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  • Report:  #1181243

Complaint Review: REJUVIUS and JUVELIERE

REJUVIUS and JUVELIERE This company misrepresented that there was a 30 day trial period, and that each 30 day supply was $4.95. Less than two weeks after my rode twas shipped to me, they charged my credit card $181.00 for the full retail prices of the products. They did not send me any new products. When I called the customer service agent was very They were very dismissive, rude and refused to Greenville, South Carolina South Carolina

  • Reported By:
    DONE with SCAMS! — Sunset Beach California
  • Submitted:
    Mon, October 06, 2014
  • Updated:
    Tue, February 03, 2015

On September 24, 2014, I ordered a 30 day trial sample of two products Juvelieres and Rejuvius, which are skin care products.   I was under the impression that this was a 30 day tsupply/trial.  I did not receive the product till a week later, so why wouldn't I still be under the imporession it's a 30 day trial?  My credit card was charged $4.95 twice on Sept 24th.  On October 5, 2014, my card card was charged twice AGAIN, this time for $87.67 for Rejuvius and, $97.88 for Juveliere, totaling $185.55!!  This company charged my credit card at on the 12th day from the date of my order, but they are claiming it was the 14th day.  I was under the impression it was 30 due to their misleading marketing on their website (now I know they have mulitple domains).  I did not even receive the product till a week after I ordered it!  Obviously the SLOW shipping is so that the customer does not have time to realize that they only have 14 days, not 30 days.   If a company is only giving you 12 days, they should get the product to you faster than a week!  I immediately called my bank to try to dispute the charges and they said it would take 5-10 days to get a reversal.  Then I contacted the company through their 800 number and they initially refused to provide me their address, their fax number and their email address.  

The first customer service rep was snippy and told me, basically, I should have known and to read the (hidden) fine print next time.  The second customer service rep claimed they cold not give out their company address, and that she did not know the address of their corporate headquarters and where it was located.  Big red flag.  Then she said they did not have a fax number.  Then, she said she did not know the company email address, and when I pressed for it, she then said she needed to check with her superviser to get approval to give me their email address.  Which is it?  You don't have one or you can't give it to me?  I waited on hold for the approval, and after about 10 minutes, I asked why it was taking so long?  She became very rude, and replied that she was waiting for her superviser to authorize giving me the company's email address and it was taking a while.  Huh?  So I continued to wait patiently.  Again, I asked why they did not make their email address easy to access.  She got VERY nasty and told me, "I am going to have to put you in a 3-minute 'time out' hold, and then I will come back and talk to you."  NO, I am not kidding.  I repeated this to make sure I heard her correctly.  Again, she threatened to put place me in a "Time Out" as if I was a child.  Then, to add insult to injury, she said, "Why don't you jusy go on our website and get our email address yourself?"  Excuse me?  First I am told there is not email address, then that I cannot have the email address, then I am told that we are awaiting an approval from a superviser, then I am threatened with a "Time Out"... THEN I am told to go look for the email address myself?  Really?  Wow. Well, what happened to the need for a superviser's approval?  Ridiculous, illogical, insulting beyond belief.  IF this company were legit, they would not resort to such shifty practices and and intentional non-disclosure.  This is the epitome of bait and switch.

 I let my guard down for the first time in many years, and ordered a trial online, and in good faith and it bites me.  NEVER again.  It is sad, because I really wanted to try this product.  But the product itself is just awful, the serum is terrible and feelds awful...and the eye cream container does not even seal when closed. Unlike the ad, I did not look younger within minutes.  I and truly embarrassed that I fell for this scheme.  Looking at their website now, it's so obvious that it's bogus.  I would not use this company's skin skin porduct if it were the LAST skin care product left on earth!!   And yes, I persisted and convicned the bank to do provisional reversal.  Bottom line, don't order from this company!


5 Updates & Rebuttals


Dry Creek,

Juvilere & Rejuvius

#6General Comment

Mon, February 02, 2015

I would like to say that this company really is a rip off.  I read the terms and conditions and would like to say that it is impossible to cancel the product. All phone numbers are bogus. To the person that said it was the consumer who is at fault, I would like for you to try and call the phone numbers listed below and mail the company at the address below and see if you get a response. A legitmate company would not post bogus phone numbers. I've pasted the terms and conditions below. They never sent an e-mail.





120 Smith Hines Rd

Geenvill, SC 29607

By placing my order, I agree to the Terms of Offer, which explain this is a one time $4.95 discounted bottle that will be shipped within 48 hours of purchase. After 14 days of your initial order, you will be emailed an order reminder with an order renewal link that will allow you to order again. The price for a 1 month supply is $97.88. You are not obligated to purchase after you receive your discounted order and you can cancel anytime by calling 1-844-607-2488. 



You are a huge jerk

#6General Comment

Wed, October 29, 2014

Hi there,

Really?  You are going to stand up for the company that says, "oh, hey, I'm Amy, and these two products worked better than botox".  Really?  This scam has been around for years.  YOU need to get a new gig.  Look, the first person to write about you and your company was correct.  A special place in HELL is reserved for you.  I only write in caps because that is all you seem to understand.  I have never ordered these types of "combined product" offers, because I realized, hey, really, how weird is that?  Somebody who lives in my same city put these two "miracle" products together, and achieved amazing results.  

You see, some people "get" what you're about.  I know, that pisses you off.  haha.  I am truly smiling as I write this, because I know you are probably red faced reading this.  You're thinking how you are going to respond.  Let me give you one tip.  First off, understand the English language.  Yeah, when you tell somebody to "lose" something, maybe you should know "lose" and "loose" are two different words. Thats just the first thing.  The second is, when you stand up for "online companies", we all know YOU ARE THE ONLINE COMPANY.  HAHAHHAHAHAA.  Karma is real my friend.  There definitely is a special place reserved for you in hell.  I don't care how much money you made off all this, you are, uh, let me put this delicately, S****ED.  (I'm hoping up the a** : ))

Sam Kinison said it well with a comedy bit.  He was talking about an ex who broke it off with him.  He played a sweet melody on the piano to which he sang, "Die b****, die.  I hope an 18 wheeler drags you screaming and broken", or something like that.  I don't have time enough for you to look it up.  Hey, perhaps you want to Youtube it.  Regardless, when you take people's hard earned money on a scam, again, HELL IS WAITING FOR YOU.  I have to smile at that.


Leery Online Shopper


There's a special place

#6General Comment

Thu, October 16, 2014

There is a special place in HELL for people (companies) like this. I am disgusted by the response of the company to the complaint. Even though my jaw dropped while reading the original report, I was not completely surprised by it- as the company/ads seemed a little off to me. Which is why I started to read reviews prior to ordering. It is companies like yours that makes consumers leery of purchasing online and through unknown companies.

Its disgusting that you think you can respond to a customer the way that you did. And furthermore, all she needs to do is provide her bank with your so eloquently put response and file an official complaint with the BBB and the bank will GLADLY permanently refund her money, and keep an investigation open with your company to see if more complaints come in from various banking members. You think you know so much and talk a big game, but you should check your facts before you start spouting them off in an open forum.

I know that Karma is real, and I really hope that you never see when yours is coming because it's gonna hit you like you never thought.


Sunset Beach,

Juveliere Skin Care Company's rebuttal to my complaint just proves and confirms how shockingly unprofessional they are!

#6Author of original report

Mon, October 06, 2014

Wow.   I don't need to say another word. This rebuttal proves, and confirms, my valid complaint that this company is shockingly unprofessional.   Pathetic.




#6General Comment

Mon, October 06, 2014

 TOO FUNNY!!!!! Why is it ALWAYS the online businesses fault for doing ONLY what YOU instructed them to do?? I KNOW what it is, and its NOT that you let your guard down. Its that YOU DID NOT READ!!! ALL of the terms and conditions are right there when you put in your payment information. The ONLY problem is that YOU DID NOT READ WHAT YOU WERE AGREEING TOO!!!!! YOU are in for a big surprise!!! See the bank gave you a PROVISIONAL credit, yet once this online business faxes over the information showing that YOU AGREED to the TRIAL MEMBERSHIP you are going to loose that credit. Which means that YOU are going to lose trust with your bank as well. ALL of this could have been avoided if you had ONLY READ!!!!!! Are you NOT an adult??? Do you ALWAYS blame others for the mistakes that YOU make?? Can you not accept that YOU SCREWED UP??? No its MUCH better to blame THEM because THEY are a online company. YOU are under the mistaken impression that YOU are in the right even when YOU ARE WRONG!!!!! See everything YOU do is logged somehow and someway. YOU personally are neither smart enough OR skilled enough to be able to hide out on the web. So all that online business has to do is show that the order came from the IP Address that is assigned to YOU and not only will you lose the money the bank gave you, you will lose any trust you had with the bank because what YOU are doing is SCAMMING!!!!!! Oh Im 100% sure YOU have justified this in that cracked melon that you call a head, but there is a REALITY here that YOU are choosing to ignore. YOU entered in YOUR payment information. YOU agreed WITHOUT READING the terms and conditions of the sale. YOU did NOT cancel in the timeframe allowed to avoid charges. YOU tried to do a backend return to get back money that WAS NOT yours to get back. YOU ARE A SCAMMER!!!! Period, end of story. Go away and just stay off the web. Its dumb people like yourself that make online shopping a nightmare. YOU DID THIS ALL TO YOURSELF AND REFUSE TO ACCEPT THE RESPONSIBILITY OF YOUR ACTIONS!!!! You blame others for what is CLEARLY your fault.

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