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  • Report:  #1362982

Complaint Review: Ronnie Libra

Ronnie Libra Ronnie Easton, Libra Chronicles, Dating Total Evolution, Pickup Raw Ronnie Libra Scammer Chicago, Detroit Illinois Michicagan

  • Reported By:
    apatel — Chicago Illinois USA
  • Submitted:
    Tue, March 21, 2017
  • Updated:
    Wed, December 11, 2019

I took a dating boot camp by a guy named Ronnie Libra a while back. It was a complete rip off.  I had moved on and learned my lesson of being careful in the future. But recently I ran into a guy involved in the PUA community and he was planning of taking a boot camp from Ronnie. This guy was going to put off a semester of collage to pay for it. I told him my story and he changed his mind. I saved him from getting ripped off and it got me thinking that I should probably write a rip off report and prevent others from losing their money as well.

Ronnie Libra is a so called dating coach that operates around the Chicago area. I forget how I found his FB group -at the time called Midwest Lair and now called The Spartan Revolution- where he constantly posted about his Coaching services. Prior to this I had been working on a business that I started which took a lot of hours from me and I hadn't really had time to go out much. I had girlfriends in the past but I wanted to get back to the dating scene but first polish up my skills and hit the ground running so I contacted him. I had just hired someone to help me with the business so I had some downtime and this was the perfect time for me to take boot camp.
We had a phone consultation. I was interested in the 7-day boot camp which he said would be done in 4 continous weekends. He wanted to meet up as soon as possible to collect the money. He was willing to meet up the same day wherever I wanted so he can collect the money. He said if I was serious about improving my life I had to meet up the same day. I told him I had a meeting with a client and could not do it that it would have to be on the first day of instruction on that coming Saturday and he finally agreed. He also said that there was no money back. I remembered seeing reviews that he posted and his many Facebook posts saying that he takes guys to the next level and posting pictures of his former students with new girlfriends. So I assumed he was good. But looking back that was a big red flag. Especially from a business standpoint if someone says "no money back once you give it to me" that means they can't stand behind their work and offer no guarantee of what they are agreeing to do.

We met up that Saturday. I was there 20 minutes early and he was already there. The first thing he told me was "you have the money right ?". I gave him the money. I had never felt that uneasiness during a transaction before. That first day it was mostly him telling me to approach. He said he'd send an email with homework.
We met again the next day and it was mostly to "fix my fashion". He was wearing the same clothes as the day before and actually he wore the same clothes every time I saw him after. He always wore a soy sauce t-shirt and some sort of wide leather wrist bands. He did not look modern at all but I went ahead with it since I thought that he knew his s*.

During the initial phone consultation he didn't give a time to meet on the weekends he just said get be ready at any time for when I call you. So the second weekend i waited I was ready since the morning and he never called. I called him around 5p.m. and he said no boot camp that day. The next day same thing happened I was ready all day. He did not call. And when I called him he got upset and said I have to wait for his call. But nonetheless there was no boot camp that day.

The fact that I had wasted two days waiting for him while I could have been doing other stuff was very disrespectful on his part.
It was now around Wednesday a week and a half after we first met that Saturday and he still hadn't sent the homework. I emailed him. Finally got a response on Thursday. The homework was basically to look at some YouTube videos -which most i had seen before- from other Pua guys including mystery. One of the videos said when you first meet a girl yank her toward you to prove your dominance. That looked ridiculous. I wondered if that's how he approached and got success because that first weekend I didn't see him approach.
That next Friday he was supposed to introduce me to an assistant coach who would take me to do night game. Ronnie texted me that evening to tell me the assistant coach was not going to make it. He told me to just work on my homework for the night.
The next day we went out I finally saw him approach but he was not doing anything like the videos he sent me. That day I got a couple numbers but I had gotten numbers in the past so it wasn't anything new. As far as content he really didn't really provide anything specific to me. He would just talk about pick up in general and say how good he was throughout the day but I still hadn't even seen him get a number.
The next day after waiting for his call i texted him. He said no boot camp he had a headache.

The following weekend on that Saturday I waited and again I had to reach out to him in the afternoon. He said he was sick as a dog and couldn't make it that weekend. We were now four weekends into this the boot camp and it should have been completed but we were not even halfway. Up until this point I hadn't received any tailored information that would help me individually. Most of it was just him telling me to go approach. But I didn't really have an approach problem before. In fact I felt like he was messing me up. The last session we had he had told me to go approach a girl using the ATM machine. I told him I was going to wait until she gets away from it. He said I need to get in the habit of just going and insisted I go. As expected the girl got scared and told me "no thank you" even before I said one word.

Next weekend comes we meet up that Saturday.
There was another guy taking bootcamp for the first time. The guy was talking to Ronnie like Ronnie is a pick up master. He must have also seen the stuff Ronnie posted and believed it. I hadn't seen anything in person that made me believe Ronnie was any good at all. The three of us approached. Ronnie approached a lot of girls that looked around 18 or 19. The girls we're getting creeped out by him. I don't know if it's because he's in his late 40's or he is big with a lot of weight on him. The girls would have a disgusted look on their face and quickly walk away from him. I approached a two set. Ronnie joined in and immediately was trying to Kino a girl by placing his hand on her bare shoulder, she had a tanktop. She got really uncomfortable and said "please don't touch me". At that moment her friend grabbed her by the hand and said "we have to go nice meeting you". I have only seen intoxicated guys in bars do it the way he did it.
The following day -Sunday- I texted Ronnie that I was going to be 10 minutes late. He said that if I'm past 10 minutes he would charge me $50. I thought he was joking but he was serious. It was ridiculous because all the prior times that we met up he was always late, except the first day that we met when I gave him the money. He told the other student that he needed to loosen up and for them to go to a bar first to get a couple drinks and he made the student buy him 2 drinks. After that we all approached but I still wasn't getting any new content from Ronnie. I could have easily approached on my own. And gotten the same results which was about 2 or 3 numbers day. That day was the only time I saw him get a number from a lady who was probably in her 40's and most guys would consider a 6.

The following weekend Ronnie was again late about 15 minutes. The other student showed up 5 minutes after Ronnie and Ronnie made him give him $20 for being late. This was getting ridiculous Ronnie only cared about the money. There was no structure to his bootcamp and no set schedule. He did everything on the fly with disregard to other peoples schedules and he could be late as much as he wanted but when others were late he took advantage to collect more money. Ronnie always seemed to be in a bad mood and grumpy. He did not seem to be the type of person that anyone especially a girl would like to be with . He has no charisma, no fun attitude, and he most definetly does not display that cool calm confidence that makes people successful. He looks for things in his environment to complain about or throw fits about. He was always talking about hypothetical scenarios in which somehow he is always better than others. I work with a lot of successful business owners and i can tell that Ronnie is way behind in all areas of his personality and traits. At this point I couldn't wait for the next day because it would be my last day of bootcamp but at the very least I wanted to finish it. The next day he texted no boot camp.
The next weekend we met up with the other student it was my last day. Ronnie said he had a slight headache and still hungover from last night. It then dawned on me why he had been cancelling all those prior days. Because he was drunk the night before. Almost every day we had met for bootcamp I had seen him go and get a glass of wine or a beer. But it never clicked until now that he is an alcoholic and that's why he was canceling all those days . The other student asked him if he was going to have bootcamp the next day for sure. Ronnie went into a frenzy and started yelling at him telling him not to question his method and that there's a method to his madness. But now I knew that there is no method to his madness. He just likes to get drunk and do boot camp when he feels like it even though he is certainly not qualified to coach anyone. Somehow he is just able to convince people he is good with dating. I had not seen Ronnie do any successful approach other than get a number from a 6. He hadn't taught me anything new. And he is not able to implement anything that he talks about or from videos he sent me. After bootcamp was over I deleted him from my Facebook and just moved on.

I was still part of his Facebook group the Spartan Revolution and there's always guys calling him out for faking reviews or creating other accounts and posting as a student. Every now and then accusations of him doing worse things than what happened to me pop up on that group. But his friends on that group attack everyone that calls him and that person usually gets kicked out and post deleted.
About nine months later i saw that he had posted a picture of me as a "success story" on the group. It said that after boot camp he does not see his students again or hear from them and they dissapear - Surprise surprise right?- and then one day he comes across their picture that shows they are now successful with women because of his bootcamp. I had seen similar 'success story " posts from him before. I had thought they were a testament of how good he was. Well turns out the picture this idiot downloaded from my facebook and posted as a Sucess was a public picture i had just been tagged on where I'm hugging my cousin. I messaged him immediately to take that picture down and not go into my FB. He deleted the post and shortly after removed me from the group.

That is my story with Ronnie Libra.
Do not waste your money on him.

16 Updates & Rebuttals


United States

To my anonymous online stalker.

#17REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, December 11, 2019

To my anonymous online stalker. You have left quite a trail, and many of the posts that you have put up here and elsewhere have left an IP trail. I have reported you to the FBI for cyberstalking as well as the United States department of Justice.

Personally, I have you narrowed down to two individuals and I’m pretty sure I’m right about exactly who you are. That makes the reports a lot easier because they know who to investigate. I encourage you to post more comments, e-books, and reports on whatever website that you would like to, because that’s only going to help the investigation.

cyberstalking is a serious crime, not only will you get jail time, but once I find out who you are I will sue you for defamation because you and I both know that you have absolutely no proof of any of the allegations that you have made against me.


United States

Same creepy fb stalker, different review.

#17REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, May 14, 2019

 The same creepy weirdo constantly stalking my FB posted all 3 negative reviews. The difference between his reviews and the positive reviews posted here - anyone can contact me at and ask and I can put you in touch with any of the people who wrote the positive reviews so you can verify they are indeed real people.

However, the negative review poster NEVER let's anyone know who he really is and has stalked my FB with no less than 5 different fake accounts. Too much of a coward to own up to who he is. Everything mentioned easily discovered on my FB profile. Lyft is fun. Cool to meet people and make business contacts.

Also if the guy really knew me he would know the reason behind my profile name change on fb, because pretty much everyone who knows me knows why. Thanks for the fan fiction. It's entertaining to read someone who actually doesn't know me, or hasn't worked with me in person, come up with all these funny stories. I look forward to more in the future!


United States

Ronnie a dating coach? Yeah right lol Not in this lifetime

#17Consumer Comment

Tue, January 15, 2019

Wow. Just wow. What goodie has Google come up with today lol.

Let me say this. I know Ronnie Libra. His real name is Ronnie Easton but changed his name to Adam Phoenix on Facebook for some weird reason. And guess what? He's a Lyft driver, he is no dating coach ha ha ha.

I have known this poor man for several years now and also have him on FB. So yes I have met him and even watched UFC with him. I stopped hanging out with him because he is just a real obnoxious unpleasent fellow to be around with. The  times that I hung out with him, he was always trying to talk over people, always trying be in the right, and like the guy said above he is always in a bad mood while everyone is having fun and having a good time.

There's a real strong negative energy from this guy. I recall him talking bad about women on different occasions like he has a deep resentment and bitterness towards them. You should've seen him at the bar, drunk to the gills stumbling on his feet ackwardly trying to talk to girls a few times during UFC fights. Poor young ladies looked like they thought they were gonna get robbed. Even the waitress seemed to avoid our table because of him. This guy is so cringe. I had to stop associating with him. Over the years I have never seen him hanging out with a girl, never seen a picture on FB of him with a girl. Nada. Dating coach? LOL good one.

I'll tell you what he is though and anyone can verify this. He is a big time troll. Always having arguments on FB like a 15 year old. No bigger Trump supporter than Ronnie lol. Ive also seen him post racist and homophobic remarks as well as angry posts about women. Surprise right? Funny how he posted saying he would bet people for $1,000 lol. If Im not mistaken this guy went homeless last year and set up a GoFundMe account and was on his knees begging for money on FB. 

Maybe Im missing something and he is dating a hot young model and taking vacations with her. If someone has those pics post them here to prove Ronnie is the man hahaha.

Or maybe he is just a troll scraping for crumbs with lyft and from what I see on FB dealing with illness and talking taking his life.

But yeah I can verify 0 I know this guy in real life and he is not a coach of anything.


United States

Anyone can talk to every person who wrote the positive reviews.

#17REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, December 13, 2017

 Which is probably more that the people who wrote the negative reports can say. Since they're going to probably stay in the background and hide, as all of the anonymous trolls always do. Every one of these reports that are positive are written by real people, and if anybody was ever interested in taking another boot camp with me, should I start teaching them again, I have no problem letting people talk to my past students. For whatever reason, I never get to meet any of these apparent failure students of mine, they never make themselves known. And the only people who criticize my coaching, are people who actually never took my boot camp. I'm willing to bet, if I met these people who say that they either took my boot camp or let my students that they never actually have. The only reason that anybody knows who Bobby is, is because they know him from Facebook. You can also see how mentally deranged these people are by the fact that they're willing to expose someone's real name online for the whole world to see, just to try and harm my reputation somehow. And by the fact that they would call a person who works at a very successful job in downtown Chicago, mentally challenged just goes to show you how far these people will go and how mentally unstable try themselves are. Again I have a name and a person for every one of these positive reviews that was written about me. And if either of these two want to come forward and that $1,000, I would be willing to bet them $1,000 cash if they put it on the line, that I can verify each one of these positive reviews as someone other than myself. And that those people themselves will be willing to speak up and save it actually wrote the review. MY email is should either of these anonymous coward trolls want to take up that challenge.



I got ripped off by Ronnie Libra

#17Consumer Comment

Sun, June 11, 2017

 Yeah so i contacted Ronnie because I needed dating advice. He was very pushy trying to sell me the seven-day boot camp. I told them I did not have the money for it. In the end I ended up taking the online coaching. Because that's the only thing I could afford. I regretted it almost immediately. After I made the payment online he stopped replying to my message and disappeared for days. After I told him that I would report him he finally answered back calling me all sorts of names and sent me an email with articles to read. Those articles had nothing to do with what I was dealing with at the time. I still read it and did as I was told it DID NOT HELP ME AT ALL. When we got on Skype to talk and I would ask him questions he did not know the answers to and try to bs his way around, it got so ridiculous he started talking about the GLASS HALF FULL HALF EMPTY thing. He was always in a hurry trying to end the calls as soon as possible and would take days to reply to my emails. One time I was on Skype talking to him and he was playing video games simultaneously and eating junk food. He ignored me the whole time and then said my time was up and just wait for his email. In the end the only difference was I was out of $1000. I was even more stressed with him robbing me. And more depressed than before. After seeing other horror stories of guys he's ripped off it makes sense now. This guy has no clue what he's talking about. By what ive seen about him im sure hes never had a girlfriend. No way. One thing for sure he is a poser. Dont let him trick you into buying his Skype Calls.


Palm Springs,

Wipe the sand outta your Man-vag.

#17Consumer Comment

Thu, May 18, 2017

Let me start by saying that I paid for a 7 day boot camp in Chicago and only completed half of it due to my own time constraint of moving to Palm Springs. Now with that in mind, I totally decided to make it worth my while!!! So when got back to Palm Springs I kept up just the tiiiinnnny bit of momentum I had experienced and proceeded to get more a** than a toilet seat. Where I f***** up: within 5 months let a girl move in and 3 years later I'm still stuck in a BS relationship. Where you f***** up: blaming Ronnie for your lack of personality, and personal motivation. It appears as though you are a "dot". And there is nothing wrong with that my friend. However you guys do some crazy s*** when you become sexually distraught. What else do you want him to do for you? Guide you p**** into the right hole? Sorry dude most of this is just about conquering your own personal fear. Good luck. I look forward to living in a safer world the sooner you start getting laid.



** Ronnie Libra is a SCAMMER. He wrote the "Positive" responses here.**

#17Consumer Comment

Wed, May 03, 2017

Im from Chicago. I've seen Ronnie online trolling and advertising himself. I've met people that were scammed by him. Guys too shy to speak up. Im glad someone finally is coming out with how Ronnie operates. Yes Ronnie Libra is a scammer. And Ronnie just faked the positive response to this RipOff Report.

I moved to Chicago about 7 years ago. I discovered pickup shortly after. I went out a lot with different wingmen before hitting a wall and looking for a bootcamp. I considered Ronnie's bootcamp but I am soooo glad I never took it. If you want a proven educational program go with RSD. You can't go wrong. They are world class. I took Jeffy RSD's bootcamp and he blew me away. He got me laid the second night we went out in River North and he got laid himself the same night after bootcamp. He is the real deal. He had me do s**t I never thought I could and he demo'd for me. I am a different person because of him. I can say with certainty Ronnie Libra is a scammer.. About 80% of what this RipOff Report says I have heard before from his victims or as Ronnie calls them his students.

Here's the thing. I got kicked out of Ronnie's FB group because I brought up RSD and he went on this insult and trolling rampage. He kicks out other coaches or anyone who brings up RSD. He comes accross so insecure and only wants to advertise his services. He is always arguing or threatening people on Facebook and insulting them and that's why he is saying that whoever wrote this is "angry over some Facebook conversation". This was after I took Jeffy's bootcamp. I didnt take Ronnie's bootcamp because of several reasons. The way he markets himself was so fishy. He hid his face and didnt post pics about him at the time. No one ever came out and said they saw Ronnie taking a girl home. Only he would say that he is the best coach. He would show testimonials that were very strange and suspicious. In short other than his own words there was no solid proof he was out there having success.

I have met so many PUA guys especially in Wrigleyville and River North. You'd be surprised how small of a community it is. Naturally I came accross some of his past students overtime. 4 to be exact. They all had this in common: Huge Approach Anxiety, very shy or lack of confidence, none of them got laid during Ronnie's bootcamp, and none of them saw Ronnie have any success past getting a phone# of non-attractive women. One guy told me almost crying how Ronnie after taking his money delayed the bootcamp for 6 months and wouldnt answer his calls or texts for weeks and that it was a way to teach him not to be needy. HE showed me the text where he asked Ronnie that he hasnt gotten laid like he promised and Ronnie replied something along the lines of my bootcamp is not about getting laid if thats all you care about get a f**king hooker. I've seen many times Ronnie post online that all his students get laid in bootcamp so obviously its part of his scam. 2 of his past students told me how Ronnie creates fake accounts and posts reviews about himself as well as sends himself text messages and he then posts those as Reviews. I've heard also stories about him c**k blocking his students and always asking for more money. I dont remember the exact stories so cant post on that but I know his students have mentioned it. I feel sorry for these guys because there were so beta they dont have the balls to stand up to him. But as you can see this RipOff report hits in on the nail.

About the reviews. Ronnie just exposed himself. He wrote all these positive reviews except the one written by Jawsome. Jawsome is actually Bobby Klosak who is a very good friend of Ronnie. This is well known on Facebook. One of Ronnie's past students who I met knows Bobby to be a vurnarable guy with a mental disability and Ronnie evidently has been able to take advantage of that. Not including the Jawsome report look how the others are written and random words are CAPS. They were also all written the same week. That's because thats probably when Ronnie found out and got so desperate and started writting these rebuttals. Again he is posing as a satified student and faking reviews. He posted "All of the I stuff I wrote is true" just incase someone has a doubt.
Look how Ronnie tries to send you to his Testimonials link, however he just digged a hole for himself by faking the responses to this RipOff report and confirming what his students say. They are all manufactured reviews.
When he says "happy to connect you with past students" what means he is happy to have to talk to his friends who are in the scam with him like Bobby Blosak. The attachment Ronnie used on his rebuttal is a message from Bobby. He is always helping him as you can see.

Ronnie says about the report "they are all summarily false" but Bobby contradicts him by saying its half true and basically establishes the fact Ronnie is lying.
Judge for yourself what Bobby Klosak wrote as Jawsome which speaks to his cognitive state.
He wrote he freaking LOVES that shirt. "But he doesn't wear that one all the time". Yes what an important point to clarify.
He goes on to say "I do know that Ronnie does charge a small fee as punishment to students who are caught not following instructions. However, I actually do think this is an effective tool and not at all a way to make extra money." So if you take an art class and use the wrong brush you gotta pay the instructor $50? If you take a guitar lesson and you miss the chords you gotta pay the teacher $50? Its unclear to me if Bobby actually believes what he is saying or he is pushing the ridiculous scam.

Then he says "having a disregard for everyone elses time, thats another half truth as well. He sometimes does that but I do think it really is a method to his madness." But Bobby does not mention how lying to a student that a 7 day bootcamp takes 4 weeks has a method to madness.That's a lie and a breach of contract. Bobby's reponse has no foundation.

He says "I am perfectly willing to put my reputation on the line Post" yet forgot to post his name or picture but like I said its Bobby Klosak.
The same guy that helps to lie to people about Ronnie. He is the only person that gives him good reviews but again its because they are friends. Here's another example of Bobby

Finally he says Ronnie always screens students to see if he will take them. In reality its to see if the have money.

There's real coaches out there with proven results and therefore build a following. These coaches are out in the world in night clubs, bars, you name it, giving seminars, speaking and gaming for real. I've seen RSD Tyler in RiverNorth twice gaming and girls love this motherf**ker. Ronnie hides in the creepy obscurity of the internet shadows just fishing for those desperate guys and no one ever sees him out. Do your homework. Go with RSD Jeffy but Im sure the other RSD coaches are just as good.
Im going to try to get these guys to write their experiences with Ronnie on this site.



Taken bootcamp with Ronnie

#17Consumer Comment

Wed, April 19, 2017

To whomever it may concern,

I did take a bootcamp with Ronnie. And it did pay off. His style may come across as a bit orthodox but it is effective if you are motivated to change your current state of affairs in the dating world.

He also spent a lot of time engaging in one on one's through the phone asking updates on progress made during the week and kicks a*s if someone is slacking. 

He is usually responsive via facebook messenger, for instances, I was in a dilemma during one of my dates and asked him a question late at night and he responded within seconds.

In summary, his program did benefit me. 



I am a friend and former short-time client of Ronnie's

#17Consumer Comment

Wed, April 19, 2017

I've never had that many problems dating, so I just wanted a bit of a brush-up course with Ronnie. Took an intensive 2-day daygame bootcamp, and it was money very well spent. He has a very blunt style which is not for the faint of heart, but he always screens for this when he holds his consultation with you. Make sure you're actually serious and willing to do the work that he assigns you if you're going to become a client of his. If you don't, the fault of failure lies purely with you.



Good experience, lots of positives

#17Consumer Comment

Fri, April 14, 2017

I took the 2-day daygame bootcamp back in the summer of 2014 and had a productive experience with Ronnie. The thing that struck me most is that he's very uninhibited and charismatic - he'll really push your boundaries as to what you think is socially possible. One of the highlights included him pulling out of his parking spot at the Lincoln Park Whole Foods, hitting the brakes, putting on his blinkers, and running over to approach a very attractive Logan-Squarey looking redhead. She was loving it, and ten minutes later he returned to the car with a number. Most of the time, though, he was pushing me to approach in similar situations where I was at the edge of my comfort zone, and then identifying specific parts of my game that needed work - and it wasn't just generic statements like "100% of the shots you don't take you miss", it was specific stuff where I thought "Yeah, I probably DO need to work on that". In the end, of course, it's up to YOU what results you get after a bootcamp's over, but a good PUA coach can give you useful info and push you in the right direction, and Ronnie did just that. Satisfied customer. 



Ronnie is a dedicated & effective coach

#17Consumer Comment

Fri, April 14, 2017

I am an ex-student of Ronnie, and I took his 7-day bootcamp. 

In getting to know Ronnie, I found out that he does not just take any student. Anyone under his wing is definitely helped by his method of personalized coaching. One just has to put in the hard work.

As one of his students, he ensured that I got all the help I needed, even after the 7 days was over. HE had no obligation to do so, but he wanted to ensure I was consistently improving. I can only say, there is NO coach out there who will bother with dispensing any extra coaching, or even advice, after the bootcamp is over. Ronnie does things to the end. There is no glass half full. 

With regards to his methods of teaching, he does things that shocks the beginner. Obviously as someone who's not had much experience with girls, his behavior seems outrageous. The thing is, that;s just being the alpha, and girls dig that. Granted, this comes with calibration. He's so skilled at what he does I've even seen him motorboat someone who absolutely loved it 10 mins in. 

Ronnie is someone who learnt by trail and error and alot of training. He is someone I trust to getme up to speed on pickup, simply because no one knows the struggles he had to get through just to get to the skill level he has today.




East Lansing,


#17Consumer Comment

Fri, April 14, 2017

LOL at this fake report. Look, I've taken multiple classes with Ronnie and I can say hands down he is one of the absolute best. He is ridiculously good at teaching people. I've taken his inner game course, his approach course and am planning on taking more because the results are so d**n juicy. AND THE CHANGES HAPPEN FAST. If you plan on taking a course with him you better hold on to your seat because you will see some massive changes and be challenged at every step of the way. I will list some of the insane results I've gotten after taking his courses but let me tell you one thing for sure. RONNIE IS NOT A SCAMMER. He is probably one of the best coaches in the midwest to get this stuff handled. I've been ripped off by so many dating sites and so called "gurus" who make bank on scamming guys over the internet saying they're going to make you the person you have always dreamed of then not delivering after taking all your money for fake information that doesn't work. Those people are scam artists. Ronnie's stuff is basically the complete opposite. TAKE THIS COURSE. Do it. You will freak at how everything changes in just a week or two. All of your problems will go from "why am I so lonely" "women hate me" to - - - > "Holy crap how do I juggle all these girls at once" "How do I make sure I'm always ready to have sex so that I don't miss another opportunity." "Now that women love me and want to see me all the time how do I arrange my life so I can give them the time of day?

IM NOT KIDDING. HERE ARE SOME OF THE RESULTS I'VE GOTTEN -After taking Ronnie's "Get out the Field" class: *Made out with four girls in a Bachelorette party at a bar including the woman getting married (whoops! Lol) *Changed my mindset from "oh this is creepy" to "I'm a f**king Rockstar" and immediately had women hanging on my every word. *Consistently started pulling girls from bars because of my enhanced quality of interaction with them and just based on getting myself out there. *Took the course in June and had a girlfriend by the end of July who I stayed with until January. You can't make this stuff up. I hadn't had a girlfriend since my sophomore year of highschool (I'm 23). THAT WAS ONE COURSE. I GAVE RONNIE LIKE 200 BUCKS FOR IT AND IT CHANGED EVERYTHING. So, naturally. I had to throw more money at this guy. I took his inner game course. Check this out. Here's what happened. I was freshly broken up with my girlfriend and in a horrible spot in life. I had lost most my friends and really was just in a pit of negativity. One of those times in life where everything seems to be going wrong you know? I hit up Ronnie and was talking to him back and forth for a while before I took the course because he gave me a lot of help for free. He actually really cares about people and also helped talk me out of suicide. JKL. He recommended his inner game course to me so I decided to pay for it. He immediately started sending me these links to videos and blogs and ebooks and other information. Everything he sent me and had me start studying was profoundly speaking to my situation. It was crazy. Like he already knew exactly what kind of thoughts I was having and started spraying metaphorical pesticide on the weeds growing in my mind. I started meditating and religiously delving into the material every day. It was not hard to stay focused because the information and videos were extremely custom tailored.

At first, it was tough to make the changes that were happening to me as I absorbed the material. It was challenging and Ronnie is a no bull s**t kind of guy. He doesn't tolerate failure in his students because he wants to see them grow. After a few weeks, something incredible happened. I felt my mind shift. Literally. All the sudden, I felt like I was in the movie limitless. Hot women literally started messaging out of f**king no where. I started getting text messages from sexy girls I hadn't seen in ages asking me if they could come hang out with me. Hot Co workers started asking for my number. I was literally drowning in p***y. I f**ked a bi girl and her girlfriend. I had a sexy girl who burned me in the past come and stay the entire weekend in my bed. I effortlessly started sparking up conversations with sexy girls who sparked my interest. 70% of the time getting a good result and possibility for meet ups. I found a cute girl to take home and date a little bit while I explore my other options and enjoy/polish my newfound skill set. Women check me out on the street. ALL THE TIME. Everything was different before I started getting help from Ronnie. I was a f**kin failure with girls. No matter what I would always f**k everything up. Whether it was right away, a few weeks or a few months I would ruin my chances with virtually every girl I talked to. I was often frustrated. I was a mess. I didn't know why girls didn't want me like how they do now. Everything is different now and I'm planning on taking courses from Ronnie for many years to come because he's a f×××ing BOSS. Thanks for reading. All of the I stuff I wrote is true. Unlike this bogus report that is clearly not.




#17Consumer Comment

Thu, April 13, 2017

There is typos in my other report. I meant to say I met my wife using advice from Ronnie. I am married because Ronnie helped me. I typed my last report really quickly. There are a few other typos as well, just wanted to clarify. Ronnie's course is a good one.



I took Ronnie's bootcamp

#17Consumer Comment

Thu, April 13, 2017

First I want to say that a lot of the things written in this report about Ronnie do have a ring of truth to them. He does own a soy sauce shirt for example, and I freaking LOVE that shirt. But he doesn't wear that one all the time. He should though, because it's an awesome shirt.

I am not sure how this person knows Ronnie but still this review tottally misses the mark on the actual bootcamp experiance, although it was interesting to see the half truths in this report.

The actual bootcamp experiance is very engadging and challanging. Ronnie does great demonstrations, provides great homework and gives great insight in induvidual nuiances of different situations and also introduces you to a lot of cool places.

Ronnie is a great wingman, he is great at building up your momentum spirit and inner game and is not selfish about money.

I do know that Ronnie does charge a small fee as punishment to students who are caught not following instructions. However, I actually do think this is an effective tool and not at all a way to make extra money.

As for Ronnie being on his own schedule and having a disregard for everyone elses, thats another half truth as well. He sometimes does that but I do think it really is a method to his madness.

Once I started behaving that way with women, I actually got a lot more dates. Being flexible, spir of the moment, script flipping, it's all stuff I used on women before I met my wife. So I actually think everything Ronnie does is actually a demonstration.

I am perfectly willing to put my reputation on the line and say despite any flaws or rough edges I would and have endorsed Ronnie as coach. I slept with 15 women in an 8 month period using methods he instructed me on. I am not married to a woman I used advice he gave me to meet.



Chicago ,

I had great experience

#17Consumer Comment

Thu, April 13, 2017

 I took this bootcamp awhile ago and I was really satisfied with it. I moved from a different country and had a hard time meeting American women. So Ronnie helped me out a lot. He gave me a lot of pointers and his homework was really helpful . His strategy combines a lot of techniques. Shortly after his bootcamp I got into relationship with amazing girl and it lasted for 2 years. Recently I moved in with the other really really attractive women and we have an amazing relationship for almost year and a half . Highly recommend

Ronnie Libra


This person is a troll who never took a course with me

#17REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, April 13, 2017

 I have a few over-sensative people angry about some perceived hurt I caused them on fb. One individual in particular had taken it upon himself to spend way too much time in some crusade against me making up fake stories like this, pretending he either was or that he knew, some mysterious student who took a course with me and was ripped off. I am not going to spend time picking apart each statement because they are all summarily false, but I'm give a quick example: "Well turns out the picture this idiot downloaded from my facebook and posted as a Sucess was a public picture i had just been tagged on where I'm hugging my cousin. I messaged him immediately to take that picture down and not go into my FB. He deleted the post and shortly after removed me from the group" This is COMPLETELY FALSE. I have posted pictures of several of my students who have been having great success. Some of them are even married or in Long Term Relationships as of now and many were having success even before our training was completed. Not one person ever messaged me to take anything down NOR did I ever delete ONE single photo. It never happened. You can view the picture testimonials here on my page: These are all the photos I've ever posted and have never had anyone request I take any of them down.. and NO ONE IS hugging or making out with their sister. Lol. Speaking of which here are some testimonials you can look at from other students. Thanks to this report I'll have to start doing some serious updating since I've slacked off of keeping these current. My best guess? This "report" is either competition I have in Chicago or someone who is trying to "get me back" because he's angry over some Facebook conversation, as I said above. If not, I challenge whoever this is to make yourself known by filing a lawsuit in a court of law so I can counter sue you for defamation. We both know that will never happen since you've never worked with me and this story is a complete fabrication. If anyone ever has any questions about my bootcamp please contact me over FB at the above links or email me at and I will be more than happy to connect you with past students you can talk to to your heart's content.

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