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  • Report:  #1515088

Complaint Review: Robert Salmonsen Taylor Salmonsen Jacob McRavin

Robert Salmonsen Taylor Salmonsen Jacob McRavin Slumlord: Mice, unsanitary living conditions, and felony assault charges Winchester California

  • Reported By:
    Felix M Leonard — Los Angeles California United States
  • Submitted:
    Mon, January 10, 2022
  • Updated:
    Fri, April 15, 2022
  • Robert Salmonsen Taylor Salmonsen Jacob McRavin
    Winchester, California
    United States
  • Phone:
    (951) 466-9804
  • Category:

You get what you pay for. After the pandemic hit my wife and I particularly unfavorably, we were left to find a new place to live. I have used craigslist for years, and have lived in some truly amazing houses for the price. You can find dirt cheap places to live in on craigslist, but the question is what ridiculous nonsense are you going to have to put up with in order to save a buck? I give you, the tale of what happens when you trust the wrong people.

December: Before we moved in, we met with Jacob and Taylor so we could view the room for rent. It was $600 a month plus a security deposit. "What an amazing deal" we thought. At first we noticed a closet with carpeting that was covered in large amounts of urine. The entire carpet was a dark yellow color with a strong ammonia smell. There were also large amounts of mice droppings. Thinking I could shampoo the carpets and clean the room myself, I began to ask important questions that all renters should be asking.

I asked, "If something breaks, who is responsible for fixing the problem and paying for it?" We were assured by Taylor that his father owned the property and would have no trouble fixing any issues we had while living here. We asked "Are you aware that shutting off resources that we will be paying for, like water and electricity, is illegal in the state of California? Shutting off internet services is not illegal per se, but we are not interested in paying for services that are going to be UNFAIRLY shutoff."

Suddenly, like a deer in the headlights, Taylor's eyes got REAL big, and he instantly froze up. He gave me a look like I had just caught him doing "something wrong". He assured me that none of our services would ever be intentionally shut off. Even though I had obviously caught him in a lie by his expression, I would later realize that this was Taylor's favorite way of harassing the renters of the room. 

January 1st: Me moved into the property and immediately we started noticing odd things that indicated that all the occupants of the house were not only extremely unintelligent, but lived their lives everyday stepping on anyone they could get away with. It was first apparent when we asked Robert, the Slumlord of the property, "where are the trash cans located so we can take our trash out?"

To my amazement, Robert informed us that he routinely puts his trash barrels directly in front of his NEIGHBORS house. If you do not believe me, please refer to the google maps image I have provided proving Roberts trash barrels routinely were left in front of his neighbors house, making it hard for his neighbor to not only put his own trash barrels out, but to park any vehicles in front of the property. I honestly couldn't believe anyone could live a life so negligent of others.

I also noticed that our closet had open holes in the walls that lead directly into the bathroom. After doing some research, I learned that mice can squeeze through holes as small as a quarter. Suddenly it became obvious where the mice urine and dropping were coming from. I asked Robert this day about the holes, but Robert was very hung over as he had obviously drank WAY too much the night before on New Years Eve. He was incoherent and I could barely make any sense what he was saying.

He did however give me permission to fix the problem myself. When we moved our things into the property, it's important to note that the property was so small that we had to move our things into Taylor's room first, and then into our room. This would make moving out even more awkward in the future. 

It is also important to note, that a possible Illegal marijuana grow operation will be taking place in the backyard if you agree to move in with the Salmonsen's. They are proud enough to show you the shed they built to grow in, but were obviously too embarrassed to showoff their crops. The reason I believe they were too ashamed to let us see what they were growing was that either an illegal growing operation was taking place, or maybe simply they were too embarrassed at the quality of marijuana they are producing.

Ironically, for people growing marijuana every year at this property, when pressed for information about the plant itself, Robert didn't seem to understand the basic principals of the drug. He had no idea that you had to activate the plant material to activate the psychoactive compound, and didn't understand that he could use his own oven to make edibles. That is until I gave him some 'free education' and what he was growing. 

January 6th: As we entered the property this day, we noticed on the television that thousands of ignorant Americans were flooding the capital building, as the famous capitol insurrections were taking place on TV. Robert sat back, amused with a smile on his face and said "Just put a bullet in his head!!" I am assuming he was reffering to former President Trump, but it gave me a good idea of the kind of "Man" Robert Salmonsen was.

He apparently grew up in violence, and he obviously raised his children in violence as well, all while bragging about the wonders of going to church. Yuck. Robert also made numerous comments about his Latino neighbors. On several occasions he mentioned "I'm not a racist, but my dog is". I'm not the most intelligent man in the world, but I do understand racism is something that is TAUGHT. Babies, and puppies do not get born into racism magically, it is taught, the same way my own Grandfather taught me the "N" word when I was 8 years old.

Maybe for some this talk and behavior is acceptable, but it made us very uncomfortable when we lived there. Robert was no stranger to the town of Winchester. He was so high and drunk during our stay, that on any given day you could see him stumbling around town in his pajamas. In the entire year I lived at this property, I only saw Robert outside of his usual pajama party on one occasion.

Sometime after we moved into the property, it was obvious that Robert was going out of his way to make us feel uncomfortable. It was subtle at first, but eventually grew more blatant as he realized what he could get away with. It started with an act of kindness. When we first moved in, Robert thought it would be a good idea to knock on our door to deliver the mail at 6am. I don't know what  planet he was living on mentally to think this was appropriate. I asked him to leave the mail on the kitchen counter and not to bother us anymore.

He agreed, but didn't get the message about not bothering us. He would routinely try and talk to my wife in the mornings, waking me up in the process. He eventually started knocking on the bathroom door as my wife was showering or getting ready to ask her anything he could just to talk to her. Eventually the problem got so bad, that my wife began to avoid using the bathroom as she was very uncomfortable with being approached numerous times when she needed privacy.

No matter what I said to Robert, he never seemed to get the "hint".  Eventually my wife got a UTI from not having a bathroom she felt comfortable using. It was obvious we had big problems to tackle. Because Robert doesn't care about anyone but himself, our request for privacy was ignored, as he just LOVED getting up in my wife's business everyday, yet never bothered me when I was showering etc.

The nights were so incredibly cold, almost unbearably so. There was no central AC or heating in the house, so the elements were very harsh no matter what month you were renting the room. We shivered every night praying for summer to come, not to realize that summer would actually be much worse than winter. There were also 3-4 large dogs at the property at any given time. This made leaving our door open an impossibility. We tried barricading our door with a massage table to block the dogs from disturbing us, but the dogs just destroyed the cover of the table, essentially ruining the supplies we used for our mobile massage business. 

It's also important to note, that almost immediately after we moved into the property that the internet would randomly "crash". At first I didn't think much of it, until I started doing my own "experiments" to see why the internet kept failing almost everyday, and exactly when we were using it. At first, I checked with the local internet service provider  to see if any outages were reported in our area over several different time frames.

It was clear that the internet service provider had no outages to report to me. I investigated further. If you know anything about the internet or "digital connections" you would already know that they are very different from the analog sources I had growing up. When an analog TV would receive a fuzzy picture, you would have to move the television's antennas to try and get a better picture. Now, fast forward to 2020, we ONLY have digital connections.

Your TV's video signal is either "plugged in and working" or "unplugged and not working". There are no more fuzzy pictures to deal with, and your internet connection is no different. Sure you may experience a temporary outage by your internet service provider, maybe once a YEAR, but as long as it is "plugged in" there is no need to worry about losing a connection, unless someone is trying to deliberately disable your internet to annoy you. I couldn't help but notice that the router to the Wifi router was located in Taylor's room, the same red haired dweeb that got the deer in the headlights look in his eyes, when I asked if he would be unfairly disconnecting our internet that we were paying for.

Even more peculiar, I noticed that the internet would only disconnect when viewing adult content. "How strange", I thought. If I were to visit a website that had nudity in it, that day the internet would "crash", and on days that I wouldn't view adult content, the internet was fine. This wasn't a difficult mystery to figure out. I began to test the theory that our internet browsing history was being spyed on, and we were being retaliated against for offending our obviously conservative roommates.

I found it so annoying that I went out of my way to discuss the internet, ask about any rules, and was ultimately being lied to. It became clear that disconnecting the internet was a favorite pastime of Taylor's as he and his father lived a life of stepping on whoever they could. I asked Robert politely about the constant disconnecting internet, as I was about to start summer college classes, and needed constant internet access. This is a crucial part of the story worth remembering. Robert told me "just go into Taylor's room and reset it if it keeps acting up". I told him I did not feel comfortable going into Taylor's room, but remembered that he gave me permission to do so in the future. Again, this detail is essential to the bigger picture of the story I am telling.

Summer: Well the winter months finally came and went, but our problems seemed to be getting worse and worse. Now instead of shivering everyday, we were forced to sleep on top of piles of our own sweat. To be fair, the room was equipped with a ceiling fan, but it didn't help much as every night we had to fall asleep in a bed completely soaked in our own sweat. It was so disgusting, and nothing could be done about it. To make matters even worse, the mice came.

We asked Robert daily, weekly, and monthly to deal with the "rats", but the only thing he could do was remind me that they were "mice" and not "rats", and refused to fix the holes in the wall. He did however buy me a roll of tape and sandpaper during our last month on the property, and insisted the problem was mine to fix. We didn't experience the mice in the winter time, but once the temperature warmed up, we were loosing an uphill battle daily. Every day we had to kill AT LEAST 2 mice. The mice ate threw our clothing, and our belongings.

We couldn't even store food in the room as the mice were the first ones to get it. It was so unsanitary that I'm embarrassed it took us almost a year to leave the property. At first, we tried to use "humane" mice traps, which were designed to "catch and release". I chose this design as I truly love all animals, and did not think the mice deserved to die just because of this rediculous rental situation. Eventually we were forced to use the lethal mouse traps as the mice were too clever for these types of traps. The new lethal traps turned our bedroom to a vermin killing ground, leaving blood to be cleaned up very regularly. If your still not convinced that this was an unhealthy and unsanitary living conditions, might I remind the reader how the black plague started? It all started with fleas that attached themselves to mice. 

The toilet and shower were at times unusable. The shower seemed to loose water pressure at random, and for almost 6 months we had a nonworking toilet. No matter what the problem was, or the complaint, Robert obviously had better uses for his money than to put it back into the property. At one point in the summer, Robert's personal Ac unit, that only cooled the living room began to leak. Instead of fixing the problem, he let the water backup so bad that it began to flood into our room, causing the floorboards to warp and bend. He would later accuse us of damaging the floors and demanded money to fix the problem. I refused to pay for something I didn't create.

October 26: After 9 months of living in a mice infested room, having my personal possessions destroyed, and being repeatedly ignored about the mice invasion and the broken toilet, I began to become arguable pretty jaded. Every month we paid our rent, every month we had the same stupid problems that all stemmed from the lazy slumlord who basicly took our money to the bar every night. I knew in my heart that Taylor was going out of his way to annoy us, and I decided to go into his room to have an intelligent discussion about how dishonest he was being with our services that we were paying for.

Jacob was sitting near the doorway, as he does everyday, playing video games, and Taylor was standing behind Jacob talking. Since I had just had my Twitch Live Stream halted by Taylor's "denial of service" attack, I was distraught and thought "How mad could they get at me for doing the same thing they are doing to me? If they are allowed to disconnect the internet while I'm using it, am I allowed to do the same?"

I walked directly into Taylor's room, disconnected the internet as Robert gave me permission to reset it if I was having problems. Immediately before I could get any intelligent words out, Jacob began punching me in the face, while sitting in a chair with a video game controller in his hands. Then immediately after Jacob assaulted me, Taylor said "Hey! You can't be in here!" and began punching me as well. I was so stunned by how quickly it became violent, as I am an intelligent man who uses his words.

Since I had no time to have an intelligent conversation, and I was being assaulted by two men, I decided to defend myself. Since Jocob was giving me "half punches" as he was sitting in a chair and couldn't use good range of motion, I decided to use the range of motion of standing and gave a big blow to his face. I don't remember delivering more than one punch as I was outnumbered, and ran out of the room. I begged my wife to call the police, who did not understand what was going on.

She refused to call the police as she needed to know "all the details" before she could agree to help. That hurt. Probably more than she realizes, because as I was begging for someone to call the Police Taylor and Jacob were already on the phone with the police, saying that I had thrown the first punch. I did eventually get to my own phone to report the crime, but the police seemed to indicate I was guilty simply because I called in the complaint last, which still to this day, doesn't make a lot of sense to me. Why would I go into a room, and attack two "men" who were both twice my size? 

Once the Temecula police came, they spent about an hour listening to Taylor and Jacobs every changing story of what happened. I heard so many different versions of the story, that it was obvious to me who was lying. They claimed I was drunk and belligerent, when in reality I did nothing different than what they do to me everyday. You can make an argument that I wasn't allowed to be in Taylor's room, but it gets complicated when the owner of the home gives you permission to reset the internet from Taylor's room when I run into problems.

Had I not been given permission to enter Taylor's room, I very well might never have. When the police finally had time to talk to me, I asked if I could have "10 minutes" to explain my side of the story. After a pause, one of the five officers said "NO", put me in handcuffs without reading my rights, and through me in the back of a cop car. Eventually one cop came to discuss what had happened, and after mentioning that this all had to do with a "world record attempt" on twitch, and that my internet was being tampered with, he seemed interested in asking about my world records.

I told him, "if you didn't have 10 minutes to hear my side of the story, but have 10 minutes to talk about my world records, then you are making this country a shitty place to live. F*CK YOU!" He then shut the car door. Then later, to my amazement, the same female officer who said "no" to my request of explaining myself asked "do you need medical attention?" In a loud roar I screamed "I WAS JUST ASSAULTED, WHAT THE F*CK DO YOU THINK?!?!"

Then something really incredible happened, the police thought it would be funny to put me under a 5150 hold. If you are not familiar with 5150 holds, they are for civilians who are a danger to themselves, usually they are suicidal. Definitely not appropriate for people who were just recently assaulted. The ambulance came, tied me up, and hauled me off to the hospital. As I was being loaded into the ambulance, once police officer "assisted" by squeezing my risk exceptionally hard. I asked him "what is your purpose in doing this? How are you helping the situation?"

Before I was hauled away, I asked the police officers, and the neighbors who had gathered on the lawn to watch the freak show get taken away, to "watch the Netflix series MAKING A MURDERER! Free Steve Avery!" I felt a connection to the wrongly convicted criminal. Its apparent to me, and obviously Steve Avery, that very often, innocent people get taken to jail. I actually consider myself lucky for getting to go to the hospital instead of jail, which is why I chose that option, as well as suffering from extreme lower back pain, an injured left elbow, a possibly a fractured finger, and a black eye.

The system isn't perfect, as it's run by humans, who historically are great at making huge mistakes. I was release only a few hours after being put on a 5150 hold as I was able to explain to the doctors and nurses what had actually happened, and that I wasn't an actual danger to myself.

October 27: After returning to the property I was amazed at the damage done by my roommates. Not only did they do a good job at deceiving my own wife what had happened, but Jacob took great pleasure in laughing at me as I came and went from the property, as he had not had to go to jail, and either did Taylor surprisingly. In fact, after calling the Temecula Police department, which was in Winchesters jurisdiction, the Temecula police refused to help me file charges. It was obvious that Taylor and Jacob were not nervous about the implications.

If convicted, they are facing 4 years felony assault charges. Luckily for me, I have the statue of limitations to fall back on. I was beaten so badly that I couldn't work, and had to receive months of physical therapy to reverse the damages. I was put on a Narcotic for the pain. Charges are coming the assailants way, and I take comfort in the fact that I was given permission under the law to heal up, move out, and press charges at my own choosing.

November: After receiving a notice that I was being evicted, I called Robert who was already drunk at the bar. I asked him why my wife was not included in the eviction. He said "she did nothing wrong". It was comical that they thought they were going to keep her as some sort of prize, and send me injured to live on the streets. Just as I said to Robert "Taylor is continuously disconnecting us from the internet", Robert said "OH bullsh*t!!".

Just a moment after Robert said this, I could hear Taylor from the other room yell "BIIIIIIIIIII*CH!", and of course our internet was instantly and permanently disabled. Surprise, Surprise! Taylor was having way too much fun f*cking with us, as if I needed any more proof that he was acting this immaturely for the months that we lived here. I then tried to reason with Robert and explain why it was hard to pay rent this month: "I was assaulted by your son and roommate!"

Of course Robert couldn't listen to reason, and said "If you ever try to take us to court, IM GUNNA FRY YOUR A*S!!!" It was hard to take his threats seriously from an illiterate man, who misspelled the address of his own property on the very eviction notice given to me, and spent everyday too drunk/high to even communicate with, stumbling around the town in his girlfriends favorite pair of pajamas. After communicating with Robert on the phone, he let slip that Jacob had to "call into to work on ONE occasion, due to the black eye". To me this was very commical, as stated before, I couldn't work, could barely get out of bed, and had received serious injuries which made paying rent impossible. It took me months to recover.

Then for the rest of the night, well into 3am, Jacob drunkenly screamed at us, through the walls to "GET THE F*CK OUT OF OUR HOUSSE!!" He was becoming unhinged. The weirdest part about this night, and probably the most revealing part about Jacob was his ever-changing drunken side of the story. At first he would scream "I never hit him! I never even touched him!!", then just one breath later would scream the opposite, saying "I f**ked his s**t up! I kicked the living s**t out of him!!" Back and forth, all night long, screaming "I did it!", then screaming "I didn't do it!" Truly an immature baby boy who will never grow up.

In conclusion, you get what you pay for. Ask important questions. If you see people acting suspicious, go with your gut. If you are going to rent a property, do your homework. Not only should you be asking the right questions, you should be doing research online to see if you rental situation has had any negative complaints in the past. If you are researching the property at 33179 Taylor St Winchester, CA St, then congratulations! You now can make an informed decision. Give yourself a pat on the back and go rent a room from someone who is actually putting money into the property.

Our new landlords are remodeling the kitchen, so it was a good clue that the owners are doing a good job at returning some of that rent money back into the property. The last landlord that did me wrong had to foreclose on his home simply because I spoke up on the internet and objected. If you find a property online, then your complaints need to go their as well, as Rippoff reports NEVER DIE. There is no way to erase the truth. Game Over. If you are a slumlord, remember; It's a good investment to invest in your investment.


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