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  • Report:  #226464



  • Reported By:
    OJO CALIENTE New Mexico
  • Submitted:
    Wed, December 20, 2006
  • Updated:
    Tue, May 08, 2007
    PO BOX 310
    ESPANOLA, New Mexico
  • Phone:
  • Category:



I mailed off by Priority Mail and Delivery Confirmation, a major formal complaint against the above Housing Authority Located in New Mexico. I even spoke to Floyd Duran Director of the HUD office in Albuquerque New Mexico,and he too shoved the buck. Therefore, I sent the complaint to US Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 7th Street S.W. Washington DC 20410. On Nov 13rd Delivery Confirmation number by Priority is : 0305 1720 0001 8098 8811.
It arrived Nov 16,2006 at the above address. But so far I have not heard a thing.

I called 202-708-4252 Dec 11,2006. Left voice mail message for Secretary Kim Kinck, and she did not return my call,even though I stressed the urgencies,it seemed it doesn't matter. For it is all long distance for us,and right now we are months behind in rent, due to the fact I have cancer and I have to travel 140 miles each way to Albuquerque,let alone the medications my husband and I are on. With the staggering prices of gas,and propane. Now the program HELP has helped out with $115 to the Rio Arriba Housing, they paid them that.

We have just been handed an eviction notice. We are both Handicapped and very ill. President Bush has put into place that you can not set Handicapped people out on the street. In fact I have read in the HUD regulations, that once a complaint has been filed which it has on Nov 13rd,to the above address. That no rent has to be paid unless the wrongs have been corrected,and the complaint has been addressed and corrected. So far the Director Cy Martinez of Rio Arriba Housing has done nothing about these complaints,which were passed to him by the Hud Director in Albuquerque,which is the main office here in New Mexico.

I hope you can help us. Please, someone respond by posting a rebuttal / consumer comment!

Alissa & Larry

Please I beg of you please help us with your advise,and what you can find out regarding our complaint. You have the tracking number, which maybe you can locate our complaint,and see if it is even being worked on.

For here in NM it is all shove the buck.

I emailed long lists of complaints regarding this housing unit,and it is a fire trap,for all the screens are bolted from the outside. Let alone a well that has a rusted cover,and mud that collects with inches of rain,and develops mold. The heating ducts have never been cleaned out. Glass shards everywhere,and the maintance man Tony, jumping over the fence and pulling up all my plants,and morning glories,and then when my husband said something that he was not allowed to jump the fence, threw all my plants in the driveway. Till I called the Director of Rio Arriba Housing,and he had his maintaince man remove them, but in the mean time, all the time,and money to make this house and yard pretty,has been destroyed. Plus the nerve to want to charge us $50.00 to have my plants taken out of my front yard. I sent Mr. Martinez Doctors Notes, that both my husband and I are Handicapped,and what we get is pay up or get out. Which is just impossible with two little children who are 5 and 7.

The Housing Authority : Rio Arriba County Housing Authority
PO BOX 310
Espanola, New Mexico 87532-0310

PHONE NUMBER: 505-753-7870

Plus the fact Mr. Martinez,and Tony have come to our gate,and rang the door bell,and he was very upset I had contacted Mr. Floyd Duran from HUD. Let stand he says that no one should possess anything. Yet it is all right for Carmen the next door lady to own a model home in El Rito NM,and never lives in her house but her adult kids,who should find jobs. The other next door lady who Parties till all hours of the night, throws rubbers used ones that is,so my little kids could have gotten into them. Plus her teenage son who is supposed to go to Special Ed at Mesa Vista Schools in Ojo Caliente, cusses out the driver who is to pick him up,and 9 out of 10 times doesn't even go to school, but has hurt my children. Cussing them out,and poking my little boy almost in the eye,and we have it on Video. Plus making Sexual remarks to my 7 year old daughter. Even when I was sitting out side, he called me that big fat w***e,and that he has family who are police officers,and they would come and hurt us.... Or a lady across the street that has 20 +++ cats,so she can afford cat food and etc. Or a known Drug Dealer living on this street,and his kids throw rocks at the housing sign, (proof of that too ). Derin who is the son of the drug dealer,who has beer cans in his yard,and it is a mess. No they pick on us,and we find our own business. What Mr. Martinez says is get along with these people. Who b***h that I have a rubber inflatable pool which I brought here from California,which has a pump,and chlorine,which I had to get a note from my Respitory Therapist, in order to keep.

Then the housing bitches about my old motorhome,while Carmen next door has a Truck that has been parked in the back yard for years,and Mr. Martinez told me over a year ago it would be towed,but till this day it is still here. So discrimination galore here. Let stand that the windows are so full of calcium deposit,and most of which you can not open due to the fact that these houses were built in the 70's and no parts can be found to fix them. Showers and toilets that are not energy conserving since our land lord threatened to put water meters in,and charge the residents here in this housing,plus remove all out door faucets. I got proof of that too. Let alone the calcium deposits due to the well water, that clog appliances,taps and showers,and build up in the drain. Mercury,lead,radon and Uranium are major problems here in New Mexico.

It almost feels like Hitlers Gestapo is ruling here. One can't even hold a yard sale.

What I would like to have done is that formal complaint that I sent by Priority Mail with Delivery Confirmation be found,and that that complaint goes in from the date it arrived which is Nov 16,2006. Since neither Mr. Martinez or the Hud Office here in ABQ. Takes this complaint seriously or does anything at all about it. I feel that HUD in Washington DC should address these issues then. For this is a Federal agency formed by our government.

Please advise us as soon as possible,for the letter of eviction was received yesterday Dec 18,2006, and it only gives us TWO WEEKS to clear this situation up. I sent the complaint in plenty of time, my god Nov 13. Now it is Dec 19,2006,and not a response or call by Vicky Kinck has been received by us. I think is is about time,and I hope you can help us there in Washington DC. I went straight to the top I thought. For we as disabled and handicapped people do have human and civil rights.I called Washington DC again today and asked to speak to Secretary Kim Kinck, and they shoved me off to Investigator Miss Anita Robbinson so again I left another voice message. Long distance phone call. I received an email respondse to this letter I am sending you now from Cheryl A. Hanes her phone number is: 303-347-7000 EX; 103, she too shoved the buck,and sent the whole complaint back to HUD ABQ, New Mexico office. Which that Director Floyd Duran, emailed us and he shoved the buck. Saying in so many words, that New Mexico Housing Authority and Hud I guess can do whatever they want... They do not stand up to the USA Federal regulations ????I don't believe this to be true. So,today I have also filed a complaint online with Hud. That two disabled people have to go thru such trauma, while I am going to be operated on finally Jan 16th,2006. Is beyond words... Thank you. Alissa & Larry Mead

Thank you.
Alissa and Larry Mead

PS: If you need more proof we have plenty of photo's and video.


4 Updates & Rebuttals


New Mexico,


#5Author of original report

Tue, May 08, 2007

HI There,

Well in the mean time we had a major flooding thru this Housing Authority Project. One of the man made water ways gave out,by tunneling animals. Plenty of photo's we have. The right hand side of the street was hit hard,but our house was like a flood.4" deep water,then it is clay soil. No when it rains the water stands there for days. Nice for a person who already has a lawyer from Law Access in NM,but not much help.

One month free rent, while this happens each year,and the lady that lives on one side of me,that has lived here,many more years than I have told me in person this happens each year!
They might put up with it,but not me. I even called the News Paper Rio Grande, they came out,but it didn't hit the news paper. Now the Director of Housing of this street is being blamed rather than the big chiefs. Floyd Duran Director of all HUD housing in New MEXIC0. Still battling with HUD. I at the least expect free rent till July 31,2007.

Let stand that I have due to mold spores and a letter from Public health,to get out of here,and my whole family too. Otherwise,I think I will just sue them. For I never had COPD till I moved in here,no wonder the flooding each year,and water under a foundation that is hidden. House that is not up to code either. Or todays standard.

It is shameful for those people who have worked all their lives and weren't trash,or welfare bums.To go thru something like this I am battling cancer. Plus a Known Rapist lives on this street,and my daughter has been accosted several times now, on the first state police report being strangled and slapped,and one the second state police report that she was pinned down,by a boy on the street and this is a 7 year old boy by the way,doing the humping motion,and had my daughter pinned down so she could not move her arms,and my husband was a witness.

So I took her out of school that same day April 30,2007. Now have plans to get out of here and move somewhere out of the Housing Authority all togeter. We are on Social Security. But enough is enough,and everyone has shoved the buck. From the school, to HUD in ABQ New Mexico.

Do they have the courteousy to give us at least till July 31st free rent. I don't know. But it seems a ME MYSELF AND I world. That the rest of the street puts up with it. I speak for them too. For some are seniors and good people,even a known drug dealer lives on this street,and you are not supposed to have a felony. Is the world really going bad! Or just don't care? How one goes to the other side, even if it is going over corpses! ALISSA


New Mexico,


#5Author of original report

Tue, May 08, 2007

HI There,

Well in the mean time we had a major flooding thru this Housing Authority Project. One of the man made water ways gave out,by tunneling animals. Plenty of photo's we have. The right hand side of the street was hit hard,but our house was like a flood.4" deep water,then it is clay soil. No when it rains the water stands there for days. Nice for a person who already has a lawyer from Law Access in NM,but not much help.

One month free rent, while this happens each year,and the lady that lives on one side of me,that has lived here,many more years than I have told me in person this happens each year!
They might put up with it,but not me. I even called the News Paper Rio Grande, they came out,but it didn't hit the news paper. Now the Director of Housing of this street is being blamed rather than the big chiefs. Floyd Duran Director of all HUD housing in New MEXIC0. Still battling with HUD. I at the least expect free rent till July 31,2007.

Let stand that I have due to mold spores and a letter from Public health,to get out of here,and my whole family too. Otherwise,I think I will just sue them. For I never had COPD till I moved in here,no wonder the flooding each year,and water under a foundation that is hidden. House that is not up to code either. Or todays standard.

It is shameful for those people who have worked all their lives and weren't trash,or welfare bums.To go thru something like this I am battling cancer. Plus a Known Rapist lives on this street,and my daughter has been accosted several times now, on the first state police report being strangled and slapped,and one the second state police report that she was pinned down,by a boy on the street and this is a 7 year old boy by the way,doing the humping motion,and had my daughter pinned down so she could not move her arms,and my husband was a witness.

So I took her out of school that same day April 30,2007. Now have plans to get out of here and move somewhere out of the Housing Authority all togeter. We are on Social Security. But enough is enough,and everyone has shoved the buck. From the school, to HUD in ABQ New Mexico.

Do they have the courteousy to give us at least till July 31st free rent. I don't know. But it seems a ME MYSELF AND I world. That the rest of the street puts up with it. I speak for them too. For some are seniors and good people,even a known drug dealer lives on this street,and you are not supposed to have a felony. Is the world really going bad! Or just don't care? How one goes to the other side, even if it is going over corpses! ALISSA


New Mexico,


#5Author of original report

Tue, May 08, 2007

HI There,

Well in the mean time we had a major flooding thru this Housing Authority Project. One of the man made water ways gave out,by tunneling animals. Plenty of photo's we have. The right hand side of the street was hit hard,but our house was like a flood.4" deep water,then it is clay soil. No when it rains the water stands there for days. Nice for a person who already has a lawyer from Law Access in NM,but not much help.

One month free rent, while this happens each year,and the lady that lives on one side of me,that has lived here,many more years than I have told me in person this happens each year!
They might put up with it,but not me. I even called the News Paper Rio Grande, they came out,but it didn't hit the news paper. Now the Director of Housing of this street is being blamed rather than the big chiefs. Floyd Duran Director of all HUD housing in New MEXIC0. Still battling with HUD. I at the least expect free rent till July 31,2007.

Let stand that I have due to mold spores and a letter from Public health,to get out of here,and my whole family too. Otherwise,I think I will just sue them. For I never had COPD till I moved in here,no wonder the flooding each year,and water under a foundation that is hidden. House that is not up to code either. Or todays standard.

It is shameful for those people who have worked all their lives and weren't trash,or welfare bums.To go thru something like this I am battling cancer. Plus a Known Rapist lives on this street,and my daughter has been accosted several times now, on the first state police report being strangled and slapped,and one the second state police report that she was pinned down,by a boy on the street and this is a 7 year old boy by the way,doing the humping motion,and had my daughter pinned down so she could not move her arms,and my husband was a witness.

So I took her out of school that same day April 30,2007. Now have plans to get out of here and move somewhere out of the Housing Authority all togeter. We are on Social Security. But enough is enough,and everyone has shoved the buck. From the school, to HUD in ABQ New Mexico.

Do they have the courteousy to give us at least till July 31st free rent. I don't know. But it seems a ME MYSELF AND I world. That the rest of the street puts up with it. I speak for them too. For some are seniors and good people,even a known drug dealer lives on this street,and you are not supposed to have a felony. Is the world really going bad! Or just don't care? How one goes to the other side, even if it is going over corpses! ALISSA


Fort Worth,

Incompetant and corrupt officials

#5Consumer Comment

Sat, January 20, 2007

Larry, try all other venues including churches, attorneys(consumer advocate), welfare etc. You having cancer will not matter to officials. I know several prominant people in New Mexico that are aware of corruption within NM gov't. Its a cesspool of incompetance. They will look you in the eye and lie without remorse. Think about who you are dealing with. You are IN A lazy THIRD WORLD STATE. You have to stay tuff and do what you have to do. Write down names of officials and every thing they say with date. Get advice from a local church if nobody else. Your faith will deal with them and their offspring. Lawsuits pending or I would say more. Good luck

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