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  • Report:  #1174994

Complaint Review: Renaissance Charter School Saint lucie West Florida

Renaissance Charter School Saint lucie West, Florida Is Renaissannce Charter School Putting Profits Ahead Of Education! Port Saint Lucie Florida

  • Reported By:
    Parent — Port Saint Lucie Florida
  • Submitted:
    Sun, September 07, 2014
  • Updated:
    Sun, September 07, 2014

“I cannot live without books,” stated Thomas Jefferson.

RenaissanceCharterSchool, in Saint Lucie West…..Tel: 772-344-598 began its new school year on Monday August 18. Usually the first few days of school may be a bit bumpy. Normal.

I looked in my fourth grader’s book bag to see what work was done and what textbooks are being used. I saw no textbook but I saw loose sheets with class work. About the third day I ask his class teacher to please have him sign out a math and language art textbooks so that I can use it in helping him with his homework. These are the two most important subjects; in fact that’s what the core exams are fundamentally about.

She stated that she could not. There were not enough books available. She could send CDs. I told her I was not looking for a new book; an old one from last year is okay. I explain that the books seem to go a little more in-depth in explaining step-by-step each topic. Also, I would appreciate the CDs as additional resources.

A science, social studies, and a language art work book were sent home the second week.

I asked again about the math and reading. At the end of the week, almost at the end of the school day, Friday August 29th, I got nothing, NOT EVEN THE PROMISED CDs. In the meantime homework is being sent home. Quite noticeably, notes to me in red ink, from the class teacher, ensued. I addressed this; I stated that it was seen as rude, in my culture. In response, my child’s class teacher stated that she saw nothing wrong with this as the teachers at the school use this everyday to correct and to write notes, AND if I had a problem with the red ink notes, I should go to the administrators there at the school! Again, I told her that for correction it was okay but not to write notes or letters. In response she did two more red ink notes!

Anyway I called the corporate office in Fort Lauderdale; tell them I am very close to going to the media. Only then at almost around 5 pm, the principal, Nicole Luicci, who was very terse on the phone, sent me the ISBN for the math textbook. Yes, ELEVEN DAYS AND NUMEROUS REQUEST before I receive the textbook.

Update: On Tuesday September 2nd I finally got a used textbook. For this I’m grateful.

Should there be anyone out there going through hell, please call 954-202-3500 and ask for the parent assistant conflict and resolution department. If that does not help PLEASE GO TO THE MEDIA. MY CHILD WAS HIT BY A TEACHER AT THIS SAME SCHOOL AND I HAVE BEEN GIVEN THE RUN-A-ROUND EVEN THOUGH I COMPLAINED TO A VICE-PRINCIPAL, A PRINCIPAL, AND A SASHA AT THE SAME 954-202-3500 WHEN I CALL TO TELL ABOUT THE TROUBLE I WAS HAVING IN HAVING EVEN AN OLD TEXT BOOK SENT HOME OR THE ISBN FOR THE MATH AND READING BOOK. If a student had hit a teacher it would be all over the news from the get-go . . .

Back to the fourth grade school teacher, she found the time to be deliberately rude, whereas she did not continue on fulfilling her commitment to provide the CDs, the used textbook, or even the ISBN for the math and reading books that I later requested after getting nothing.

At the end of the first week the vice-principal Ms. Christiana Coburn called. She informed me that books were on backorder. I told her, just as I did the class teacher, that a used book from last year is okay. She said that since I was flexible with a used book then she would send one.

On the phone I also got a lot of “attitude” from the principal, Nicole Luicci, even though she followed up with a mellow email. The principal on the phone informed me that, “there will be no textbooks that will be sent home because RenaissanceCharterSchool no longer uses text books. Everything is online. They had halted the use of textbook and in is using a new program.”

Wow! When anyone think school – the thought of teachers, students, books, and computers is inevitable.

If RenaissanceCharterSchool, Saint Lucie West is phasing out textbook, why then is the handbook stating that – students must turn in textbooks at the end of the year? So misleading……..

If the administrators made such a big decision, why was it done in such TOP SECRET?

It has to be if parents and guardians are not informed.

FULL DISCLOSURE is what is needed here. Parents and guardians should have been informed that RenaissanceCharterSchool in Saint Lucie West is no longer using textbooks and the students will therefore no longer have the privilege to checkout textbooks. Also parents will not be allowed to get ANY INFORMATION as to the title/publisher/ISBN of any of the materials being used as teaching resources; that is the student version……IT IS TOP SECRET.

This disclosure should be signed by the present principal, Ms. Nicole Luicci, the one who told me this.

The principal and the vice principal have stated things that just weren’t making sense:

That a new program meant new books, but even though school was open and they still have not received them as of yet . . .  was not making much sense. And why would you be getting new books if you were no longer using them in the classrooms or allowing students to take them home! So confusing and misleading.

It would take ANOTHER SCHOOL WEEK AND A CALL TO THE COPORATE OFFICE BEFORE I was given the ISBN for the main text math book that is used in the class! Yes. Not until Friday, August 29th, 2014 

I still have not gotten the name of the novels that they are reading in class. It seems to be TOP SECRET, AS IF PART OF A COVERT OPERATION AND I DARE NOT QUESTION THEM ABOUT THIS. In dealing with the class teacher, the vice principal, and the principal I’ve had to ask myself; Am I in America or Russia?  

I now wonder, why the board of Trustee decides to put profits above education.

“I CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT BOOKS,” are words that were spoken by Thomas Jefferson, it still rings through today.

I am among many parents who have donated stationary. Additionally, I believe that these charter schools receive grants and money from different sectors. BUT IT IS A RIPPOFF IF SCHOOLS STARTS TO DENY STUDENTS ACCESS TO BOOKS – if they cannot sign out books, then they need to purchase them. However without revealing the books… boils down to denial. Students being denied access to the children’s version of textbooks used in the school for their grade level.

Certainly we now live in a technological age, but both books and computers serve vital purposes. Moreover, some parents are not versed with computers but could quite effectively teach their child from a book. This is being involved. This fosters better learning.


Simply put; this is a teacher’s guide to teaching and likewise a map for the student to see which academic pathway will be taken, at certain times, throughout the school year.

The class teacher stated she had none. The vice principal, Christiana Coburn stated that they have one that is customized for the school and will send one home. Today is September 3, 2014 . . . the beginning of the third week since school opened for the new school year. No such luck. I was however given a website to go on and a link to access a general syllabus used in the state of Florida just not that customized one that they follow.

UPDATE: I finally receive one on Friday 5th 2014. The end of the third week.

HOMEWORK – This school has a policy, as does many other schools that parents should sign the homework that is written in the agenda. I do this but I believe teachers should sign the said homework when it is turned in AND it should be marked as well. Teaching is a two-way street. Parents signing are showing that they are aware that the child has homework. When that homework is turned in the teacher needs to give receipt of such….via a signature!

This is now agreed upon.

However, if something is incorrect, don’t expect the teacher to mark/correct it. So the child will not know what is correct or not. Ms. NICOLE LUICCI states that, “teachers here at Renaissance are not required to mark homework assignments. It is given to merely see what they can do!”

So all the time the homework will be given to see what the student can do, so when will the work be marked and the teaching begins?

UPDATE: Signature is placed on homework but it is not marked. Meaning whatever is incorrect is ignored!

Three main things seem to be the mantra at RenaissanceCharterSchool in Saint Lucie West.

  3. BAD COMMUNICATION; RED INK NOTES (from the class teacher),  AND RUDENESS, especially from the principal, as well.

To have a building erected and put a name on it, then to later deceive people that it is a school, when it is primarily a business venture is stomach turning. It’s time for the state, government, and the board of education to investigate and find out what is really going on in these institution. I believe the actions of the vice-principal and the principal was deliberate in an attempt to deceive and mislead me for it was too much of a bother to address the issue of text book; send one home or send the ISBN. I finally received this in an email on Friday August 29th around 5 pm AFTER I called the corporate office in Fort Lauderdale; 954-202-3500.

Yes, I believe that a charter school that cannot even follow the crucial parts of its own handbook should be SHUT DOWN until they fix the problem. Only those that have a clear vision and mission that it adheres to, should be allowed to operate.

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