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  • Report:  #1035367

Complaint Review: Regalia Tibetan Terriers

Regalia Tibetan Terriers Jeanette Chaix Did not comply with her own contract. Sold sick puppy. Jackson, California

  • Reported By:
    Coastal Tibetan Lover — California
  • Submitted:
    Sun, March 17, 2013
  • Updated:
    Wed, December 24, 2014

 I recently purchased a Tibetan Terrier, narrowing down the breeder to one in Northern CA. This breeder appeared to have no complaints and advertised her AKC status.  During my discussions, breeder appeared to be extremely knowledgeable of the breed, having been in the business showing dogs, winning awards in shows and breeding for well over a decade.  After many months, I selected a puppy to purchase.  After the sale, the breeder could not have been more irresponsible when the vet visit 36 hours after  pick up of the pup tested positive for a parasite. The parasite is transmitted through feces.  I had purchased a puppy that within 36 hours needed medications, special diet, had a bad reaction to the first medication, repeat testing and, repeat vet visits. All without a single response or reimbursement per the contract from the breeder.

The breeder never returned my calls and emails asking for records that  tate laws require, and per the signed contract for a show puppy. She refused to respond to the information regarding the illness, attempts to notify her were unsuccessful period. This parasite may be pervasive in the litter and checks and possible treatment of several other puppies was needed, 
Refused contact so there was no way to discuss  the vet costs as per the contract. She did not provide a Health Certificate signed by a vet and refused to give the shot records, also required vy our state's laws. Additionally while advertising and representing the puppy as show quality, she never gave AKC registration, even though she signed her own
contracts to do so.

I observed puppies with fecal matter on their coats. A red flag should have been that the breeder never provided the names of the parents before the sale when requested, nor was the mother seen onsite during any of my visits up to the time of purchase. She refused to give a history of the mothers health or provide information regarding how many litters the mother
has produced and how frequently she was bred.  While I was assured  specific genetic tests were done prior to breeding, the breeder never produced the test results. This raised concerns as to the breeders practices, a good breeder will give you the parents  names and the genetic test results of the pair being bred ahead of sale.  Because the mother was not onsite, I had no ability to see her,  to evaluate her myself for health and temperament. The breeder immediately cashed my check while ignoring near simultaneous calls and emails regarding my sick puppy and advisement that the rest of the litter may also be sick. Her written contracts are worthless when she ignores any provision regarding her responsibility and she ignored multiple
provisions in her contract and state laws regarding breeders of dogs.  Subsequent to this, the breeder advertised similar puppies on the Puppyfind website. This website is known to responsible breeders and rescue groups as a site used by known puppy mills.  The AKC intervened on my behalf and sent the registration papers directly to me. 

A responsible breeder, including Tibetan Terrier breeders would warn you not to buy online. I bought  in person after researching the breeder so even then it can be hard to determine if the breeder will stand by their contract and is responsible.  Old reputations are not to be relied in every case.

A suggestion;If you want to be assured buy only from the breeders  on the recommended list at the Tibetan Terrier Club of America. They set rigorous rules for their members to follow in order to be recommended by them. Do not confuse this with the Breeder of Merit logo, the recommendations of the club are a safer bet.

14 Updates & Rebuttals

Michael Houston


Regalia Tibetan Terrier's Are The Best

#15REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, December 24, 2014

Let me start by saying that our collective family has purchased 5 pups from Jeanette Chaix  and her Regalia Kennels over the past 24 year's. Only one is still  with us now but the 2 that have passed have been exceptional family members and lived well into their teens. Our 2 newest members are now both just past their one year mark and  are unbelievable additions to our family. 

The reports that I'm reading are  over one year old and not at all in line with the Kennels principles. These are the best socializing environments that any puppy could hope for. I have actually witnessed a sale turned down by Jeanette because that prospect didn't not seem to really want to have that puppies best Interest first! 

Tibetan Terrier's are the premier breed with no real health issues

they have hair not fur so no shedding and they couldn't be more devoted to their families. Jeanette is a premier breeder in the Nation. In closing a 5 time customer can't be all that  wrong over 24 year's and bashing Jeanette for one sale needs to really be looked at under a microscope. 








Moses Lake,

The facts speak for themselves!

#15Consumer Comment

Thu, May 30, 2013

As much as I want to go off on some of the comments left here, I will keep this pithy. I purchased my TT from Jeanette  18 months ago, so Jeanette's health was not an issue and after getting the diagnosis of hip dysplasia I gave her  9 months to rectify the situation. Although she agreed to refund purchase price, she never followed through, and quit communicating. I have documentation of everything, as it looks like the others do to, so before you start calling people liars, and "just can't believe Jeanette would act that way" please keep your emotions out of it and read the facts!



Glad your experience was good

#15Consumer Comment

Tue, May 28, 2013

 and once again, I don't question that. Perhaps you good friend or family of the breeder as you are very aware of her personal health issues. I don't know why she decided to ignore the contract portion of her responsiblity when we sent her the vet bills for ringworm that existed at the time of sale. It was well prior to current health issues as breeder was actively selling litters and responding prior to and during the sale.

If you reread the posts and pay attention to the details, you will note some of the purchases were a while ago. I gave your post time, attention and credibility.  If there wasn't a negative experience, why in the world would someone want to waste time and energy? It is usually because they have attempted other communication and were ignored. Good business takes care of the customer before, during and after the sale to make sure experience was a good one.

As most of us admire other TT's during course of travel, we inquire about the age, the temperment, where obtained, etc. I have never met an owner that did not adore the pet; I have met some that had issues with the breeder. 

A professional breederwould  immediately respond and be concerned to any customer alerting them of illness witha newly purchased pup or of the wrong puppy shipped or hip dysplasia of a dog repreented as show quaility. If that had been done, my post and most likely the others would never be here. Did you note while people in different areas at different times have the same complaint of non-response or lack of corrective action on the part of the breeder when various health issues were reported to her? The breeder cashed a check and had a contract with conditions when the check was rendered and she decided not to return phone calls, pay the vet bills, etc. If she doesn't respond to emails, phone, letters, how can you return a puppy with hip dysplasia or even if you kept it get a refund for the wrong dog and the pre-exisiting health issue?

My vet read the contract and advised me it was kinder to keep the puppy than return to the breeder  based on the lack of medical care and because the self treatment the breeder had given was not only not appropiate to the condition but painfurl for the pup.

Before you once again state incorrectly that it could not happen, she would have been ill, etc. remember not only do we have records and contracts, we have Vets that checked the pups within 3 daysor less of the purchase and are aware of their health condition.  Were you there?  Are you a vet?  I am happy for you and I am holding back on what I would really like to say because I am keeping this to the facts, not my emotions as are the other posters with negative experiendces. A prolific breeder with hundreds of puppies over decades being sold at very high prices certainly knows what should be done. Perhaps I should encourage others I meet or have met with issues to post at this site, would that help you? I have not done so as we all must speak for ourselves but you will not call me a liar or shout me down. I respectfully read and understood your good experience even as you insult and decry others.




Response to Smear on Jeanette Chaix

#15General Comment

Mon, May 27, 2013

I read this entire painful post and, while I am sorry you had a bad experience, a little more understanding would be in order. I do not think that Jeanette Chaix "refused to respond to the information regarding the illness" nor that "attempts to notify her were unsuccessful period." 

Perhaps a little discovery about what was happening may have been in order before smearing her publicly. 

We have been the happy owners of three Tibetan Terriers over the last 23 years. All are Regalia's and all are happy and healthy. I have never known Jeanette to be anything but a reputable and responsible breeder and her list of champions and clients bespeak of her success.

My only hope is that if I am ever in a similar situation to hers in the future, that my clients would be a little more gracious.





I am astonished

#15Consumer Comment

Mon, May 27, 2013

I am astonished.

Three negative reports on the same website in three days. Just a coincidence, right? 

Okay let's say it is just a coincidence. Hip dysplasia, which the breeder offered to cover all vet costs on. A parasite, which is probably the most common health problem encountered by puppies, which the breeder also offered to cover costs on.

Ringworm, which the breeder offered to cover all costs on, and sent a check to cover, though mistakingly made out to the wrong person.

And these, against thirty years as a breeder, 300 champions under her belt, continuing to produce dogs that are proven over and over again to be top of the line for the breed, entitle you to qualify this breeder as a "scam"? Really? Do you even realize what you are saying? 

Puppies get things. So do babies, as you should know if you've ever been a parent. They are not machines made of mechanical parts -- they are living beings, interacting with a world that has fungi, parasites, bacteria in their environment, and new, vulnerable systems. We deal with it. With any animals I have had, and I have had many, I have paid higher vet bills in their first year than in any other year.

Yet in every instance you have noted that Jeanette came forward to cover you on it.

I don't know the time frame on the ringworm. But the first two obviously were in the middle of dealing with their situations or waiting for follow up when Jeanette Chaix went to the hospital with a dangerous head injury, was literally fighting for her life for more than four months, and in rehab after that learning to walk and balance again.

But you didn't get an email back or a check in the mail when you wanted it. And her hospitalization is a "personal issue" that is "not relevant". Are you KIDDING me? Just how heartless are you?

If I found out that I had blasted someone broadly on the Internet for not doing enough for me -- when they were hospitalized with a life threatening situation -- I would be so embarrassed I would take the report down immediately and would do my best to apologize.

Intead you put it up, and are leaving it up, on a website that makes vitriol their business -- that prints anything anyone wants to say, no matter how unsubstantiated, how incomplete, no matter if it is from an ex-wife or fired employee bent on revenge or competitor trying to covertly take someone down a few notches (which some of their postings certainly seem to be). I'm really curious why you chose this route, and took it in your own hands to proclaim that you have been "scammed" instead of contacting the TTCA or someone who may have helped you resolve the matter -- in which case you likely would have found out that she had been hospitalized and it would be a little time while she got her affairs back in order. 

Fortunately there will always be far more people out there who are smart enough to really look around and call her themselves instead of taking the word of a "revenge" web site. And you don't have to look far in the Tibetan world to find people who love Jeanette Chaix and her beautiful amazing Tibetans. When they do look around, they will find people like me, who look at their dogs every day and think how lucky they are to have these beautiful, special little Regalia guys in their lives. They'll find that top breeders around the world get Regalia dogs in their lines because of their proven quality.

They will also find out if they listen to enough people that when there is a Tibetan in a shelter in California, they usually call Jeanette Chaix, who often gets on the phone or gets in the car to go save their life. I know this in part because she called me once, in LA, and I helped go pick up a dog and take him to the airport. Jeanette paid the cost on the flight. I was in touch with her again when I found out someone had dumped their older Tibetan -- 12 to 14 years old -- into a shelter in Northern California. Within hours she had people in their car driving to the shelter.

They will find people who called her for help when their dog was paralyzed after a rabies shot, and were offered a free puppy to ease the pain if their dog didn't make it -- and it wasn't even a Regalia dog that was having the trouble. This I know because I am the one who called her and asked her if she could help another TT owner I knew, and she was there for the woman immediately, consulting with vets, etc. to help her determine the right course of action.

They will find people who called Jeanette nine years after they got the dog to ask her about a health problem, and she was always there for them -- my own experience with her when my first Tibetan Terrier was diagnosed with lymphoma and I was making some difficult decisions.

I'm sorry she was late with your checks and that you consider hospitalization "irrelevant". I am truly sorry for the man whose dog suffered from hip dysplasia. That is painful to even read about. But to take that and use it to throw around words like "rip off" and "scam" at a good person is just plain wrong.

How sad that this is what we use the Internet for.


Winter Haven,

Jeanette Chaix & Regalia Tibetan Terriers are First Class

#15Consumer Comment

Sun, May 26, 2013

We have also purchased a "show dog" from Jeanette Chaix and it was a wonderful experience from beginning to end. 

Our puppy purchase was a long distance purchase via talking on the phone and pictures thru emails. She was wonderful explaining the different temperm

ents of the puppies and what she liked about each and why. With her guidance and patience, we purchased our first  future Tibetan Terrier Champion. As our girl received her points toward her

Championship, Jeanette would send an occasional congrats email. 



Our Tibetan is now 14 months old and is a happy, healthy Champion working on her Grand Champion. Jeanette follows her progress. Jeanette pays to receive  emails from a show site that tells when a Regalia dog wins at a dog show. We feel she is a breeder that goes beyond just selling you a puppy.



What has been said of her, happened while while she was very ill and in and out of the hospital. We do not and can not believe, that if given a chance, Jeanette would not of made it right, she genuinely wants you to love your puppy and be happy with them.



Jeanette has been breeding Tibetans for over 30 years and has a great reputation as we also did our research before purchasing and there were no complaints any where to be found. You chose a website that rips people off and has been listed as a scam and yet you chose to file a complaint on it. You should of done your research first . 



All experiences may differ

#15Consumer Comment

Sun, May 26, 2013

 No one wishes ill health on the breeder and may be unaware of any issues; it is not relevant to the postings.

Good to hear stories of owners with happy, healty TT. Each has their own unique story. I have no reason to believe that they did not have a good experience with this breeder; by the same token, anyone who had a bad experience has the right to post the story. This Breeder sells expensive dogs, had a reputation in the business and purchasers believe the professional would conduct the business as you would expect after decades as a breeder. When the purchaser ends up with a sick animal and can prove through immediate vet visit, was sold with the condition, they have a contract created by the breeder that breeder will cover cost, replace puppy etc. Furthermore, when the illness threatens the rest of the litter, the breeder needs to have them checked before selling them. A Vet Health Certificate and AKC paperwork should also be included with the sale of a healthy dog by a responsible breeder.

I also purchased from this breeder. I had heard she was a breeder for many years, retired and then active again. I made a very long drive and had 12 puppies to select from, the remainder of two different litters. I never saw where they were kept, they were brought up to an enclosure in a front yard. While paying for the puppy, I noted a spot on the chest and inquired as to what it was. I was told just something puppies get and given a tiny vial of clear liquid with instruction to apply twice a day. I was not given a Vet health certificate but did receive AKC paperwork. It had been a very long drive to and from, many puppies and I believed she was a businessperson that knew what to do after all these years.

Application of the liquid had the dog yelping in pain and bleeding at the morning of the second day so off to the vet we went. Ringworm, highly contagious to both animals and children was diagnosed and several prescription needed to remedy it. Guess what I have? Children and pets hugging and playing with our beautiful new pet.  As per the contract, we made copies of the vet bill and sent them to the breeder circling what she was responsible for. We also tried to call or did call. A check made out to entirely different people was sent to the correct address for the correct amount.  We can't cash it, so we mail back and explain her "mistake" and no other check arrived.  We call, we leave messages and still nothing. And you don't forget those things, especially when we had the misfortune of a dog that had health issues constantly and died suddenly at 7 years. I cannot prove early care caused that, all I know is a breeder should have known and been responsive to ringworm. I would have preferred any immunizations be done by a vet.  The puppy deserved medical care when the breeder had him as much as her contract imposed his care on me. The rest of the litter needed to be vet checked with the lamp they use before any dogs sold with contagious issues to a anyone/any family.

This is especially emotional no matter what your experience because our dogs are family members, we love them and are protective of them.  Those of us with a bad experience deserved responsible immediate action from the breeder. Vet bills are part of the cost of doing business for her and at the price point these dogs sell, should be a given that they are certified as healthy before sold.

Any consumer of any business with a bad experience should first contact the business owner so they have a chance to remedy the issue.  In many cases, this breeder did not. I have run across other owners that had similar issues. Any one that had a bad experience has the right to truthful disclosure of their experience and most all of us I am sure kept the documentation, dates, vet bills, etc.  When you see the large amount of puppies sold several times a year and the expensive price for a puppy, this is most definately a business.  There is accountability when you set up shop to sell.

For the breeder, I wish her good health. For the business person I dealt with - how could you send me off with a dog with ringworm?  I have a family, another dog, cats and showed off the puppy to many friends. When we let you know the vet verified it you should have taken immediate action for us and the other dogs sold from these litters and those that remained with you.



Regalia Tibetan Terrier Breeder Jeanette Chaix is honest, helpful, and stands by her pups and their owners.

#15General Comment

Sun, May 26, 2013

 I have a beautiful girl from Jeanette Chaix. She is much loved. I know this report to be inaccurate because Jeanette was twice hospitalized for a serious head injury recently and had to be in rehab to recover her life skills and was unavailable to everyone but close family during that stressful time. If she had not been injured, she would have responded to anyone who asked for help, advice, or was interested in owning a Tibetan Terrier. She loves the breed and she knows where her puppies are, how they are doing in their lives, and it's amazing how fast she finds out if there is a problem, or if there is some exciting news about one of the pups, even if it is living in another country. She is always upbeat and enthused about her dogs and how much she loves them. She has her special favorites and her husband has his favorites that he interacts with as well.

When I got my dog, Jeanette knew I was planning on showing her, it was a dream my sister and I had planned for years, to show together. As it turned out, my girl wasn't show quality and after a few shows, I quit because my dog just wasn't doing well at all. I didn't see her flaws, 47none of us did at first, but through pictures that were posted, Jeanette did, and she got in contact with me, told me in a very kind manner that she didn't like how my dog was turning out, she hoped she wasn't hurting my feelings and out of the blue, offered to replace her with a showable pup at no cost to me, she was more than kind. She was not expecting my first girl back in return, which I couldn't have stood to part with anyhow because you love your dogs.

Then she had her terrible hospital time and I was hoping she wouldn't forget her offer, once I found out that she was hosptalized twice and was so ill, I started thinking of looking elsewhere for another pup. But when she came home from rehab, and in between doctor appts nearly everyday, she took time to call me and tell me that she had done a breeding with me in mind and I would have that show puppy she had promised me. I was over the moon excited and happy, now my sister and I would both have showable pups. She has sent me baby pictures and kept me in the loop as to how her 8 month old pups were doing out on the show circuit.
 I know in my heart that if Jeanette Chaix had known about this person and their puppy that was sick with a parasite, she would have responded to them because she wants her pups to be happy and healthy. I can not see her ignoring any pleas by someone who had one of her puppys.  Most pups pick up worms and other parasites, that is why they are automatically wormed by the vet at one of their first appointments. And most flea preventative and Heartworm medications take care of other worms the pups could have picked up. So I know first hand of Jeanette Chaix's values and commitments to her pet owners, I don't believe many other breeders would out of the blue would contact a previous buyer and offer from the goodness of her heart to replace a not quite perfect pup with another hopefully better quality pup to allow me to still live my dream. This is not the kind of person who would ignore a new buyers requests for help, or suggestions, or replacement of a sick pup, The only way any of this negative person's accusations could be considered is if he or she was trying to reach Jeanette when she was so gravely ill. I also received a health certificate with the puppy ands was mailed the paperwork to register her with AKC.



Regalia Tibetan Terriers Jeanette Chaix Did not comply with her own contract. Sold sick puppy. Jackson, California

#15General Comment

Sun, May 26, 2013


   I have a beautiful girl from Jeanette Chaix. She is much loved. I know this report to be inaccurate because Jeanette was twice hospitalized for a serious head injury recently and had to be in rehab to recover her life skills and was unavailable to everyone but close family during that stressful time. If she had not been injured, she would have responded to anyone who asked for help, advice, or was interested in owning a Tibetan Terrier. She loves the breed and she knows where her puppies are, how they are doing in their lives, and it's amazing how fast she finds out if there is a problem, or if there is some exciting news about one of the pups, even if it is living in another country. She is always upbeat and enthused about her dogs and how much she loves them. She has her special favorites and her husband has his favorites that he interacts with as well.
   When I got my dog, Jeanette knew I was planning on showing her, it was a dream my sister and I had planned for years, to show together. As it turned out, my girl wasn't show quality and after a few shows, I quit because my dog just wasn't doing well at all. I didn't see her flaws, none of us did at first, but through pictures that were posted, Jeanette did, and she got in contact with me, told me in a very kind manner that she didn't like how my dog was turning out, she hoped she wasn't hurting my feelings and out of the blue, offered to replace her with a showable pup at no cost to me, she was more than kind. She was not expecting my first girl back in return, which I couldn't have stood to part with anyhow because you love your dogs.
   Then she had her terrible hospital time and I was hoping she wouldn't forget her offer, once I found out that she was hosptalized twice and was so ill, I started thinking of looking elsewhere for another pup. But when she came home from rehab, and in between doctor appts nearly everyday, she took time to call me and tell me that she had done a breeding with me in mind and I would have that show puppy she had promised me. I was over the moon excited and happy, now my sister and I would both have showable pups. She has sent me baby pictures and kept me in the loop as to how her 8 month old pups were doing out on the show circuit,
   I know in my heart that if Jeanette Chaix had known about this person and their puppy that was sick with a parasite, she would have responded to them because she wants her pups to be happy and healthy. I can not see her ignoring any pleas by someone who had one of her puppys.  Most pups pick up worms and other parasites, that is why they are automatically wormed by the vet at one of their first appointments.
    So I know first hand of Jeanette Chaix's values and commitments to her pet owners, I don't believe many other breeders would out of the blue would contact a previous buyer and offer from the goodness of her heart to replace a not quite perfect pup with another hopefully better quality pup to allow me to still live my dream. This is not the kind of person who would ignore a new buyers requests for help, or suggestions, or replacement of a sick pup, The only way any of this negative person's accusations could be possibly true is if he was attempting to reach her during her hospitalizations and subsequent stint in a Rehab facility.
  Also my pup came with a health certificate and we were mailed the reocrds needed to register them.



I too was scammed by Regalia

#15Consumer Comment

Sun, May 26, 2013

First of all, report filed by  this consumer who thought they were buying a healthy TT from a reputable breeder was heartfelt, well written and documented. After reading it, one can tell the intent of the report was not to "bash" the breeder but to alert the consumer to be careful. I too did my due diligence and sought out what I thought was a reputable TT breeder, buying a"show quality" "championed sired" by Regalia Amador Gold Tibetan Terrier from Jeanette Chaix. Seemed like a good decision. I couldn't have been more wrong.

I purchased on line (out of state buyer) after back and forth emails picking out a pup. I never received a contract, vet or health certificate, even after repeated requests. What I did receive was the wrong pup, and one with health issues.! I was ok with the fact that this was not the dog I requested and reserved, but I got a bit suspicious when my pup developed health issues. I alerted Jeanette that my dog had clicking hips, she told me to ignore and let him grow a bit. I took her advice for a few weeks until my pup yelped when walking and wouldnt jump or run. I took him to my vet who took exrays and told me he had severe hip dysplasia at the mere age of 6 months. Needless to say I was crushed. Was referred to a surgeon who took extensive x-rays and needed to perform an FHO. I let Jeanette know the details every step of the way and she was very concerned and attentive at the begining and told me she would refund the purchase price for my pup and wanted to help with the surgery cost as well. Months went by after my pups surgery, it was a long haul to rehab my dog, and Jeanette continued to tell me she would send my money back. I mailed her all documentation, x-rays, surgery bills, e mails between us reminding her that she agreed to refund purchase price etc.

Five months or so went by and after repeated requests for my refund, Jeanette e mailed me to say she had mailed the check. Well I never received it, and came to find our she never sent it after telling me she did. I tried to contact her again but she wouldnt take my calls, didn't respond to emails and ignored letters. I have not heard from her since, hardly the actions of a concerned reputable breeder. I have all the documentaion/ correspondance backing up what happened.

Rebuttals left on this site supporting Jeanette are nice, and somewhat expected from TT owners who have been lucky enough to have purchased healthy dogs. But I wonder what the outcome would be if they had brought home their adorable TT pup only to realize it had severe issues and the breeder went awol!


San Clemente,

Love Regalia Tibetan Terriers

#15General Comment

Sat, May 25, 2013

I am an owner of two Regalia Tibetan Terriers and I was shocked to see such a report filed against Regalia.   I have personally spent time at the home of the Chaix's and can vouch that these kennels are spotless.   The puppies are loved and cared for just as any newborn baby would be.   Both of my puppies are healthy, happy and very sweet dogs.   The Chaix's have always been gracious to me whenever I have had concerns or questions about anything concerning my dogs.   I do NOT believe for one minute that they would ever refuse to take back a sick dog NOR would they ever turn their back on any other non-Regalia Tibetan Terrier.  

I find this attack on them extremely cruel and I doubt very much that there is any validity to it whatsoever.  It is very sad that a bogus (perhaps jealous) person is allowed to try and destroy someone's reputation without proof or merit.  Very disturbing!

The Tibetan Terrier Family is very strong and we will to continue to fight this blatant falsehood until it is taken off this site.

Cork Designs

Walnut Creek,

Unfair Attack on Jeanette Chaix

#15Consumer Comment

Sat, May 25, 2013

Jeanette and Jerry Chaix produce magnificent healthy Tibetan Terriers.  We know this because we have had four.  In the mid 1980s we purchased our beloved Dorje.  She lived a long and healthy life!  At the time, Jeanette had a returned one-year-old, Apsara.  The owners complained that she was nervous and always itching.  She was returned to Jeanette, (after months),  matted and covered with fleas.  Jeanette lovingly nursed this angel back to good health.  We took her home too!  Apsara was serene, never nervous and lived for 15 years...never a rash or any health problems.  Jeanette has never failed to assist, instruct and be involved with even the smallest pet concern.  I gratefully say I have  learned a great deal from Jeanette.   When we wanted help with AKC registration, Jeanette was right there on the phone, talking us through the process.

We are sorry to hear that your puppy had parasites.  This is why we frequently check for them.  Did your vet mention that parasites can be transmitted by files?  This is why we check--often! Our cats can transmit.  This is all part of life in the food chain!

We I have visited Jeanette and Jerry.  Their home and puppy nursery is exceptionally clean.  Dr. Cork, my husband, a physicist would have detected unhealthy conditions, if present.  This accusation is unfounded and outrageous!

Jeanette had a fall recently and was hospitalized.  Fortunately, she has recovered.  This attack seems unfair and ill-timed.  This attack is most unkind.  

We continue enjoying our brilliant, healthy Regalia pups! 

As you will discover, our Tibetan Terrier Family is strong and wide spread.  When you attack one of our own, a loving breeder of 30 years, with over 300 champions, you have attacked us all.  

We support Jeanette Chaix and will surround her with love. Your attempt to smear her reputation will fail.  Please remove this report as we consider it to be erronious and unfair!

Dr and Mrs Carl W Cork

Cork Designs


D - Happy Regalia TT Owner


Regarding Regalia Tibetian Terriers

#15General Comment

Sat, May 25, 2013

Regarding the negative report on Regalia TT's.  I have received a Tibetian Terrier from Regalia.  She is a healthy dog and  I am so pleased with her breeding, her health and her socialization.  She is deaf and therefore Jeanette Chaix placed her with me as a rescue.  As many breeders who seek only money would have probably done, she was not put down but a special home for her was sought out in order to place her and give her the best chance at a comfortable life.  She was well cared for, healthy and happy when I received her.  I flew her from California to Texas.  If I ever get another dog, I will certainly go through Jeanette Chaix for another Tibetian Terrier.  

This breed was introduced to me by one of her clients and I see the way her dogs are bred and cared for and I wouldn't go anywhere else, no matter where I live.  This report appears to be misleading and short some of the information needed to make a good judgement about any breeder.  There are many things that young puppies can get and parasites are not uncommon.  

I am wondering myself if the breeder who did recently have some very serious health issues, was not caught during that time and was unable to respond to the purchasing owner regarding the issues.   Before writing such a negative report about a breeder who is known throughout the states AND in European countries as well, please veryify your information.  The report you wrote is against a quality breeder whose dogs are well known, well loved and owned throughout the country.  We all stay in touch with each other and that is how I know this.  It is also a known fact that these reports are written against good breeders who then have to pay to remove their names from a negative report. Someone makes money off a negative report like this...I would hope that this report would be removed and discarded as an error, as you could not be more wrong about a breeder than Regalia.  Thank you.  



Really unfair and inaccurate characterization

#15Consumer Comment

Sat, May 25, 2013

I have gotten four Tibetan Terriers from Jeanette Chaix and Regalia over ten years. Jeanette is one of the premiere breeders in the US. She has been breeding Tibetans for 30 years and many of the other TT breeders in the US got started with her pups. She has bred more than 300 champions, placing her in the top rung on this breed in the US. 

Even my groomer in Pasadena, who has owned Tibetan Terriers himself, when he heard that my dogs were from Regalia, said "oh yeah, she is legendary."

I have ALWAYS gotten my AKC papers from her. She has always been available to answer questions about my pups via emails. My pups have been happy, healthy and amazing. 

As far as health guarantees, I know someone else in the Bay Area who has one of her Tibetans. When her dog needed an operation, Jeanette paid for it, though it was technically outside the health guarantee -- as she stands by her dogs fully.

I have been to her house for my purchases and been with the dogs. The conditions her dogs live in are spotless. This doesn't mean you might not see "fecal matter" on a puppy. They run around. They might poop and sit in it. You run to keep up with a litter of puppies and keep them out of goofy situations. But before they go into their crate at night, I can tell you, those dogs will be clean and happy. 

I'm sorry your pup had a parasite. You don't say what it was. It is a fact of life that puppies get worms, etc. They can pick them up from almost anywhere -- dog parks, out on a walk, particularly if they have the nasty habit that many (and not just Tibetans!) have of eating poop. I have dewormed my pups and had them checked for parasites regularly during their first year. There is nothing abnormal about it. It is part of the crazy life of having a puppy and keeping them happy and healthy. 

You may be missing the information of what has happened in recent months, which we have been following on the Tibetan Terriers group on Facebook. Jeanette had a bad fall a few months ago and was in the hospital and physical rehab for more than two months for severe brain trauma. She is fine now, but we were holding our collective breath and fearful of losing one of the real pillars of the Tibetan Terrier community. 

You might do well to give her a chance to catch up on her paperwork before smearing her on the Internet. 

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