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  • Report:  #1068569

Complaint Review: Robert Rosebrock

Robert Rosebrock Bob Rosebrock, Robert Lea Rosebrock, R. L. Rosebrock. Who is Terry Richards? A Response to the character assassination against me by Robert Rosebrock. Los Angeles/Brentwood Calfornia

  • Reported By:
    Terry Richards Columnist Veterans News Service Los Angeles — Los Angeles California
  • Submitted:
    Sat, July 20, 2013
  • Updated:
    Sat, July 20, 2013

Originally Posted on and on July 6, 2013.

Above photo is of Terry Richards, Veterans Rights Advocate since 1990 and Founder-Columnist for Veterans News Service Los Angeles whose virtually gives his full Military and Civilian past history on his Blog and in the story below...
Above photo is that of Bob Rosebrock alias Robert Lea Rosebrock So-called Veterans Advocate/Veteran's Cult Leader only since 2007 who refuses to Publish anything about his past other than a small portion of his Military Service on his Columnist Page for "Veterans Today" or anywhere else...

There are those who have been Advocating for the last 6-years for the building of Veterans Homes on West Los Angeles and other VA Properties. But the fact is 80% of Homeless Veterans have said they do not want to live on VA or other Government Property because of all the rules regulations lack of privacy, and in most cases testing for substance abuse, and therefore, prefer Private Independent Living like HUD-VASH Section 8 Independent Housing or HUD Senior Housing at Private Apartment Buildings or at Single-Family Investment-Rental Properties for their Permanent Residents (Emphasis on “Permanent”)… This does not mean that these same Veterans will not consider transitional housing at a VA Domiciliary or VA Funded Grant Per Diem Non-Profit, especially during the cold and rainy seasons or while waiting for assured Independent Housing...

The above Veterans Homes Advocates is a Group known as the Old Veterans Guard  a name they stole (Legally known as "Stolen Valor") from The Old GuardThe oldest active infantry unit and premiere ceremonial unit in the US Army.

The Old Veterans Guard is led by Bob Rosebrock alias Robert Rosebrock alias Robert Lea Rosebrock alias R. L. Rosebrock...  And even though on at least 5-occassions I Demonstrated with Rosebrock’s Group on Sunday between 1pm-4pm jeopardizing my stay in the Domiciliary because they have subtly threatened other Vets in the past that they did not like them Demonstrating against the VA, these same Advocates are endeavoring to assassinate my character and my work as an uncompensated Veterans Rights Activist since 1990. The reasons they are doing this is because, among other things, I disassociated myself with Rosebrock’s Group after finding-out about and further investigating and promoting on my own the Housing First Initiative, a proven Paradigm Worldwide that ”ends homelessness” in conjunction with HUD-VASH Section 8 Independent Housing rather then Veterans Homes is better for Chronically and Non-Chronically Homeless Veterans or otherwise Financially Disadvantaged Chronically and Non-Chronically ill Veterans and Senior Veterans who are “at risk” of becoming Homeless…  Rosebrock’s, et al attacks against me has forced me to respond with equal vigor

Rosebrock, et al who endorsed and sided with the 2012 Republican Presidential Nominee Mitt Romney and local Republican Candidates for Congress, the same Republican Party who said they wanted to CUT $12-BILLION from the VA BUDGET have also criticized me for Campaigning with the 2012 Congressman Henry Waxman and President Obama Campaign who as everyone knows has asked and received from Congress Funding for Homeless Veterans more than any other previous Administration previous...

I have also been criticized for apologizing publicly to Congressman Waxman about several stories I wrote in support of Rosebrock’s Veterans Advocacy while I was still Living in Florida based upon the information and evidence presented to me by Rosebrock. This information turned out to be totally false.

Also based upon information presented to me by Rosebrock, after spending 15-years in St. Petersburg, Florida I moved to Los Angeles thinking I would be admitted to the new California Veterans (CAL-VET) located at the West Los Angeles VA Medical Center, but upon my arrival that information by Rosebrock was totally inaccurate as well, so I found myself homeless in Santa Monica for 3-days before going to the VA for help. In fact, it was Rosebrock who urged me to go the VA because he said they had Programs there that could help me.

But now, Rosebrock, et al, have ridiculed me for Qualifying for the VA Domiciliary's Back to Productivity Homeless Program (Even though I have no history of Substance Abuse) and then obtaining HUD-VASH Section 8 Housing because they Allege that I do not Qualify, when in Fact I did and I do Qualify… The reasons I qualified/qualify is because I am 64-years-old and I suffer from Chronic Myofacial Pain from Severe Spinal Stenosis, Cluster Headaches, Peripheral and Diabetic Neuropathy, and Polymyositis Neuromuscular Disease (currently in remission), and Major Depressive Disorder, and My combined income from Social Security Disability and the Non-Service Connected Pension is only $1038 per month/$12,456 Annually. Fortunately through the modern Miracles of Medicine and Medications I can still walk and stand on my own but only for very limited periods of time before having to stop and rest or sit-down… Furthermore, Single Veterans for HUD-VASH Section 8 Housing can have up to approximately $29,500 Annually in income and still Qualify… Moreover, only 65% of the HUD-VASH Housing Vouchers are required to be issued to the most chronically homeless Veterans. The other 35% can be issued to Veterans like myself...

Rosebrock in a further effort to diminish my good name personally and as a Veterans Rights Advocate writes about how I was evicted from my last apartment just before moving to Los Angeles but does not tell the reason and exact truth as to why I was evicted... The reason I was evicted was in fact that on November 14, 2012 I wrote a story about the Landlord/Property Manager Janet L. Kaspar Berating an 82-year-old 2-War Veteran. Then on November 15. 2012 the next day I was served with a Notice of Termination of my Tenancy.. I fought the eviction but lost due to lack of funds and not being able to afford retaining an Attorney and so I made critical Legal errors while acting as my own Attorney Pro Se.

Since my income is approximately 125% below the Government’s Rated Poverty Level I have no other way to fight back other then filing Pro Se Lawsuits and using Freedom of the Press. And although I jeopardized becoming homeless and did become temporarily homeless twice prior to the first 3-days in Los Angeles sticking-up for that 82-year-old Veteran and another War Veteran who was "Terrorized" by another former Landlord I do not regret my actions… In the latter, I called State and Local Law Florida Enforcement on the Landlord for Terrorizing a then recently discharged War On Terror Veteran because he could not pay his rent due to a glitch in the VA’s Vocational Rehabilitation Financial Aid Division… The Latter also got Press from a local TV News Station...

Actions speak louder than words”... After reviewing News Media Videos, Newspaper stories, Letters from VA Staff, Veterans Organizations et al, and recent stories by me on “The Housing First Initiative” a proven Paradigm to ending homelessness, among other stories, you can decide for yourself who you want to believe… Please log onto to read About My Life as a Veterans Rights Advocate, as well as my Military and Civilian History… I will even give you my online Voice-Over Repertoire and short but detailed Biography that’s been available online for about a year or so, as I do not have anything to hide…

Yup, that’s me in the photo above holding the "SAVE OUR VETERANS LAND" sign… Unless Rosebrock needs you for a Photo Op to show the world what he is doing, he condemns anyone who wants a Photo Op for their own Blog or just to show their friends and relatives what they have been doing…

I still believe in "SAVING THE VETERANS LAND" in accordance with the DEED OF 1888 but not the building of Veterans Homes but rather Nursing Homes for the current aging “Babby-Boomer” Generation of Veterans, and Veterans from all Generations who are severely physically and/or mentally disabled to the extent that they cannot take care of themselves without assistance... Because IF THEY BUILD THEM, THEY WILL NOT COME (The 80% of the Homeless Veterans will not come) because of the reasons stated in this story and the HOUSING FIRST INITIATIVE stories… For the other 20% that may come(???), the Building of Veterans Homes like that of the Paradigm of the West Los Angeles CAL-VET Homes which are “Tiered” to accommodate Independent Living for Veterans who can take care of themselves (84 rooms out of about 400), and the rest of the rooms are for Assisted Living and Nursing Home Care…

Above Rosebrock has photo op with a Los Angeles TV News Channel... But Rosebrock has fits if any of his Volunteers talk to the News Media even if the News Media approach the Volunteers for comments… Rosebrock is unappreciative of his Volunteers and treats his Volunteers as if he is paying them wages or a salary probably as employees. And more likely than not, Rosebrock probably would and probably has in the past treated his employees in the same manner  as an owner or manager... That's why except during special events where Rosebrock invites well-known Athletes, Authors and Veterans, Rosebrock usually only has 3 or 4 Volunteers Demonstrating in his Sunday rally between 1pm-4pm...

The above photo to the left is me standing and holding onto the VA Fence on Wilshire watching Rosebrock Demonstrate. I was still on 30-day restriction at the Domiciliary which is imposed on all new Patients, so I held onto the fence like I was in jail as a joke and to be funny, and then told Rosebrock to take a photo of me, especially with the cigarette in my mouth. The photo to the right is at Santa Monica Pier where I met with Rosebrock after my third day homeless in Los Angeles… As you will read in Rosebrock’s portrayal of me, Rosebrock tries to make me look like a vagabond and thief from the photos like they were mug shots… The best advice I can give anyone that comes into contact with Rosebrock is not to let him take any photos of you even under if it seems to be under the most benign circumstance, and definitely do not confide in Rosebrock nor tell him about any Injustices that may have occurred in your life, as the Demon that he is, Rosebrock will turn those Injustices into further Injustice against you...

Although I have not covered or defended all the twisted truths and fabricated lies made by Rosebrock, I will simply just give you the link to the only story I know about so far that he wrote. You should DULY NOTE THAT other than Rosebrock mentioning his Branch of Service, Military Outfit, and assignment in Hawaii on his Veterans Today About/Biography Page set forth below,  Rosebrock  offers no other History of his past like where he was born and raised, employment, avocations, etc., like I do on my About page  One wonders why Rosebrock does not offer more of his past history???

I did not think those responding to Rosebrock’s allegations was the kind of news I wanted to post on Veterans News Service Los Angeles but I did it anyway. To read my stories about Rosebrock click onto:


Housing First and related story Links

LA County Democratic Party Adopts Permanent Independent Living Supportive Housing Resolution over Veterans Homes for Homeless Veterans
Proof Independent Private ‘supported housing’ approach will End Veteran Homelessness, Not Building Veterans Homes!!! – Part 1 of a Series                                                                                                                                                                                            
Proof Independent Private ‘supported housing’ approach will end Veteran Homelessness, Not Building Veterans Homes!!! – Part 2 of a Series                                                                                                                                                                                          
Proof Independent Private ‘supported housing’ approach will end Veteran Homelessness, Not Building Veterans Homes!!! – Part 3 of a Series                                                                                                                                                                                                               
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