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  • Report:  #1092637

Complaint Review: Robert Kim SPARKAH LLC

Robert Kim SPARKAH LLC Robert, Bob, Wan Ki, Wan Qui, Wan Qi, Kim Small time SCAMMER trying to go big Internet

  • Reported By:
    CPGI — Los Angeles California
  • Submitted:
    Thu, October 17, 2013
  • Updated:
    Mon, September 18, 2017

Robert Kim, Sparkah LLC,, and all his other various aliases and fake online twitter accounts (@journik), blogs, forums, and followers/subscribers are used purely for the generation of leads for his SCAMS.  Kim's scamming history has been traced back to nearly 10 years when he started scamming people with mobile telecom equipment and services.  


Today, Robert Kim is heavily involved in internet-based scams with leads generated from YouTube, Twitter, Google+, Facebook, online forums, blogs, and other social media venues.  Kim's scams cover a large range of services that include, but are not limited to, search engine optimization (SEO), website development (building, design, hosting, etc.), marketing, startups, events, meditation, computer services, printing, etc.


In March, 2012, I was introduced to Robert Kim through a friend (acquaintance to Robert Kim) whom I had asked for any references for website development.  I distinctly remember that my friend had mentioned to me that he couldn't vouch for Kim because he himself had never used him or known anyone who had used him.  I did not follow my gut instinct to be wary of the introduction and ended up contacting Kim shortly thereafter.


In the introduction phase of my relationship with Kim, he was very kind, personable, and seemed knowledgeable on the needs and wants of my web development project.  He also was quick to drop names of big companies that he claimed to have worked with (none of which were true as I later found out).  In addition, he was very responsive to emails and phone and conference calls.  A work contract was signed with Robert Kim and Sparkah LLC to start work in April, 2012 with an initial deposit of $7,500.00.


Robert Kim works closely with a marijuana rights attorney based in Seattle, WA named Scott Haapala.  Scott Haapala gets paid from a portion of the money that Robert Kim secures from all signed contracts and deposits.  Kim included Haapala in most of all our initial email conversations regarding the contract and beginning phases of the agreed web development project work to give the impression that Sparkah is a large professional company with an in-house attorney.  Scott Haapala was a former member of the Sparkah LLC company just prior to when I contracted with them.  Haapala is still the registered agent for the company and his home address is the same address registered for Sparkah LLC.


From April to October of 2012, Robert Kim and his company Sparkah LLC apparently did everything to make it known to me that they had never intended to deliver on their agreed portion of the work contract.  Work was consistently delayed over days and often a week or longer.  Emails and other forms of communication were slow and sporadic.  And finally after any "completed" work was delivered it was always late and below substandard quality work.


In October, 2012, I terminated the working relationship with Robert Kim and Sparkah LLC.  Although Kim had promised via emails that he would refund an amount of the initial deposit he received, it never happened and I was relegated to filing a small claims action against him and his company in Seattle, Washington District Court.  In August, 2013, a small claims judgment was made against his company Sparkah LLC.  Throughout the small claims process Robert Kim would send patronizing emails my way regarding the small claims action (knowing that he would be fully protected by his corporate veil).  Robert Kim and Sparkah LLC still refuses to pay and continues to hide behind its zero-asset LLC.


It never crossed my mind that I should have done any extended due-diligence on Robert Kim prior to contracting with him.  For this reason, I have only myself to blame for my loss of money and time on this matter.  However, I have been fortunate enough to have met some good people from this ordeal that have assisted and given their own time and efforts without compensation of any kind to expose Robert Kim and his schemes.  


My sole intention and wish for this report is to help protect even one other person or company who is looking to do any kind of business with Robert Kim and Sparkah LLC, or any of its aliases.  IN THE LEAST, PLEASE DO YOUR DUE-DILIGENCE ON ROBERT KIM AND SPARKAH LLC BEFORE CONTRACTING WITH THEM.  Any internet search of him and his company should reveal to you that he has no physical presence anywhere, no real referrals, and no real portfolio of work that can be verified.  Any person or company that doesn't have these things should be avoided altogether anyways.

7 Updates & Rebuttals

Bobby Lee - Bitcoin, Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies - Different Schemes Same Cheater Scam Artist

#8Author of original report

Mon, September 18, 2017

Updating and catching up with Robert Kim, Bob Kim, Bobby Kim, Bobby Lee, et al.


With the rising interest, demand, and anonymous nature of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, ICO's, etc. it was inevitable to see Bobby Lee (still Robert Kim under a different name) get his hands into scamming more people in more ways.


Recently, Bobby Lee has been marketing his Bitcoin schemes to unsuspecting investors.  While it may be worthwhile to look into cryptocurrencies as an alternative investment plan, please do so with larger scale LEGITIMATE companies/individuals.  PLEASE DO YOUR DUE DILIGENCE regardless and be aware that Bobby Lee is one of these serial scammers.  All he needs is one person to slip and he's made off with your hard earned money to fund more of his unscrupulous schemes.


He is currently running a website located at:


Facebook page:


Youtube page titled "Bitcoin Seoul":


His website designs are all hosted off the same servers and are of similar design/layout as his old Sparkah page where he ran his web development scams off of.


Please see his attached current photos taken from his Bitcoin videos and his Facebook page.


Washington Secretary of State - Updated Sparkah LLC dissolution

#8Author of original report

Sun, October 30, 2016

Wanted to update the link for the now defunct SPARKAH LLC company that Robert Bob Kim is still utilizing for his con schemes:


Robert Bob Kim, Still Active On YouTube / Facebook / Twitter

#8Author of original report

Thu, January 14, 2016


Under the new guise of "OmniChannel Marketing & Advertising Company" via YouTube, Robert Kim has remained active in producing and uploading videos, asking for further audience promotion for more visibility through these venues with a "like" "thumbs up" or share.  He is actively moving his new prey (clientele) towards his other site "Creative Guerilla" that has been in operation:

When viewing his other accounts online, it appears he has many subscribers, audience members, or other "clients" who praise his work and prowess with online marketing, however, Bob Kim is relentless in his ability and determination to create these proxy accounts to appear that he is generating business and attention to himself.  He often cross-posts his own work across these numerous accounts and creates the appearance of creating buzz.

A new picture is being posted of Robert Kim, who now appears to have a thinning top line of hair with greying on the sides of his sideburns and head.

Please beware of this individual and please reference the above many other resources in which to research this individual before contacting him for any sort of business transaction.  He will not deliver and he has no formal company or experience or factual evidence of any of his credentials.

Updates will continue into the future.



New complaints, posts, warnings regarding Robert, Bob, Bobby, Wan Kim

#8Author of original report

Tue, November 18, 2014

Being that Robert / Bob / Bobby / Wan / Kim resides and is based in South Korea, he has been actively pursuing numerous new scams that have divulged into various unrelated businesses as noted in this report's ongoing updates.  At this point, most of his scams are still related to English speaking clientele who are looking for that "competitive edge" into breaking through an unknown market with someone who is knowledgeable and well connected in the respective industry.

This is where Kim excels because he understands a lot of business is done electronically these days without ever physically seeing, greeting one another, or stepping foot into an office.  It is inevitable with technology, an internet connected society, and the busy nature of life.  That is why Kim continues to find new victims for his own personal financial gain.

It helps Kim's cause to appear well connected and knowledgeable.  This is the reason for all the excessive YouTube selfie videos he spams out through his @journik Twitter account.  He also maintains numerous other bogus accounts from "international" businesses or individuals and creates dialogue to make it seem like Kim is actually doing business and helping these fake users who are actually Kim himself.  Large businesses generally are wary and have resources to weed out fakers like Kim, however, the small and medium sized businesses that are hungry and are actively seeking to grow are the usual prime targets of his scams and cons.

A new, well-written, and accurate post of Bob Kim in South Korea has been posted recently, and should be read:

There are also links on the right hand side of the page that shows the appropriate links to report people like Bob Kim to the Korean authorities.

New websites and schemes Kim has been pushing lately:

His main Twitter and internet identity is: JOURNIK @journik




Robert Kim / Bobby Kim / JOURNIK

#8Author of original report

Mon, October 27, 2014

Robert Kim / Bobby Kim / JOURNIK have remained active mostly through Twitter and YouTube.

Here are some additional web pages, contact emails, and other information that are related to Robert Kim AKA Bobby Kim and JOURNIK.  He has been actively pursuing Bitcoin, printing, online marketing, and his usual design fraud schemes which cater to a wide range of budgets, making it seem "more" appealing to smaller businesses who believe they are getting a "big" company to help get them out there in the marketplace.

Please be weary of a company with NO PHYSICAL PRESENCE anywhere, let alone the cities he lists as locations for his company offices such as:

Los Angeles | San Francisco | New York | London | Hong Kong | Seoul




347-688-0050 USA phone contact



Los Angeles,

New ventures and aliases, UPDATE on Robert Kim

#8Author of original report

Fri, June 27, 2014


Robert Kim has been continuing to upload self-shot videos and remain active with his social media scam marketing mostly through YouTube and Twitter.  Various new ventures include:

-- Bitcoin selling, buying, trading, exchanging

-- Printing with claimed offices and locations in major cities/countries such as Paris, Barcelona, Rome, Milan, Brussels, Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Seattle, Los Angeles, New York, San Diego, Shenzhen.

-- Robotics and automated manufacturing solutions.  He is located @journik on Twitter where he goes by "Bobby, VP Robotics".  You will find that he cross posts his links (spams) through numerous other accounts that he holds to appear as if he is active, in the know, and followed by many other people.  Just scroll down his accounts and you will see extreme cases of multiple instances of the same videos and posts throughout.

-- New website with a contact address of and phone contact number of 347-688-0050.

-- Is still utilizing 

Remember to do your due diligence on anyone before starting any kind of business with anyone.  Get references, get in physical contact with them at their physical office, and verify any claims or work that they have done in the past.  You will find that if Robert Kim (Korean name is Kim Wan Qi or Kim Wan Ki) is confronted or requested with any of these things, he will move on to someone else to scam because everything that is claimed can not be substantiated.



Sparkah LLC dissolved

#8Author of original report

Tue, January 28, 2014


Following the August, 2013 judgment against Sparkah LLC for breach of contract and fraud, Robert Kim had Scott Haapala dissolve and deactivate Sparkah LLC the following month.

Robert Kim continues to utilize the website to generate leads and traffic from his numerous online social media accounts, like YouTube and Twitter.  Many of the followers and/or commenters for his accounts are actually made by himself with different accounts.

He continues to use his Guerilla Marketing, Google SEO, PR, Marketing, Consulting catch phrases.

This entry will continue to be updated to keep track of Robert Kim and any new ventures, aliases, schemes, scams, etc. are discovered.

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