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  • Report:  #1462030

Complaint Review: Roderic Lee Boling III

Roderic Lee Boling III, Roddy If You ever encounter Roderic Lee Boling III - RUN in the other direction - is a 100% habitual liar and continual con artist Lake Mary florida

  • Reported By:
    mike — Lake Mary florida United States
  • Submitted:
    Sat, September 22, 2018
  • Updated:
    Tue, November 23, 2021
  • Roderic Lee Boling III
    100 colonial
    Lake Mary, florida
    United States
  • Phone:
  • Category:

This souless idiot is currently on federal probation for a pump and dump scheme and is now stealing money from 1000's of timeshare owners with lies of being able to cancel their timeshares, then when the timeshare goes into foreclosure, he  passes the cases over to a fake law firm he rus with rotating broke unethical attorneys and the fedral complaint filed in the middle district federal court of Florida entitled "Diamond Resorts vs Orlando Ventures and Roderic Boling" tells that story - but it's only one of an ongoing never ending stream of his con games. He drives flashy cars, pays stolen money to golf charties to elicit more victims and promote false credibility and has RUINED the lives and credit of two ex-wives and countless girlfriends, is slcik talking and would sell his own mother's kidney to have money to throw away in a weekend playing poker in Vegas. He is POISON and has stabbed every one he's even known in the back, while ALWAYS blaming everyone else for his perpetual misfortunes. His brain is corroded by excessive bootleg steroids and he is prone to violent and irratating hysterics. He has more poeple out to put him away (including law enforcement) than did Osama Bin Laden. In sum - a completly evil nutjob. RUN

10 Updates & Rebuttals


United States

BTW, no disrespect intended to the FBI, they are being hoodwinked by this scumbag as well

#11REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, November 16, 2021

BTW, the vast majority of the FBI agents are good hardworking people who deserve our full support. And a measure of such support sometimes comes in the form of alerting them  that they are being used by deceitful people such as Roddy Boling who EVERYONE by now knows is a confidential informal - its public records folks and all over the web for anyone to read, and Boling himself brags about it 10 seconds into his second beer of the night while putting at risk the lives of the agents whose names he freely throws around in sport bars for everyone to hear all over Orlando.

Its really simple actually: Boling runs perpetual criminal scams and  entices and entraps others to join him, then sets them up for law enforcement with taped calls, videos and texts, all so that he can remain on the street to commit more crimes. Beware FBI, you have a manic putting the bureau at massive risk. 


United States

Looky Here, I Talked Another Sucker Into Buying Into One Of My Scams, Then Turned Him Over To The FBI - LOL

#11REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, November 12, 2021

Yep, I'm still very much in the  business of running scams, and staying in businees when things get too hot by setting other people up (as an informant). AND BUSINESS IS GOOD! Any idea who CW-1 is?  I'll never tell - at least nnot on myself! LOL

Roddy Boling III 

Read all about it !!!


Winter Park,
United States


#11REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, June 08, 2021

what a bunch of crap.. I truly hate the internet because of slander like this. 

All that typing and you did not name anything wrong this person did.  Not a company.. A person, an individual.  I have seen you on other websites trolling the same message.  Did you run his wifes credit report ?  Where do you come up with this crap?  Whats the scam ?  This man always delivered the product.  There was no scam.  Confirmed by your lack of naming one. Clean water and solar products are a scam ?  Go tell Obama. And Joe. 

This jerk needs to be found and charged for harrassment and sued for the same.  I hope you are sued and you lose your house.. Your a jerk and you have nothing to say but blah blah wife blah blah..   You are an idiot. 

When Reddit users had fun last year they were applauded.  This man is a hero he went after the pump and dump jerks and taught them a lesson.   He made nothing.   you know nothing.  Why dont you pick on his golf game ?   Oh how about the golf scam where he loses golf balls into the woods and then claims them as tax writeoffs ??  Lets start some new rumors at least.. you sound like a broken record. 

Wait for this clown to inherit something and sue him.. Hes been going after you for a decade with lies. . let the damage add up.  


Lake Mary,
United States

Just saw your January 2020 post "Bob", thought I'd respond, LOL

#11REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, July 22, 2020

   It's obvious you just write dumb sh*t just to write it? You pick a Country Club (Heathrow) that I havent played at in 4 years, where EVERYONE has know EVERY MINOR DETAIL of my past since I joined in 2002? Like I have ever tried to hide anything about my past from anyone, as if the internet doesn't exist? Even more importantly, I DON'T GIVE A F*CK WHAT PEOPLE THINK!

Not one person that knows me doesn't know I went to prison for 8 years? You think that is some bombshell secret? News flash... IT ISN"T! What is the point in trying to hide my previous Federal Securities violation and conviction from 2004? It made National News, DUH? LOL, Then you refer to my Maserati as a rental Fiat, as if Fiat makes Maserati a knockoff that people can rent? You're a MORON, and Bizarre. Y

ou think that repeating the phrase "Diamond Resorts Promotion" was a scam that hurt people? For Christ sake at least READ things before you opine on them so you don't end up looking like a spiteful fool. FYI, Daimond Resorts is a timeshare ownership resort that added me to a civil suit they had filed against my then employer Orlando Ventures. As a result of fter being confronted with counter litigation for the defamatory allegations contained in the suit Diamond Resorts DISMISSED THE ENTIRE SUIT AGAINST ME AND OFFERED A CONFIDENTIAL SETTLEMENT, which I accepted. Suprised?

You shouldn't be, just read the case, you sh*tbag. Why is it the cowardly keyboard warriors always have to pretend they are someone other than themselves? I have never posted anything annomously and never will because I don't fear having to defend my comments, then again I don't write lies about other people on public forums, so your cowardly skulking around makes better sense when your idiotic comments are factually indefensible. You simply repeat what other jackas*es have written in some petty attempt to remain relevant in your own mind, you're a sad little man and a pathetic excuse for a human being. 


United States

Roderic L Boling, really?

#11Consumer Comment

Tue, January 21, 2020

Roderic L Boling, I'd think you would at least have the decency to pull your scams outside of where you live. The Diamond Resorts promotion hurt a lot of people. Like the water and stoce scams. Do you not think we at Heathrow CC  know your background?

Do you really think your beater/rental Fiat err Maserati impresses people? You allegedly consistently embaress yourself and your family. Your allegedly a noted fat hack, golfer and poker player. Maybe some of your prison relationships loosened up your swing. People in Nigeria could learn from you, should look into.


United States

Claiming you're me in rebuttals is so silly

#11REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, November 03, 2018

If you are going to pretend to be me in rebuttals, at least be articulate and pompous so people have a chance of believing that I authored the post, MORON! Funny, both of my ex-wives you refer to, told me to scrape you off the bottom of my shoe years ago and I didn't listen(stupidly), odd how they get along great with me and they loath the though of you still breathing? Maybe you should get a job instead of stalking people on the internet then could stop being a deadbeat Dad and pay your 16 years of back child support that you stuffed into a crack pipe and smoked, Mr. Hoover? Petty little man.


United States

BOY, you must be bored!

#11REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, November 03, 2018

    If you could read, I NEVER said the SEC didnt charge me for Violating the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, because they did, and I DID violate it. Regarless of any "Reason", "Excuse", or "Explanation" about my actions or role in the violation, and regardless of the Governments agenda and decision in charging me for my role, I DID IT, I'M GUILTY, and I payed a very heavy price personally, economically, and societally. For 14 years I've lived every day having dirtbag cowards like you skulk around on the internet emailing copies of it to my friends, business partners, charitable organizations, girlfriends and their families, my kids, my grandparents, my business associates, etc... etc...

   Fortunately for me I never lie to anyone about my past, I routinely tell people about it within as short of a period of time as possible because I see no need in hiding the facts, not from you or anyone else for that matter. But you already know all of these things, Mr. Fake "Attorney" Gregory Louis Hoover, which is why for years you leeched off of me, my businesses, my friends, and my business associates, while I helped you "recover" from your "battle with drug addiction". Every person in life has met at least one of you, they've watched you suck the life out of people, lie, cheat and steal while you create drama, dissention, and chaos in their lives. For everyone that's nodding their heads while reading this, they get it and YOU, for the ones looking to show this to their friends as a "gotcha moment" I hope they never get it. Either way it remains wholly irrelevent, like you, but I do get amusement from your "spin" on why I donate so much time and money to charities, so I can find MORE victims? Clever, but when you think about it for a minute you do yourself a disservice by discrediting your own claims, purely by the logical application of the accusations.

  So everyone knows, I've been watched like a hawk by the Federal Government that convicted me, they've reviewed my businesses, my banking records, my personal relationships, and my personal finances. I have had to account for every dollar I have earned since 2004, how I got it and where I spent it, I've been audited by the IRS (twice) and they found not ONE inconsistency or even a minor violation. So your story falls apart not long after it begins. Why would charities invite me back year after year and honor me for my years of helping them if I'm victimizing even one of their other supporters? They know my background, it's imposssible not to, and they are always wary of strangers bearing gifts, especially convicted felons. So go peddle your vindictive garbage to another audience, you have lots of work ahead of you, and no successes to look back on in life! I'm not your problem Greg Hoover, YOU and your Crack Addiction is your problem. May you die alone, with a glass crack pipe resting in your lifeless hand. Not one soul will even know or care that you're gone.


United States

LOL, Scumbag Crackhead Fake Lawyer Gregory Louis Hoover can TYPE INSULTS!! (Crowd Applauds)

#11REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, November 03, 2018

Only a matter of time before a disgruntled crackhead learns how to type on Ripoff Report!

Welcome to the world of petty drug addicts and their angry insults! But anyone that can read google can find all of the goodies that this crackhead has posted, and since we post what I drive dont leave out the Maserati, the Ferrari, the Bentley. If you want the public to really think i'm a "criminal" then tell them everything (successful people are always doing something criminal you know) and yes I was convicted 14 years ago for Securites violations, I probably should have got the death penalty for it!

Unfortunately I escaped only to commit millions of dollars of charitable contributions, hire hundreds of employees, support hundreds of families, donated thousands of hours to respected charities all for nothing but to further my evil scheme to be a better member of society! That will teach me! Then i committed the ultimate sin of being mean to a lying, theiving crackhead who stole scammed and systematically ripped off hundreds of people by pretending to be a "lawyer" and scamming them out of money!

So now alleged Attorney Gregory Louis Hoover, who's currently a fugitive on escape from the Florida Depatment of Corrections, decides to write his defamatory narrative on the legendary RipOff Report knowing it will never be removed regardless of the facts or content. Why respond, you may ask? Surely I have better things to do? Yes, but an accusation left unanswered only emboldens cowards that hide behind computer screens.

I don't need to defend my charcter, online or anywhare else, my actions on a daily basis define who I am, not the writings of cowards that opine on events from 14 or 28 years ago, or friends of disgruntled girlfriends, fired employees, or people who live thier lives on social media. 

The Dog

United States


#11Consumer Comment

Mon, September 24, 2018

 If you are so, so, so innocent and have such clean hands, why is there so-o-o much info coming up from the SEC when somebody searches your name? By the way, a dumb, stupid car of ANY type does NOT make a man! Honesty and integrity do!


United States

Roderic Lee Boling

#11Author of original report

Sun, September 23, 2018

If I'm as much of a criminal as this idiot is claiming, then how come I'm driving around in a new land rover instead of behind bars! Duh! And as for my ex-wives, they'd still be on the payroll if they'd have just kept their mouths shut and done what they were told! 

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