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  • Report:  #1122106



  • Reported By:
    SaskInvestor — Saskatchewan
  • Submitted:
    Sat, February 08, 2014
  • Updated:
    Sun, February 09, 2014
    rgina, Saskatchewan
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If you ever want to see how ugly and dark the underbelly of evil is just take a look at the recent actions of Regina Leader Post Barb Pacholik, Regina Leader Post Marlon Marshall, Saskatchewan Justice FCAA Legal Director Sonne Udemgba and ex-RCMP Saskatchewan Justice FCAA Director, Enforcement Ed Rodonets .

I am an investor of some named companies involved in the FCAA proceedings and  I have stood by with held breath to see what or how they will turn out. I have also stood by too long being quiet and after last week, I just cannot. I have been reading other posts here about the FCAA and felt this may be my only place to be truly heard, so I thought I would give it a whirl and post my truth about the Leader Post and FCAA situation here.

I must say that a Regina Leader Post article on February 6th 2014 by Barb Pacholik Post was not only uncalled for, but was one of the worse forms of bullying I have ever seen in these proceedings against AMP and there has been a lot. There was absolutely no need to place a front page defamatory, slanderous, false and fraudulent article, along with a coloured picture of AMP, for absolutely no reason at all, other than to absolutely destroy AMP with false statements, to belittle her, to ruin her reputation and standing and for what? A few extra bucks to sell your trash paper? Are times that tough? Is business that slow? I can personally tell you that the statements Pacholik quoted as being “true and factual” are not, and Pacholik has attempted to intentionally defraud the Leader Post readership of any truth or accuracy with such statements. For me as an investor, I was personally paid back $150,000 alone, so my payment alone, never mind the other payments I know other investors got, totals WAY MORE than the perjurous testimony of “only $65,000 was paid back to investors total” by FCAA Sandra Novak. The FCAA did not want me as a witness and now I can see why, because I do not hate the defendants and that is who the FCAA picked as witnesses–the people who were aligned mentally with the FCAA – the “haters” such as the ex-boyfriend Ken Kornylo, the fired employee Kevan Huncke and investors who bought into the bull crap the FCAA government was feeding them.

There should have never been an article, like the one you published on the 6th of February, Pacholik and Marshall. There was just no need for this article, it was just plain distasteful, unprofessional and frankly, if I may, unethical. There was nothing new that occurred that warranted printing of any article on her. The Leader Post’s Barb Pacholik printed fraudulent statements, and I know that for a fact, and in addition, these statements were disproved to be false at the Hearing. I am personally telling the public, as an investor, that Pacholik’s statements were not true, nor did she check to see if they were true for I spoke with AMP yesterday. So, my question is why would Pacholik print fraudulent statements proven to be false as “the truth” to intentionally mislead the public? There was evidence at the Hearing that proved your statements in the Feb. 6 2014 article were fraudulent and false. Why do you think the Sask Justice Department’s FCAA closed down the Hearing to the public after this? Because it was being shown and proven, by AMP, that the FCAA staff and directors committed crimes and corruption was running rampant during both the investigation and the Hearing? Funny how the public does not get to hear this. There are many of us who will make sure it gets heard very soon.

Again, there was just no “real” need for any article to be published and printed, never mind on the front page of the paper and with her picture. That was so unbelievable cruel, abusive and outright harassment by the Leader Post (and probably the FCAA had their hand in it). What for? Why? Nothing new happened, no decision was handed down and the Hearing was over. We all believe that someone put you up to this, either someone at the Leader Post to make a fast buck or someone in the government to make sure the attention is taken off of their crimes and corruption. Well, sweetie, you keep thinking like this because real soon your day, and the FCAA’s days of reckoning will be coming and hopefully someone treats you fair, unlike how you treated AMP.  With Pacholik’s help as seen, via her one-sided defamatory February 6th 2014 article, we believe your sole role is to thereby aid and abet in the cover up of the actual corruption, we are and will be exposing against the Saskatchewan Department of Justice’s FCAA Government Division.

Barb Pacholik and Marlon Marshall’s sole intent with this Feb 6th 2014 FCAA article was to ensure that they deliberately discredit, defame, harass and publicly humiliate AMP and thereby discredit the stories of FCAA corruption she is reporting on and the victims of that corruption such as her investors like myself, her family and herself.  Well, it failed as the public is now looking at your character and questioning your ethics in why you would publish such an awful and false story about AMP, out of the blue, when nothing was even going on. I know it is your character I am questioning and not AMP’s. A snake is a snake and the Leader Post crawled pretty low to the ground on this stunt.

I will be the first in line to be a witness for the Defendants AMP, against the government, at the appeal, if the FCAA hands down an unfair decision and the public will be shocked to hear what I will be testifying to as to the lies, bullying, threats, and harassment by the FCAA staff against the investors into forcing them to turn against AMP.


2 Updates & Rebuttals

Expose FCAA Corruption



#3Consumer Comment

Sun, February 09, 2014

Regina Leader Post's Barb Pacholik and Marlon Marshall should be terminated immediately for their fraudulent and defamatory statements in their Feburary 6th 2014 front page article entitled::..Admits.." in regards to CLOSED FCAA government tribunal proceeding, not some court trial as they want to mislead the public about.

Had Pacholik or Marshall or anyone assoicated at their rag of a paper, even attempted to try and get to the truth they would have soon realized that both the FCAA Novak's and Rodonet's statements Pacholik quoted about "only$65,000 being paid back to the investors" and that the defendants spent '$500k" on gaming were both PRVEN TO BE FALSE, Perjurous and intentionally misleading during teh Hearing. So the real question is WHY is the LEADER TRASH printing knowingly false, fraudulent, misleading, defamatory and slanderous statements/comments about the Defendant AP? WE heard that the FCAA government lawyer is behind this and that he apparently called up his PR mouthpiece Pacholik, to run a story with the sole intent to trash the Defendant. We cannot prove this but we were told this by another source. It makes sense because FCAA Sonne Udemgba knows that he and his staff were exposed to this panel and the police for their criminal and corrupt actions and hence that might be why there is a delay in the final decision being handed down.

Several investors came forward on here to confirm their pay-backs and it totals WAY MORE than $65,000 as FCAA Sandy Novak so perjurously stated. In addition, it was proven that no one could confirm if the Defendant gamed and if the card they were reading was even used by the Defendant. The Casino manager himself stated that he could not confirm that this belonged to the Defendant. Worse than this, the dates FCAA Rodonets and Novak say the Defendant was gaming at a Regina Casino, well she was in another country on business for 4 months total and no where near Regina or any casino in Saskatchewan. Mayeb this is why Novak is no longer employed at the FCAA -she got caught with her pants pulled down.We saw the evidence, and we know the turth and had the rag of a paper called the Leader Post even attempted to gathe the truth these past five years, then they would have known it too. But Pacholikd and Marshall are way too busy and have their heads too far up the butts of Udemgba and the FCAA to even care about the truth.

If the FCAA Hearing Panel of Gordon Hamilton, J. Paul Robinson or Pete Carton try to sweep the FCAA governments criminal actions under the rug, then they are playing russian roulette with their own livlihoods, careers and reputations. The criminal acts committed by FCAA Sonne Udemgba, FCAA Ed Rodonets and former FCAA employee Sandy Novak are serious, severe and should warrant a full dismissal, if the Defendants had an impartial panel. As an investor and speaking directly to the Defendants these past few weeks, they are sure they will get an unjust and bias ruling handed down , however many, such as myself, are lined up to support them in appeal and many other regulatory bodies are also waiting in the wings to swoop down on the FCAA if this decision is bias and not fair.

Hamilton should put a stop to Udemgb'a PR parade of defamation and slander against the Defednats via their PR tool, the Leader Post. There shold not be any more fraudulent and defamatory newspaper articles like we all saw on February 6th 2014. Udemgba and Pacholik are doing this, we believe, in an attempt to sway the panel for an unfavoruable decision. WHy else would the Leader Post write a front page, coloured picture article on Febuary 6th when nothing new has happened or occured in about a month? And that article had nothing new to report- Barb Pacholik and Marlon Marshall - just took parts of statements made years ago, twistd them, and then made sure they were presented in a false light manner against the Defendant while not telling the public anything new. In addition, the statements they wrote about have already been proven false, and since the Leader Post does not check facts this is defamation, fraud and slander at its best.

Leader Post and FCAA you are playing with my future as this tyriad of fraud and hate you push out to the public affects all of the invetors and we are innocent. Either play fair and report objectively or shut the F*#k up! But no more of this. This stops now!!

I think we need to start a petition to stop this nonsense already for it hurts us all.

Upset Investor


Another Investor WHo Got Paid but whose payment was NOT COUNTED

#3Consumer Comment

Sun, February 09, 2014

I am also another investor who got paid and whose amount was NOT part of and NOT COUNTED by Sask Justice Government's FCAA Sandy Novak's fraudulent financial presentaion. NOR was it EVER mentioned in Barb Pacholik's fraudulent newspaper artilces on our companie or executives. I got paid back close to $300,000.


Worse than this, do you know that there are investors who were completely off any and all lists of the government during their presentations to the judging panel. Why are those investors missing? One was my cousin.

This hearing was so corrupt, the presentation was so false and the governments in the pocket moutpiece, Pacholik, is so brainwashed or negligent that she has always been incapable of finding any semblance of the truth.

Pacholik, for your information, the Defendant was not able to cross examine in January 2012 because she was ill and in the hospital and the FCAA still went ahead. When she got out, she begged to get her cross examination and they said no, and provided no legal grounds. Get your facts straight.

I petition to have Leader Post's Barb Pacholik fired, along with FCAA Sonne Udemgba and Ed Rodonets (or whatever his real name is as he goes by a few different ones).

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