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  • Report:  #376254


RIPOFF EBAY METAPHYSICAL SELLERS EXPOSED NATIONAL METAPHYSICAL MONTHS RIPOFF EBAY METAPHYSICAL SELLERS EXPOSED The educators of ebay metaphysical have something to say about con artist sellers. Ebay ebay Internet

  • Reported By:
    little rock Arizona
  • Submitted:
    Fri, September 26, 2008
  • Updated:
    Fri, April 17, 2009
  • Phone:
  • Category:

The educators of ebay metaphysical have something to say about con artist sellers and the information will put this great debate to rest once and for all. We urge you not to purchase from metaphysical seller who charge more than $50 for an item and hide behind the catch all word haunted. If I learn nothing else in my brief experience with outrageous meta sellers is that people love a mystery so let's look at what we have and take it for what its really worth. There's a hint of excitement with legends. Greed and the word magic are on opposite polls. The greedy sellers wish to paint a different story that benefits only them. The root of all evil is the greedy sellers who have a slew of empty promises to make themselves rich. People worried about the economy are desperate for quick fixes and well let's face it some of the stories are pretty darn good. True educators don't make false claims and laugh at the idea of a guardian, spirit, angel, djinn, dragon, or vampire trapped in a ring ready to help the winners who shell out hundreds and thousands of dollars. Educators of the metaphysical auction for reasonable cost and leave the legends for authors and TV producers. Even television and film producers need a thread of reality and I haven't watched any popular supernatural show with the claims the con artists make. I don't want to offend anyone but I can't believe people can be so gullible. I was addressed with the question about shill bidding. Don't fool yourselves. Despite what the con artists may tell you even Ebay would agree they have no control over shill bidding unless it's proved by location or the same DSL. Shill bidding organizations among the con artists is prevalent and buyers bid against the shill bidding groups undetectable by Ebay. Shill bidding is statewide and the groups rotate shaking the bid cycles up. If in doubt ask Ebay customer service. Educators of the metaphysical don't make the money the con artists do and that's the rule. Educators sold in Ebay Meta well before the con artist invaded. I read the list the thirteen worst sellers and it's lacking in numbers. Every con artist who auctions for hefty profits can be added to the list. The only lesson you will ever need to safeguard yourself from greedy con artists is to remember a reasonable token of payment is all that an honest practitioner of magic will accept, a small token of gratitude. The flashy con artists who boast a higher standard of magic are despicable and liars. You'll find educators of the metaphysical in all the categories without the word haunted in titles. Look for us in the categories astrology, crystal healing, feng shui, reiki, runes, tarot, Wicca, and other. Occasionally we auction in the psychic, paranormal for fair market value under $50.The high price word haunted isn't used and the final cost is small in comparison. The educators of the metaphysical deem the months of October, November, and December as awareness months for recognizing the difference between scams and educators. The difference is hundreds of dollars and a genuine appreciation for the craft. Metaphysical educators answer your questions without a greedy motive. Don't get discourage or disillusioned. Just be careful whom you trust. The con artists who masquerade behind large dollar signs and a flashy story should be frowned on. Come meet educators of the metaphysical in the less flashy categories.

Be careful what you do. Be careful whom you trust. Do not use the power to hurt another, for what is sent comes back. Never use the power against someone who has the power, you must feel it in your heart, and know it in your mind.

Greedy con artist bicker with harm and a race for the mighty dollar sign. In the greedy world of cons magic doesn't exist. The title metaphysical is disrespected and spells big bucks. Educators sell at reasonable cost under $50. Because there's not greedy motive there's no bickering. Nobody can change your path except for you. Don't let any con artist tell you otherwise. Educators sell items that can help you without false promises and large scams and rip offs.

partial list of fraudulent sellers


All con artists who auction for hundreds and thousands of dollars are frauds and prove time and time again that the only one getting rich are the con artists. Educators of the metaphysical aren't cheats and frauds.

Metaphysical national awareness months
little rock, Arizona

8 Updates & Rebuttals


New York,

Your response just reiterates what you said before... same old garbage.

#9Consumer Comment

Fri, April 17, 2009


You can't even keep your OWN story straight. In your last rebuttal you wrote that you weren't using your eBay status to try to prove you were legit.

This is copied and pasted directly from your first defense of yourself to the original thread starter: "We have been ID Verified sellers (more proof that we are legit sellers) on eBay since 2005 when they started the metaphysical category to offer our magickal items worldwide without travel."

eBay verification, PayPal verification, and powerseller status have nothing to do with if your items are legit. Your disclaimer protects you from offering refunds unless an item is received that is "significantly not as described". Since your disclaimer says that the item is for entertainment only, the lack of "magical" powers is does not qualify as SNAD, so they are not entitled to a refund, therefore your powerseller status remains.

------> How can you say in one breath that you weren't using your status to show you are legit and then in the next breath say that your ID verified status is MORE PROOF THAT YOU ARE LEGIT SELLERS (in your OWN WORDS!).

I would expect a REAL witch to be able to tell that she is mixing up her responses as I have never accused you of shill bidding or anything to do with your feedback. ACTUALLY LOOK at who is leaving the comments as I am not the same person as the thread starter. Reading comprehension is a wonderful skill, and I'm surprised that someone who can summon the most powerful djinn in the world can't carry out such as understanding what they are reading.

I have found a legit magickals seller. I am not going to leave their name as I did not reply to this thread to promote them, just to say that there ARE some REAL sellers out there, you just have to take the time to find them. Do your homework on who you are working with and ASK QUESTIONS! Real sellers will answer 1000 questions if they have to.
Yes, I do feel the need to put my own 2 cents in when I see that someone is blatantly lying or talking in circles. I could care less if you like me commenting on your ROR since that is what freedom of speech is all about. If you don't like it then go move to a country that doesn't support the FIRST AMENDMENT!




#9UPDATE Employee

Mon, April 13, 2009

I do not need nor am I here to prove to anyone that our magick is real just to clear our name.

I was just wondering why someone like yourself who says they have no background in witchcraft, yet left comments only on matters dealing with these attacks, even felt you needed to put your two cents into this matter....
unless you are also involved with these attacks against a certain group of people who all happen to sell in the metaphysical category on eBay. If this is the case, thanks for posting again so they can have your IP addy on file.

The rebuttal I posted above was not to show how titles or status make our items legit or not, but to only show our creditablity and explain how what was stated in the report referring to our name is just not true.

Fact is, someone who would have done the things stated in that report would not be able to hold the titles we hold.

The shill bidding statement was and is just a ludicrous claim that I wanted to set straight. I am sure there are sellers who use this injustice to make a quicker & bigger buck, just as some steal to sell items on eBay, BUT WE DO NOT NOR HAVE WE EVER used shill bidding to make a sell or run up an auction, NOR HAVE WE EVER BEEN SUSPENDED. One, we have no need to have others bid on our items as they sell just fine. Also, our items are set up for Buy it Now and anyone that bids must pay immediately.

Regarding the Ebay policy that states we must put a disclaimer on all auctions and websites that states the items are for entertainment purposes only and only 18 and up can purchase" This policy is to keep eBay and all their auctions in compliance with the many state laws in the USA that do not recognize magick and the paranormal world to be real. The disclaimer is on all auctions and websites of this nature.

Our clients have many ways to voice any unhappiness regarding feedback of our items, and can even leave follow up feedback if needed, but this is not the case.
The only ones I see disputing the legitimateness of our magick are people like you that know nothing of it.

I do not know what witches you are referring to with your comments of witches casting spells of harm to threaten a client into leaving good feedback, as this is just insulting and goes against everything that I, as a white witch, believe in. Karma is here to repay those who fall out of line with the universe and not witchcraft. So now I ask who is insulting whose intelligence?

I end this statement by saying, I am not here to speak for every seller in this category or every witch out their, I am here to clear our name for the readers who may truly be interested in our power and how it can help them.

Blessed Be


New York,

In response to your powerseller status

#9Consumer Comment

Wed, April 08, 2009

Facts- We have NEVER been suspended for any reason,
Proof #1 - VeRo Members cannot have suspensions on file,
Proof #2 ANYONE who is caught shill bidding cannot hold PowerSeller status
We are both.

Just because you didn't break any e-bay policies does NOT mean you sell legit haunted items. Your e-Bay listings state that the items are for entertainment purposes only. This means that even if someone were to ask for a refund and dispute it with eBay the case would be decided in YOUR favor since you did sell them exactly what was shown in the pictures (and your disclaimer frees you from having to make sure the item is actually haunted). As long as you send them the piece of jewelry/trinket/box that you show in the picture you have fulfilled your end of the bargain. The disclaimer that all metaphysical sellers use means that eBay will NOT suspend them if there isn't really a spirit in the ring/necklace/etc because their disclaimer stated that these are for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY!

There is a reason why eBay asks their sellers to use disclaimers. You could have sold a million fake "haunted items" but as long as you follow eBay's policies you will stay a legit seller since you had put in your listing that they were for entertainment only (and thus does not guarantee any type of spirit to be haunting the item). This is SO easy to understand! I was a former eBay seller of various merchandise (NON-MAGIC related) so I know the policies/procedures of eBay and PayPal. The PayPal dispute would be decided in your favor as well since you put that the item was only for entertainment. Unfortunately this disclaimer means that unless the seller fails to send you the item, you are getting exactly what you pay for. The ONLY way a customer could win this dispute through either eBay or PayPal (which is owned by eBay) is if the merchandise is damaged, missing, or not the same piece that was shown in the picture.

Please stop insulting our intelligence by asking us to pretend like your powerseller status has anything to do with the legitimacy of your product.

You probably have positive feedback for the following reasons:

1) Many buyers leave feedback as soon as they receive the product before they give it long enough to see if it can work. They then realize later on down the road that you sold them a fake item but they can't "take back" the positive feedback they have already left you

2) You may ask the upset buyer to wait at least 4-6 weeks to see their new spirit which in turn would expire the amount of time in which they would have to leave you feedback

3) in some cases eBay will remove negative feedback if the seller's item was sent as shown in the picture and their sale fit in their terms and conditions (such as the entertainment only disclaimer). I sold a lady a 10K diamond ring and she disputed taht the diamonds were "fake". She left me negative feedback but then went to a jeweler and had the diamonds tested. She then realized that she was wrong and that the diamonds were real. eBay removed this negative feedback from my rating since her feedback was unjust and untrue.

4) for fear of retribution some buyers don't leave negative feedback since they don't want these "witches" to cast spells on them that would harm them or bring them bad luck.

ps. You could have your friends in other states "shill" your items for you and eBay's software wouldn't detect it since they are not located near you and not using the same IP address. Shilling is easy to do and easy to get away with. It's harder for buyers to know if someone is shilling now as well since all names are listed in either numbers or the actual name of the bidder isn't shown for privacy reasons.


New York,

Your prices tell the whole story!

#9Consumer Comment

Wed, April 08, 2009

Here's the thing, IF you were really selling entities in these vessels then I doubt you would be charging only $20-50 for these precious items. Real sellers do not have an unlimited inventory of rare and hard to find spirits. Real sellers know that the vessel itself probably costs $10-20 without a spirit attached. Attaching a spirit to a vessel is not a "quick" process. Getting the spirit into the vessel and then making sure it is acclimated well takes hours. Are you telling me that your time to do this is worth nothing (as that is what your low price is telling me).

You are NOT going to get a real djinn, fae, dragon, etc for $20. It is just NOT going to happen!

I am not a customer of yours or a competitor. I have studied up on what it takes to bind an entity to a vessel and am using plain old common sense as well.




#9UPDATE Employee

Wed, April 01, 2009

This is Kat, owner of Spell Bound Magick and I would really like to know why you think you hold the right to call us a fraud?

The statements made in the above report regarding our eBay screen name spell_bound_magick are in no way true. I wanted to open the eyes of any readers of this nonsense that this is really not a complaint, but a negative and cruel attack LAUNCHED BY ANOTHER EBAY SELLER against our business name and others who sell in the metaphysical category on eBay.

Nothing stated in this so-call report is true. Truth is incontrovertible, malice may attack it and ignorance may deride it, but, in the end, there it is.

The FACTS about us are in plain view for anyone to see if needed:

Spell Bound Magick is a trademarked company that my Mother, Wendy, and I started in 1989, but our family has been in the metaphysical, paranormal, and spell casting field for over 70 years. Our Registered Trademark serial number is 77282231.

We have been ID Verified sellers (more proof that we are legit sellers) on eBay since 2005 when they started the metaphysical category to offer our magickal items worldwide without travel. I am proud to say that we have 100% feedback from our clients on eBay.

Spell Bound Magick are eBay PowerSellers and are proud members of eBay's VeRo program. eBay created the Verified Rights Owner (VeRO) Program so that intellectual property owners like Spell Bound Magick could easily report listings that infringe their rights. It is in eBay's interest to ensure that infringing items are removed from the site, as they erode buyer and seller trust. We joined VeRo to help stop the copycat sellers (who's name should be the ones listed in this statement.) that were stealing our wording and some went as far to steal our logo photo to make it there own.

This also makes me well aware of eBay seller policy.
EVERYONE should do their homework before making a purchase. Educate yourself and know what you are dealing with. Read feedback all the way to the beginning for the seller you are shopping with. Check your sellers ID historymany different names=funny games

Facts- We have NEVER been suspended for any reason,
Proof #1 - VeRo Members cannot have suspensions on file,
Proof #2 ANYONE who is caught shill bidding cannot hold PowerSeller status
We are both.

The price of an item does not determine the authenticity of a seller! I cannot speak for anyone else, but we do not price our items with greedy intent. Our spell prices are based on our time, energy and supplies used and our paranormal items are priced by market value of the item plus the power of the magick and/or spirit attachment. The Make an Offer option is on all of our items to accommodate everyone's needs.

Also, FYI
Knowledgeable sellers in ALL eBay categories use what is known as keywords to list their auctions. There are many programs that can help you find these words that most people search for any given item. eBay even sends sellers tips on how to use these words to help get your auction viewed. The word most searched in the metaphysical category is Haunted so naturally it is used more. This has nothing to do with price or is it used to trick anyone, but just a marketing skill that most seller's use to increase the volume of views to your item.

I will be the first to tell anyone When in doubt, don't, but don't doubt what you do not know. If anyone has any questions regarding us or our work ASKwe can be reached at

I will leave you with this thought What people say, what people do, and what people say you do are entirely different things.

Blessed Be,




#9UPDATE Employee

Wed, April 01, 2009

This is Kat, owner of Spell Bound Magick and I would really like to know why you think you hold the right to call us a fraud?

The statements made in the above report regarding our eBay screen name spell_bound_magick are in no way true. I wanted to open the eyes of any readers of this nonsense that this is really not a complaint, but a negative and cruel attack LAUNCHED BY ANOTHER EBAY SELLER against our business name and others who sell in the metaphysical category on eBay.

Nothing stated in this so-call report is true. Truth is incontrovertible, malice may attack it and ignorance may deride it, but, in the end, there it is.

The FACTS about us are in plain view for anyone to see if needed:

Spell Bound Magick is a trademarked company that my Mother, Wendy, and I started in 1989, but our family has been in the metaphysical, paranormal, and spell casting field for over 70 years. Our Registered Trademark serial number is 77282231.

We have been ID Verified sellers (more proof that we are legit sellers) on eBay since 2005 when they started the metaphysical category to offer our magickal items worldwide without travel. I am proud to say that we have 100% feedback from our clients on eBay.

Spell Bound Magick are eBay PowerSellers and are proud members of eBay's VeRo program. eBay created the Verified Rights Owner (VeRO) Program so that intellectual property owners like Spell Bound Magick could easily report listings that infringe their rights. It is in eBay's interest to ensure that infringing items are removed from the site, as they erode buyer and seller trust. We joined VeRo to help stop the copycat sellers (who's name should be the ones listed in this statement.) that were stealing our wording and some went as far to steal our logo photo to make it there own.

This also makes me well aware of eBay seller policy.
EVERYONE should do their homework before making a purchase. Educate yourself and know what you are dealing with. Read feedback all the way to the beginning for the seller you are shopping with. Check your sellers ID historymany different names=funny games

Facts- We have NEVER been suspended for any reason,
Proof #1 - VeRo Members cannot have suspensions on file,
Proof #2 ANYONE who is caught shill bidding cannot hold PowerSeller status
We are both.

The price of an item does not determine the authenticity of a seller! I cannot speak for anyone else, but we do not price our items with greedy intent. Our spell prices are based on our time, energy and supplies used and our paranormal items are priced by market value of the item plus the power of the magick and/or spirit attachment. The Make an Offer option is on all of our items to accommodate everyone's needs.

Also, FYI
Knowledgeable sellers in ALL eBay categories use what is known as keywords to list their auctions. There are many programs that can help you find these words that most people search for any given item. eBay even sends sellers tips on how to use these words to help get your auction viewed. The word most searched in the metaphysical category is Haunted so naturally it is used more. This has nothing to do with price or is it used to trick anyone, but just a marketing skill that most seller's use to increase the volume of views to your item.

I will be the first to tell anyone When in doubt, don't, but don't doubt what you do not know. If anyone has any questions regarding us or our work ASKwe can be reached at

I will leave you with this thought What people say, what people do, and what people say you do are entirely different things.

Blessed Be,




#9UPDATE Employee

Wed, April 01, 2009

This is Kat, owner of Spell Bound Magick and I would really like to know why you think you hold the right to call us a fraud?

The statements made in the above report regarding our eBay screen name spell_bound_magick are in no way true. I wanted to open the eyes of any readers of this nonsense that this is really not a complaint, but a negative and cruel attack LAUNCHED BY ANOTHER EBAY SELLER against our business name and others who sell in the metaphysical category on eBay.

Nothing stated in this so-call report is true. Truth is incontrovertible, malice may attack it and ignorance may deride it, but, in the end, there it is.

The FACTS about us are in plain view for anyone to see if needed:

Spell Bound Magick is a trademarked company that my Mother, Wendy, and I started in 1989, but our family has been in the metaphysical, paranormal, and spell casting field for over 70 years. Our Registered Trademark serial number is 77282231.

We have been ID Verified sellers (more proof that we are legit sellers) on eBay since 2005 when they started the metaphysical category to offer our magickal items worldwide without travel. I am proud to say that we have 100% feedback from our clients on eBay.

Spell Bound Magick are eBay PowerSellers and are proud members of eBay's VeRo program. eBay created the Verified Rights Owner (VeRO) Program so that intellectual property owners like Spell Bound Magick could easily report listings that infringe their rights. It is in eBay's interest to ensure that infringing items are removed from the site, as they erode buyer and seller trust. We joined VeRo to help stop the copycat sellers (who's name should be the ones listed in this statement.) that were stealing our wording and some went as far to steal our logo photo to make it there own.

This also makes me well aware of eBay seller policy.
EVERYONE should do their homework before making a purchase. Educate yourself and know what you are dealing with. Read feedback all the way to the beginning for the seller you are shopping with. Check your sellers ID historymany different names=funny games

Facts- We have NEVER been suspended for any reason,
Proof #1 - VeRo Members cannot have suspensions on file,
Proof #2 ANYONE who is caught shill bidding cannot hold PowerSeller status
We are both.

The price of an item does not determine the authenticity of a seller! I cannot speak for anyone else, but we do not price our items with greedy intent. Our spell prices are based on our time, energy and supplies used and our paranormal items are priced by market value of the item plus the power of the magick and/or spirit attachment. The Make an Offer option is on all of our items to accommodate everyone's needs.

Also, FYI
Knowledgeable sellers in ALL eBay categories use what is known as keywords to list their auctions. There are many programs that can help you find these words that most people search for any given item. eBay even sends sellers tips on how to use these words to help get your auction viewed. The word most searched in the metaphysical category is Haunted so naturally it is used more. This has nothing to do with price or is it used to trick anyone, but just a marketing skill that most seller's use to increase the volume of views to your item.

I will be the first to tell anyone When in doubt, don't, but don't doubt what you do not know. If anyone has any questions regarding us or our work ASKwe can be reached at

I will leave you with this thought What people say, what people do, and what people say you do are entirely different things.

Blessed Be,




#9UPDATE Employee

Wed, April 01, 2009

This is Kat, owner of Spell Bound Magick and I would really like to know why you think you hold the right to call us a fraud?

The statements made in the above report regarding our eBay screen name spell_bound_magick are in no way true. I wanted to open the eyes of any readers of this nonsense that this is really not a complaint, but a negative and cruel attack LAUNCHED BY ANOTHER EBAY SELLER against our business name and others who sell in the metaphysical category on eBay.

Nothing stated in this so-call report is true. Truth is incontrovertible, malice may attack it and ignorance may deride it, but, in the end, there it is.

The FACTS about us are in plain view for anyone to see if needed:

Spell Bound Magick is a trademarked company that my Mother, Wendy, and I started in 1989, but our family has been in the metaphysical, paranormal, and spell casting field for over 70 years. Our Registered Trademark serial number is 77282231.

We have been ID Verified sellers (more proof that we are legit sellers) on eBay since 2005 when they started the metaphysical category to offer our magickal items worldwide without travel. I am proud to say that we have 100% feedback from our clients on eBay.

Spell Bound Magick are eBay PowerSellers and are proud members of eBay's VeRo program. eBay created the Verified Rights Owner (VeRO) Program so that intellectual property owners like Spell Bound Magick could easily report listings that infringe their rights. It is in eBay's interest to ensure that infringing items are removed from the site, as they erode buyer and seller trust. We joined VeRo to help stop the copycat sellers (who's name should be the ones listed in this statement.) that were stealing our wording and some went as far to steal our logo photo to make it there own.

This also makes me well aware of eBay seller policy.
EVERYONE should do their homework before making a purchase. Educate yourself and know what you are dealing with. Read feedback all the way to the beginning for the seller you are shopping with. Check your sellers ID historymany different names=funny games

Facts- We have NEVER been suspended for any reason,
Proof #1 - VeRo Members cannot have suspensions on file,
Proof #2 ANYONE who is caught shill bidding cannot hold PowerSeller status
We are both.

The price of an item does not determine the authenticity of a seller! I cannot speak for anyone else, but we do not price our items with greedy intent. Our spell prices are based on our time, energy and supplies used and our paranormal items are priced by market value of the item plus the power of the magick and/or spirit attachment. The Make an Offer option is on all of our items to accommodate everyone's needs.

Also, FYI
Knowledgeable sellers in ALL eBay categories use what is known as keywords to list their auctions. There are many programs that can help you find these words that most people search for any given item. eBay even sends sellers tips on how to use these words to help get your auction viewed. The word most searched in the metaphysical category is Haunted so naturally it is used more. This has nothing to do with price or is it used to trick anyone, but just a marketing skill that most seller's use to increase the volume of views to your item.

I will be the first to tell anyone When in doubt, don't, but don't doubt what you do not know. If anyone has any questions regarding us or our work ASKwe can be reached at

I will leave you with this thought What people say, what people do, and what people say you do are entirely different things.

Blessed Be,

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