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Replica Fashions ripoff take money and don't send product Montreal Canada
Replica is a complete rip off. I ordered a bag from them on September 30th and never received the bag. They took my money and sent an email saying they have placed my order.
I also got an email by world pay saying I have paid for my order. I have sent over 10 emails and have never received a response. They claim to answer all emails within 24 hours and ship items in 7 business day.
Please be aware of this piece of s**t company who steals your money. I wish I had known about this site before ordering. I will never order anything off the internet again.
Houston, Texas
1 Updates & Rebuttals
Get Money Back from replica rip off
#2Consumer Suggestion
Thu, October 30, 2003
I called world pay, the company that created the transaction between me and replica fashions. A helpful persopn indicated that I should contact the Bank of which my credit card was issued.
I called the bank and they are handling the restitution of my money.
That transaction will cause me a little inconviniece while waiting on a new card and while the bank investigats the fradulant charge, but it is wortht he wait.
Internet rip off is becoming a huge problem and the retrieval rate of money is about 98%.