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  • Report:  #438387

Complaint Review: Robert Louis Miller Attorney Robert L Miller

Robert Louis Miller Attorney Robert L Miller is a liar and not to be trusted heres why Santa Ana California

  • Reported By:
    Anytown California
  • Submitted:
    Fri, March 27, 2009
  • Updated:
    Thu, April 09, 2009
  • Robert Louis Miller Attorney Robert L Miller
    1801 Parkcourt
    Santa Ana, California
  • Phone:
  • Category:

It doesn't surprise me how defensive Mr. Miller is. He is an incompetent attorney and that is that. Mr. Miller DID NOT attend each and every meeting as he falsely states in his rebuttal. He sent his very young and very inexperienced associate Jessica to speak to the prosecutor instead of going in himself. She also attended a follow up hearing with me, not him. This was made evident by the "internal notes" he provided me after I took him to arbritration.

Jessica sent an email to Mr. Miller with the results of HER meeting with the prosecutor. He did not meet with the Prosecutor regardless of what he has said here. Miller did indeed lie about the plea agreement, and did indeed threaten 14 years of jail time if I did not "cop a plea" of NO CONTEST to the false and fraudulent charges against me.

He was taken to arbritration because of "ineffective assistance of council". Unfortunately the arbritrator who went to law school with Mr Miller sided with him after he repeatedly lied to her with regards to what he said he did in my case. However she did not reward him the entire amount of money he demanded.

Mr. Miller was hired to file a "Motion to dismiss" and he stated to me that he would do this. However he did not file anything on my behalf. He instead told me he "didn't have time". Well he had 3 weeks. Apparently he was too involved in his own personal legal issues to do his job.

My case involved false Harassment charges by an ex-boyfriend who filed dozens of false police reports claiming among other things that I hacked into his corporate email account, attached GPS tracking devices to his truck, used computer voice changing equipment to sound like a man and leave messages, all proven to be false and fraudulent claims. The police checked his truck and found no tracking devises of any kind, they search my home and work and found no monoriting equipment whatsoever, there was an email provided by the false victim himself, from his work IT people that indicated his account was NEVER hacked into.

The Detective knew these claims were all false yet continued to make the claims on his numerous reports he filed with the police dept and the courts to get a judge to sign the search warrant. Apparently Judge Ong is a rubber stamp to these cops as he did not request any proof, as there was none.

I wasn't aware of these false claims until 6 months after the search because as the detective handed me the search warrant he quickly tore off the last 3 pages of this false narrative.

Mr. Miller even told me they had no probable cause to enter my home and agreed to file the "Motion to dismiss" based on the facts that this was all being made up and had no base in fact. It was planted just like the gun and drugs were planted on Greggory Abbott the Fullerton teacher who was arrested last year but was actually set up by her estranged wife and her boyfriend. Their case is pending in an OC court. Trial is in April.

My ex-boyfriend, aided by his business partner, who is a Convicted Felon and was later arrested in Arkansas for "Criminal Impersonation" (who then fled Arkansas leaving behind a slew of angry creditors, and two ex-wives) entered my home with the keys he still had after our breakup to plant an email address page used to set up a computer spoofing account, designed to fake caller ID. He falsely used my credit cards and also repeatedly sent himself email in his co-workers names, people I do not know nor have ever heard of and claimed it was me doing it. I never sent him any such thing. He claimed he changed his email account and I did not know it, He also claimed he had to change his phone number 25-30 times which was also a lie and Detective knew it but repeated this on his false reports.

His former wife who had filed TWO DV Restraining orders against him, was now coming to his aid and claiming she "Made it all up". She is an admitted liar. She filed these court documents under Penalty of Perjury, and filed false Police reports that resulted in having her husband (my ex) thown out of his own home by the Downey Police. So we should ask ourselves what else did she lie about?

Well lets see, she called Child Services on her ex-husband to get him to move out of his Studio apt because he was sleeping in the same bed with his two young children, she was molested by her father and sensitive to this situation, after being interviewed by Child services he had to move into living conditions that would accomadate two children, however she accused ME of making the call. This was a lie, I did not call, email or notify anyone of this.

She then sent her daughters Baseball Assoc president an email accusing her ex-husband of being a drug dealer (which he is) and of harassing young girls with sexual comments. Then called the detective up in "hysterics" claiming it was me who sent the email. Again, I did not send anything to anyone, I have no idea who her Baseball president is or that he even exists. I live in a different city and have nothing to do with these people. The allegations were outragious and false.

The detective in the case was young and gullable and despite the fact that he knew his victim was lying about a number of things refused to believe me. He was angry that I would not speak to him as I was told not to my by previous attorney. And I dared to question his motives for defending a "WIFE BEATING, DRUG DEALING, ILLEGAL GAMBLING, TAX EVADER. This set him off. He decided to turn the case over to prosecutor because I refused to talk to him. He was hitting on me, and making overtly sexual remarks and disturbing sexual inferrences and just creeped me out.

Once a DV case is turned over to prosecutors there is a "No Drop policy" They don't drop the cases EVER! I found this out much later. I was being set up by a ventictive ex-boyfriend who threatened to kill me if "cops showed up at his house". He threatened my life and the Long Beach Police told me to file a Restraining order against him. I did, he retaliated and has been coming after me ever since. He was successful in his revenge and Mr. Miller failed to get to the truth. He claimed he "didn't have time"!!!

The prosecutor told Mr. Miller's associate when SHE visited her, that she wasn't going to recommend "jail time' but to "HOLD JAIL TIME OVER HER HEAD TO GET HER TO COP A PLEA". And Mr. Miller went along with it. He lied to me, rather than telling me the truth about what she really intended. I have his internal memo with this exact statment.

Mr. Miller is a liar! Had I know this, I would have fired him on the spot, requested a Public Defender and gone to trial. I have numerous witnesses and declarations from friends and family who knew I was NOT making calls or sending email to this fake victim and Miller knew it. But since he did not attend the MEETING with the prosecutor to reiterate this crucial information I was threatened with jail time.

Also during much of time I was falsely accused I was actually with family in the Arcadia hospital where my father was admitted after suffering a stroke. I was there more than home and there was undeniable proof of this. The calls were being made to the fake victim using a computer and the spooftell service that I was not a party to, the detective even told me NOTHING was found on my computer, Mr. Miller lied to me and tried to tell me there was.

the ex-boyfriend is now under investigation by the IRS for criminal fraud, they just popped his tax accountant, Sidney Binder, you can read all about it on the internet. It's just a matter of time before they get this liar.

To further reiterate his lies:
Mr. Miller did indeed file Bankruptcy and there WAS a law suite filed by Linda Gonzalez against him.

his Bankruptcy case #SA 05-10519-JB was Filed on January 27, 2005 total deliquent amount claimed: $1,256,086.57

his BK case is ongoing, and many motions have been filed to dismiss due to his missed payments. His debt. also includes NOT paying his California State Employment income taxes.

the Lawsuite for Legal Malpractice, Fraud and Breach of contract was filed by Linda Gonzalez for $100,000. Ms. Gonzalez is also a creditor to his bankruptcy claims.
Case #04CC03285 Filed May 19, 2004

Why Mr. Miller continues to lie about this is evidence of his unethical practice and clear evidence that he is a liar.

I think your readers should know about this attorney so they can make a judgement as to whether they want to hire him or not. I only wish I had know of his BK, Divorce and this Lawsuit. I surely would have gone elsewhere. I expect him to come after me with a lawsuit as this is the level this man stoops to rather than admit his mistakes. No doubt he will come back here with more lies.

Falsely Accused and lied to
Anytown, California

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3 Updates & Rebuttals



Why Miller continues to lie is no surprise to anyone

#4Author of original report

Thu, April 09, 2009

Once again, Mr Miller is in complete denial of his lack of skill as a competent attorney.

When a prosecutor threatens your client with jail time, with no intention whatsoever of recomending jail time wouldn't you tell your client that she is just bluffing and just threatening you? Mr. Miller didn't do that. Rather he lied to me.

Wouldn't you tell your client that they can go to trial, and if they can't afford you that they can get a Public Defender? Mr. Miller DID NOT tell me that regardless of what he says here. Rather he told me I would have to pay him another $12,000 to be represented by him to defend these false charges, along with another $2-3,000 to hire EXPERT witnessess to tell this Judge and Prosecutor what an IP address. Mr. Miller knows what an IP address is and I was broke.

A good honest attorney would tell his client the truth, however Mr. Miller did not tell me the truth, rather he lied to me and said I would go to jail for 14 years if I did not cop a plea to the FALSE charges against me. The charges were FALSE, regardless of what he says here and regardless of what he thinks of me, in other words there was no truth to them. I was NOT harassing my ex-boyfriend or anyone else. I was ACCUSED of making "phone calls" to this person however there were NO outgoing phone calls on my home or cell phones. This was proven by the owner of the spooftell company who told me what the IP addresses were and they were not related to any computer I owned or used. I relayed this information to Mr. Miller yet he failed to relay it to his "staff" who went to speak to prosecutor Sharon Panian. Panian has her own agenda, she is a liar, she is a corrupt prosecutor, (who cheats on her boyfriend and stalks married men) she withheld evidence of a key witness in my case, before Mr. Miller became involved and I told him this. Panian lied to the judge! I have the transcripts and I know what she told the judge as it pertained to my witness, who is my neighbor and an attorney. Mr. Miller told me the judge had already "determined guilt" therefore I had no recourse but to plea NO CONTEST. Judges are NOT supposed to predetermine guilt, yet this is what he told me. NO ONE had ever spoken to me or asked me a thing. They listened to the prosecutor and the dirty cop and didn't bother to ask me anything. And there was NOT over 1,000 pages of evidence. this is just NOT true.

He failed to do a lot of things on my behalf that a competent attorney would have done. He lied to the arbritrator who was a single woman, not a PANEL OF EXPERTS as he lied before, just as he is lying here. He cannot admit that he screwed me over and robbed me blind.

I did pay Mr. Miller half of the $5,000 agreed upon fee up front and agreed to make 2 more payments once the case was dismissed, as he promised it would be when he promised he would FILE A MOTION TO DISMISS . Why he keeps saying I never paid him is just more evidence of his inability to comprehend what he is told and given to read. And further evidence of his ability to mislead and flat out lie. After he screwed me over, I felt he didn't deserve another dime so he tried to sue me.

Yes we all understand that you are not supposed to LIE to your clients, it is forbidden, however THAT IS WHAT YOU DID, YOU LIED TO ME.

We all understand that you cannot predict the outcome of a case and cannot promise you will get a dismissal - but THAT IS WHAT YOU DID! YOU PROMISED TO FILE A MOTION TO DISMISS BUT YOU DIDN'T DO THAT. DO YOU GET THIS?????

Your contract specifically states that you were to do "PRETRIAL INVESTIGATION" but you didn't investigate anything! You didn't contact anyone I was with while the false charges were being made. Had you done so you would have seen that the charges were false. I was with friends and family during times "someone' was using a computer to call the fake victim. The fake victim was setting me up along with the ex wife and his x-con friend the convicted felon David Hadjes. They had a business arrangment. The x-con and the admitted liar were the star witnesses for the prosecution.

Had I known you did not believe me. I would have gone elsewhere. You should have been honest, but you weren't.

Since I was FORCED to "cop a plea" I was told by attorneys that I could not win a lawsuite against Mr. Miller. threatening 14 years of jail time is FORCING A PLEA. He might as well have put a gun to my head.
This is criminal, this is negligence, this is fraud. And it's just too bad that this attorney can't admit to his incompetence or his dishonesty. I didn't have the money for another lawsuite.

And make no mistake about it Mr. Miller, this was a grave injustice you did to me. This is not something that you just forget about and go on your merry way. Go ask the Duke La Cross boys if they'll ever forget about the injustice they endured when they were FALSELY accused of rape!

Sharon Panian's true character is coming out all on her own. Her own staff is reporting her personal and professional conduct as it pertains to stalking a married police officer among other things. I'm sure she'll dig her own grave, she's a disgrace to the city of Long Beach. In fact the entire Domestic Violence community had been made aware of her personal conduct and her professional misconduct as it pertained to my case and others.

The California Bar doesn't do anything to lawyers who lie. They just don't you know that. They would have to catch you in the act molesting a small child or snorting coke up your nose to sanction you or have you disbarred.
And since I have no evidence of this they will do nothing and you will continue to screw people out of a lot of money.

So keep coming back here with your lies, and try to tell people about charges brought against me that are complete lies. It's good for people to see how you divluge personal information about your former clients. I'm sure they'll think twice before hiring you.

Robert Miller

Santa Ana,

This client's frustration with the system is understandable.

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, April 06, 2009

I was most concerned to read the respond by this client, which is misguided.

This client, in short, has claimed that the services of our firm were incompetent. The facts show otherwise.

This client had an opportunity to participate in a full arbitration hearing, which she did. After hearing all the evidence from the client, the arbitrator found her claims unfounded. There was no finding of "inappropriate assistance of counsel", as that was not even an issue to be decided. This client ended up in arbitration because she never paid her fees for services -- in other words, did not perform her part of the contract.

This client had the opportunity to participate in a State Bar complaint. The State Bar did not, ever, find any wrongdoing, negligence, or malpractice.

This client had the opportunity to file a malpractice lawsuit. She never filed one, ever.

This client had the opportunity to bring a motion to withdraw her plea of guilty or no contest, if she felt so strongly that her plea, in open court, to the judge, was inappropriate. Although she was given ample opportunity to do so, she never did.

It is a shame that this client has chosen to bring accusations, two years after this case was over and done. has allegations that they are an extortion business (, and request money from businesses to fix negative information.

I can say that Jessica, who was an attorney member of our team, and was hired along with the firm to help on the case, was a fully licensed member of the bar, with no record of discipline before, or after this case. The contract that this client signed stated that she was not hiring one attorney, but the whole firm, and everyone, from the legal assistants up, worked on her case as a team, including participating in weekly meetings regarding this case.

Unfortunately, this client had two prior incidents in her past where she was caught criminally harassing ex-boyfriends using technology, and despite her past, she was still given a relatively lenient sentence, considering the many charges against her in this case, almost all of which were dismissed in court.

Information about the alleged malpractice claim that the client listed shows that the case involved a bankruptcy claim, and that the case was dismissed, with prejudice, with no admission of guilt, or finding of any malpractice, whatsoever. The State Bar shows a clean record for my bar number, which is 176398, with no record of discipline.

The bankruptcy case, which is under a separate business name, and which was for a completely different corporate/business name, is a business repayment plan, which is current. There are absolutely no State Employment or EDD taxes outstanding. Implying that debts in that case were not repaid is not relevant, and certainly not truthful. I fail to see, in any case, how this case matters to the outcome here. Likewise, I am not divorced, but I will be at the end of this process, and I certainly do not hate women, if that matters.

If this client wants to persist in the belief that all of her ex boyfriends are against her, and all of her attorneys, past and present are against her, and the prosecutor in this case, and in her past cases, are all against her, and the judge in this case is completely against her, that is her right. I can say, from reviewing the evidence, that such a conclusion is not supported by any facts, or any evidence in this case. I can also say that such a conclusion is unlikely.

I can appreciate how frustrating it has been for this client to go through this process three times, and being accused of harassing people through the internet. But her complaints, on this and other sites, do not make that fact less true.

For this client in particular, our firm made it our aim to deliver a professional service this and all of our customers. Due to the nature of the business, and since we represent people accused of in some cases horrible crimes, not everyone is going to be happy with the system, or in the results of their case. It is the nature of the service provided. I have now handled over 1,000 cases, and hundreds of trials, and I can assure you that the court system is the cause of much stress for clients, even if a good result, like a not guilty verdict at trial, is obtained.

Although this case was over two years ago, thank you for bringing this matter to my attention and allowing your frustrations to be aired.

If there was something that the court, the judge, or the prosecutor did in your case, I apologize for the annoyance that this may have caused to you. I always try to shield my clients as much as possible from the negativity of the court system, even though that is not always possible. As a business, our firm is actively working to improve service levels and your feedback is helpful.

I wish all the best to you.

Robert Miller

Santa Ana,

This client's frustration with the system is understandable.

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, April 06, 2009

I was most concerned to read the respond by this client, which is misguided.

This client, in short, has claimed that the services of our firm were incompetent. The facts show otherwise.

This client had an opportunity to participate in a full arbitration hearing, which she did. After hearing all the evidence from the client, the arbitrator found her claims unfounded. There was no finding of "inappropriate assistance of counsel", as that was not even an issue to be decided. This client ended up in arbitration because she never paid her fees for services -- in other words, did not perform her part of the contract.

This client had the opportunity to participate in a State Bar complaint. The State Bar did not, ever, find any wrongdoing, negligence, or malpractice.

This client had the opportunity to file a malpractice lawsuit. She never filed one, ever.

This client had the opportunity to bring a motion to withdraw her plea of guilty or no contest, if she felt so strongly that her plea, in open court, to the judge, was inappropriate. Although she was given ample opportunity to do so, she never did.

It is a shame that this client has chosen to bring accusations, two years after this case was over and done. has allegations that they are an extortion business (, and request money from businesses to fix negative information.

I can say that Jessica, who was an attorney member of our team, and was hired along with the firm to help on the case, was a fully licensed member of the bar, with no record of discipline before, or after this case. The contract that this client signed stated that she was not hiring one attorney, but the whole firm, and everyone, from the legal assistants up, worked on her case as a team, including participating in weekly meetings regarding this case.

Unfortunately, this client had two prior incidents in her past where she was caught criminally harassing ex-boyfriends using technology, and despite her past, she was still given a relatively lenient sentence, considering the many charges against her in this case, almost all of which were dismissed in court.

Information about the alleged malpractice claim that the client listed shows that the case involved a bankruptcy claim, and that the case was dismissed, with prejudice, with no admission of guilt, or finding of any malpractice, whatsoever. The State Bar shows a clean record for my bar number, which is 176398, with no record of discipline.

The bankruptcy case, which is under a separate business name, and which was for a completely different corporate/business name, is a business repayment plan, which is current. There are absolutely no State Employment or EDD taxes outstanding. Implying that debts in that case were not repaid is not relevant, and certainly not truthful. I fail to see, in any case, how this case matters to the outcome here. Likewise, I am not divorced, but I will be at the end of this process, and I certainly do not hate women, if that matters.

If this client wants to persist in the belief that all of her ex boyfriends are against her, and all of her attorneys, past and present are against her, and the prosecutor in this case, and in her past cases, are all against her, and the judge in this case is completely against her, that is her right. I can say, from reviewing the evidence, that such a conclusion is not supported by any facts, or any evidence in this case. I can also say that such a conclusion is unlikely.

I can appreciate how frustrating it has been for this client to go through this process three times, and being accused of harassing people through the internet. But her complaints, on this and other sites, do not make that fact less true.

For this client in particular, our firm made it our aim to deliver a professional service this and all of our customers. Due to the nature of the business, and since we represent people accused of in some cases horrible crimes, not everyone is going to be happy with the system, or in the results of their case. It is the nature of the service provided. I have now handled over 1,000 cases, and hundreds of trials, and I can assure you that the court system is the cause of much stress for clients, even if a good result, like a not guilty verdict at trial, is obtained.

Although this case was over two years ago, thank you for bringing this matter to my attention and allowing your frustrations to be aired.

If there was something that the court, the judge, or the prosecutor did in your case, I apologize for the annoyance that this may have caused to you. I always try to shield my clients as much as possible from the negativity of the court system, even though that is not always possible. As a business, our firm is actively working to improve service levels and your feedback is helpful.

I wish all the best to you.

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