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  • Report:  #1037717

Complaint Review: Robert Werner


  • Reported By:
    Annonymous — Pompano Beach Florida
  • Submitted:
    Mon, March 25, 2013
  • Updated:
    Fri, August 25, 2017
  • Robert Werner
    11 Weitz Rd., East Fishkill, NY
    Ft. Lauderdale, Pompano Beach, Florida
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Editor’s Note:  We thank our users for considering Ripoff Report as a source for information and providing warnings to the general public.  That being said, sometimes, after a review of the text, our team will determined that the content filed by an author appears to be serious in nature and therefore questionable and, as such, the Report is placed on hold for further investigations prior to publishing OR is otherwise flagged after publication and is placed into a Review Bin.  If and when Reports are flagged for these types of issues, especially when there are specific serious criminal allegations, we may, as we did here, try to follow up with the Author of the Report to obtain more information.  Our Terms of Service require that information posted be truthful and not defamatory and we are in no position to determine what information is true or false; the author affirms the truth of a posting prior to posting.  We understand that allegations made by an author may very well be true, and we respect an author’s right to Free Speech, but in order for the information to be published once it has been flagged, or for the information to be later (((REDACTED))) once flagged after prior publication, Ripoff Report may ask the author to provide some form of explanation or documentation to support their position.  Depending on the circumstances, if the author fails to respond or timely provide adequate notification, at the sole discretion of Ripoff Report, the Report may be considered “incomplete” and may not be approved or may be (((REDACTED))) to remove the serious allegations or otherwise questionable content from the Report and any Rebuttals thereto that mention such information – more for the purposes of making sure the author is standing behind their Report as we are not a judge and jury to determine the accuracy of evidence.  Redactions below may be due to the author’s failure to adhere to our Terms of Service and/or because the author failed to timely respond with an appropriate response to our inquiry.


CONSUMERSProceed with Caution when reviewing and relying on the subject Report and any additional Postings below as it MAY BE FALSE and/or MISLEADING.  It is highly encouraged that you conduct additional research, from credible sources, before making any determination on whether or not to do business with the named individual(s) or business(es).

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~ Ripoff Report Team


ROBERT WERNER, AK/A ROBERT MANN, and ROBERT LAWMANN is a (((REDACTED))) who is on the run from the Law in New York and hiding here in Florida.

   ROBERT WERNER, uses the name Robert Mann and Robert Lawmann in his (((REDACTED))) because he is on the run from his (((REDACTED))) in New York.

   ROBERT WERNER will scam you and sell you anything when he has no knowledge and expertise in the area of mortgage foreclsoure. He moves from one company to another and continues to get terminated almost immediately when these companies realize they have employed a scam artist.

   ROBERT WERNER has caused hundreds of people to LOOSE their homes as a result of his lies, frauds and false representations. He just wants to sell the Brooklyn Bridge on the telephone and nothing more. He will promise you the world with no intention to help the consumer.

   WERNER is also a sexual deviate who while in New York drugged his supposed best friends children, so Robert Werner could have sex with his wife while the ' supposed best friend was in jail '.

ROBERT WERNER was run out of New York. He was arrested for (((REDACTED))) in New York and left his WIFE to get convicted of these charges and fled to Florida. No wonder why his wife divorced him and got custody of his Child whom Robert Werner abandoned. THIS IS NOT A NICE PERSON.

   WERNER has particiapted in multiple Mortgage type scams in New York and now is attempting to do the same in Florida.

   WERNER who is a (((REDACTED))) will be with a woman just to use her and scam her out of her money. Robert Werner has no home or money. He has (((REDACTED))) since he moved to Florida. He will live with a woman until she has no more money, gets evicted or he finds a better victim. There are many women in the Pompano Beach and Fort Lauderdale area who have been "dupped " by him.

   WERNER has recently been (((REDACTED))).

11 Updates & Rebuttals

Lacey Heart

new city,
New York,

Untrue All lies

#12General Comment

Fri, August 25, 2017

I have known Robbie for a while now and after reading this I am disgusted. This article could not be farther from the truth . I am. Female he is one of my good friends and never once did he try anything. This "Ripoff report " is such bull s***. Robby is one of the nicest smartest people I know for someone to do this they hit the bottom of the barrel.  All I can say is my life has been blessed since he came into it he give the best advice always there to Lend a listening ear . People need to shut up with al the lies . He is nothing as described.  I am proud to call him friend if you wanna know the truth about the type of person Robbie is email me at be happy to tell anyone about this wonderful man 

Robert Werner

New York,

Let's set the record STRAIGHT

#12REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, March 14, 2017

I will not be bullied. 

I strongly recommend anyone here, watch the attached news thread when questioning my integrity. 

This Ripoff report about me was horrible, slanderous, and worse has damaged my good name. 

As for the Poster;

You will not intimidate me, you will not hurt another soul. 

You have a long, VERY long road ahead of you Ken. 




Rev. GW Tarnowski


Friend of Robert Werner

#12Consumer Comment

Sat, February 20, 2016

Open Letter to the Public in support of Robert Werner. I am writting today in defense of my friend Robert Werner. I am not going to respond to the unstable individual who is writting such horrible things about my friend as NONE OF IT IS TRUE, and it seems that any positive support of Robert only gets the twisted false accuser more excited, and causes him to attack Roberts friends. All I want to say is I really dislike a system which allows a lying, coward to annoymously slander, and criminally accuse a person while hiding behind his annininomy. My name is Rev. GW Tarnowski, founder of The Jacksonville Healing Mission. My email is and my phone number is 561-320-7705. I will testify to my statement in any court of law, and will be more than happy to refer Robert Werner to anyone who is in need of his awesome investigation skills. Robert is a man of integrety, high moral character, and my friend. 



False Allegations Against Robert Werner

#12Consumer Comment

Sat, February 20, 2016

It appears that the scammer who also posted a similar false report in 2015 against Robert Werner. He has again raised his ugly head. I just read a news article report abut this scammer who made a false report against Robert Werner in the Florida news that police have nuremous reports of him scamming the lederly and the police are doing everything they can to put him in jail. There is nothing to believed from this man. He is lying and should be banned from making reports here. he is a vexacious liar, maniplator and dangerous criminal.

Robert Werner

Hopewell Junction,
New York,


#12REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, February 19, 2016

Take a look at any ARTICLE! 













untold truth



#12General Comment

Fri, February 19, 2016

Despite all the fake rebutals.  Just GOOGLE - ROBERT WERNER, NEW YORK. All the articles about his prostitution ring will come up.  The alies of Werner should stop writing fake rebutals. This man belongs in prison........

Robert Werner

Hopewell Junction,
New York,

Reported by a scam artist himself!

#12REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, February 11, 2016

First allow me to tell you I'm in NY right now. I have no warrants pending. 

Two: The person who wrote this, is a scam artist.


Three: I bacame ordained to help parents whom are in distress over custody issues. I volunteered for many years  


Four: I do not have my son and miss him so very much. I've developed various venue's to gt a hold of him. 


I've never drugged children, nor slept with a friends wife. 


The entire article is BS.


The person who reported this : Kenneth A Frank himself is under major investigation.. 


Here's a link to his current situation.




Paul Waldmiller


False Accusations

#12Consumer Comment

Fri, July 24, 2015

I am here to inform whomever is reading the accusations against Robert Werner, not to believe these allegations. I have never personally met Robert Werner, but have had many communications with him. he has never, ever tried to sell me aything nor attempt in any way to lure me into investing or buying anuthing. As a matter of fact, he has helped give me some financil advice that has actually saved me from crooks who were out to try to take my money ! I have had felt nothing but genuine concern from Robert Werner and have known him now for several years. In everything that he has described to me, his legal problems in the past are due to the all together illegal, corrupted and unconstitutional Family Courts within New York State which make their money off of murdering good parents and alloing unfounded character assasination by exspuses to go unchecked. As one other commenter has also shared, Robert and I have also prayed together as well. One last warning to all who read my comments, be sure to look for grounded facts before listening and judging anyone including Robert Werner. If the shoe were on the other foot so-to-speak, how would you feel about being called a criminal and accused of crimes ou dd not commit ?

Steve Charles


Robert Werner is everything but what's described by the scam artist who posted this thread.

#12General Comment

Mon, May 18, 2015

 I was fortunate to meet Robert a/k/a Robbie. He not only helped me in the time of crisis, he with out asking one red cent guided me. He taught me to pray. When I couldn't afford to put food on my table Robbie Werner got me through it. When he spent time with me at the court house (scared out of my skin) Robbie kept me balanced. When I feared I'd have no place to live, Robbie saw to it I did. When my wife took my only son of 11 years old he was a shoulder for me to weep.

He was an angel from the heavens. Robbie, you saved my life. You restored my faith in humanity. To this day Dillon asks about you. We now go every Monday and Thursday and volunteer at the church. I will never forget what you've done for us. Robbie saved my life. I have full custody of my son, and my ex wife and I Co parent. Their aren't words for the soul you are. It is our hope that one day you'll be reunited with your son Michael. We pray every night. God bless you Robbie.

Families Count

West Virginia,

Robert Werner is a great guy

#12General Comment

Sun, May 17, 2015

 Robert has helped me battle for custody of my son. He is a great guy!


New York,

Allegations Are False

#12Consumer Comment

Mon, July 14, 2014

Robert Werner, or any known alias that this individual is referring to is none of the mentioned in this report. People that use the internet to slander an individual should be locked up. Destroying someones life by making false allegations about them should be a criminal offense. I personally have worked with Robert Werner and can honestly say he is NOT a man that hurts women or children. He has helped numerous people with family court offenses and continues to work day and night to help people with their heart breaking circumstances. The person that wrote this needs to take a look in the mirror and not take the image of themselves and project it onto another. For any 1 person that this individual can say Robert "dupped" I have 5 that can atest to the good hearted work that Robert has done. 

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