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  • Report:  #1456638

Complaint Review: Richard Hoover MedStar Logis Seattle Fort Worth

Richard Hoover MedStar Logis Seattle Fort Worth The Real Truth About Richard Hoover Logis MedStar Fort Worth Seattle aka Hoovster Fort Worth Texas

  • Reported By:
    Bob — United States
  • Submitted:
    Wed, August 15, 2018
  • Updated:
    Wed, September 19, 2018

Hello Mr. Hooten:

On the early morning of Saturday August 11th 2018, I received an email from Richard Hoover from his personal email to my personal email that may have accused and/or suggested that I made terrorists threats. This is absolutely untrue, a total and utter shock to me, and so preposterous that I feel it is necessary to immediately advise and inform the highest level of MedStar of what is really going on and to provide the appropriate bigger picture, context and totality of the circumstances that shows beyond a reasonable doubt that in fact and indeed it is Mr. Hoover who is guilty of what he has accused me of being or doing, which is to say that he improperly projected his disgruntleness unto me and accused me of being a disgruntled employee when in fact nothing could be further from the truth. Because I have nothing to hide, and because I did nothing wrong, and because I believe when accused it is proper and prudent to document and save evidence for posterity, I have also already forwarded the entire email chain to the NSA (National Security Agency) via email out of an abundance of caution. I can also provide a forensic copy of the email chain to either law enforcement or MedStar legal if/when requested.
To provide the proper backstory to all of this, I believe it is relevant that I include some context of the personal and professional interactions that I have had with Mr. Hoover. When I first started at MedStar on or about April 30th 2018, I was immediately tasked to sit down with Mr. Hoover, to basically learn from him, to “shadow” him and to essentially be trained and cross-trained by him. As this went on, Hoover quickly expressed to Chen (myself) that Chen was too quiet and not “open” enough and should be more vocal or intermingle with others more. To that extent, Hoover starting sharing a lot of “conspiracy theories” which Chen, including but not limited to statements that Hoover believed 911 was a government orchestrated event, that JFK was assassinated by the CIA, and that the moon landings were a hoax and never actually occurred. While understandably some people may take offense to this sort of dialogue and conversation in the work environment, Chen kept an open mind and went along with it and at times even provided Hoover with input of his own. In point of fact, on numerous occasions Hoover even repeatedly stated to others in the IT department that he was elated to finally have found a fellow “conspiracy theorist” to be able to talk and discuss conspiracies with… Hoover actively induced, encouraged and entertained the sort of “conspiracy theory” talk that he himself had actually first initiated with Chen.
A few weeks later Hoover shared with Chen that he heard unsubstantiated rumors that Mr. Pete Rizzo could be moving to Project Manager role full time due to the EPR and MedStar opening other locations/sites. He expressed to Chen his confidence that once that happened, he would likely be promoted to de facto IT manager and confided in Chen about the potential “Philip problem”… stating in essence that Hoover knew Morris also wanted the IT manager spot as well and because Morris had just finished his Masters and was going to pitch his thesis to Ken/Doug that Morris had ambitions that could be a thorn in Hoover’s side etc…..
Some weeks later while sitting beside Hoover, I overheard a conversation in which Hoover first approached Logis and brought up the subject of a Logis position that he saw was open. (Later Hoover would give misrepresentations that it was Logis who approached him first, but that is untrue) Later Hoover advised me that he would need the blessings of MedStar CEO in order to continue talks with Logis. Shortly thereafter Hoover bragged to everyone about getting a tentative offer that paid $120,000 USD a year plus another $20,000 USD monies to cover for moving costs. Hoover then stated that he was going to visit Logis in Seattle for a week in late August and that Logis had already bought and paid for his flights, hotels, and other accommodations.
Chen was happy for Hoover that he found this potential Logis opportunity because on countless occasions Hoover had previously expressed to Chen that he was disgruntled at MedStar, including statements that the MedStar CEO Mr. Doug Hooten personally told him that “he was already making too much money” and Hoover stated that with “Pete not moving out of the way” there was “no clear path to his continued career growth” here at MedStar, etc… In fact this sort of thing continued all the way to recent day, so much so that even on the morning of Friday August 10th 2018 Hoover had expressed to Chen that Others have told him that he should be the manager instead. When pressed if he was serious and also exactly which people those “others” were, he remarked that it really did happen but that he wasn’t going to tell me any names.
During some of the mutual discussions that Chen and Hoover had earlier engaged in with regards to Hoover’s potential Logis offer, Chen had asked Hoover why Hoover would come out and tell the entire company he was leaving when he hadn’t yet even received a firm written and signable job offer from Logis yet, to which Hoover replied that he can’t get a counteroffer from MedStar if nobody knows he is serious about leaving. On many occasions Hoover stated to Chen that MedStar needs to realize just how valuable Hoover truly is and it appeared Hoover was still hoping for management to approach him with a counteroffer that was so good that he couldn’t refuse.
But as the weeks went by and that didn’t happen, Chen noticed Hoover becoming more insecure, more disgruntled and in fact overall easier to anger. Case in point, several weeks ago during an official IT Team meeting, Hoover awkwardly positioned himself at the very edge of the conference room table, situated as far away from and remotely distanced from Mr. Rizzo as possible, putting Chen between himself and the rest of the group. When the meeting started immediately Hoover accused Mr. Rizzo of putting words in Hoover’s mouth and essentially accusing Mr. Rizzo of making false statements, but there were many other witnesses in the room that could attest to the fact that it was Hoover himself that changed his story. So there was a back and forth on who said what and what was true and what was false, it quickly evolved into a “he said, she said” situation and Hoover escalated in tone, voice and body language and became extremely agitated, defensive, irate and disgruntled about the whole situation.
In hindsight it was retroactively clear to Chen why Hoover blew up in anger that day. Because some days later Hoover expressed to Chen that his true intent was to put one foot into Logis while still having the other foot in MedStar. He stated that because he was a single father and with three kids, he had to think about more than just himself and that he had to play this out strategically. He wanted to position himself so that he had the option to go work for Logis, but if for any reason it didn’t pan out, he wanted to be able to come back to MedStar. He advised Chen that on three separate previous occasions he had left the company on good terms and then came back for a better position. This is the true reason why Hoover got so agitated and absolutely refused to train Nitin Ganna (which up until that point in time Nitin was Hoover’s self-purported “best bud”, that is until Hoover perceived Nitin to be a threat and immediately did an abrupt reverse-180) when asked and requested by Mr. Rizzo. Hoover had felt that if he helped train a replacement to the point of being close to skillset parity of his own job duties that the seat would be occupied and this would thwart his potential contingency plan of being able to come back to MedStar if for any reason the Logis situation didn’t work out for him in Seattle. So much so that in fact last week Hoover openly proposed to Mr. Rizzo that he wanted to be retained by MedStar even while working at Logis, and Hoover asked Mr. Rizzo to consider offering Hoover 20-hours of work a week, at his same current hourly wage, for a period of no less than six months retainment. It was Hoover’s hope that by keeping MedStar dependent and reliant on him, even after he had left to work for Logis, that it would deter against MedStar being able to fill in a true full time replacement for his position, thus keeping his chair open so he can come back to MedStar as if he had never left his position at all. And all of this is consistent with and comports with the fact that another frantic outburst occurred more recently on Friday April 10th 2018. As you may already know, this week Richard Webb started at MedStar IT as a new Network Administrator / Security employee/contractor. In celebration of a new teamer, all of IT was invited to a group team lunch. At the lunch Mr. Rizzo thanks everyone in the team for working hard at MedStar and making him proud, or something to that effect. Immediately Hoover interjected and remarked “except for Bo”… stating that everyone was working hard “except for Bo” and that “Bo should resign”. But then to make it sound like as if it was a joke or that he was joking, he further retorted that “but Bo since you are buying me lunch every day, then as long as you keep doing that, then you can stay.” Essentially Hoover implied here and elsewhere that the only reason Chen hadn’t gotten fired yet is because he is buying everyone lunch frequently, which Chen believes to be a blatant mischaracterization of the facts and misconception of intent.
With regards to the lunch issue, Chen had on numerous occasions made it blatantly clear that due to Chen’s near fatal car accident last month when driving home from work Chen had to acquire a new car (Chen’s old car was totaled) and Chen was still hesitant to drive unless he absolutely needed to drive. As a result, the longstanding mutual agreement between Chen and Hoover was that in consideration for Hoover driving Chen to lunch and providing the transportation, that Chen would return the favor by covering for the actual costs of Hoover’s meal. Bank statements which can be subpoenaed can prove that as recent as August 9th 2018 Chen directly wired in the amount of $77.77 USD on that aforementioned day to Richard Hoover’s Bank of America bank account to which he then accepted and then subsequently spent the money on the same day in going out to lunch with Chen at the Buffalo West restaurant in Fort Worth.
After the lunch however things took a turn for the worst. Another frantic outburst occurred more recently on Friday April 10th 2018. Due to the bring on board of network and security admin Richard Webb, Hoover felt even more insecure and even more threatened in terms of job security and also in terms of his “plan B” to be able to come back to MedStar as if like nothing had happened if in case his Logis thing doesn’t work out… During another meeting on the afternoon of Friday April 10th 2018 in which the new network admin was involved in the discussions, Hoover unilaterally started to escalate in voice, tone, temperament and became very quickly extremely agitated and started screaming and yelling and his face getting all red and bothered for no reason. Hoover seems to be at a mental breaking point and the closer it gets to his departure for Logis in late August it seems the more outrageous behavior is coming out of Hoover.
Case in point, last night after I got home I emailed some folks about my thoughts on the Alex Jones situation. Hoover and myself had in the past had many discussions with regards to the Alex Jones and his InfoWars website and platform. Recently last week Alex Jones was banned by Apple, Google, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Spotify, MailChimp, Disquis, and others, all in the same one week.
While I concurred with Hoover that this massive coordinated banning could be a first amendment censorship issue, (perhaps later to be adjudicated by the courts or decided by the Supreme court) I made it abundantly clear that I did not support the fact that Alex Jones was trying to incite violence against Chinese-Americans by accusing the “Communist Chinese” of overtaking the big tech giants in the US (Apple, Google, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest). Recently Alex Jones had on countless occasions publicly accused his banning by attributing it to the Chinese and pointing the finger at Chinese people. Jones is telling his audience (of which Hoover is a huge supporter) that the reason he was banned was because of the “ChiComs”… It was then that Hoover accused Chen of being anti-American and a “Chinese spy” and that the government should “round up the Chinaman”… But considering the fact that Hoover had long established himself as a conspiracy theorists and seemingly loved to converse about this sort of stuff to no end, Chen did not immediately assume the worse and tried to bend over backwards to give Hoover the benefit of the doubt.
It wasn’t until the morning of Saturday August 11th 2018, that Chen woke up to an email from Hoover stating that Hoover has severed all non-working relationship ties with Chen and furthermore asked Chen never to contact him again, and Hoover then further made false allegations against Chen, accusing Chen of making terrorists threats against Alex Jones and stating that Chen had become a disgruntled employee…
This was unusual because in the past Hoover had never once expressed any sentiment that Chen was annoying him or otherwise in any way doing anything that made him the slightest bit uncomfortable etc… and in point of fact Hoover himself instigated and initiated a lot of the conspiracy theory talk and discussions. So for Hoover to ask Chen to resign, then tell everyone that Chen wasn’t doing any work at the company, accuse Chen of being a Chinese spy and stated that people like Chen need to be rounded up, and all of that followed up by an email sent to Chen and forwarded/cc’d to many other people accusing Chen of being a terrorists and disgruntled employee and stating that it was Chen’s final “warning”… It just boggles the mind that something like this came completely out of nowhere and is perhaps the signs of a mentally unstable person or deranged individual.
…And so it was then and there that Chen finally realized Hoover was not only serious about his earlier remarks and previous attempts to get Chen fired, but Hoover was also perhaps using this as a (office)political move in order to oust Chen from MedStar thereby in order to better retain his own standings as perhaps he had started to perceive Chen as someone who was also starting to be or bcecomg also to being another potential threat to his job security and his Logis situation/PlanB.

Very Sincerely,
Bo Chen

Hello Mr. Kenneth Simpson:

I plan to take (one day) tomorrow off (August 13th 2018) for personal reasons (it is not a sick day) and since I am aware this is a last minute thing and since I also do not have the adequate PTO, I would think it would be most appropriate for HR to simply deduct a single day worth of pay from my next pay check cycle. (fyi I have cc’d HR in on this email) In my opinion that would be best, however obviously I will comply with whatever is the company’s decision. But I expect and anticipate to be back in the office on-time as regularly scheduled on Tuesday morning (August 14th 2018) unless otherwise notified by MedStar.

I commit to fully cooperating with any and all investigations deemed necessary by MedStar in this and any and all other matters.

In the past previously I had given written apologies to both Mr. Rizzo and to Philip Morris with regards to any actions that I might have conducted under the fog of uncertainty in the hierarchical organizational structure as it pertains to the rather fluid dynamics thereof. To wit: when I was first hired on I had no idea that Hoover was leaving to Seattle nor that Mr. Morris would be taking on more of a management role. So for a while I found it strange and awkward why Mr. Morris had instructed me to do things when Hoover had lead me to believe he was going to be or become the next IT manager. It is my understanding that both Mr. Rizzo and Mr. Morris accepted my apology in that regard and we all agreed to move on forward from there.

However, given the recent incident with Mr. Hoover, I recognize that since he proclaims nearly 20 years of tenure, and given the other realities surrounding that, even though I believe I am fully in the right in this matter, it nonetheless is undeniable that there exists other non-objective factors at play.

So to that end, and insofar and so long as it is not inconsistent with and nor does it run contrary to whatever is the final outcome of any pending investigation, I would be open to discussion with HR/legal or any other authorized representatives of the company in terms of potentially a two weeks in lieu of notice sort of thing as a mutual agreement, or in the alternative to sign a legal release/waiver in exchange for and/or in consideration of an equivalent amount of time (3 weeks) that would be reasonable for me to acquire alternative employment elsewhere.

Though I do wish to make it unequivocally clear that the aforementioned are merely options that I would be open in discussing with the company, not that they are my first choice, and also of course I am always cognizant of the employment-at-will doctrine in the State of Texas and how it relates to the labor code, Texas Workforce commission, amongst other things. Certainly the company always retrains the option to terminate without cause, be it myself, Hoover, or anyone else.

The above mentioning are of course not my first desire nor my first choice, as I have repeatedly advised Mr. Rizzo, even as recent as late last week, that I believe MedStar as a company is a very good working environment, I believe Mr. Rizzo is a very fair and impartial IT manager, and myself not being an ambitious type-A personality type of person, I informed Mr. Rizzo when he asked me how I thought of working here so far that I told him I thought it was my opinion that for the quality, quantity, nature, amount and type of work that I do that the compensation level is more than just, adequate and fair.

However, regardless of the outcome or anything else, I definitely feel compelled to attach one last final addendum to what I wrote about earlier yesterday afternoon. As Hoover wrongfully accused me of making terroristic threats and sent that accusation to multiple people, I’m going to just spill the beans and let it all out and I no longer have any obligation to withhold anything back in terms of disclosure of what he may have told me. I realize in any company of respectable size and scale there are inevitably going to be some element of gossip, rumors, talk and given what Hoover has already shared with me so far about other people, including the CEO, yourself and HR, no doubt he has been spreading mountains of fake rumors and false allegations behind my back to others in the company as well.

For example, Hoover stated that the bias started at the very top, from Mr. Hooten downwards. What he told me was that Paul had wanted your position but that Mr. Hooten played favoritism and gave his AMR buddy (referring to you) the spot and then pretended to go through the motions of following due process and interviewing dozens of candidates but that it was all an act. Hoover stated that was the real reason Paul left was because after realizing the unfair situation of it all he had no choice but to seek opportunities elsewhere if he ever wanted any chance to move up … Hoover made it sound like that had Paul never left, they (the IT department) wouldn’t be in the weak position they are in today, ie with an IT manager (referring to Mr. Rizzo) who wasn’t technical etc and basically didn’t know his stuff.

From the beginning Hoover wanted to sort of bring me to their side and against Pete, even so far as telling me that Pete voted against hiring me and wanted to hire someone a bit less experienced or less knowledgeable instead, and that it was in fact himself and Morris that overrode or at least convinced and persuaded Mr. Rizzo to go with me as opposed to the other candidate(s). I think what he was trying to say was I owed him/them a sense of loyalty for picking me instead of choosing the other candidates; which ironically if true, would be the ultimate hypocrisy since it would be no different than the sort of favoritism that he had earlier accused Mr. Hooten of allegedly engaging.

For example, I had already explained earlier why after my major car accident I was hesitant to drive any more than absolutely necessary, so the succinct version of this is that I had an agreement and mutual understanding with Hoover that in consideration for him driving me to lunch and providing transportation that in fair exchange I would cover for both his meal and my own. So in that light, it seemed unusual to me, that starting recently around the beginning of last week I noticed Hoover acting weirdly, stating that although he thanks me for buying him lunch, that I shouldn’t expect it to have any other meaning or larger implications and that that whatever happens at lunch stays at lunch and doesn’t carry any weight outside of lunch etc… I thought to myself that that was the way it was and always should have been. Initially I didn’t think much of it, but now in retrospect it almost seems like he was planning something.

For example, Richard Hoover shared with me that there used to be an employee in MedStar IT by the name of Michael Whittaker. Hoover stated that when Michael first started he got into a verbal fight with Philip and was taken to HR because of it. (over some sort of turf war dispute) He also stated that Michael had on him a voice recorder and was also secretly recording everyone and as well as mounting a video camera in his cube to serve the purpose of being an “HR camera” in the sense that it was supposed to keep people, including Hoover himself, “honest” and “accountable”. Hoover stated he tried the voice app recorder thing himself for a while but because it was picking up too much extraneous noise from his pants when he was moving, he found it ultimately impractical unless he was sitting down. Hoover made Michael sound like he was always “CYA”-ing and stated Michael had a habit of cc’ing his emails to the CFO/CIO/COO and always thought that someone was after him or out to get him. Hoover also told me that HR was compromised because he found out somehow that Michael Whittaker was sleeping with Leila Peeples and thus there was some kind of favoritism thing going on or something. Hoover stated that Michael quit MedStar soon after Pete started because Michael knew some dark secret about Pete but either wouldn’t tell them what it was or Hoover refused to disclose to me what it was. Not only did he share these allegation with me, but he repeated them in front of Andrew Malone and Philip Morris while we were all in the same IT room, though of course they all have each other’s backs so I don’t think they will now admit to recalling the event if they were questioned or interviewed about it. In fact, for a while Andrew Malone was under orders by Richard to set up Michael’s old camera and point it in my general direction, while Andrew ostensibly claimed it was for “watching who came into the door”, it wasn’t until Pete instructed him to take it down that he later ceased the practice. It wasn’t long before Hoover started to compare me to Whittaker, stating that I was “another Michael” and then saying that I was actually way worse than Michael in terms of paranoia and CYA.

But that doesn’t mean it wasn’t warranted. On one day around the time I had my car accident and was in the NEOP classes, the corporate email went down. The next morning, it was resolved but Hoover questioned me if I had logged into the Exchange email server, to which I categorically denied ever having done so. Then he proceeds to state that it was a SSL binding that was manually removed and that other than himself and Philip it could only ever have been me, (since Andrew apparently didn’t have domain admin access at the time) but it turned out the actual cause was something else totally unrelated and Hoover later admitted to having known that all along but wanted to “test me” and also see if I could “defend myself”… Similar thing happened to Alienvault, one time at lunch I was surfing some website on weight loss because Andrew had asked me to send him a link to the cool-fat-burner product page, Hoover was sitting at his desk and then immediately shot up and told me that I had to unplug my desktop from the network and to let him reimage my machine, and while I did not object I also knew that there wasn’t any way that my machine was compromised like he had stated that it was. Later, after a lot of email back and forth, he admitted that it was a known false positive and most likely the website I was on had a banner advertisement that triggered the false alerting of Alienvault, he said that it happened all the time in the past and once again he later admitted that he just enjoyed seeing me squirm. Another incident with Alienvault occurred soon after Hoover went on his weeklong vacation and wasn’t discovered and remediated until weeks after his return. When he finally found out, he immediately tried to accuse me of intentionally shutting it down in order to cover my tracks etc, and stated that he was going to get the FBI involved etc… he stated that the timing was just too suspicious and that other than Philip, whom he trusted, it could only have been me, since he stated Andrew wasn’t smart enough to do something like that; but it wasn’t until much later that he discovered the root cause was that the storage space on the appliance ran out. In fact it had started soft failing even before he left and didn’t hard fail until that weekend. He also accused me of running “bitcoin miners” on the virtual machines in order to make money on the side, (this is a major felony and classified as computer breach/hacking and something that I would never do) and when some of the VM’s starting having problems he stated that he needed to rebuild them himself and strip the mining software out of the machines etc… (it turns out the real reason those VMs were crashing was because of a vmware-tool bug that froze the virtual video graphics drivers that itself was actually fixed in a future version that we somehow didn’t have the licenses for etc) And more recently a security product called ADAuditPlus was not capturing all the data and logs that it should have been. Almost immediately Hoover started pointing the finger at me and trying to make me the scapegoat and then he wonders why I don’t trust him to be “dropping random files” onto my computer and have instead chosen to encrypt my hard drive. I could list dozens of examples but these are just a few that immediately come to mind.

Suffice it to say, given this kind of dynamic I was reasonably concerned and had good cause to be worried. I had very early on advised both Hoover and to a lesser extent also informed Morris that it was not a security best practice to share a same service account with domain admin rights amongst the entire IT team. Both in terms of identity of access/usage and to keep everyone accountable, everyone should have their own unique accounts and should never share accounts. While Hoover did then create all of us our own accounts, neither Hoover nor Morris ever bothered to change the passwords on the group accounts that still had domain admin access. This is a huge security risk thing because if anything ever goes wrong, the finger gets always pointed to me first, which almost makes me think I know why they haven’t changed the password yet, maybe to maintain the status of Chen as a scapegoat so that Chen can be the fall guy if anything bad happened.


6 Updates & Rebuttals


United States

I am the original author and I have retracted this report

#7Author of original report

Wed, September 19, 2018

I am the original author and I have retracted this report




United States


#7Author of original report

Mon, September 17, 2018



Fort Worth,
United States

Anti-censorship and long-term redundant permanent archive links:

#7Author of original report

Sun, September 02, 2018

Anti-censorship and long-term redundant permanent archive links:



Blog posts with audio evidence:

Perma link #1:
Perma link #2:
Perma link #3:



United States

Blog and Audio recording uploads added

#7Author of original report

Thu, August 23, 2018

Blog and Audio recording uploads added


United States

Modus operandi of Hoovster

#7Author of original report

Fri, August 17, 2018

One time we were in the office, the MedStar EMS IT office, and it was apparent that it was just myself and Richard Hoover at each our own respective desks/cubicles. Suddenly I hear moaning noises coming from the general direction of Hoover, at first sounding almost like a wild animal, and then with Hoover making repeated, frantic and excited utterances that continuously escalated in intensity and volume... almost surreal in that it sounded like a masturbatory session of him saying : "gettt offfffff", "oh my god, gettt offfffffffff", over and over, again and again. Then, when I insisted on making a point in not doing anything that would have let him know that I noticed or was bothered by it, and refused to acknowledge his weird behavior, he further escalated in a very calculated psychological manner by further stating in a very angry tone : "did you not hear me!?" etc in an almost rhetorical manner but also suggestive that he was getting irate that he was apparently ignored. Since there was obviously no one else in the room at the time, I could only have assumed that he was referring to me, since a quick glance in his general direction also didn't seem to indicate that he was on the phone, in a teleconference or otherwise talking to anyone else remotely. So racking my brain and trying to come up with an explanation that would fit the context of what he meant by "get off" and whom exactly he was seemingly addressing it to, I first asked him who he was referring to... to which he loudly proclaimed: "youuuuuuuuuuuuuu" whilst still inappropriately touching his "thing" down there... I was kinda shocked beyond words but still I remarked that I was not logged into any servers via rdp or any other means and that I wasn't "on" anything at the time and thus could not "get off" anything. To me, "get off" made no sense in any other possible context at the time other than asking me to get off a computer server so that he himself could log into it.

Having confirmed and double checked that I wasn't logged on to anything and having informed him politely that I wasn't logged on to any system and thus could not "get off", Hoover continued to make masturbatory noises, moaning and making loud proclamations of "get off" "get off" for several minutes after that. From the side of my eyes in peripheral vision I could see he was "enjoying" himself. This was definitely one of the more unique experiences in my entire IT career and something I wouldn't hope to ever encounter nor experience again. Several times whenever I was alone with Hoover all by myself in the room, Hoover would make n**i gestures, white supremacists gestures, knowing full and well that there were no cameras around at that time, no one else was there as a potential witness, and that it would be impossible to prove any such allegations with hard evidence even if I had reported him to upper management, HR or legal. And he knew this because he would look around to make triple sure he wouldn't get caught, and give a smirk and an evil looking smile/grin and then very quickly he made profane and also racists gestures towards me, indicating he was the "alpha male" in the room and that this was "his country" and that he had the n**i/white power. It shows a dark side of Hoover's personality that he keeps well hidden from the other aspects of himself and that perhaps most people from general interactions with him would never suspect much less see or know anything about. There was also a lot more subtle ways that Hoover could bully, scare, threaten and intimidate someone he might have perceived to be a competitor or someone whom might later pose a job security threat to him etc...

one of his methods was to say something offensive but immediately follow up with a comment that he was "just joking" but in actuality he practices this so many times that it was quickly apparent to me he wasn't really joking and he actually meant what he said but used the follow up comment of "hey I'm just joking" to get out of potentially bad situation for himself that he himself created. In fact he would be as sly as to say something really offensive to me in front of a group and then immediately follow up with a statement to the effect that he was "just joking" but you could tell that he was directing it to the attention of the other witnesses in the group, it was a really good way to really "Cover his behind" (CYA) by making sure that more than one person heard him say that he was "joking"... Hoover also likes to hide behind the pretext and pretense of giving "fake sorrys" or non-genuine apologies in order to use that as a means to push the envelope between what is accepted decorum and not, basically having his cake and eating it too, getting the best of both worlds... by his misuse of the act of immediately 'apologizing'... for something extremely offensive that he intentionally said, did or caused. Essentially he knowingly and purposefully misuses the act of giving an insincere apology as a means to mitigate and trivialize something offensive he said or did that could or would otherwise get him in trouble if noticed and then reported.

For example during an IT meeting he would create a huge outburst and basically try to intimidate everyone in the room but right afters he would say he was sorry and then he would do exactly the same thing the very next time and then say he was sorry again, but anyone with two brain cells to rub together could have figured out he never was sorry in the first place and that it was all intentional for him from the very start. Hoover often exploits these cheap tactics as a means of plausible deniability so that he can get away with impunity with offensive statements, acts etc by tricking people into thinking he was sorry when he really wasn't and that he was just joking when in actuality he was quite serious. Hoover loves to take advantage of the art of equivocation by intentionally being ambiguous and misleading people on his true position so that he can later walk back on things he said or did and then make it look like as if he was the victim and it was the other party that was at fault for misunderstanding him. Case in point, often he would try to do things that made you question yourself or caused you to be unsure about yourself, (or at least it was obvious that was his desired intent) it was all a mind game that he plays to in his eyes get the upper hand on his opponent or adversary and to boost his own warped self image or notion of power or esteem and to thereby also gain leverage against the other person or individual he was interacting with. Hoover's strategy is to play subliminal mind games, to intimidate indirectly so that it can't be attributed back to him and so that there are lots of plausible deniability all around.

And it appears that not only is Hoover passive-aggressive but he seems to intentionally exaggerate it to his advantage by trying to falsely trick people into believing that he felt one way about something when in fact he felt the absolute opposite and then he will use that against the person to his own selfish advantage. For example, something someone does would get him extremely heated, angry and outbursts in an totally irrational way, later he would make up a fishy excuse for why he acted the way that he did but then he will tell you (often times in front of a witness or multiple people) that he wasn't really bothered by it and that you shouldn't take him seriously and essentially he will try to make you feel comfortable around him again by making some unbelievable excuse as to why he wasn't really mad even though he obviously was irate, and try to weasel his way out of it by explaining-away or getting himself out of a tight spot that he created... then later on if the naive individual is dumb enough to actually take Hoover at his word and believe that Hoover was all good and was never offended and then tricked into behaving in a manner that one would behave if one's guard was let down just the very slightest, he will immediately pounce on it like a wild animal or dark beast and basically do an abrupt reverse-180 yet once again and then try to play the victim card and make the other person out to be the bad guy that gets thrown under the bus....

And lately Hoover has gotten a lot more greedy and with a lot more avarice in his heart. In fact, greed and avarice are what drives Hoover at his core and all the other things mentioned above are merely tools that Hoover uses as means to a singular end. If a person's personality style can be fingerprinted then this pretty much sums up Richard Hoover in a psychoanalysis type of way. Hoover's overarching strategy in getting ahead in life is to cheat with cheap tactics in either bullying others into submission using often veiled threats and other indirect methods of intimidation and mind-games and/or to straight up oust people by finding sneaky ways of removing and getting rid of his competition by making false allegations and basically doing unlawful things that serve to take out what he perceives to be his opponents and adversaries. This is Hoover's method and preferred way of getting ahead in life and staying on top of others and making himself feel all good and special like he is superior to everyone else. And to that end, Hoover's modus operandi is basically playing mind games, trying to psychologically out-game his competitors not by playing fairly but through a form of mental and emotional deception and by means of underhanded tactics and covert strategies of misdirection and misinformation and also exploitations of intentional equivocation mixed in with a good dose of passive-aggressiveness just for good measure.


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#7Author of original report

Thu, August 16, 2018

On or about the weekend period of August 11th 2018, Richard Hoover made false allegations against me, allegations that are extremely serious in nature if proven true, and these false allegations were repeated to many other individuals both internal and external to the MedStar organization. I immediately contacted MedStar CEO Mr. Hooten and advised him of the incident to which Ken took over and forwarded it to MedStar HR for investigation.

I had wanted to take the rest of the day off, and in fact I had already notified Ken on Sunday that I planned to take Monday off but he pressured me into coming in early in the morning to give my statement to HR and assured me that I would not bump into Richard Hoover. During the discussion /interview with HR, Tina Smith was very biased and admitted to only cursorily browsing through or glancing at portions of what I had reported. Tina seemed to cherry pick selective facts and neglected to focus on any of the written allegations that on face value, and if later substantiated, would have had serious disciplinary implications for Mr. Hoover.  I was ready to provide HR with voice recordings to substantiate these allegations but she was very dismissive and didn’t at all seem even remotely interested in getting to the bottom or the truth.

She seemed agitated and impatient to get her hands on the email that I had sent to Hoover over the weekend, the very same email that Hoover had sent to me and copied to a group of other people in which he alleged that I had made “terroristic threats” and was a disgruntled employee. This was curious because she had also stated that she felt this email conversation fell entirely outside of the purview of MedStar and that MedStar couldn’t get involved even if MedStar wanted to. And yet in a very contradictory and inconsistent manner she also seemed extremely rushed to get my version and my copy of the email chain (perhaps to compare and collaborate it with the copy she had already obtained from Hoover) and commanded me to send it to her immediately and as soon as absolutely possible. When I went to the FBI yesterday to give them the heads up on Richard Hoover and explained everything to them, they too remarked that they concurred the email contained no threats nor terroristic threats and that it fell under protected right to freedom of speech.

After the interrogation by HR, I asked Pete if I could go home for the rest of the day. I also felt some discomfort with the way Richard Hoover was glaring at me, especially since I was reassured by multiple sources that he wouldn’t even be back in the office until after noon, with Tina telling me Hoover wouldn’t be back until after 2PM. Pete wanted to do some CYA of his own, and made it clear that he wanted me to send him a written email confirming that it was my own decision to leave early for the day and that I had not been disciplined in any manner. During the interview with HR, Tina Smith proclaimed that she did not think the conducts called into question by the investigation would have merited resignation/termination nor anything approaching that threshold or level.  When I offered to hand Pete my badge until the investigation was cleared, he also reiterated that it was not that sort of investigation. So you can imagine my surprise when I later attempted to check my work email via webmail at around 10PM or 11PM that same day that evening and discovered for the first time that my access had been terminated. While Pete had attempted to call me at or around 3:00PM earlier that afternoon (after I had already went home) he failed to leave any voice messages. And when I returned his call around 4:00PM he also neglected to mention anything about my access being terminated, or that the nature or scope or extent of the investigation had changed. He merely asked if I still planned on returning back to work at the same time the following day. I thought that was strange because I had already confirmed this with him and since last communicating with him I had not given him any reason to believe that anything had changed on my end.

I have worked in IT for many years and I have had to myself terminate hundreds if not thousands of Active Directory user accounts throughout all the companies that I have worked at and not once has a terminated user account ever been brought back or re-enabled. The disabling and termination of a user’s AD account is synonymous with termination of that employee’s employment relationship with the company. At larger companies with more reputable IT best practices, the method used in terminating users with higher levels of access or any type of potentially sensitive terminations is to have HR coordinate in sync with IT and let HR have the termination talk with the employee whilst IT simultaneously cuts access behinds the scenes in real-time. I have never seen any company cut someone’s access, choose not to notify them, and then claim they are still an employee and still obligated to come back to work. This is nothing but amateur shoddy practices.

After termination I no longer had any legal duty or obligation to drive up to the work place or to come on to the building premises. My only legal obligations were to return all the property that belongs to the company and to divulge any full-disk-encryption passcodes that I had placed on my work-issued computer(s). To the extent that I offer anything more than that it is strictly because I choose to volunteer that information on a free-will basis and not because I am legally obligated to do so.

So imagine this, Hoover and myself find ourselves in a dispute, HR gets involved and sides with Richard, I get terminated and now Hoover becomes the de facto “investigator” of my accounts, access, computers, etc. In what world is that ok? This is the same guy who “joked” about putting child porn on people’s machines to frame them, the same guy who had been disgruntled and trying to find an escape route to get out of the company for quite a while now, the very same individual who wants to play for both teams, a sort of double-agent double-dipping both sides, by working at Logis whilst still retaining his employment at MedStar (conflict of interest and potential trade secret transference implications) I have never worked at a company in which the developer (Richard Hoover’s official title) is also the system administrator and also holds the keys to the network administration kingdom, and in point of fact he has all access everywhere.

There is nothing he doesn’t have access to. He has access equivalent to the security administrator, to the database administrator and to other roles and functions such as the storage and virtualization administrators, etc. There is no oversight, zero checks and balances, and no separation of duties or segregation of privileges whatsoever.  Apparently he is also the unchallenged, self-appointed policy-maker, too. When the new Network Administrator/Security Administrator Richard Webb (not to be confused with Richard Hoover) started a few weeks ago, Hoover immediately took it upon himself to be the gatekeeper to the Network/Security guys’ access and rights, deciding when, and if and which network and security permissions and privileges the network/security guy should be allowed to have. In any other company this would have to have been approved by the CIO himself complete with signed paper trail and all that.

This is absolutely outrageous and totally absurd and pretty insane for an application developer guy to be dictating what network and security access the network and security admin should have. In any other company I have ever worked for, developers do not even have domain admin access at all, much less network administration access. In point of fact all changes and pushes to production environment has to be approved by the change management and then implemented by the systems administrators, the developer should never even have access to touch any of that stuff. He is basically the self-appointed God of IT, and his word is somehow taken to be the ultimate definitive authority at MedStar IT. Somehow HR cuts my access and investigates me but Richard Hoover gets to run around selling MedStar interests to Logis and everyone is okay with that because he has “been here 20 years”… For what it is worth, Robert Hanssen was at the FBI for 20 years too if that meant anything.


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