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  • Report:  #919093

Complaint Review: Richard Loland Lewis Esq D.O.B 2-7-1955

Richard Loland Lewis, Esq D.O.B 2-7-1955 Richard L Lewis, Richard Lewis II, Richard L Lewis, Esq., Lt. Col Richard Lewis Esq. Retired, Lewis Legal Services, Richard Loland Lewis SR. Fake Lawyer, Fraud, Hollywood Stalker, Extorsion, Predator, Fake Attorney General Maynardville, Tennessee

  • Reported By:
    LC — Middlesex Internet United Kingdom
  • Submitted:
    Sun, July 29, 2012
  • Updated:
    Wed, February 08, 2017
  • Richard Loland Lewis, Esq D.O.B 2-7-1955
    177 Cross Creek Road, PO BOX 365
    Maynardville, Tennessee
    United States of America
  • Phone:
    (865) 368-5953
  • Web:
  • Category:

Who is Richard L. Lewis, Lt. Col Ret. US Army ?  First of all he is a celebrity stalker who preys on women!  Women who are weak at the most vulnerable time of their lives the worst kind of predator. 

2nd of all he is a career criminal with an extensive arrest record including the following: 

1. 7-6-2000 in Englewood, Florida where at the age of 45 under the name of Ricahrd Loland Lewis SR he was charged with obtaining Property by Fraud and Grand Theft of Property two serious charges.  You can see for yourself at you will notice that his DOB matches including his birth city of Canoton, Ill so there is NO mistake on this.

2. 1-18-2002 in Charlottee, Florida at the age of 46 he was arrested while in jail again and held for another matter that you can view at but that is not all....

3. 2-26-2003 in Charlottee, Florida at the age of 48 he was arrested for passing worthless checks you can view that at

But as they say the apples don't fall far from the tree not only is this man a criminal but he breeds criminals starting with his own sons as you can view here at,632320 where you will find that his sons were involved in a high speed chase with Police for 3 hours and at speeds of over 100 mph.

But that is not all he has changed his personal bio on wiki when he was questioned on his background and was thrown out of court representing Lydia Cornell by the Judge and is currently in contempt of court which I bet he won't show up in September will you Richard?

There is way more than this but just be ware as he posts on his facebook of being such a Christian and how he hates people who hide behind their Christianity but this man is far from that!

Maybe Richard you should read the bible yourself in fact let me give you a verse to start with:

2 Timothy 3

3 But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people. 6 They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over gullible women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires, 7 always learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth. 8 Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so also these teachers oppose the truth. They are men of depraved minds, who, as far as the faith is concerned, are rejected. 9 But they will not get very far because, as in the case of those men, their folly will be clear to everyone.

Let us all pray for Richard and his family and lets sincerely pray for God to enter into his and his families life and release him from all the pain.

Your Friend in Christ right here in Beverly Hills, California who forgives you and prays for you every night.

Praise Jesus Richard.

10 Updates & Rebuttals



Fake person filing report

#11General Comment

Wed, February 08, 2017

 There is no such person who file this report it is a fake report. They know that this can not be removed so placing this information was nothing more then a scam. Several years ago Someone stole Lewis's wallet with social security number military I Don't and credit cards. As such all the information such as date of birth place where he lived at that time were placed on the internet with this fake fraudulent text. It is true that There was a lawsuits filed by Lewis in Federal court for just this type thing.

Lewis requested the false information be removed but never was. Lewis was arrested in Tennessee but all charges were dropped due to fraud and never went to court. This media person or who ever who says they live in the UK how would they have the personal information of Lewis? Knowing that they can not be brought to justice here in the US thus the social security office and military have been contacted and an investigation on the identify thief has been reported. Make your own mind up a group of people were named in the lawsuit which can be checked online through Google for internet fraud. Thank you


United States of America

Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive

#11REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, August 28, 2012

LMAO it seem that you two are the only ones interested in this we all saw what happened on TMZ when you tried to do the same thing another whopper of no evidence of any threats just more talk to boost her popularity which was lost in the 80's after she got fired from the show in the last year. Oh just making up more things from a newspaper that said nothing or the sort, just added things to the post But that's okay I enjoy reading thse things from the two of you.  REMEMBER who got fired from their job for having sex with a minor in Alaska, And who got fired from the last year of the show.  NOT LEWIS lmao lmao lmao lmao
it looks like someone already bashed her face in
7 days ago

Hervey....Hervey of Arabia...He was a single guy...    
Don't have a clue who she is but from the picture it looks like her face got bashed in many moons ago
Surprised the writer didn't end with a 'Too Close for Comfort' play on words. Those one liners are always a howl.
The show sounds vaguely familiar. Who was in that who might be a slight bit famous?

Read all the NEW stories she has put in print on and the commits made by others. Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.


United Kingdom

Richard L. Lewis II knows about scams he is a convicted felon see news paper article below:

#11Author of original report

Tue, August 28, 2012

Richard L. Lewis II aka Lt. Col. Richard L. Lewis, Retired US ARMY, knows all about scams on the internet  in fact Richard Lewis is known for telling some whoppers.  He lied about his educational background during his losing bid for Charlotte County Commission in 2000.  He was convicted on 11 felony counts of Internet Fraud as reported in Port Charlotte Sun newspaper in 2002 and spent 2 years in PRISON and now again has made his way through Hollywood and onto the front page again
in the Sun Newspaper on Saturday, August 25th, 2012 in the Port Charlotte, Engelwood, Venice area of Florida just check out the article link and place your bets to see where he winds up next:


United States of America


#11REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, August 25, 2012



United Kingdom

Richard Loland Lewis knows about scams

#11Author of original report

Sat, August 25, 2012

Richard Lewis is known for telling some whoppers. He lied about his educational background during his losing bid for Charlotte County Commission in 2000. He lied about his military rank. In fact Richard know all about scams as reported in the Sun Newspapers today just follow this Link: I think the FBI is now looking for you Richard :) Its amazing how the truth always finds it way!


United Kingdom

Richard Loland Lewis knows about scams

#11Author of original report

Sat, August 25, 2012

Richard Lewis is known for telling some whoppers. He lied about his educational background during his losing bid for Charlotte County Commission in 2000. He lied about his military rank. In fact Richard know all about scams as reported in the Sun Newspapers today just follow this Link:
Its amazing how the truth always finds it way!


United States of America

It is Clear

#11REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, August 03, 2012

It is Clear, That Ms. Cornell has told the same story to others, and has been on her website with no question from her or removal of. Ms. Cornell Was a Hollywood actress, Cornell has no Attorney, and as such we will allow the Federal Authorities to deal with any commit that is made and is printed.  For now because E-mail's , site hacking and the telephone were used, along with social sites, harassment and threats and Cornell's continuing attempts to contact and stock Mr. Lewis. The harm that She has caused Lewis's Children and Grandchildren and family through others it is now a Local, State and Federal issue. It is no longer just a civil matter but a criminal one.


United States of America

Richard Lewis

#11General Comment

Fri, August 03, 2012

 This report was NOT filed by Lydia Cornell. This report was filed by those allegedly wishing to do harm to Ms. Cornell pending lawsuit as well as mental and emotional anguish. She is a Hollywood actress and would never resort to using this medium to report someone. She would go directly to the LA Police Dept and her own attorney.


United States of America

What ever namr you use Lydia Cornell

#11REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, July 31, 2012

Lydia Cornell I have the documents that I have shared with the authorities that you have used on Line, I know that Meki Cox and others like James Hillis Ford, and other friends of yours are putting out this information OOPS sending a email always leaves a IP address that has been turned over along with your statement on Facebook about creating fake names and Accounts.

I have never been a stacker, but You all went way to far and now who is the stacker Lydia Cornell!!!!! you Lydia Cornell Actress with a criminal record, you your Ex husband who live in Beverly Hills Ca. Posting things that are not true is a Felony and hacking is even worse Five years in Federal prison. Everyone knows about your husband or your ex husband and what he did. And the Art work you stored in your attic for him to hide. 

They know that you hacked into my Facebook account using the Laptop you gave me back. they also know you tried to hack into my bank account with the same laptop.

You are a sick person Lydia Cornell and you need Mental help We know who all the people are that are helping you AND legal action is coning your way. We know that the information that was put out about me was false, and made up, We know about the person that called my son's old job playing like he was from the LA Times. We know yours and your husbands involvement with David Flemming.

We know everything and the more you do to try to destroy my life with false information the worse it will be for you. Everything is being copied and will be used in court. My sons Boss will also testify You may have friends in high places but then so do I. and they are coning down on you and your friends. You can count on that. the FBI and the DOJ are both involved so, I will laugh when you and your friends are hauled off to jail. For Computer hacking and fraud. SEE I know something you don't and that is......................

Your Friend in Christ right here in Tennessee who forgives you and prays for you every night.

Praise Jesus Lydia Cornell


United States of America

Fales Statements by a woman Lydia Cornel i

#11REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, July 31, 2012

This is the way that she has tried with the help of a Meki Cox to destroy Me and my family. Contacts by fake persons to My family and their work is now under investigation by the Local and Federal authorities.

These false attack and not hurting me because I know the people behind the, but they are my family and they have taken steps to seek legal action against those Who hid behind fake Inposter names. I will continue to do what I'm doing in this case, and my family will do what they have to do. I say Lydia Cornell that you have stepped on the wrong toes you Meki Cox, Allen AS. Miller and what ever other fake names you are using on line.

The FBI here in TENNESSEE is now involved because it has crossed State Lines. You just couldn't leave it along you just had to keep on. I guess that you did this to everyone Like your Ex, Jacks Dad, and every man that came into you life.

But this time you crossed the line you involved my family my Grandchildren, and children. I knew about this long ago and know they were using you. But I have to do what I have to do Legally in this matter. And if you are standing there. You are now on notice Govern yourself accordingly

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