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  • Report:  #312822

Complaint Review: Rich Bellon - Legal Research Institute - Legal Research And Assoc.

Rich Bellon - Legal Research Institute - Legal Research And Assoc. Intellectual Theft; Theft by charisma; Plagiarism; Scam Defense Against IRS; The Traffic Book Theft Scam Formerly Of Redding, California Internet

  • Reported By:
    Redding California
  • Submitted:
    Thu, February 28, 2008
  • Updated:
    Thu, February 28, 2008
  • Rich Bellon - Legal Research Institute - Legal Research And Assoc.
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RICH BELLON; In More Detail (FEB2008)
Once again it is my guess and fear Rich Bellon is shooting for the clouds looking for his next sucker; he now has two wonderful looking websites set up to promote his self-proclaimed conservative family values, using his children and wife, with their own cute Yahoo site, a little color, and his gift for flair to cover up what I found years ago to be a darkened, egotistic, emaciated soul. Thus, since I am partly responsible for the creation of wanna-be-lawyer/activist/ Rich, assisting in giving him the tools he needed to take financial advantage of the weak and vulnerable, I feel the responsibility to do what I can to warn those who may lie within his path.

I have nothing to sell you, my public persona isnt worth a dime, and I like it that way. I proudly drive a big truck for a living, study Politico/socio Science, early American History, and constitutional law. My studies extend from my curiosity and zest for life and from a deep sense of patriotism Ive acquired due to my lifes experiences. It is because of my lousy childhood; the ensuing drug use and crime-ridden juvenile years; then the eventual life-changing turn around that demands I do the right thing now, as a patriotic adult American. It is in this light that I feel a great sense of responsibility for what I do and how I may influence people. T

hus, when I heard Rich was actually peddling underground books, one being a plagiaristic work, and some others being full of my own words (and research), with all of them being highly misleading and damaging to anyone who might take action in concert with their contents, I feel duty bound to respond. Richs webpages are set up, in my opinion, to help him sell himself as some kind of upstanding citizen. However, in my experience, he is anything but upstanding. I found Richs blogspot, and his mentioning of a very important Lady author, teacher and true patriot--, Mrs. Robbins, by accident a few weeks ago just one day before my wife and I left for our well earned Hawaiian vacation.

After returning home I felt duty bound to contact the 87 year old Mrs. Robbins, a wonderful, elderly, born-again Christian lady who assisted me in the semantic sciences while I was working on the early version of what eventually became, IRS Under Indictment. I contacted her to let her know her name was being misused again by Rich Bellon. Naturally, Mrs. Robbins was very saddened by the news. But she also demonstrated her still intact, keen memory for details (read Richs blogspot, sub-entitled, Libel and Slander-Rich Bellon and the following will make more sense).I read to Mrs. Robbins the portion of Richs rant that included her name. She paused -- thinking back, back to the naughty days of our (Rich and myself) divisional foreplay.

I had long forgotten about most of the events as I simply went on with my life, happy Rich was gone. But Mrs. Robbins remembered. I forgot about any copier being a part of the fiasco, but Mrs. Robbins remembered. She remembered how Rich aimed in on the copy machine, attempting to claim it for his own. This fax machine was a donation I made to a start-up radio station here in town. You see, I had the misfortune of knowing some of the same folks Rich knew, and around the time I left the club I was also downsizing my contact with the underground. I had, at my house, an old Brothers 3-in-1 printer which my wife insisted was too bulky for our quaint home, so I donated it to an acquaintance who was trying to reestablish himself by starting up a small radio station.

The coincidence of my copier being similar to the one Rich mentions in his blogspot rant is because I am the one who bought the one for the club, going where I had gone before, to Best Buy for another Brother! brand machine. Perhaps thats also why poor Rich also was not able to come up with the receipt; because he didnt buy that one either! (When Rich sues me -HA!- I will be going back through credit card receipts.)

Anyway, back to my story:Its also my guess Rich and family had quite a celebration when my friend Bob Hogue passed away. Bob was so distraught about Rich using his (Bobs) name during the first few years Rich was up in the Idaho area working on his next conquest. I have no doubt part of what led to Bobs death was the stress and hopelessness he felt in his giant, soft heart over Richs never-ceasing shenanigans. No, I havent kept up with what Rich has been doing all these years.

But based on what I know about Rich, and based on a few phone calls Ive received over the past 10+ years from concerned folks Rich was propositioning, there is no doubt in my mind Rich is that same con-man he proved himself to be when I was a part of the non-legitimate club we defiantly named Legal Research and Associates (aka. Legal Research Institute and he published under the fake heading of Advantage Publishing) here in Redding, Ca. back in the mid-nineteen nineties. Defiant? Yea, not a lawyer, paralegal, or even a college grad among us!Just the name Legal Research Institute should have been enough to bring the local authorities down on us. However, as I look back, we were so undisruptive to the local court system they probably never even got wind of us. What we did was pervert the original intent of the real founder of our parent group, the late Bob Hogue.


Bob was an old, cantankerous truck driver who became rightfully enraged over the degree of suffocating control involving Californias Rules-of-the-Road. He got together some of his trucker buddies for the purpose of learning about how they could best protect themselves against an encumbering, ever-increasing system regulating their on-the-road world. But after Rich came into the picture (just shortly before I did) he quickly wiggled himself into the drivers seat and most of the regulars faded away into the shadows; some quickly saw through Rich for what he was. The rest were either intimidated by Richs aggressive personality, or were simply left feeling unimportant. But some of us, excited about the flare, exuberance, and what seemed to be patriotic enthusiasm of Rich, dug in our heels, cracked open the law books and began debating and studying. (At this time I owned and worked a muffler shop; I did my best to balance my time between the shop and Legal Research.

But when I had my final scrape with the law over a traffic infraction the eventual jail sentence signed the end of my income. I had to shut the doors while I was at the cross bar hotel, then sold all the major equipment, returned the inventory and basically became another unemployment statistic after my release. For a short period of time after closing the doors I worked for Rich at his radiator shop. But soon he too was out of business.)When all the dust cleared, left standing was a grower and ardent user of marijuana, B.E. Smith; a bent-out-of-shape, soon-to-retire truck driver, Bob Hogue; and little ole me, an abused and neglected child of the Fifties -- a drug addicted and defiant teen of the Sixties -- an ex-con-then seeker-of-the-truth in the Seventies a Navy Seabee and Marine of the Eighties -- and a family man and muffler shop owner/proprietor of the early Nineties. We ended up glued together as a small rogue group hell bent on bringing down Californias court system, headed by the flamboyant, charismatic, fresh faced, Rich Bellon.

What a salesman Rich could be! All of us were caught up in the dream of just how far we might actually go how much change we could muster for the better-- with Rich being our PR man! I was sucked in by the potential of a promised 50% of the revenue we were going to generate from an explosive book I was going to write (with Rich and Bobs input of course); a book that was going to set the Congress and the IRS on their proverbial ear! I was blinded by fame, fortune, AND the chance to help return America to a literal interpretation of our great Constitution. As time went on Richs true nature slowly began showing itself. First to become increasingly agitated was Bob.

He clearly didnt like Rich much and within a few months he actually became quite vocal about it, though still hoping for the best. Bob buried himself in the law books, seldom getting involved in the daily activities of our legal misdeeds. He seemed to come alive in late evenings when the only ones left in the office were him and me; we would often discuss his days readings, mostly about state and federal incorporation. He probably had a high school diploma, but nothing more.B.E. was a different kind of guy. I liked him right off; pretty quiet, in and out a lot, very independent, mostly doing his own thing, meaning no harm to a living soul. B.E. was one of those embattled Vietnam vets who just didnt talk much about his past.

He was really sharp on the working-mans approach to applying the law from a natural law point of view (I learned the most from him getting the basics of how the court system gains impersona and subject matter jurisdiction, as well as a pretty solid foundation on how to find the natural law written into our Codes). His personal focus, when left undisturbed, was pretty much on the origins of state (fed) marijuana control such as the Harrison Act (a subject a bit unnerving to a paranoid ex-con, wanna-be tower of virtue such as I). But relative to real accomplishments, B.E. created an impressive freedom booklet about the rules of the road, complete with a narrating mascot named Bufert. I believe I heard B.E. finished high school. And there was me, the most educated of the bunch, a 10th grade drop-out who finally earned a GED while sitting, and otherwise rotting, in Shasta County jail back in about 1975.

At the time we met I had almost two years worth of college credits, mostly focused on Political Science and Police Administration. I could actually type (20 wpm!) and form relatively cognitive thoughts on paper; what a blessing for our collective future since Rich at the time couldnt even decipher the difference between sale, sell, sail, or there, theyre, and their (I coached him on many occasions). I was the primary writer of the group. Early on my focus and interest was on understanding the natural law and its evolution into statutorial code (thanks to the brilliance of Oliver Wendell Holmes). And from the very beginning I kept notes lots of notes- I even kept duplicate notes on my home computer so I could work in undisturbed silence. Back and forth the little now antique 3 inch floppies. I still have several of them with lots of information, including the first book I actually put together, The Traffic Ticket Scam. I didnt publish it because I thought such an act would be very irresponsible, causing more harm then good.


We periodically drove around like idiots without license plates on our vehicles -mostly speeding from alley way to alley way- turning right at a moments notice if/when we smelled a cop, bragging about it to friends and potential clients who Rich then could pressure or swindle to make a donation to our misguided patriot cause.

Lets see, although we did have some legitimate wins, most of our self-proclaimed wins were from speeding clients who were lucky enough to find that the ticketing officer was unable to show up for court, or from an otherwise sympathetic judge who respected a citizens chutzpah, standing up to the system. Believe me though, our luck began changing within a few short months when it seemed to me that the court began wising up to some of the similarities they began hearing from pro se litigants.

Our research and studies soon changed from traffic tickets to the IRS and an income tax defense; Rich got himself into some difficulties with the IRS after reading Vulture in Eagle Clothing, by Lynn Meredith. B.E. had a local radio show for a while on which I did several guest appearances, and we also did a local public television show with me as the guest rabble-rouser with my ranting dialogues becoming a regular part of the series; I was the shows Andy Rooney. In a nut shell, we found mostly young hot-rodders, welfare cases, and authority-challenged indigent rabble rousers looking for a way to beat a ticket- coached them about our version of their rights in court- then stood back while they stood tall in front of a judge. (I regret the pain and suffering, and in some cases, the ensuing criminal record, resulting from what our club produced. What we did was wrong; I got out of it Rich, on the other hand, is continuing to build his life and career upon it.)In short, Rich ended up loosing his house to unpaid taxes, and in federal prison for beating up on a sixty-some year old female IRS process server; I ended up with 5 weeks in jail for (allegedly) burning rubber then refusing to sign the subsequent ticket; B.E. ended up in state prison for cultivation; and Bob, the smart one, finally slipped out the back door one day and never looked back.

The last one left with Rich and his illustrious family was me. There were no others except his mommy and daddy. After Bob left Richs mommy and daddy became more and more consistent fixtures in the office. Then came Richs wife, and some other Bellon family member who was at that time also dealing with some legal problems. When these relatives moved in, I was becoming the odd man out, but still not taking the hint. (It was during this time that Rich began pushing me to work fulltime ONLY on book #2, IRS Under Indictment.)When IRS Under Attack, went to print I was excited about the possibilities. But what came back was not exactly what I gave to him for printing. Yes, the meat of the book was exactly what I copied, virtually word for word. But right off I had a problem when I saw the cover.

I expected the book to give full credit to Defensible Position, and its actual author, Bob Singleton, and the Federal Research Institute (FRI) from Salt Lake City. Rich showed me the first copy of IRS Under Attack, with his name as the author, identifying him as the leader of the Legal Research Institute, all on the cover. He then turned the book over, showing me what he identified as an endorsement --made by me-- for this book.

With a sympathetic gesture, he then quietly led me into his office, closed the door and set out to convince me there was a real plan in all of this deceit(my word). Rich reiterated his promise to me that he had permission from the FRI to republish Defensible Position, and he now added that the publishers agreed we (the club) could claim the words as our own in order to maximize our ability to sell and defend it. He explained this had to be done because of the impact it would have and the onslaught (my word) of negative attention it would generate. Rich also explained oh so carefully why it was imperative that my name was not prominent on the book due to my long ago criminal past. He harped on this issue for several minutes, until I finally explained what my greatest concern was- I made it clear, as I had in the past, I dont care about personal fame. But I am (was) concerned about the reputation of Legal Research and the fraud of plagiarism. Rich ensured me it was best within the big picture for us to embrace the book as our own, continuing to reiterate that we had full permission. I begrudgingly agreed because I did not want to stand in the way of what was best for America; my past and my patriotism allowed me to continue, with blinders intact.From this meeting on there was a different air a different flavor around the office. Richs parents, and others of his family, became regular fixtures around the office during this time frame. I felt uncomfortable around most of them and found solace by diving into creating what would be our first legitimate book.

During the time I worked on the first book I generated tons of notes as I researched various issues I came across in Defensible Position. Ninety-five percent of what I learned about the IRS and the Code came from the research I did, often way into the wee hours of the night in the down stairs office. As I continued typesetting, and studying the related Code, I came up with additional perspectives on how to address what I perceived as the perversion of constitutional intent. I compared what Id learned from B.E. about the natural law, looking feverishly for it in the applicable codes, finding many usable fingerprints.

The idea of a second IRS book came to me one night as I took some time to arrange all of thes notes. I put them on a floppy disk and presented them to Rich about two months before the first book went to print. When it did go to print (I had a time span of about two months before it came back) I had little to do around the office so I began on my own, on a whim, separating my notes and putting headings on the various subjects. One day Rich came to me with some roughly typed information he added to the original notes I gave him weeks earlier this was the beginning of what turned into IRS Under Indictment.

Over in Richs office, Rich and his family were busy with some real estate related issue the Uncle was going through. My guess is that their problem also included the IRS because periodically Rich would bring me some floppy disk writings that were all mostly gobbleygook phrases related to the Code or a specific legal form related to income tax. These garbled writings would be fashioned like sentences and paragraphs in normal type size. But then as I would pan down, Id see these big bold letters TAKE IT AWAY BRUCE! Rich really thought he was putting down some serious writings! At one point I tried to imagine what was transpiring over in his office:> the less-than-literate parts of his family were probably sitting around Richs desk, all of them with a Code book open in their laps, batting around various moronic ideas. Someone would burst out with an idea and Rich at six misspelled words a minute was trying to type out some bright idea (the image was quite funny to me at the time). I had to go through all of the writings, doing my best to understand the thought process, and make some sort of sense out of it from a readers perspective.

The next few weeks were pretty emotionally charged due to this process; Rich and I had some heated conversations over the changes I insisted that had to be made. I still have some of those floppy disks and they would still be quite funny to read through IF it all wasnt so pathetic. I am sure a judge would find them .. interesting. (In fact, I still have a few copies of The California Ledger, Nor Cal Eagle, and The Other Side newspapers, published in 1994-1996 containing some articles I wrote. Compare writing styles and in some cases, the word-for-word sentences and paragraphs-- with the wording in the first printing of IRS Under Indictment, The Traffic Ticket Scam, and some other Richy-publications would be very fruitful .)

After I had about a hundred and fifty decent pages of writings Rich got the idea of hiring a real editor to take a look at what we had up to that point. Boy, this was a mistake! Rich actually hired a fire cracker intellectual who was actually insistent on giving us her best. She hit the ground running, and there were some very heated conversational arguments about the procedural content we were generating. Every time I turned around she was finding issues Rich wanted in the book that were simply so outrageous she would come unglued. She quit in total disgust within only a few days. Her last words to Rich were yelled from the parking lot; something like, Get an education!

Next, at my request (something I am very sorry about), Rich brought in Mrs. Robbins (the one mentioned above) to work with me as an editor. That only lasted for about a week or so too. I learned a lot during that time about tenses and proper --and using minimal-- verbiage (please dont blame Mrs. Robbins for my herein poor writing; I was a lousy student and its been a lot of years since!).

Shortly after Mrs. Robbins departure, I too hit the road. The second book was nearly done and Rich put it on hold for a reason I did not at the time understand. My money reserves were also running low and I had to find a paying job. Tension was running high in the office and I suspected everything was close to collapsing. A few weeks went by since my last visit to the office when I got a phone call from Rich; he wanted me to stop by the office. When I walked in I saw Richs mom step into the back room Richs office and quickly close the door. I thought something was up and made my way to the door. Paul, Richs dad, stepped in front of me blocking the door. I moved him out of the way and stepped inside. Rich took a quick look at me and his lily white face turned all shades of pink and red. He was talking on the phone to someone about Ecstasy, a relatively new (at the time) underground date drug.

He hung the phone up as I looked around the office. I saw a few boxes of books and an open odd shaped smaller box. I walked over to it and saw bottles and bottles marked Ecstasy. I turned around and walked straight out of the office, down the stairs and out towards my car. When I got to the parking lot Rich stepped out on the balcony and called my name. I paused, not looking back. What you gonna do Bruce, Rich yelled? I got into my car and have never laid eyes on Rich again. At the time I didnt know if Ecstasy was legal or not, but I knew it wasnt a good thing. I was also so stunned by all the drama over the past few months, emotionally torn over what to do. But reality finally hit me and I knew it was over. It took a sledgehammer to make it sink in, but finally I woke up from my dream.

A few days later, the cops came knocking at my home. Two detectives came in to discuss an alleged break-in at Legal Research. They asked me a series of questions and told me a report had been filed naming me as a suspect in a break-in that included the theft of a computer (they might have also mentioned a fax machine but I do not remember that). They also told me some blank checks had been found around the corner from my home at an apartment complex near a dumpster; those checks, they said, were allegedly stolen during the break-in. I asked if they knew there was in fact a break-in and the answer was interesting they told me (Im quoting to the best of my memory) it looks like their might have been a break-in because apparently the offices front door was lifted off its hinges. The detectives asked for permission to look around, which I happily allowed. One of them spotted my home computer and asked of he could look more closely at it. He checked the brand and wrote down its serial number. There was some more small talk about my involvement with Legal Research and they soon made their way to the front door. One said something like, Sorry to bother you Mr. Hedrick.

If there are any further developments we will be in touch. They never came back. (The only time since that Ive seen a Bellon was when Paul came by my home to try to intimidate my wife. You can read about that below)Several weeks went by with no word no contact with Rich or his illustrious family. Periodically over the next few months I had the cause to drive down the road where the club was located.

On one particular occasion I noticed it looked like the office was now vacant. So, on a whim I visited the complex manager and asked about that particular office space. The manager said he would meet me over there in a few minutes with the keys. I walked up the stairs, looked the door over, looked around for onlookers, then tried to lift the door off its hinges; not a chance! The door top hit the upper frame AND the dead bolt hit the top of the cutout hole it recedes into, both at the same time. There was less than an inch of travel for the door to move upwards. I then waited for the manager to make his way up to unlock the door.

Once open I simply grabbed it and lifted it up. The door had to move upwards of 3 inches before it came out of its hinges! I had to wonder if the cops did the same test. This particular office was a relatively new additional space for Legal Research that Rich had moved into a month or so prior to the alleged break-in. Even he admitted to the cops I never had a key to it. Sounds to me, and apparently to the cops, like an inside job.There is no doubt in my military mind as to what happened: Rich had several reasons to get rid of me in a way that got me COMPLETELY out of the way, including tainting any potential story I might tell to the cops. I am sure he was on pins and needles for the few days (or weeks Im not sure about the exact timeline) that elapsed after I spotted the Ecstasy; no doubt, as soon as I left the building the Ecstasy was moved! He also apparently had been planning or waiting for the right time to get me out of the picture so he wouldnt have to deal with me about the promised fifty percent of the revenue from the materials I worked on.

My guess is that his plan was to stretch it out a little more, but when I stormed out of the office that final time, he saw an opportunity that was too hard for his cold, calculating heart to pass up. Rich and/or The Family spread those checks around near my home, possibly then lifted the door off its hinges, and called the police. Ironically, I did not know the legal status of the date drug, and secondly, I was fairly certain by that time neither of the IRS books were going to make any sizable splash on the market; I had no plans to return anyway. And I had no idea at the time about Richs plans to steal my computer-created traffic book. (note: Even though I have a copy of The Traffic Ticket Scam book he published, I have not taken the time to read through it so I cannot say ALL of the published book is mine. But I have looked close enough to tell you with certainty the vast majority of it is untouched from what I have on floppy disk.

For instance --and if you know Rich and have access to the 1st addition printing, take a look at page 1, Introduction, third paragraph. The writer of the book describes his truck and a traffic ticket encounter involving a cop with an important mission to seek out and intimidate all who refuse to bow down to the Man. The truck was mine, the ticket was mine, and the eventual win in the Supreme (appellate) Court was all mine and mine alone, with a little input from B.E. You see, Rich not only stole my work in whole, he didnt even take the time to read what he took to the printer. Hes a low life for stealing my work.

But he is even worse for having the careless fortitude the total lack of empathy and compassion to print something anything and sell it to such a vulnerable sector of misguided Americans. Years have gone by now. Periodically I checked in with Bob to see how he was doing and there always seemed to be another (stressful to Bob) story about what Rich was doing. Over the years I heard from Bob about Rich stealing some phones from him and that Rich was using Bobs name and social security number on various legal documents up in the Idaho area. Bob told me once that the books I wrote were apparently selling pretty well, that at one point he saw tons of boxes of them on a dock somewhere being shipped out. He also told me Rich had bought some land up in Idaho from sales of the books. According to Bob, he contacted the Idaho police but could not get any serious cooperation.A few years ago I was contacted by a lawyer up there and was asked if I would be willing to answer some questions over the phone in front of a judge regarding the character of Rich Bellon. Part of the questioning had to do with Richs previously entered testimony about being some big-wig writer. The prosecution, on a speaker phone, asked me some questions about myself and about authorship of IRS Under Attack. I explained who the real author was and the testimony was pretty much over. A few days later I got a call from a lawyer who was representing the actual defendant ( a guy up against Rich in what I perceived to be an attempt at a hostile take-over by Rich of some other familys water bottling company).

His lawyer told me the judge believed my testimony and that his client, not Rich, won the case. I felt some vindication.There was no payroll at the Legal Research club. No business license, no written or registered partnership. I was an employee for a short time at his radiator shop, but that was the total extent of any involvement I had with Rich regarding any regular, or irregular, income. At times I got a few dollars from Rich to go buy supplies and whatnots for the office, but nothing came my way as compensation or otherwise relative to my time and expertise at Legal Research. I went flat broke volunteering my time there for more than two years.I cant even come close to the wonderful language and feel of Richs family oriented websites; what a great way to create fuzzy warm feelings in the bellys of those looking to save their own families from the mean ole Tax Reaper!

I come from a highly dysfunctional upbringing, spent nearly seven years behind bars between 13 and 23 years of age. But then, I do have a few redeeming moments that suggest to some open-minded folks I might be worthy of some modicum of citizenry respectability: been with my wife now for 27 years (shes never had a ticket or a moment of trouble with the law in her life); spent 7 years in the military back in the 1980s 3 Navy and 4 in Marine Corp shave 5 law abiding adulthood children; and at 50 years old, put my life on hold to join the National Guard in 2005 to help support the freedom loving people of Iraq.

I just this past December (2007) got off active duty after 2 years of service including a year in Iraq and a year as an Army instructor stationed in El Paso, Tx. teaching deploying soldiers how to stay alive. And I, unlike Rich, have nothing to sell you, have no plans to sell you anything, and am not concerned about some ridiculous public persona. I actually have a conventional job, own a home and two late model cars, all fully paid for, and even own a (heavily encumbered) timeshare in Hawaii.Richs blog mentions he fired me from the club before (his?) books were published. But apparently he is forgetting about records. Printing companies keep lots of records.

And we also have a police report with certain time frames noted. I have the original books, floppies, newspapers, as well as notarized statements from folks in-the-know. Bobs wife remembers I was still at the club when the first book was out, and Mrs. Robbins remembers helping me, at the club office, edit the second book. Even if Mrs. Robbins isnt sure which book we were editing, I can prove she didnt help with the first book; I have the original copy of Defensible Position, and it is word for word the same contents of IRS Under Attack. His blog is aimed at intimidation. But Richs primary purpose for his fancy websites is not to intimidate me (he knows better), but to try and counteract what Ive written so he can continue sucking in more unbeknownst clients into his lair of deceit, corruption and eventual destruction.
****Heres my statement Rich: I do not lay claim to either IRS Under Attack or to IRS Under Indictment. The Attack book is wholly a plagiarized work in my opinion. Even if you have somehow gotten to the original author of Defensible Position and paid him off, or whatever, you would still be required to give credit to the original writer; republishing anothers work and putting your name on it is a lie and I believe it constitutes plagiarism.

Secondly, much of the textual meat, including the research that created them, presented in the first edition of the Indictment book, is in fact mine. But I certainly do not lay claim to the whole book. Some of the sections in the book, including all of the sections with your personal filings and forms, were added by you and your familial; some of the portions I wrote were either deleted or perverted in a rewrite. I have examples of your writing Rich, including the letter you sent me from federal prison, ala. IRS and anger control problems. Anyone who writes like a fourth grade C student is going to have great problems with comprehension of legal or academic writings, which is why your book is so far off track and misleading to the average reader.

It was your inability to fully grasp the IRC statutes that led you to lose your home and end up in prison. And it is that same lack of comprehension that led to your reinterpretation of the statutes, culminating in that horrible book that has led to misinformed souls, some of whom have undoubtedly lost their homes, gone through divorces, and otherwise had their lives destroyed. You should be ashamed, kind of like how I feel for helping create a monster, You. ****
I saw Richs daddy, Paul, drive by my house on many occasions over the years since I left the club. He stopped by once when I wasnt home (and I suspect he drove by on several occasions looking for my personal daily transportation a 1964 Dodge pickup-- to see if I was here, or rather, not here). When Paul noticed I wasnt home on one of his many trips through the neighborhood, he knocked on the door and spoke, well, yelled, at my wife all kinds of epithets and various phrases of provocative verbiage, clearly attempting to frighten her. He even showed such a total lack of class and went directly to my wifes dress shop to continue his harassment/intimidation techniques. (To put this in perspective, two visits were made shortly after I posted my original rant about Richs theft on supremelaw, and the third was after I ignored the ridiculous law-suit-threatening letter from a local former lawyer five or six years ago who I think is still in jail for some kind of fraud/theft (probably took some advice from Rich!). You can read about the threat letter in my previously posted story.
Rich asks a rhetorical question of his viewing public (of his website) why I didnt sue him for theft/plagiarism. First, I had no idea the books would sell, even to the gullible, as I moved on with my responsible life, not paying any attention to the underworld. Secondly, I prefer to make money the old fashioned way, by earning it honestly. I have no desire to make gains off of anything Rich touched.

When I received the threatening letter I did go see a lawyer (my wife insisted). It cost me 100 bucks to hear a lawyer tell me Rich had no case and that statute of limitations had run out for both of us. But he did tell me if Rich actually did try to sue, he would be able to waive the time limitations and I could counter sue; well, in the words of our cowboy President, "Bring it on!" I have nothing to fear because the obvious truth is my defense. Right now Rich is feeling a little froggy- He has some money in the bank and thats another issue-> his Aspartame piddlings were supported by the money he made on my stolen materials. Well heck, I just might want a piece of that too!

Rich also suggests I don't possess the knowledge and expertise to create a book like "IRS Under Indictment." Since 1997 I have not kept up with the changing income tax laws. But I just found a letter I wrote to my Congressman, Mr. Herger, back in 1993 regarding the IRS and their authority to force a private citizen to pay a tax on their income. While I dont still agree with everything I wrote back then, it does show in a rather eloquent manner I was quite familiar with the IRC, more than a year before I had the pleasure of meeting the notorious Bellon clan (see below article). The print looks pretty funny, printed on my old 1980s, homebound Tandy computer/printer combo. If someone asks, I just might reprint it and post it here for you to see. I actually got a return letter too, also dated 1993. Mr. Herger begins with, While I agree in large part with your findings on the Internal Revenue Service, the courts on many occasions have upheld ."

All I want is for Rich to repent to me, in private thats all. Then, he has to promise me he will never publish another law related book that doesnt have the endorsement of at least three legitimate lawyers. And finally, he must promise me he will get a real and legitimate education, at least a BA --in any field he chooses-- and spend at least 1000 verifiable bucks per year for five years however he chooses, because he's not likely to have honest records in an attempt to recall all of the books in question, no longer accepting any further monies for said books. Thats all I want.

I would like to insist on requiring him to seek Jesus, but that would be between him and the one true God.
Rich also makes note of the Heritage Dictionary definition of intellectual property; I find it interesting he stayed away from the definition of plagiarism. Ok- Please allow me: Since we are batting around legalese I am more inclined to use the standard law dictionary for proper definitions: Blacks Law Dictionary. It reads, in part, under PLAGIARISM, The act of appropriating the literacy composition of another, or parts of passages of his writings, or the ideas or language of the same, and passing them off as the product of ones own mind. And it succinctly states under PLAGIARIST, One who publishes the thoughts and writings of another as his own. A scum bag does not have to be guilty of copying officially copyrighted material to be found liable. All writings are considered intellectual property and can be protected from misuse and fraud and deceit and theft.

Let me help you with some research phrases Rich: intangible personal property, literary property, literary work, and literary composition. And I like the definition of literate too. It suggests one must be knowledgeable AND EDUCATED to be literate.
Again, I am not trying to impress anyone with my dazzling style and I having nothing to sell. I do hope only to help cleanse the rot from what could otherwise be a legitimate movement, restoring our republic to its former glory; Rich and his kind spoil the field and the honesty in the fight. If Paul (or Rich or any of the Bellon family) ever comes near my wife again I guarantee we will be back in court, real quick! Oh, one more thing-> Robertas Yahoo blog flogs me for calling her Buick a beater, and insinuates I drove a beater, a 196 9 Dodge pickup.

While I feel a little bad about picking on her favorite car, I do remember working on that fine automobile on several occasions while I worked at Richs radiator shop. And, since she mentioned it, in April 2007, an auto enthusiast made his way all the way from England to El Paso, Texas to buy it from me while I was serving as an Army Instructor (OWT-OC/T). Yes, it was the same truck they knew; the one that made Richs little brother pee his pants when I took him for a quick little ride around the block! I miss that old truck!
More at my website

Redding, California

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