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  • Report:  #1516301

Complaint Review: Ronald Kirk electrician

Ronald Kirk electrician Maliciously destroyed property. Stole utilities Salisbury Massachusetts

  • Reported By:
    Disgusted — Salisbury MA United States
  • Submitted:
    Tue, February 22, 2022
  • Updated:
    Tue, February 22, 2022

Mr Kirk rented a unit with the explicit agreement he would live rent free while renovating then live at a reduced price once renovations were done.

Mr Kirk works at a snails pace and dragged out renovations for over two years. During this time he harassed every neighbor surrounding him. He refused to pick up after his dog, took other people's parking spaces, had his girlfriend, who was not a tenant, take other people's parking spaces, refused to assist in snow removal, though every other tenant helped, and was a general nuisance with his loud yelling, loud TV, loud phone calls etc...everything he does is at maximum decibel.

When Mr Kirk finally moved he stripped the apartment of the renovations he had done, even taking cabinets, couner tops and fixtures. These items were accepted in lieu of rent. Therefore Mr Kirk stole from the property and left having lived rent free for over two years.

To make matters worse, it was discovered Mr Kirk cut holes into a neighbors heating ducts to heat his own apartment and rewired his apartment into another tenant's electrical supply! He maliciously clogged the toilet in the apartment with cut up vegetables (who does that?), and had dozens of plastic bags shoved up into the ceiling next to electrical wires causing a fire hazard. Lastly,  Mr Kirk cut electricity to a neighbors unit the day he moved. 

This man advertises as an electrician, I warn anyone thinking of hiring him to think twice. He is mentally unstable.


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