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  • Report:  #365215

Complaint Review: Rip-off Report Investigation: Houlihan Smith & Company Inc. Commitment To 100% Customer Satisfaction

Rip-off Report Investigation: Houlihan Smith & Company Inc. Commitment To 100% Customer Satisfaction, pledges to resolve complaints & address inquiries. Commitment to Rip-off Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program. Houlihan Smith & Company Inc. Houlihan Smith staff will go above and beyond the client's expectation in the pursuit of excellence in every aspect of the business - Clients can feel confident & secure when doing business with Houlihan Smith & Company. For over a decade Houlihan Smith successfully representing its clients in over 500 transactions, leading its clients on a successful path. Chicago Illinois

  • Reported By:
    Tempe Arizona
  • Submitted:
    Thu, August 21, 2008
  • Updated:
    Fri, January 15, 2010
  • Rip-off Report Investigation: Houlihan Smith & Company Inc. Commitment To 100% Customer Satisfaction
    105 W Madison Street -
    Chicago, Illinois
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  • Category:

Rip-off Report Investigation

Houlihan Smith & Company joins Rip-off Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program. ..A long name for a program that does a lot for both consumers and business alike.

Rip-off Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program, ..A program that benefits the consumer, which assures their complete satisfaction and confidence when doing business with a member business.

As a matter of policy, when Rip-off Report is retained by a company to mount an independent investigation and to publish our findings, we examine the truthfulness of the consumer complaints using every bit of information at our disposal. Our process is systematic and highly effective because: 1) It takes place at the consumer level and 2) the company or individual in our Corporate Advocacy Program must commit to 'doing whatever it takes to make things right with their customers.' By working closely with the company or individual, Rip-off Report can track the footprints left behind when their promised level of customer service is actually followed by the solid ground of real behavior. Only then do we publish our findings.

Rip-off Report cannot ever guarantee any product or service, but we can only report what we find, in order to help you get a better understanding of the company or individual we are investigating. That having been said, the conclusion Rip-off Report came to after our investigation, to the best of our knowledge, is that this company is a reputable firm, offering products and services of real value.


By Ed Magedson - Founder, Rip-off Report

Houlihan Smith & Company approached Rip-Off Report last month with the express purpose of resolving consumer concerns posted on Rip-off Report. After a recent mailing to everyone who filed a Rip-off Report, we found that two of the Reports filed were not filed by clients of Houlihan Smith & Company, the other complaints had already been resolved by Houlihan Smith & Company. However, Houlihan Smith & Company always looking for ways to improve its clients experience and wanted Rip-off Report to give some honest feedback about how to improve its client services department. Our investigation has shown that Houlihan Smith & Company has always been sincere in its commitment to remedy any and all customer concerns. Executives at Houlihan Smith & Company stated to Rip-off Report that Houlihan Smith & Company has made further improvements based on Rip-off Reports input, Houlihan Smith & Company is now assigning a number of their client services department to work closely with other departments allowing for direct feedback to those departments. These changes were made as a result of feedback they received from Rip-off Report.

Houlihan Smith & Company also went on to have every employee sign a Client Commitment" contract. This document, between Houlihan Smith & Company and its employees, is meant to focus the importance of client or customer service as a primary obligation. This contract in part states our desire to serve our clients and gives us direction when we have to make service-related decisions. It is another way of saying; we always try to do the right thing! Our Mission Statement has also led to the industry's best client satisfaction record. An executive at Houlihan told Rip-off Report that this contract has been signed by every existing employee and is also part of new employee orientation.


One of the conclusions that came from the Rip-off Report investigation was that a few of the complaints were not from Houlihan Smith & Company's clients. The reports were from entry level ex employees that needed to vent and from others that Houlihan Smith & Company had at best an initial introductory contact with. Houlihan Smith & Company understands the saying, "that first impressions count" so Houlihan Smith & Company is working with their Human Resources department and recruiters to make sure that entry level employees, when embarking on a career in investment banking realize that investment banking isn't an easy or quick path to success.

Rip-off Report received many impressive comments from top executives at Houlihan Smith Nothing in life that is worth doing is easy and investment banking takes hard work. It takes a high level of commitment, motivation and determination to succeed. We don't expect anyone to give less than a 200% effort for our clients or themselves. We also need to better educate potential clients so that they understand that confidentiality is not interpreted or perceived as being evasive. In fact, Rip-off Report learned from a company executive at Houlihan Smith & Company that it has multiple levels of internal compliance steps to make sure that from the first communication with a potential client that the expectations for a relationship with Houlihan are clearly understood. According to executives, We realize it is neither appropriate nor prudent to have a working relationship with all the potential clients we see. Some companies are just not ready or prepared for an investment banking relationship. In today's business world how often do you find a company willing to walk away from profits in the name of ethics? Houlihan Smith & Company carefully screens the companies that it takes on as a client. We kiss a lot of frogs and provide a lot of guidance to companies so that they are better prepared to meet their objectives whether Houlihan accepts them as a client or not. If there is not a mutual benefit to the client and to Houlihan Smith & Company we do our absolute best to guide them to a solution that is appropriate to their situation. Houlihan Smith & Company welcomes feedback at


Company executives also stated that over that last few months they have paid special attention to the concerns of prospective clients faced with difficult business trends. As stated by a Houlihan Smith & Company executive we understand that when the economy becomes more challenging for business that we tend to see more distressed situations that are emotionally difficult for some business owners to face. We understand the difficulty that the business owners may be facing but with respect and empathy we can not deviate from having what may be a truthful yet difficult conversation with them. Sugarcoating the truth is not what prospective or engaged clients deserve. Everyone needs and deserves honest answers to difficult questions.

Due to our investigation and Houlihan's open and honest approach Rip-Off Report is proud to give Houlihan Smith & Company a positive rating. You will have to look real hard to find a company that's existed for over a decade with so few client or customer differences. That tells us that Houlihan's commitment to customer service has always been of the highest importance.

Investigating Houlihan Smith & Company we found that Houlihan had a strong track record for delivering a high level of service and also understood that as a company naturally changes its approach to customer service needs to constantly change to stay current. All in all, the company implemented strategic changes to its client services department and reached its goal of achieving total customer satisfaction through excellent service.

An executive stated "By knowing and challenging your weaknesses you have the ability to turn weakness into strength. We see the best and worse of companies every day, and as part of any engagement with a client we are expected to improve the client's business model. If we are not constantly challenging and improving our own model how can we maintain the right to challenge our client's model? We want clients to learn from us. If we are facing a challenge internally or externally we don't put off finding a solution till tomorrow, we fix it today. I can guarantee you that Houlihan Smith & Company has always been and will always be 100% committed to building an excellent experience for our clients".


Houlihan Smith & Company has also started a Client Compliance program in 2006. When a client engages with Houlihan Smith to raise capital or sell a company the client goes through two levels of compliance; first the client reads and signs a Compliance Addendum that covers the clients understanding of the engagement and it also helps Houlihan to determine whether the client has a realistic outline of the services provided within the agreement. Secondly, the client agrees to a recorded conversation over the phone with Houlihan's Compliance Department where Houlihan takes the client through a series of questions relating to the engagement. These compliance steps are for the benefit of the client and Houlihan. An executive stated, we understand from addressing past challenges that the best way to address a problem is by creating a structure where the problem can no longer exist. We go beyond contracts and agreements because they weren't enough! We needed to make sure that clients were not engaged by Houlihan because of client's misconceptions about what we could do. Every company has from time to time an employee that implies things that can not be delivered. We wanted to take away the room to imply anything. Clients also benefit from the levels of extra care taken because once in a while over a period of time their memory gets tainted. Since implementing the program in 2006 we have been able to quickly and effectively satisfy any question of improper disclosure made to clients. Our clients love it! They often tell us they have never seen anything like this level of checks and balances that keeps everyone on the same page from the beginning. Going through the compliance steps at the onset allows us to straighten out any misunderstandings or false expectations before they become problems.


A Houlihan Smith & Company managing director said "Business is complex! We can select a great company with a good chance of raising capital but when we get down to it our job is to get the best possible terms and structure for our client on that capital. We don't control the market or the economy, we don't control lenders and investors and we don't control the clients business. We can take a good situation and make it great. We do control our relationships with lenders and investors and we can influence them to a degree. We can influence our clients business. We can prepare our clients as expert witnesses and make them better business people that will attract the best terms possible for their situation. What we can never do is claim to predict the actions of a third party; as such we can't guarantee that the business owner will accept the capital that is offered in the market based on the terms offered to the business owner. If a client is selling a company the client has to work harder when the company is for sale than any other time. We don't put a for sale sign up we through very deliberate methods create a market for that business to be sold in. Again, we can influence a client and the market but we can never totally control either. Everything we do is subject to hundreds of variables that are incredibly complex. We do everything possible to achieve a successful transaction for our clients but not every client is accepting of the way in which certain variables affect their company or its situation in the market. The financial marketplace changes more frequently than it used to with people reacting to today's headlines in the newspaper. We have the most experienced, talented, group of people here at Houlihan Smith & Company and if we can't get it done it wasn't for lack of effort or experience on our part. We know we can't get every deal done if we could we would be doing something wrong!

As stated by an executive at Houlihan Smith & Company, we are asked constantly, can you give me a guarantee? The answer is always categorically no! There are companies that will give a guarantee to a client that they can sell a company and that they can raise capital for a company but the guarantees are empty promises. It's unethical and no one can guarantee the actions of a third party. So can we get every deal done no and we shouldn't either. We typically represent the business owner and in so doing we will explain what makes a bad deal bad and what makes a good deal good. Meeting the client's goals still doesn't mean that the client will always accept the terms. These are emotional times for the client, sellers get remorse at the last minute and growing companies question their capabilities. Given the very complex nature of the reasons a business takes on the services of Houlihan Smith & Company it becomes easy to understand that Houlihan Smith & Company cannot be held accountable for a client's failure to follow their advice.

Houlihan Smith & Company has found that the main reason that clients do not go through with raising capital or selling a company is because in the detailed analysis, planning and preparation done by Houlihan Smith & Company the client finds out that their perception of their industry, demographics, competitors, financial standing and many other factors is skewed. Business strategy changes as the client becomes more educated. That's not a negative that's part of the responsibility Houlihan takes on. As an executive had said earlier, business is complex and changing, so are the reasons for raising capital or not raising capital, or selling or not selling a company. We don't loose clients because of Houlihan, we ultimately loose clients because the timing has changed. In spite of all of these variables, Houlihan accepts that it has always something more to learn, I believe you have a company that is ready to serve those who need more assistance and is willing to make things right if things seem to have fallen apart.

Rip-off Report knows, there is no company or individual that is perfect Houlihan Smith & Company knows this also and demonstrates their need for continuing improvement - that is why Rip-off Report feels you can be completely confident, safe and secure when doing business with them as a member of Rip-off Reports' Corporate Advocacy, Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program.


As a part of the Corporate Advocacy Program - Rip-off Report sent an email to every client who filed a Report on Houlihan Smith & Company and I would now like to share the results with you.

As stated above Rip-off Report found that two of the Reports filed were not filed by clients of Houlihan Smith & Company, the other complaints has already been resolved by Houlihan Smith & Company. However, Houlihan Smith & Company always looking for ways to improve its clients experience and wanted Rip-off Report to give some honest feedback about how to improve its client services department.

As usual, a few customers asked if they could remove the Report they filed and we explained that unfortunately, it was not possible. It is Rip-off Report's philosophy that it is much more beneficial for the consumer to see how a company like Houlihan Smith & Company takes care of their mistakes. No company is with out its share of problems, however, there are many companies who continually sweep those problems under the rug and never achieve the growth that other companies such as Houlihan Smith & Company enjoys.

Rip-off Report feels Houlihan Smith & Company has learned from those who have complained... and they even seemed to be very thankful for those who have brought problems to their attention. Houlihan Smith & Company realizes they can only improve their business based on feedback from their clients, and sometimes that feedback may be hard to hear but it is the only way they can become better.

Houlihan Smith & Company shows leadership by joining the Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program.

Keep in mind, Houlihan Smith & Company has worked for over a decade with thousands of clients and with only 6, yes, six Rip-off Reports to show for it. What really is amazing that despite Rip-off report appearing on the first page, at the top on most search engines right below Houlihan Smith & Company, their complaint ratio is less then one half of one percent. Rip-off report feels that this is significantly below the industry standard for the clientele that they work with. From our perspective, it is quite unusual for a company who has had so few complaints request on their own to be a part of the Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program. Houlihan Smith & Company is showing leadership for other companies to follow that care about their clients.


While Rip- off Report does not endorse any company, including Houlihan Smith & Company, overall, our research demonstrated to us that Houlihan Smith & Company is a solid, reliable company that stands behind its service.

Many companies that contact Rip-off Report make claims that the Reports about them are false, were filed by the same person or even a competitor. Yes, Rip-off Report knows this can happen from time to time; however, we know this is not true most of the time. From federal to local law enforcement agencies, most use Rip-off Report regularly. When Rip-off Report works with law enforcement to assist consumers, never once have we heard from any agency that the Reports filed had bogus contact information. These agencies include FBI, FTC, SEC, Homeland Security, US Postal Inspectors, Justice Department, IRS, Federal Prosecutors and local law enforcement in the USA along with government agencies in more than eight other countries.

Rip-off Report does not and has not ever solicited its Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program. Any participation in this program is completely voluntary and at the request of the program member.

This program requires the Member Business to agree to satisfy all complaints - past, present and in the future, even when those complaints come to us by e-mail.

The Member Business must also state improvements they are willing to make to their business which benefits the customer to avoid the reported problems from happening again in the future.

Anyone contacting the following e-mail address will get immediate attention. (within 3-5 business days, usually with in 24 to 48 hours) We ask that you contact Credit Solutions Customer Service: at customer

..Consumers should feel confident and secure when doing business with member businesses.

..Remember, just because a company or individual is reported on Rip-off Report does not mean you should not do business with them. Use Rip-off Report information as a tool to your advantage. Be knowledgeable about any company or person you hire. Also, don't be afraid to ask questions and get additional information until you feel comfortable in allowing them to work for you.

Be sure to contact us with your questions and comments about any business that is part of the Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program. Your questions, comments and suggestions are always welcome and will be considered even if we don't agree with them. Please realize Rip-off Report is chartering in new territory, working to make a change for both consumers and businesses alike.

Consumers can feel confident and secure when doing business with Houlihan Smith & Company.
Here's why.
Houlihan Smith & Company made a commitment to and are a proud member of Rip-off Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program. A program that benefits the consumer, assures them of complete satisfaction and confidence when doing business with a member business ......

ED Magedson- Founder

Rip-off Report
PO Box 310 - Tempe, Arizona

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