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  • Report:  #1092805

Complaint Review: Wooster Oh Red Cross National Red Cross

RED CROSS cot mismanagement (Heat Illness) RED CROSS Wooster OH Nationwide

  • Reported By:
    Anonymous — Ashland Ohio
  • Submitted:
    Fri, October 18, 2013
  • Updated:
    Fri, May 16, 2014

Report 1 # ccL-13-09-0071 0864 closed by Wooster Red Cross.

Regional won't say how changes are being made, but that I "won't have the problem (of cot denial) again." Sounded VERY suspicious they won't say what I can expect if I fall ill, but I need NOT be forced to go to the ER if all I need is a cot to lay down for a bit when I fall ill. If I'm that ill again, i'll just take an open cot despite what they say, or drop down if my way/access is blocked; What else can I do? Nothing if I'm that weak.

I learned my Report 1 # ccL-13-09-0071 0864 was closed by Wooster Oh Red Cross. When I pinned them down on what they're doing to prevent prevent what they did to me from happening again, the lady immediately dodged answering my question & hung up.

I’m a 46-year-old homemaker and writer living in Ashland, Ohio leading an online campaign for more cots at the First Aid building at Wooster Ohio's fairgrounds. The Wooster Ohio Red Cross has only two cots for 50 people during fair week. People who are prone to heat illness really need more cots. I'm angry with the Wooster Ohio Red Cross for denying me an open cot when I fell ill on 9-10-13. Despite repeatedly begging to lay down, I was denied two free cots when I most needed one. Cot mismanagement risks lives, and I could've died with 11 symptoms. I drive long distance to visit Wayne County's fair, and I just need a fair break. I think my campaign could be a great story that puts a personal face on the issue of cot mismanagement.

We need not be forced to go to the emergency room when we can easily be treated for free. Cot mismanagement puts lives at risk. My aim is to prevent what happened to me from ever again happening to me or anyone else.

Mary Alice Frank

OH Regional Red Cross CEO Mary Alice Frank




You can call the CCL (Concern Connection Line) of the Red Cross to report a concern or complaint regarding the Red Cross. The phone number is 1-888-309-9679. It's toll free, confidential and open 24 hours. The Red Cross also has a Ombudsman office which provides neutral, impartial dispute resolution. There is a Contact Us link for the Ombudsman's office here:

American Red Cross

!!!! !!!!

Wooster fair board secretary

Pete Armstrong


Oh dept agricult

Nat Red Cross headquarters



614-728-6280 (automated)

6 Updates & Rebuttals



In case you don't believe me, here's proof

#7Author of original report

Mon, May 05, 2014

Feel free to copy and paste these active links, and see for your self. I stumbled across these while surfing the web.

!!!!! Red Cross theft !!!!! They steal !!!!!

!!!!! RED CROSS SHAME !!!!!













> Red Cross caught red-handed <
> Get a Refund!! <

Here's the Red Cross form....request your donations back!

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Should You Donate to the Red Cross?
Sunday, March 13th, 2011

trouble exposed

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Reply to response; Explanation

#7Author of original report

Sun, May 04, 2014

And reply to one of my readers I must explain that I was suffering the whole time I was denied a rightfully open cot. Did not ask for what happened to me to happen. I don't think you have any idea that even my doctor said my disorder is very rare. I have had this gradually worsening disorder for many years, and I have always laid down when I felt a heat illness coming on. For the first half of the time I had the disorder this was not an immediate first. Then in the following years I started having a need to lay down and I have had some very close calls that would have resulted in serious illness had I not laid down. Now that I was in the situation, I have since went through some very negative physical repercussions but I did not go through before I was denied a bad when I most needed it. Have you ever heard of a heart medicine called metoprolol? I was carefully evaluated by a doctor who determined that my rear disorder and the NEW heart palpitations are problems in the auto nervous system; which means it cannot be controlled. Again you do not know me and what I have suffered and how I've had to handle it. before this whole incident, I was NOT on any meds whatsoever, but when I was  forced to suffer sitting up and very sick for a whole hour despite my several pleas to lay down, that illness messed up my auto nervous system, causing other physical complications, including the new heart palpitations. doctors do not give meds unless there's a legit need, and before the incident I had recorded no medical history of being under care for my gradually worsening disorder. When this incident happened I was forced through that circumstance to seek medical attention that I've probably needed all along but just didn't realize it until now. I'm now under fully competent medical care, and my rear disorder is being closely monitored, along with the heart palpitations and my meds. Again, you do not know me so you have no idea what I have to live through, and how it's affected and disrupted my life. When I have an incident, I simply must lay down for a while. I also have skeletal issues,  which is why I need good padding to lay on; this is what the stretchers were for in the first aid building. There were makeshift rooms with one car per makeshift room. These rooms were made up of simple plastic curtains patients with a need to be able to lay down and privacy. Had those curtains then secured better those like myself would have been able to shed wet clothes and change in those rooms. Now that you have some insight, please don't call me selfish; the beds in the first aid building are there for those like myself who need them. In fact, the hamper was overflowing with sheets where other patients have come and gone, and have used those same beds. Actually had two visits that day one was a usual norm of what I would have when I'm close to home. 

My usual norm is supposed to be that once I lay down for a short while and after I recovered I'm supposed to be able to resume normal activity. This was the case on that day, and in times past I was always okay and this was always the case for years. However, I had no way of knowing that my physical condition would take a sudden change for the worse. It did. I must now take even more precautions then I used to have to. I now have a doctors note that covers my legit need to lay down. The time I need is too long to be on the ground or the floor especially with my skeletal issues. Think before speaking; the first aid place in question had ambulance stretchers which had nice mattresses on them. They were there for people like myself who had needs like mine. That's what those stretchers were for. they day where the very beds in those makeshift rooms. Having only two beds for 50 people that come in needing to lay down is just downright stupidity and lack of proper judgment on their part. And having several EMTs from the local fire department for only two beds, is the last way too much. If you're going to have that many people staffing a first aid building for such a small room, they need a bigger area with more beds. I never said they needed to hire doctors and nurses I never said that, you know that, so you know better! If you would sit and think about this and think it through you would see that the concept is common sense of the volunteers staffing the first aid building. The whole idea was to bring about serious needed change, and to use common sense. People who need common sense don't use it. As for that lady in the other room where there was a vacant bed she did not belong in there if that bed was going to go empty, venting it from being used by someone who needed it. He offered to move for someone else during that hour if they came in meeting to lay down, and she had no idea about my disorder and sick I really was. You were not there so you did not see this. Had you been there and had to spend you you would've seen this from the patient's view. Had YOU been the patient, YOU WOULD NOT HAVE APPRECIATED GOING THROUGH WHAT I WAS FORCED TO GO THROUGH AND SUFFERING BADLY A WHOLE TIME !!! When I was finally taken to the ER, lady was still sitting on a chair and she was there before me but she was still sitting there when the squads pick me up. At the ER I did NOT need any further treatment than a bed I should've had at the first aid building. Despite heavy sweating all day, I drink plenty of water throughout the day. in my specific case, this does not matter; I still have heat illness. I already stay home Farmor then what's healthy because of my disorder. I cannot attend most public events because of this. That's why all first aid places made increased accommodations for those like myself who need them. You may say stay home but again I do more of that and what's healthy. That's why my doctor gave me a doctors note for accommodations to be made in my very rare case. Because of my situation, I doctor saw a legit need for me to be helped in the future. Apparently, my doctor has dealt with this before and someone else. Not many doctors are trained in this specific area. My past Dr. Who since died warned me of this. You also said my unique condition has no cure nor has it really any treatment. He said all I can do is the best I can to get through it. Even he was supportive of whatever helps me recover whatever that is. There was nothing he could do. He was even afraid to tell me this and even turned his back to me as he was sharing the bad news. Doctors don't like to have to bear bad news to patients. I had hope my new doctor that he would at least be able to do something. After recovery from one heat illness since I became this new ones patient, he has been understanding when I've had to attend my doctor visits in a wheelchair shortly after also recovering from a heat illness. At first he didn't understand until I told him what I've been through before Apple Lane picked me up for my appointment. My rare disorder is recorded in my medical records. My local emergency room is now aware of it just in case I ever need to go there legitimately instead of being forced like I was in Wooster. What they did force me to have to go unnecessarily to the ER to gain something that helps me recover for free. I was billed, but when I started alerting the right people, the bills had stopped. I was able to provide proof that there was an incident. I was the victim in this case. Just don't know how many victims were before me, but hopefully I'll be the last. There's no excuse or reason to lack accommodations; especially if I've let others know that I'm willing to pay for bringing in extra accommodations for more people, even me. 

That lady in the other room that was not using the bed had offered to move for someone else not knowing just how sick I really was, & bed mismanagement is what I'm willing to pay to eliminate. Here it is plain and simple:

IF YOU ARE NOT GOING TO USE A BED, DO NOT TAKE THOSE ACCOMMODATIONS AWAY FROM SOMEONE ELSE WHO WILL LIKELY COME IN AND NEED IT !!! that sends a false message that the bed is full when really it's rightfully not.

Staff should not be saving beds for no-shows. If they're expecting someone but someone else comes in before the arrival, that bed goes to the new arrival who ACTUALLY arrived. First COME first SERVED. IF someone COMES, THEY get the open bed, NOT someone who's not there when the new arrival COMES. There is now enough awareness that my doctor is sure that I won't have this problem again. There is also enough awareness not just my rare disorder but to my need and what I need to recover, that my doctor is sure but I will be properly accommodated and given the bed that I need to recover for the time I need to recover. Even he agrees I should have not been in the situation where I was forced to have to go to the expensive ER, when I should've had the bed for FREE at the first aid station. LOOK AT IT THIS WAY:

why pay such a high price with money to don't have if you can get the same thing for free elsewhere, if that's all you need? And times past I never needed an IV during a time I was trying to control or even stop a heat illness; directly connected to my rear disorder. Just give me the bed, and leave me alone, and I will recover as even my doctor says all of my specific situation. Even he says it is a very rare disorder for which there is no cure. The right people are now aware of what I need to help me control and even prevent a heat illness. When I feel it coming on, I will know. With my liver condition I am now more sensitive even in lower temps. In fact I just had an incident yesterday when it was only in the 70s; a far cry from where I used to be when things were better. again, mishandling of my condition is what caused further physical complications. This is why I must be given what I need to help me recover. Once again I cannot attend most public events Due to lack of accommodations. My condition is indeed a type of disability. Lack of accommodations out in public is just like telling a wheelchair-bound person that they cannot go here and there because her in a wheelchair. Surely you can see my point. The ADA laws require businesses to make accommodations for the disabled. Again my rare condition is a type of disability. Businesses are required by ADA laws to provide accommodations for all people with disabilities and mine is one of them. I hope everyone out there will gain awareness to this rare condition and become a support network for those like myself who need it. Some situations started out like mine with hardly any awareness. Those same types of situations that were rare required the victim to start raising awareness. Awareness will at some point bring positive change, resulting in the requirement for better training in that area. 



Possibly resolved

#7Author of original report

Fri, November 15, 2013

This problem from what I recently learned may've been resolved since awareness was raised, & certain I for was shared. It looks like this company is willing to let me lay down when I overheat, as it's now known that I have a lifelong rare incurable disorder that contributes to the overheating problem. They say seeing is believing, so I guess we'll see. I only hope that what happened to me never again recurrs to me or anyone else. After all, they never know that I may not have been suffering a silent heart attack, as this could've easily been the case.




#7Consumer Comment

Fri, November 08, 2013

 I am so glad you posted the link to your on-line peition.  As while your "RipOff" report may have had some merrit and you have the basis for a complaint and some things that may need to be changed.

For example if there is someone in a room that is truly not using a cot, if the cot is needed then there should be some chagning/rearranging.  BUT at the same time unless I missed it you are not a doctor or nurse, and you have zero idea why that person is in the other room.   If you want to have a separate room with just cots..again not a bad idea.

But once I read your petition and your "full" story it shed quite a bit of light on your situation.  You are perhaps one of the most selfish individuals that have posted on this site in quite a while.

Now why do I say this.

Well first off you want them to hire actual doctors or nurses because apparently according to you the first aid workers don't know how to handle true medical "emergencies".  So what in your professional medical opinion gave you the right to determine who needs to be where?  Do you have proof that the people there that day had no medical training? How do you know for 100% sure that they were not doctors, nurses, paramedics, emt's?

If you actually look at statistics it would be the people who don't have a Medical ID Bracelet who are in the most danger because they often don't know the symtoms of Heat Exaustion and by the time they seek medical help they are often in a lot worse shape.   Yet according to your professional medical opinion if someone has an ID bracelet they automatically get priority.  Now you do address "newbies", but in reality you skip over them and seem to indicate from your other statements that you still get priority and they would be the ones who have to sit in a chair..after all it only would delay them getting better unlike you where delaying your recovery is a life and death situation.

You don't stop at just getting cots.  You want to make sure that the cots are well cushioned.  Not only that but you want them to set up a mini-buffet and have a nice assortment of sports drinks and small snacks available.  So let me ask you this what about a few leather recliners?  You get the best of both worlds, you get a well cushioned area and the ability to lie back.

You then apparently not only want a first aid crew within sight at all times, you want multiple crews roaming the grounds.

But then we get to the real topper.  You want places to have enough cots where people can actually register in the morning and "reserve" a cot.  Where only if they reserved the cot they can use them at their convienence.  But you don't just talk about the fair grounds you extend this out to "public places".  So I guess according to you we now need these at beaches, lakes, public parks, your local strip mall? 

In the end there is one basic failure in your "complaint".  If you know you suffer from all of these symptoms, then sorry to say but yes you need to limit yourself more.  If you need sports drinks and small snacks, bring your own.  If you need a "fair break" stop sooner and don't let yourself get to that point.  It is very easy to carry a small backpack and with the exception of very few places I have never had an issue bringing things such as Sports Drinks, Water, and small snacks in.  But I do have to say that some places required the drinks to be unopened.  So just something to check on.  Think of this as the same as people are diabetic.  They carry around anything they need in case of an emergency, because they never know what situation they will find themselves in.

I am also curious, if this was such a dire situation just how did you survive them not letting you lie down? 

Oh and I do hope you update what the President of the United States said when he gets a copy of your petition.






#7Author of original report

Wed, November 06, 2013

First, I must say that readers should carefully read and put themselves in my situation. Please try to understand instead of twisting this into something I did not say. 

First aid settings at public events and other public settings with first aid, should have an appropriate number of beds for those who need them during very hot summer swhen people get overheated; especially those with rare disorders. Some people like myself have very rare disorders that have frequent problems no matter what we do. Some people may say carrying around the backpack was stuff you need is a good idea. That's fine and dandy, except for somebody who already overheats even without carrying anything around. Carrying anything around like a backpack can cause someone with my rear disorder to overheat even more; making the problem worse. 

I've since seen my dr about the heat illness that I had on 9-10-13. I really do have a rare overheating disorder that requires me to lay down when I get too hot. Laying down helps me to prevent heat illness. 

Due to a degenerative area in my low back and certain joint issues, I can't lay on just any surface; This is especially hard for me. Nothing I can ever do will cure the problems that I do have.

Let me get something straight:

I wasn't necessarily ignoring prompts to go home after my first overheating incident where I DID get a cot the FIRST time;

* I was simply doing what I've ALWAYS done after my usual lay-down recovery; Resuming normal activity.

* I'm originally supposed to be able to resume normal activity, which turned out to NOT be the case on 9-10-13. Heat illness hits me suddenly with absolutely NO WARNING ahead of time; My body is geared that way. 

* I'm now taking a different approach to the problem, which may mean cutting my activities short. All I need is the right support and special accommodations to help me at the few public events that I ever attend; Like the county fairs. My best efforts can only go so far, it has its limits. 

As for the overheating disorder, all I can do is control it by laying down to prevent heat illness.

* I may not have known it, but I was most likely vulnerable to heat illness all along (many years) but laying down was most likey stopping it from striking. 

There are some people who tend to condemn those with disorders and disabilities; Until the shoe fits THEIR foot. 

People need to become educated on rare disorders and support those patients instead of pushing them aside. Those who see things from inside the situation (from a patient's viewpoint) will gladly support the patient. Had you been as ill as I was on 9-10-13, you would've clearly understood exactly why I must lay down when I'm too hot; You'd clearly KNOW from a physical perspective just how sick and weak I really was; And why I needed to lay down. This never should've been denied me at my sickest and weakest time ever. This can easily happen again if I don't have accommodations for when I'm away from home.

* Lack of accommodations is why I won't attend many public events. Lack of accommodations is also why I find myself having to live like a hermit; Which should NEVER be!

Come on now, at LEAST make some accommodations so I have somewhere to turn should I need it! If I can even take short periodic lay-down breaks I can obviously stop heat illness, so WHY NOT make those accommodations for crying out loud? I saw my dr, I have the medical note, so come on already!

* I'm serious in my willingness to pay for an extra cot to be brought in for my use; I firmly stand on that. When someone's desperate to get certain needs met, if they're serious enough, they'll even pay for those accomodations; Which is what I'll do. As long as I'm willing to PAY for those accommodations that right there speaks for itself! After all, MONEY TALKS, BS WALKS!

Anyone in their right mind would be more than happy to make accommodations for someone who's willing to PAY for them.



Wooster OH Red Cross

#7Author of original report

Wed, November 06, 2013

I have an update on this report. I've since seen my dr about this, and have gained well needed support in this matter. I was carefully checked and i really do have an overheating issue that really does require me to lay down. At some point, I actually proved that if I lay down when I get too hot, that I WILL recover fast. since learning of my vulnerability to heat illness, I'm now seeking the right support from others besides my dr, & I also need special accommodations due to my very rare disorder. I already live like a hermit due to my overheating disorder, so please don't tell me to stay home; I already do enough of that. Even hermits must come out sometime, & I'm not different. I'm serious in my willingness to pay for my accommodations, which should speak a lot of me as a patient.  

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