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  • Report:  #1122857



  • Reported By:
    Pacholik Bias Reporting — California
  • Submitted:
    Tue, February 11, 2014
  • Updated:
    Tue, February 11, 2014

Barb Pacholik qualifies herself as an ethical and professional journalist; however after following her reporting on the FCAA case and her outright bullying, one-sided bias comments and inaccuracies, I do not see her as this at all and call her a fraud. WHY DOES PACHOLIK ONLY AND ALWAYS PRINT ONE SIDE IN HER FCAA ARTICLES?? Are there not TWO sides to any given story? Why are Pacholik and the Leader Post so scared to print the other side’s story? Maybe the Leader Post has something to hide themselves. After all, FCAA Chair Gordon Hamilton admitted on record, at the FCAA Hearing, that Pacholik was printing stories in the Leader Post that were never said or spoken at the Hearing. Is that not fraud? Defamation? Slander? Who only prints one side of a story for 5 years? Who makes up stories then prints them as facts with the intent to harm another? A bully does and so does a biased, impartial, non-integral journalist and its paper corporation. Doesn’t anyone else wonder or find it suspect, that in 5 years; Pacholik has not once printed anything about the Respondent’s side in these FCAA matters. And isn’t it suspect that Pacholik, Marshall, Allnutt and McLaughlin of Postmedia Network and the Leader Post, have never once interviewed the Respondents? Isn’t also suspect that Saskatchewan Department of Justice’s FCAA closed the respondent’s evidence and testimony to the public? Why wasn’t the Respondent’s evidence made public, like how the FCAA’s was? Why all this one-sidedness and secrecy? What is the FCAA and the Leader Post covering up or hiding, is what needs to be asked.

As seen in - on the subject of Journalistic Standards and Ethics is the Society of Professional Journalists. The Preamble to its Code of Ethics states:

...public enlightenment is the forerunner of justice and the foundation of democracy. The duty of the journalist is to further those ends by seeking truth and providing a fair and comprehensive account of events and issues. Conscientious journalists from all media and specialties strive to serve the public with thoroughness and honesty. Professional integrity is the cornerstone of a journalist's credibility.

The Leader Post’s Barb Pacholik is far from ever telling the truth when it comes to this FCAA hearing. In 5 years of covering this FCAA hearing, not once have they even attempted to get the Respondent’s side. We saw proof of letters, from the Respondents to the Leader Post, begging the Leader Post to come and interview them in order to get both sides of the story. We also saw the basically “get lost” letters from the Leader Post back to the Respondents saying that Postmedia Network’s Leader Post has no desire to speak to Respondents or get their side of the story or retract any errors, lies or fraudulent stories.

What type of “professional and/or ethical” journalist or newspaper runs this way? Why don’t they want both sides of this story is what the public needs to ask? Pacholik, who is JUST a reporter, acts as if she is the judge, jury and executioner on this matter when that is not her place. Her ego and pseudo-power (in her head) have got to her and her professionalism, common sense, ethical reporting, accuracy and honesty have gone out the window. Her role and her duty are to report the truth, to REPORT BOTH SIDES and I can assure you, people of Saskatchewan that she has not. She has printed a one-side, bias, character-assassination, opinionated series of stories that is nowhere near to encapsulating the truth. Why would a so called and alleged professional journalist not want, or even attempt to get both sides of the story? Perhaps to cover up her own unethical if not illegitimate actions?

Pacholik’s latest February 6th 2014 newspaper article on the FCAA Hearing, is nothing but one-sided biasness and lies, false representations, half-truths and so many twists and turns that the truth is beyond lost. Why didn’t she quote what the Respondents testified to –how the FCAA witnesses lied and perjured and how the FCAA government investigators allowed corruption and their own criminal acts to take over the investigation and Hearing. We should also ask, why even was there a story printed on the front cover February 6th as nothing new happened with this FCAA proceeding. This FCAA proceeding is done and over, so why Pacholik printing one-sided defamatory articles when nothing is even going on? This is suspect behaviour as well.

NOTE: I am not a named party in any of these proceedings and have no dealings with Pacholik or the FCAA, but I am an associate of some of the Respondents so I needed to make sure to try to get their side told since the Leader Post refuses to.

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