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  • Report:  #766003

Complaint Review: Recovery-Resources North Palm Beach Florida?

Recovery-Resources North Palm Beach, Florida? Kicked me out for refusing to try psycyiatric drugs as a lesson to the other clients on "medication complience" to make it "my fault" and not giving a refund. Psyciatric drugs have no medical value an West Palm Beach, Florida

  • Reported By:
    AkathisiA — newyork New York United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Tue, August 16, 2011
  • Updated:
    Fri, July 11, 2014

Psyciatric drugs have no medical value and only damage a persons health  

Recovery Resources, Inc or "oceanside treatment center" what ever they call themselves online lately.

I went to this Juno Beach Florida place for Alcohol Rehabilitation my drinking was way over the top again, out of control ! This was Dec 2010. I had been there 4 years ago and I wasn't paying attention but they have this quackery called "Dual Diagnosis" and they gave me some shrink label during the process of detoxification from alcohol and a drug called Xanax I had been getting for sleep from my doctor . It (xanax) worked rather well in the beginning ,I didnt know.

vXanax Withdrawal Symptoms May Include:

abdominal pains, aching, agoraphobia, anxiety, blurred vision, body vibrations, changes in perception, feeling of unreality, flu-like symptoms, hair loss, heart palpitations, insomnia, loss of balance, , nightmares, panic attacks, paranoia, persistent & unpleasant memories, severe headaches, shaking, short term memory loss, sound & light sensitivity, unusually sensitive, fear.

4 years ago these clowns gave me Zyprexa ! for anxiety

They had given me a psyciatric label of some sort during this process of withdrawal back then and wanted me to take dangerous shrink pills again dec 2010. I knew better this time. neuroleptic withdrawal syndrome from zyprexa was no joke. Nothing anyone would ever want to repeat.

Look at this paste directly from there website:
Multiple diseases often co-exist in a single client. Co-existing disorders, commonly termed Dual Diagnosis, can be identified during the evaluation process. It is important to address any and all ailments that can cause difficulty for clients in treatment so that strong and permanent sobriety can be achieved and maintained.

"Dual Diagnosis, can be identified during the evaluation process"

They say on there site !

During the process of drug and alcohol withdrawal ? ? Bullshit !

Look at just the XanaX withdrawal symptoms ! I see half a dozen psychiatric labels in that list alone. some clients may well have mental health issues that have been unaddressed and overshadowed ** addiction.This is what is called disease mongering. - "Overshadowed ** addiction" may

They threw me out of Ocean Side Treatment center for refusing psychiatric drugs 3 weeks into my recovery. I told them I want sobriety not psychiatry. Im in the "Professional clinicians" office asking "why should I take this seroquel?" I hate the way it makes me feel. (link to how it feels)"how about trying risperdal"? These professional clowns "stephen gumley" and Lynda keep returning my question with a question in response, That classic conversation diversion thing . I stood my ground and asked "what, if I don't take shrink pills I have to leave"? They said "medication compliance" , Wait What ? We think you may have a chemical imbalance.

It would go against everything I believe to put toxic shrink pills in my body and call it sobriety. I let them throw me out before doing that, I made them do it in front of everyone cause I had not broken any rules and my new friends didn't believe me when I told them why I had to go.

It was HUMILIATING and uncalled for. I was singled out as a lesson to the others.

 Oceanside Treatment Center is a joke run ** these clowns . I'm crazy ??? I didn't get a Refund that's crazy.

 Dual Diagnosis = Psychiatric disorder
Psychiatric disorders are not medical diseases. There are no lab tests,MRIs brain scans, X-rays or chemical imbalance tests that can verify any mental disorder is a physical condition. This is not to say that people do not get depressed, or that people cant experience emotional or mental duress, but psychiatry has repackaged these emotions and behaviors as disease in order to sell drugs. This is a brilliant marketing campaign, but it is not science.

To make this story more clear, 4 years ago they gave me and others Zyprexa "for anxiety" and I experienced major Zombification and had most of the side effects so I had to have the experienced of neuroleptic withdrawal syndrome when I quit that evil s**t.

When I went back in Dec 2010 after a relaps on alcohol. I wanted nothing to do with and had every right to refuse neuroleptics and any shrink drugs, I even wrote neuroleptics on my drug allergy list... the 1st day !
These clowns didn't think neuroleptic withdrawal syndrome is an allergy or the possibility of Tardive dyskinisa was an important concern to me. "Med compliance" as a chance to send a lesson to the others was more important.

Thank God I didn't have any thing like a DWI/DUI pending like many who were there or I really would have felt the pressure to take part in experimental pharmacology and put up with there bullshit.

Med complience violation = No refund

It was HUMILIATING and uncalled for. I was singled out as a lesson to the others. 

Then they make it "my fault" for not giving a refund.   I told them the first day I have an allergy to all drugs like zyprexa (neuroleptics).  Psychiatric drugs have no medical value anyway and only damage your heath.

Dont fall for the pretty web site and fast sales talk.  There best trick is to ask a question in responce to a question they dont want to awnser.

10 Updates & Rebuttals

still sober


No proof psychiatry is medical at all

#11Consumer Comment

Wed, May 14, 2014

I disagree with you about the medically based thing Lorali,

I feel sorry for people that goto these "dual diagnosis" centers to be drugged and turned into lifetime mental patients. It's just not right all the dishonesty.

No one tells them the truth. No one told me no medical evidence exists proving people with emotional problems have "broken brains" and it's just a marketting gimmic. Many have been screwed up by psychiatry for years like I was and never learn the truth, never recover it's just failed med after failed med getting worse and worse relaps after relaps as the pills pile up.

In fourty years, ‘biological’ psychiatry has yet to validate a single psychiatric condition/diagnosis as an abnormality/disease, or as anything ‘neurological,’ ‘biological,’ ‘chemically-imbalanced’ or ‘genetic.’” —Dr. Fred Baughman Jr., child neurologist, Fellow of the American Academy of Neurology

"Bipolar" has to be the biggest scam of all that just grows and grows making billions for pharma.

So you are a Psychiatric Nurse Practioner ? Click here   Great video, I one of the 5-10% that recovered from alcoholism/adddiction after going to treatment, 3 years now, and one reason is I stopped letting them keep me sick with all these pills. The number one complaint of people new in recovery is "nothing is fun sober" but the psychiatric industry doesn't care and pushes so called bipolar and brain disabling medication that makes "sobriety" and everything in life feel dull and boring.  People are so "stable" on meds they end up running to the bar to drink or the drug dealer just to feel something fun, then back in treatment, if they make it, they get more brain disabling meds again and the cycle continues.

Psychiatry’s "treatments" often don’t work. Even industry shills will admit to that; however, all logic stops there. They continue to preach compliance with the same ineffective course of action despite the fact that, the evidence from the past 50 years has shown that the treatments have actually worsened long-term outcomes.  You are better off having a "psychotic" episode in in the middle of Africa than in the U.S. Why? Because third-world countries have better recovery rates for so-called "bipolar" than the United States and other places that keep their psychiatric patients "maintained" on drugs. In the United States, one "psychotic" episode will almost always land you in psychiatric zombie-land for the rest of your life. It is psychiatry itself that created the chronicity in so-called "mental illness".

As a Psychiatric Nurse Practioner how do you like this?  The people at "Oceanside Detox" in Juno, the self proclaimed "experts" on dual diagnosis didn't even know about the psychiatric drug side effect of Akathisia or even know what the word ment when I complained of it !  Total incompetence, what a joke but not for me, I was stuck there by my family with those clowns telling me "take these pills or else" Why ? because it makes there job easier if everyone is apathetic and zombie like on medication !

I still find it unbelievable that my family paid around $18,000 for me to be in a "safe place" and I get thrown out in front of everyone because I had read several books critical of psychiatry and refused the psychotropic drugs that I finally saw did nothing but make me and keep me sick for years. The only thing these people were good at was exploiting the usual addict/alcoholic - family relationship they have seen 100s of times for there own benefit ! Alcoholic/addictive behavoir has usually ruined most clients credibilty with a family desperate to get them well and these narcissistic jerks in palm beach knew real well how to take advantage of that.

I loved rebuttal from this place , at first the meth lie made me mad but now I have to laugh.

"Chris came to treatment voluntarily on multiple occasions"

"multiple occasions" ONLY TWICE, and the first time they gave me 'medicine' a psychiatric drug that made me really sick.

"Chris relapsed on alcohol"

Well that day a man got shot dead next to door to the housing and I was shook up, police with dogs and helicopters all over looking for the killers, so ya I went and had some beer that day, Yes I did, I left and drank about 8 of them.

The website for this place doesn't mention clients get housed in a high crime neighborhood with gang shootings, the 500 block of West Jasmine Drive Lake Park.

The best for last:

"His mother paid for everything, including the medicine that she said he needed", moms fault... LMAO  The "experts" on alcoholism/addiction online blaming my mother  !  They actually wrote that, what a joke.

My mom also thought I needed Xanax  for a long time and sometimes paid for that too. 




Psychiatric Disorders are Medically based

#11General Comment

Thu, March 06, 2014

I have read many of the reviews of Recovery Resource's services.  I have no knowledge of that company, in particular. However, I am a Psychiatric Nurse Practioner, and I must disagree with the comments accusing psychiatric medications as being "bad," unnecessary, and destroying a person's brain (or something like that).  I am sorry for the individuals who had unhappy experiences with this company.  Addiction treatment is very important to help people achieve sobriety and get their lives back.  Everyone deserves a healthy, productive life. 

The comments made about psychiatric medications being inappropriately prescribed is, unfortunately, true too often.  However, there are practitioners who prescribe medications that are needed and helplful for a variety of true psychiatric disorders.  I don't want people reading those reviews and believing that psychiatric diagnoses are all "snake oil", misleading people to think that their doctors are pushing unnecessary drugs on them that they don't need.

I also take exception to the comments that Psychiatric diagnoses are all a smoke screen and cannot be proven.  A few diagnoses come to mind - bipolar disorder is an excepted medical diagnosis which is described in the DSM V. This diagnosis is made by patient history, family history, signs and symptoms reported by the patient. These subjective complaints by patients lead a practitioner to the correct diagnosis, and correct treatment.   I admit that many practitioners and many treatment centers have a "one size fits all" mentality. This is unacceptable practice, and simply poor medicine.

There are many many medical diagnoses which are achieved by patient reporting of symptoms, where no objective data can be achieved.  Just of few accepted medical diagnoses which meet these criteria include: Headache, Insomnia, Schizophrenia, Depression, Bipolar Disorder, Anxiety, Fibromyalgia, Tinnitus (ringing in the ears), Blurred vision (diplopia), Vertigo (dizziness), Chest pain unrelated to abnormal heart function (just off the top of my head). All these diagnoses are real and true, especially by those that suffer from them.  And we cannot leave out the fact that insurance companies are not going to pay for maladies that are "fiictional."

As far as psychiatric medications go, when used properly, and followed-up with prudence, countless people on this planet are helped by these meds.  They do not destroy your brain, as someone reported.  Yes, there are dangerous side effects that must be carefully monitored and managed.  But without these meds, the quality of life for millions of suffering people would be unbearable.  Can you imagine having Schizophrenia, hearing voices telling you to murder people with red hair?  And if you didn't listen to and act on these voices, you would burn alive?  Yes, this is an actual depiction of what people suffer with.

There are too many treatment centers that use a "one size fits all" approach.  Because insurance companies pay for unlimited drug treatments, treatment centers often focus more on the "bottom-line" than compassionate and medically sound care.

I hope this helps, and maybe enlightens.  Good medical care is out there.  Just be sure to do your research.



"Very little chance" was there prediction for me almost 3 years ago

#11Consumer Comment

Sun, September 22, 2013

I'm writing this for others that got caught up in the fraud of psychiatry and were made sick with its treatments.

Almost 3 years ago they threw me out of this place now called "The Recovery Team" in Palm Beach Fl for refusing there psych-pill lobotamy to send a lesson to the other clients who were questioning there need for all the psychiatric drugs they were dishing out,  all wile telling that chemical imbalance lie over and over again. What a joke, Psychiatry and its drugs were the things that made me sick and addicted in the first place, of course I refused them. I asked for a chemical imbalance test but there is no such thing !

I know there are many parents who read all that marketing bullcrap selling "bipolar" or "Adhd" written by people with no other goal but to sell you pills by selling you false hope that you can "find the right meds" and all this addiction, drinking and chaos will stop and everthing will be bright and happy like in those psych-med ads on t.v where the sun comes out and everything gets brighter after the person in the advertisment takes what ever drug big pharma is selling that week.

I was on those pills for years, this one to wake up, this pill to sleep, this one for attention, that pill for moods and the end result was checking into rehab sick from drinking and dependent on all those pills just to feel sane and to barely function. I found out the hard way even psychiatry's "non addictive" drugs make you sick and unable to sleep when you try and stop taking them, so again of course I refused them even when faced with discharge and humiliation by these clowns "The Recovery Team".

"Very little chance" they said in there post about me. Here I am recovered from psych labels and meds, and alcohol. Im fine now, no more drinking or psychiatry's brain disabling pills for 2 years, I have a job, car, a girlfiend...

Parents, just click on the links below the descriptions to learn why all those years of expensive psychiatry did nothing but make your child sick and now has you out shopping for a drug and alcohol treatment center.                                                                                                                

                                                                                                           - Chris


The Marketing of Madness exposes the real insanity in our psychiatric ‘health care’ system: profit-driven drug marketing at the expense of human rights.

This film plunges into an industry corrupted by corporate greed and delivers a shocking warning from courageous experts who value public health over dollar.

Psychotropic drugs. It’s the story of big money-drugs that fuel a $330 billion psychiatric industry, without a single cure.

The cost in human terms is even greater-these drugs now kill an estimated 42,000 people every year.

And the death count keeps rising. Containing more than 175 interviews with lawyers, mental health experts, the families of victims and the survivors themselves, this riveting documentary rips the mask off psychotropic drugging and exposes a brutal but well-entrenched money-making machine.


Or even better read this book ,

Anatomy of an Epidemic: Magic Bullets, Psychiatric Drugs, and the Astonishing Rise of Mental Illness in America



New York,
New York,
United States of America

Diagnosis for this place

#11Consumer Comment

Wed, December 14, 2011

They have a Dual Diagnosis also, They should diagnosis them selves...

I prefer dual diagnosis Disorder for a diagnosis of "Recovery_Resources_Inc_Disorder".
 Its a perfect fit for this place ! Part of the definition of that diagnosis is::::::: Individuals who match this "Recovery resources disorder type" are arrogant and self-centered, and feel privileged and entitled. They have a grandiose, exaggerated sense of self-importance and they are primarily motivated by self-serving goals ($) . They seek power over others and will manipulate, exploit, deceive, con, or otherwise take advantage of others, in order to inflict harm or to achieve their goals ($). 
 They are callous and have little empathy for others needs or feelings unless they coincide with their own . They show disregard for the rights, property, or safety of others and experience little or no remorse or guilt if they cause any harm or injury to others (medication side effects). 
 They may act aggressively or sadistically toward others in pursuit of their personal agendas and appear to derive pleasure or satisfaction from humiliating, demeaning dominating, or hurting others.
 They also have this amazing capacity for superficial charm and ingratiation when it suits their purposes ($). They profess and demonstrate minimal investment in conventional moral principles and they tend to disavow responsibility for their actions and to blame others for their own failures and shortcomings. 
Examples of "Recovery Resources inc Disorder"

#1. The client is always wrong at this place.. Victim_Blaming
#2. Asking an emotional question in responce to a question they don't want to awnser. 
      Example of this: What is your success rate ? ______ % (please just say a number)
# 3. Not giving a refund when they were clearly wrong.
# 4. lieing to familys.
# 5. Fake pictures on website. (no gym exists at this place)


New York,
New York,
United States of America


#11Consumer Comment

Sun, November 13, 2011

read more


United States of America


#11Consumer Comment

Sun, November 13, 2011

Your psycho munbo jumbo makes no sense.  Psychiatric drugs such as Paxil, Prozac and many others have helped millions of people over many years because depression is a CHEMICAL IMBALANCE!  You can post all the statistics from 3 YEARS ago but that has not bearing on your addiction.

If you truly want to be drug/alcohol free I suggest you go to AA/NA after intense inpatient treatment. 


New York,
New York,
United States of America


#11REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, November 12, 2011

The majority of Dr. Breggin's books focus on harmful medication effects on the brain, mind and behavior. Brain-Disabling Treatments in Psychiatry (2008) is the most up-to-date and thorough presentation of his overall views on the dangers associated with psychiatric medication. It describes how the supposed therapeutic effects of psychiatric drugs are in fact the result of drug-induced mental disabilities. The following very abbreviated summary should not substitute for the more thorough explanations in Brain Disabling Treatments in Psychiatry (2008):

Antidepressants cause emotional anesthesia and numbing or sometimes euphoria, providing a fleeting, artificial relief from emotional suffering.

Neuroleptic or antipsychotic drugs disrupt frontal lobe function, causing a chemical lobotomy with apathy and indifference, making emotionally distressed people more submissive and less able to feel.

Mood stabilizers slow down overall brain function, dampening emotions and vitality.

Benzodiazepines suppress overall brain function, sedating the individual, with temporary relief of tension or anxiety at the cost of reduced mental function.

Stimulants blunt spontaneity and enforce obsessive behaviors in children, making them less energetic, less social, less creative and more obedient.

The individual taking the drugs or the doctor, family and classroom teacher can mistakenly interpret these effects as an improvement when they reflect dysfunction of the brain and mind. As an egregious example, millions of school children are prescribed these drugs because schools find them easer to deal with when their spontaneity is impaired and when they become more compulsively obedient.

In the long run, all psychiatric drugs tend to disrupt the normal processes of feeling and thinking, rendering the individual less able to deal effectively with personal problems and with lifes challenges. They worsen the individuals overall mental condition and produce potentially irreversible harm to the brain.

"I rejected this Idea of psychiatric drugging as an alcoholism cure"

Being a client at this place was the most devastating experience of my life. At a time when I was already fragile and vulnerable, being mislabeled and mistreated only confirmed to me I was worthless at this place. It was clear my thoughts, feelings, and opinions counted for little. I was presumed not to be able to take care of myself or to make decisions in my own best interest, and to need these mental health unprofessionals coercing me to start on the road of psyciatric drugging.

For this total disregard of my wishes and feelings, I was expected to be appreciative and grateful.

In fact, anything less was taken as a further symptom of "the disease", as one more indication I truly needed more of the same mistreatment.


New York,
New York,
United States of America

thought, mood, and behavior

#11REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, November 09, 2011

   The modern critique was inaugurated in 1961 with the publication of The Myth of Mental Illness by
Thomas Szasz. In this now classic work, Szasz offers a conceptual and logical critique of the medical
model broadly based in philosophy, psychology, and political theory.1 The basic problem with the
medical model is that people take it literally rather than understanding it as the metaphor it is. The
medical model portrays the mind as an object. It equates mind with brain and uses this assumption to
justify defining certain thoughts, feelings, and behavior as medical diseases.
   A second, parallel critique of psychiatry focuses on the social uses, functions, and consequences of
the medical model. It maintains that the medical model of psychiatry is an ideology which justifies
covert social control.2 Diagnosing persons as mentally ill who complain of or display certain
forms of undesired and undesirable thought, mood, and behavior renders them vulnerable to being
managed by a ubiquitous mental health system.
   Multiple diseases often co-exist in a single client. Co-existing disorders, commonly termed Dual Diagnosis, can be identified during the evaluation process. some clients may well have mental health issues that have been unaddressed and overshadowed by addiction.
The evaluation process is during acute and post acute withdrawl from drugs and alcohol.


New York,
New York,
United States of America

I never took methamphetamine ever

#11REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, November 06, 2011

 I am not afraid of the truth  Lie detector testing florida  and will post the results online.

Methamphatamine no way ! not ever. 

These people will slander you and you'r mother and use all that psychology as doubletalk to catastrophize you'r family to make a sale .

They did give me and alot of people zyprexa the first time I went here . Now its risperdal
and seroquel they push on everyone , its in the same class.

 I did have a problem with the legal amphetamine adderal that psychiatry likes to give to children and adults. I did have a legal prescription and drank legal alcohol with it like a dumb a*s.

I did write nueroleptics on my drug allergy list and did get thrown out of there Oceanside Treatment Center for not taking drugs like zyprexa again in front of everyone and I didn't break any rule. The other clients were shocked also. That did HURT ME alot .

You should click on my lie detector link, you will need it too if you go here.

They do give permanent psychiatric labels  during post acute withdrawl


North Palm Beach,
United States of America

Distortion of truth

#11UPDATE Employee

Sat, November 05, 2011

Recovery Resources is a well-respected comprehensive substance abuse and dual-diagnosis treatment program with over sixteen years of experience with clients who want to get clean and sober. Our licensed and certified staff, led by a board-certified psychiatrist/addictionologist have treated thousands of clients with our compassionate, professional approach, and successful outcomes are supported by the many clients who come back just to thank us for the attention and commitment we made to them during their treatment. Chris came to treatment voluntarily on multiple occasions. His mother paid for everything, including the medicine that she said he needed due to a long history of psychiatric problems dating back to his childhood. Chris had a serious problem with methamphetamines as well as alcohol. Our psychiatrist/medical director offerred medications that were consistent with Chris's bizarre and often delusional behavior and thinking. Chris had a right to refuse them and did after a brief trial. He was never forced to take anything. We continued to treat him without medication in groups and individual therapies, as well as his residing in our drug and alcohol-free residences. Chris relapsed on alcohol multiple times yet we gave him additional chances to stay with us and work on his sobriety. It became apparent that without medication to assist Chris in stabilizing his thought, moods and behavior, Chris had very little chance of success in sobriety. We wished Chris well when he was discharged, as we had come to the realization that Chris's mental health issues needed more  than we could offer.

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