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  • Report:  #1526334

Complaint Review: Rich Dad World Rich Dad Poor Dad

Rich Dad World , Rich Dad Poor Dad Rich Dad World sessions , I understood $99 split into 5 payments,but charged me $99 for 5 mos.Called customer service,cancelled & wanted refund but they refused. Sandy UT

  • Reported By:
    Isa — Columbus Ohio United States
  • Submitted:
    Sat, May 13, 2023
  • Updated:
    Sat, May 13, 2023

 I purchased a program in the knowledge that it was a 1-time payment, but with the tiniest letters hidden behind all the other information, it said it was a five-time payment. The order confirmation said  total of $99, and then it said five payments. What I understood as the $99 being split into 5 payments. The order was dated 01/31/23 charged $99 then I found out later they charged me for $99 per 5 months. I've called and emailed to their customer support team as I used it only 1 time and cancelled it. I asked to be refunded but customer service said they cannot refund and blocked me so I cannot access it.  So basically Rich Dad World wants to get paid $99 per 5 months and  NO Services for customers .Meaning I got nothing for paying $396 . This is the Worst company and customer service  I've ever experienced . BEWARE customers Do not sign up on Rich Dad World or Rich Dad Poor Dad . It is a Scam.


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