with Reality Dance, Ann Conville, Antoinette Conville, Antoinette Levins Conville, Antoinett E Conville. It is a complete waste of timeeffort, and money

We are not the first, and if she continues, definately NOT the last. For further proof, talk to the Gloucester County Courts in NJ, or do a criminal background check. We hope this Rip Off Report unveils some true colors for those who are planning on having involvement with this "Company".

BEWARE. She's approached people to "Start a TV show" and has taken thousands as a "funding downpayment",  Stolen costume money from a Cheerleading Group, She's loan money from people to open up a Reality Dance "TV show" but never created it, Takes money to create false buisnesses, Uses artists names, image, and likeness to falsely promote events, claims false association with "record labels" "tv networks" "celebrities", and much more. 

 UPDATE : She's still continuing to get away with all this. She's put on multiple shows as "The Jam Tour" Fall Jam, Spring Jam, Valentines Jam - She's STILL getting away with this. Even with an arrest warant and while being under probation. This woman is a criminal and should not be putting on shows for children. Still, as far as we know, NO ONE has been paid yet. She instead runs away from the court and the police. Avoid this situation and help others to spread the word!

5 Updates & Rebuttals

Social Jam Communications

Atlanta ,

Employee Speaks Out

#6UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Wed, January 06, 2016


I hope everyone is well upon reading this,

I first want to address some of the very inaccurate misconceptions and misconcieved ideologies that seem to plague this post and the company at large. I am the Director of communications for Social Jam and all of it's subsidiaries attached. My tenure as an industry exectutive and my term as an employee for one the world's largest media conglomerates, working hand and hand with a roster of brilliant constituents alike allows me to keep a 360 mentality when deciphering certain situations or events. With that being said, let's touch base on the premise on the reports and what they mean. In order to do that, I must first touch on the company at large and what the founding fundamentals were for this agency and the mission we hoped to achieve during the start.

Social Jam was founded as a way for secondary artist to serve a primary market. Giving artist the chance to explore new idioms of artistry and compact individual expression into one source and one platform, social jam. Through giving your every day artist a platform, through tirelessly building and shaping the groundwork for artist percieved as "secondary", through meticulously crafting and solidifying various avenues of market, we have become a national renowned platform for artist and social media stars alike to live their dream and ultimately interact with their fans on levels not once possible.


Our company has been home to some of the biggest social media stars in the world, being pivotal players in shaping what their careers are to this day. We have built and maintained a business that serves our artist with in house services, ready to be marketed to major labels and sponsors through our connection of industry executives, partners, and sponsors. We have taken the middle man out of an artist's development by being the roadmap to the level of success they dream for their individual platform respectively. Our connections to this industry have tripled 100 fold over the past year of making connections, roundtabling and comparing notes on bettering project initiatives, artist and talent management, POA's and agenda's to better communicate the message of every artist of the tour in every avenue of market possible.


Ann Conville, the CEO of this company is one to be respected and one to be admired for her dedication to serve artist who deserve that one chance. Through her idelogy, she has been the key player in shaping your favorite social media stars and artist to the platforms they are now. Her caring attitude and her fortitude for never backing down and taking "Second to best" deals and partners for her artist show that her passion is beyond monetary agenda, she does not take a salary from the company and I can attest to that personally. All monies are funnled into operations, making sure that the next project is viable for the artist, keeping the relationships that she has industriously built through her tenure in the music industry at it best, and performing at the level she from day one invisioned for them.


Every company has constituents, partners, sponsors, that may not be happy with everything. Social jam does not promise that you or anyone else will be happy with every decision. The false ideology of misappropriating funs and not alloting funds to artist development are completely absurd. Legal action has been filed in order to stop the misconception of any an everyone defaming the company in any way, shape, form, or fashion in all mediums of interaction through social media or advertisment. Voicing concerns is one thing, anything other than the truth is disgruntled nonsense accumulated through either your misinterpretation of services or your personal agenda not adding to what the company ultimately stands for,


When a constituent or talent invest funds into the company, you do so at your own discretion. Any funds that are invested into this company will go through a rigorous agreement system in which both party is happy with not only the initial agreement but the outcome as well. Any allegations that are made that can not be backed by physical or verbal evidence are perceived as false. Any and all documents without the proper legal presence are considered false.


We encourage former memebers to communicate and roundtable with our communictions if you feel that you may have an issue that is persisting due to lack of follow through on a real topic.  That can be discussed and we can touch base in a manner that can layout the discretions of both party and come to an agreement.


Ultimately, the allegations of mismanagement of monies from families, artist, talent, etc are completely false and the majority of the reports come from artist who had discrepencies and ultimately stayed with the tour through effective communication of the problem and coordination for a solution. All other information regarding a particular subject is left between that party and the company. Spreading false information for the internet to fodder is not how you come to a solution, I ultimately hope to reach out to any one outstanding of an issue and resolve it in a way that can come to a real solution for a real problem. This company does not endorse you putting your own funds into any project or specific division without consulting an attorney or going through a legal contract for return of asset if venture or ventures prove to be a liability.

All and any emails to the communications department will be recorded and monitored by presiding staff. Please state the reason for the email in the subject for record keeping.

Ann Conville

New Jersey,

Time to tell the TRUTH VERONICA

#6REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, May 28, 2014

For the past year RealityDance has been victim of this OPINION report filed by Veronica Koles mom Jackie. It is Time to tell the truth as she send thsi to innocent children attached to our business.

Veronica was asked to be on our show..RealityDance in NOT NAMED on any contract and I dare her to be able to show my signature...

Leading up to event:

ticket sales were not going well and Veronica did not sell her VIPs. We spoke to Jackie with three other witnesses in the room and expalined that we could not cover her 750.00 fee but we woudl pay fo rtravel and hotels...she agreed...

Day ONE:

IN NYC Veronica did not show up for her sound check and or her media..she was 4 hours late..refused ot go on stage when called and went over her set my 15 minutes thus effecting our headliners who needed to cut their set.


She was then transported by LIMO to the Philadelphia hotel which I paid for for her and her parents...


Day Two- Philly Event

Veronica showed up yet again three hours late ..she brought in un approved stage props and at end of show shot our glitter confetti so that we were fined by venue,

Her mom was difficult and argumentative to everyone.


We used LIVE NATION VENUES so m sure her riders were

Also google Veronica KOLE Summer Jam and look at her they look compromised?

This artist says she is against bullies yet to this day they continue to spread their lies.

In addition their video person shot footage of other artist and accepted money from artist when he was not authorized to do so.

After the event jackie threatened to sue,...I offered to pay her just so she woudl stop acting so crazy...she declined and went the lawsuit route. I couldve sued her for breech of contract and for teh fine we incurred but since again my signature was not on contract I chose to let it pass.

She has a DEFAULT JUDGEMENT which means I was never served . I was NOT FOUND GUILTY nor would I be since again I have no contract signed with her .

Also EVERY OTHER Summer Jam artist has continued on to do our shows...

This is a momager who is disgruntled and this is just her opinion.

Sadly she thinks this is the platform to air out her opinions so now I am telling the truth and shedding light.

She was served a cease and desist which she ignored.

Please look at the whol picture....because her colored crayon version is ridiculous.

ANN Conville

and yes we dont bully....we just dance !

to Veronica, lindalee131
Dear Jackie,
Below is an email that is going out to all Artist involved in the Summer Jam.  When we spoke I explained to you that I was entrusting that your client could sell tickets on her behalf as such why she was added to the line up.  We know that you have helped in ticket sales and we truly appreciate that, however, in order not to cancel the concert all the headliners must sell additional tickets for each venue.  To date we have not sold any VIP tickets for Veronica.  Any sold starting today will be credited towards the required tickets needed. Your clients code is  023 NYC and 023 TLA.(see below for explanation).
Thank you,


Concerned parent

New Jersey,

Not Really

#6UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, May 17, 2014

I have worked with Antoinette and have watched with great interest from afar.

I will say with great conviction that she is all about helping young children,having 5 of her own.

I've seen her over the last 5 years work tirelessly to help kids feel good about themselves.

She gives children a platform to express themselves through music,dance and whatever is of interest.

She DOES NOT make any money and often uses her own funds to help organize these events.


I have seen these jealous people conspire to try and belittle and degrade her.

She advocates an anti bullying forum,Do you really think you can just throw out these random falsities and unsubstantiated accusations and think she will crawl under a rock?

She has never stole,kids have always been treated well.

She is not in it for the money---you see who is--the people whining about getting paid.

To the first complaintant--Why would you feel the need to get paid??? Ann is the one devoting countless hours to the kids,money from her own pocket and working 80 hours/week to maybe get a kid a chance to make it.

And you think you can just show up and demand money??Why??Do you spend half the night putting together a schedule?,arranging meetings?,renting out space??Do you even know any kids names??


I personally think Ann should be paid for her efforts (building kids self esteem is very important with all the self-serving parental figures around)but,hey,if that ever happened,she would probably be lynched.

My kids love her and I will always appreciate the hard work she does for them.

I wish more people would be like Ann and less like the jealous,spiteful and UNGRATEFUL individuals that started these threads.

Keep doing what you do Ann,

Would like to just say Thank you


Ann Conville

New Jersey,

We Dont Bully..Sadly others DO

#6REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, March 30, 2014

Yes my name is Ann Conville and I am more than PROUD to say that. Ive worked my way brick by brick, tear by tear and smile by smile building my company. We are advocates for Anti Bullying and work very hard to spread our mission.

We have many credible allies and endorsements.

This is the entertainment business and sadly people who do not feel they "get their way" use social media as a form to try and ruin ones reputation. Bullying is not just targeted at Children. Case at Point.

The person who wrote this report and the follow up is a discgruntled "mom" and "friend" of a former artist/host. When a company moves in another direction this is a chance you take with "stage moms".

I assure you Ive thrown close to a dozen events and all talent with exception to one will tell you that they were treated well and had a great time at our events.

These individuals have targeted me and my company and my children..making videos on youtube, posting anonmous adds and a campaign to try and destroy me or at the very least my spirit.


Cyber bullying is a huge issue and children/adults alke are effected by this. There is no guide on how to handle these bullys except to not let them win...Dont let them win....

If you really read this report...and take it apart...why if there was a contract wouldnt this be handled legally? Why would artist with very well known managers in the industry continue to support and be a part of our mission? And if any of thsi were true why would I still be able to do business?

Ive never worked with a charity with exception to one dear to my heart..I never charged anyone Thousands of dollars to have a TV show...and Ive never bullied a child.

They have not won. They were served Cease and Desist from our attorney and now I will take the next steps i

Ask the thousands of parents / children /artist who come through Realitydance.

This is a smear campaign by a few hostile digruntles people who realitydance walked away from because of this very reason....they are hurtful people.

Im a grown adult...I can handle this....I recevied a anyonmous 'Tip:" from the author of this wonderful rip off report just a few days before this appeared. I could very easliy mention names and point fingers butthen id be no better than them woud I?

Lastly anyone who is "anonymous" is NOT credible. If you feel the need to say your were treated poorly and worse yet hurt an organization that helps children THEN PUT YOUR NAME ON IT !! OWN IT!!

SAdly all I can say if I hope these people move on..its been over a year with their vicous attack.

Remember there are children who read this as youve posted it sad is that?

Im not a threat..Im just a mom who worked hard to create a wonderful platform for kids ..and im just the target of some Stage Moms and their friends.

These people are DM ing Children in their twitter and instagram accounts..why involve young children in this?

Stop the cycle.....


Thank You







also scammed by her and reality Dance

New Jersey,

another person scammed by Antoinette

#6Consumer Comment

Sat, March 29, 2014

I too have been scammed by Antoinette levins Conville (she spells her name hundreds of ways to avoid authorities )for  a very large sum of money and took her to court and I won.  she was convicted of Theft by deception and is currently on probation for this crime.  I encourge anyone who has been scammed by her to contact the judge  Martin Whitcraft or the procecuter Scot Burns in Washingtion Township NJ at 1 McClure Drive Sewell, NJ 08080
Phone (856) 589-0546 Fax (856) 582-6917

I personally know many people also scammed by her but noone stops her.  If she is reported , she will be in direct violation of her probation and she will go to jail! If more people would take action and tell athorities, she would not be able to contiue to do this!  Please report her!!

 She is a career criminal who must be stopped!!!

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